< yohanaH 11 >

1 anantaraM mariyam tasyA bhaginI marthA ca yasmin vaithanIyAgrAme vasatastasmin grAme iliyAsar nAmA pIDita eka AsIt|
A man named Lazarus was sick. He lived in Bethany with his sisters Mary and Martha.
2 yA mariyam prabhuM sugandhitelaina marddayitvA svakezaistasya caraNau samamArjat tasyA bhrAtA sa iliyAsar rogI|
Mary was the one who had anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair. It was her brother Lazarus who was sick.
3 aparaJca he prabho bhavAn yasmin prIyate sa eva pIDitostIti kathAM kathayitvA tasya bhaginyau preSitavatyau|
So the sisters sent a message to Jesus: “Lord, your close friend is sick.”
4 tadA yIzurimAM vArttAM zrutvAkathayata pIDeyaM maraNArthaM na kintvIzvarasya mahimArtham Izvaraputrasya mahimaprakAzArthaJca jAtA|
When Jesus heard the news he said, “The end result of this sickness will not be death. Through this God's glory will be revealed so that the Son of God may be glorified.”
5 yIzu ryadyapimarthAyAM tadbhaginyAm iliyAsari cAprIyata,
Even though Jesus loved Martha, Mary, and Lazarus,
6 tathApi iliyAsaraH pIDAyAH kathaM zrutvA yatra AsIt tatraiva dinadvayamatiSThat|
and had heard that Lazarus was sick, he remained where he was for two more days.
7 tataH param sa ziSyAnakathayad vayaM puna ryihUdIyapradezaM yAmaH|
Then he told the disciples, “Let's return to Judea.”
8 tataste pratyavadan, he guro svalpadinAni gatAni yihUdIyAstvAM pASANai rhantum udyatAstathApi kiM punastatra yAsyasi?
The disciples replied, “Rabbi, just a few days ago the Jews were trying to stone you. Do you really want to go back there now?”
9 yIzuH pratyavadat, ekasmin dine kiM dvAdazaghaTikA na bhavanti? kopi divA gacchan na skhalati yataH sa etajjagato dIptiM prApnoti|
“Aren't there twelve hours in a day?” Jesus replied.
10 kintu rAtrau gacchan skhalati yato hetostatra dIpti rnAsti|
“If you walk during the day you don't stumble because you can see where you're going by the light of this world. But if you walk during the night you stumble because you have no light.”
11 imAM kathAM kathayitvA sa tAnavadad, asmAkaM bandhuH iliyAsar nidritobhUd idAnIM taM nidrAto jAgarayituM gacchAmi|
After telling them this, he said, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I'm going to go there and wake him up!”
12 yIzu rmRtau kathAmimAM kathitavAn kintu vizrAmArthaM nidrAyAM kathitavAn iti jJAtvA ziSyA akathayan,
The disciples said, “Lord, if he's sleeping then he'll get better.”
13 he guro sa yadi nidrAti tarhi bhadrameva|
Jesus had been referring to the death of Lazarus, but the disciples thought he meant actual sleep.
14 tadA yIzuH spaSTaM tAn vyAharat, iliyAsar amriyata;
So Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead.
15 kintu yUyaM yathA pratItha tadarthamahaM tatra na sthitavAn ityasmAd yuSmannimittam AhlAditohaM, tathApi tasya samIpe yAma|
For your sake I'm glad I wasn't there, because now you will be able to trust in me. Let's go and see him.”
16 tadA thomA yaM didumaM vadanti sa saGginaH ziSyAn avadad vayamapi gatvA tena sArddhaM mriyAmahai|
Thomas, the Twin, said to his fellow-disciples, “Let's go too so we can die with him.”
17 yIzustatropasthAya iliyAsaraH zmazAne sthApanAt catvAri dinAni gatAnIti vArttAM zrutavAn|
When he arrived, Jesus learned that Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days.
