< lUkaH 14 >

1 anantaraM vizrAmavAre yIzau pradhAnasya phirUzino gRhe bhoktuM gatavati te taM vIkSitum Arebhire|
One Sabbath Jesus went to have a meal at the home of one of the leaders of the Pharisees where they watched him closely.
2 tadA jalodarI tasya sammukhe sthitaH|
A man was there whose arms and legs were swollen.
3 tataH sa vyavasthApakAn phirUzinazca papraccha, vizrAmavAre svAsthyaM karttavyaM na vA? tataste kimapi na pratyUcuH|
So Jesus asked the experts in religious law and the Pharisees, “Does the law allow healing on the Sabbath, or not?”
4 tadA sa taM rogiNaM svasthaM kRtvA visasarja;
But they kept quiet. Jesus touched the man, healed him, and sent him on his way.
5 tAnuvAca ca yuSmAkaM kasyacid garddabho vRSabho vA ced gartte patati tarhi vizrAmavAre tatkSaNaM sa kiM taM notthApayiSyati?
Then Jesus said to them, “If your son or your ox happened to fall into a well on the Sabbath, wouldn't you go and pull him out immediately?”
6 tataste kathAyA etasyAH kimapi prativaktuM na zekuH|
They weren't able to give an answer.
7 aparaJca pradhAnasthAnamanonItatvakaraNaM vilokya sa nimantritAn etadupadezakathAM jagAda,
So he told a story to the guests, noticing how they'd chosen to sit in places of honor.
8 tvaM vivAhAdibhojyeSu nimantritaH san pradhAnasthAne mopAvekSIH| tvatto gauravAnvitanimantritajana AyAte
“When you're invited to a wedding reception, don't take the place of honor, because someone more important than you may have been invited,” he began.
9 nimantrayitAgatya manuSyAyaitasmai sthAnaM dehIti vAkyaM ced vakSyati tarhi tvaM saGkucito bhUtvA sthAna itarasmin upaveSTum udyaMsyasi|
“Your host who invited you both will come and tell you, ‘Give this man your place.’ Then in embarrassment you'll have to move to whatever place is left.
10 asmAt kAraNAdeva tvaM nimantrito gatvA'pradhAnasthAna upaviza, tato nimantrayitAgatya vadiSyati, he bandho proccasthAnaM gatvopaviza, tathA sati bhojanopaviSTAnAM sakalAnAM sAkSAt tvaM mAnyo bhaviSyasi|
Instead, when you're invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes in, he'll tell you, ‘My friend, please move to a better seat.’ Then you'll be honored before all the guests sitting with you.
11 yaH kazcit svamunnamayati sa namayiSyate, kintu yaH kazcit svaM namayati sa unnamayiSyate|
For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
12 tadA sa nimantrayitAraM janamapi jagAda, madhyAhne rAtrau vA bhojye kRte nijabandhugaNo vA bhrAtRgaNo vA jJAtigaNo vA dhanigaNo vA samIpavAsigaNo vA etAn na nimantraya, tathA kRte cet te tvAM nimantrayiSyanti, tarhi parizodho bhaviSyati|
Then he said to the man who had invited him, “When you give a lunch or a dinner, don't invite your friends, or your brothers, or your relatives, or your rich neighbors, for they may invite you back, and then you'd be repaid.
13 kintu yadA bhejyaM karoSi tadA daridrazuSkakarakhaJjAndhAn nimantraya,
Instead, when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind,
14 tata AziSaM lapsyase, teSu parizodhaM karttumazaknuvatsu zmazAnAddhArmmikAnAmutthAnakAle tvaM phalAM lapsyase|
and you will be blessed, for they have nothing to repay you with, and you'll be rewarded at the resurrection of the good.”
15 anantaraM tAM kathAM nizamya bhojanopaviSTaH kazcit kathayAmAsa, yo jana Izvarasya rAjye bhoktuM lapsyate saeva dhanyaH|
When one of them eating at the table with Jesus heard this, he said to Jesus, “How wonderful it will be for those who feast in the kingdom of God!”
16 tataH sa uvAca, kazcit jano rAtrau bhejyaM kRtvA bahUn nimantrayAmAsa|
“Once there was a man who prepared a great banquet, and invited many guests,” Jesus replied.
17 tato bhojanasamaye nimantritalokAn AhvAtuM dAsadvArA kathayAmAsa, khadyadravyANi sarvvANi samAsAditAni santi, yUyamAgacchata|
“When it was time to eat he sent his servant out to tell everyone who had been invited, ‘Come, because the banquet's ready.’
18 kintu te sarvva ekaikaM chalaM kRtvA kSamAM prArthayAJcakrire| prathamo janaH kathayAmAsa, kSetramekaM krItavAnahaM tadeva draSTuM mayA gantavyam, ataeva mAM kSantuM taM nivedaya|
But they all started to make excuses. The first said, ‘I've just bought a field and I have to go and see it. Please excuse me.’