18 vaithanIyA yirUzAlamaH samIpasthA krozaikamAtrAntaritA;
Bethany was just two miles from Jerusalem,
19 tasmAd bahavo yihUdIyA marthAM mariyamaJca bhyAtRzokApannAM sAntvayituM tayoH samIpam Agacchan|
and many Jews had come to console Mary and Martha at the loss of their brother.
20 marthA yIzorAgamanavArtAM zrutvaiva taM sAkSAd akarot kintu mariyam geha upavizya sthitA|
When Martha found out that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him, but Mary stayed at home.
21 tadA marthA yIzumavAdat, he prabho yadi bhavAn atrAsthAsyat tarhi mama bhrAtA nAmariSyat|
Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you'd been here, my brother wouldn't have died.
22 kintvidAnImapi yad Izvare prArthayiSyate Izvarastad dAsyatIti jAne'haM|
But I'm certain that even now God will give you whatever you ask.”
23 yIzuravAdIt tava bhrAtA samutthAsyati|
Jesus told her, “Your brother will rise again.”
24 marthA vyAharat zeSadivase sa utthAnasamaye protthAsyatIti jAne'haM|
“I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day,” Martha answered.
25 tadA yIzuH kathitavAn ahameva utthApayitA jIvayitA ca yaH kazcana mayi vizvasiti sa mRtvApi jIviSyati;
Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who trust in me will live, even though they die.
26 yaH kazcana ca jIvan mayi vizvasiti sa kadApi na mariSyati, asyAM kathAyAM kiM vizvasiSi? (aiōn g165)
All who live in me and trust in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (aiōn g165)
27 sAvadat prabho yasyAvataraNApekSAsti bhavAn saevAbhiSiktta Izvaraputra iti vizvasimi|
“Yes, Lord,” she replied, “I believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one expected to come to this world.”
28 iti kathAM kathayitvA sA gatvA svAM bhaginIM mariyamaM guptamAhUya vyAharat gururupatiSThati tvAmAhUyati ca|
When she had said this, she went and told her sister Mary in private, “The Teacher's here, and asking to see you.”
29 kathAmimAM zrutvA sA tUrNam utthAya tasya samIpam agacchat|
As soon as she heard, Mary quickly got up and went to see him.
30 yIzu rgrAmamadhyaM na pravizya yatra marthA taM sAkSAd akarot tatra sthitavAn|
Jesus hadn't arrived in the village yet. He was still at the place where Martha had met him.
31 ye yihUdIyA mariyamA sAkaM gRhe tiSThantastAm asAntvayana te tAM kSipram utthAya gacchantiM vilokya vyAharan, sa zmazAne rodituM yAti, ityuktvA te tasyAH pazcAd agacchan|
The Jews who had been comforting Mary in the home saw how she'd got up quickly and left. So they followed her, thinking she was going to the tomb to weep there.
32 yatra yIzuratiSThat tatra mariyam upasthAya taM dRSTvA tasya caraNayoH patitvA vyAharat he prabho yadi bhavAn atrAsthAsyat tarhi mama bhrAtA nAmariSyat|
When Mary arrived at the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said, “Lord, if you'd been here, my brother wouldn't have died.”
33 yIzustAM tasyAH saGgino yihUdIyAMzca rudato vilokya zokArttaH san dIrghaM nizvasya kathitavAn taM kutrAsthApayata?
When Jesus saw her crying, and the Jews who had come with her crying as well, he was very troubled and upset.
34 te vyAharan, he prabho bhavAn Agatya pazyatu|
“Where have you laid him?” he asked. They replied, “Lord, come and see.”
35 yIzunA kranditaM|
Then Jesus cried too.
36 ataeva yihUdIyA avadan, pazyatAyaM tasmin kidRg apriyata|
“See how much he loved him,” the Jews said.
37 teSAM kecid avadan yondhAya cakSuSI dattavAn sa kim asya mRtyuM nivArayituM nAzaknot?
But some of them said, “If he could open the eyes of a blind man, couldn't he have kept Lazarus from dying?”