19 anyo janaH kathayAmAsa, dazavRSAnahaM krItavAn tAn parIkSituM yAmi tasmAdeva mAM kSantuM taM nivedaya|
Another said, ‘I've just bought five pairs of oxen and have to go and try them out. Please excuse me.’ Still another said,
20 aparaH kathayAmAsa, vyUDhavAnahaM tasmAt kAraNAd yAtuM na zaknomi|
‘I've just got married, so I can't come.’
21 pazcAt sa dAso gatvA nijaprabhoH sAkSAt sarvvavRttAntaM nivedayAmAsa, tatosau gRhapatiH kupitvA svadAsaM vyAjahAra, tvaM satvaraM nagarasya sannivezAn mArgAMzca gatvA daridrazuSkakarakhaJjAndhAn atrAnaya|
The servant returned and told his master what they'd said. The home-owner became angry and told his servant, ‘Quickly, go out into the streets and alleys of the town, and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame.’
22 tato dAso'vadat, he prabho bhavata AjJAnusAreNAkriyata tathApi sthAnamasti|
Then the servant said, ‘Master, I did what you told me, but there are still empty places.’
23 tadA prabhuH puna rdAsAyAkathayat, rAjapathAn vRkSamUlAni ca yAtvA madIyagRhapUraNArthaM lokAnAgantuM pravarttaya|
So the master told the servant, ‘Go out on the country roads and lanes, and make people come—I want my house to be full.
24 ahaM yuSmabhyaM kathayAmi, pUrvvanimantritAnamekopi mamAsya rAtribhojyasyAsvAdaM na prApsyati|
I tell you, not a single one of those people I invited will get a taste of my banquet.’”
25 anantaraM bahuSu lokeSu yIzoH pazcAd vrajiteSu satsu sa vyAghuTya tebhyaH kathayAmAsa,
A large crowd was accompanying Jesus. He turned to them and said,
26 yaH kazcin mama samIpam Agatya svasya mAtA pitA patnI santAnA bhrAtaro bhagimyo nijaprANAzca, etebhyaH sarvvebhyo mayyadhikaM prema na karoti, sa mama ziSyo bhavituM na zakSyati|
“If you want to follow me but you don't hate your father and mother, and wife and children, and brothers and sisters—even your own life—you can't be my disciple.
27 yaH kazcit svIyaM kruzaM vahan mama pazcAnna gacchati, sopi mama ziSyo bhavituM na zakSyati|
If you don't carry your cross and follow me, you can't be my disciple.
28 durganirmmANe kativyayo bhaviSyati, tathA tasya samAptikaraNArthaM sampattirasti na vA, prathamamupavizya etanna gaNayati, yuSmAkaM madhya etAdRzaH kosti?
If you planned to build a tower, wouldn't you first work out how much it would cost, and see if you had enough money to complete it?
29 noced bhittiM kRtvA zeSe yadi samApayituM na zakSyati,
Otherwise, if after laying the foundation you weren't able to finish it, everyone who saw it would laugh at you, saying,
30 tarhi mAnuSoyaM nicetum Arabhata samApayituM nAzaknot, iti vyAhRtya sarvve tamupahasiSyanti|
‘Look at him: he started building but he couldn't finish it.’
31 aparaJca bhinnabhUpatinA saha yuddhaM karttum udyamya dazasahasrANi sainyAni gRhItvA viMzatisahasreH sainyaiH sahitasya samIpavAsinaH sammukhaM yAtuM zakSyAmi na veti prathamaM upavizya na vicArayati etAdRzo bhUmipatiH kaH?
What king goes to war with another king without first sitting down with his advisors to work out whether he and his ten thousand can defeat the one marching against him with twenty thousand?
32 yadi na zaknoti tarhi ripAvatidUre tiSThati sati nijadUtaM preSya sandhiM karttuM prArthayeta|
If he can't, he'll send representatives to ask for peace while the other king is still a long way off.
33 tadvad yuSmAkaM madhye yaH kazcin madarthaM sarvvasvaM hAtuM na zaknoti sa mama ziSyo bhavituM na zakSyati|
In the same way every one of you who doesn't give up everything can't be my disciple.
34 lavaNam uttamam iti satyaM, kintu yadi lavaNasya lavaNatvam apagacchati tarhi tat kathaM svAduyuktaM bhaviSyati?
Salt is good, but if it loses its taste, how can you make it salty again?
35 tada bhUmyartham AlavAlarAzyarthamapi bhadraM na bhavati; lokAstad bahiH kSipanti|yasya zrotuM zrotre staH sa zRNotu|
It's no good for the soil or for fertilizer—you just toss it out. Whoever has ears, then listen!”

< lUkaH 14 >