38 tato yIzuH punarantardIrghaM nizvasya zmazAnAntikam agacchat| tat zmazAnam ekaM gahvaraM tanmukhe pASANa eka AsIt|
Very troubled, Jesus went to the tomb. It was a cave with a large stone placed at the entrance.
39 tadA yIzuravadad enaM pASANam apasArayata, tataH pramItasya bhaginI marthAvadat prabho, adhunA tatra durgandho jAtaH, yatodya catvAri dinAni zmazAne sa tiSThati|
“Remove the stone,” Jesus told them. But Martha, the dead man's sister, said, “Lord, by now there will be a terrible smell, for he's been dead for four days.”
40 tadA yIzuravAdIt, yadi vizvasiSi tarhIzvarasya mahimaprakAzaM drakSyasi kathAmimAM kiM tubhyaM nAkathayaM?
“Didn't I tell you that if you trusted me you would see God's glory?” Jesus replied.
41 tadA mRtasya zmazAnAt pASANo'pasArite yIzurUrdvvaM pazyan akathayat, he pita rmama nevesanam azRNoH kAraNAdasmAt tvAM dhanyaM vadAmi|
So they removed the stone. Jesus looked heavenwards, and said, “Father, thank you for listening to me.
42 tvaM satataM zRNoSi tadapyahaM jAnAmi, kintu tvaM mAM yat prairayastad yathAsmin sthAne sthitA lokA vizvasanti tadartham idaM vAkyaM vadAmi|
I know you always listen to me. I said this because of the crowd standing here so that they will believe that you sent me.”
43 imAM kathAM kathayitvA sa proccairAhvayat, he iliyAsar bahirAgaccha|
After saying this, Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!”
44 tataH sa pramItaH zmazAnavastrai rbaddhahastapAdo gAtramArjanavAsasA baddhamukhazca bahirAgacchat| yIzuruditavAn bandhanAni mocayitvA tyajatainaM|
The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of linen, and with a cloth around his face. “Unbind him and set him free,” Jesus told them.
45 mariyamaH samIpam AgatA ye yihUdIyalokAstadA yIzoretat karmmApazyan teSAM bahavo vyazvasan,
Consequently many of the Jews who had come to comfort Mary and who saw what Jesus did put their trust in him.
46 kintu kecidanye phirUzinAM samIpaM gatvA yIzoretasya karmmaNo vArttAm avadan|
But others went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.
47 tataH paraM pradhAnayAjakAH phirUzinAzca sabhAM kRtvA vyAharan vayaM kiM kurmmaH? eSa mAnavo bahUnyAzcaryyakarmmANi karoti|
Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the ruling council. “What shall we do?” they asked. “This man is doing many miracles.
48 yadIdRzaM karmma karttuM na vArayAmastarhi sarvve lokAstasmin vizvasiSyanti romilokAzcAgatyAsmAkam anayA rAjadhAnyA sArddhaM rAjyam Achetsyanti|
If we allow him to continue, everybody will believe in him, and then the Romans will destroy both the Temple and our status as a nation.”
49 tadA teSAM kiyaphAnAmA yastasmin vatsare mahAyAjakapade nyayujyata sa pratyavadad yUyaM kimapi na jAnItha;
“You don't understand anything!” said Caiaphas, who was high priest that year.
50 samagradezasya vinAzatopi sarvvalokArtham ekasya janasya maraNam asmAkaM maGgalahetukam etasya vivecanAmapi na kurutha|
“Can't you see that it's better for you that one man die for the people so that the whole nation won't be destroyed?”
51 etAM kathAM sa nijabuddhyA vyAharad iti na,
He didn't say this on his own behalf, but as chief priest that year he was prophesying that Jesus would die for the nation.
52 kintu yIzUstaddezIyAnAM kAraNAt prANAn tyakSyati, dizi dizi vikIrNAn Izvarasya santAnAn saMgRhyaikajAtiM kariSyati ca, tasmin vatsare kiyaphA mahAyAjakatvapade niyuktaH san idaM bhaviSyadvAkyaM kathitavAn|
And this was not just for the Jewish nation, but for all the scattered children of God so that they might be gathered together and be made into one.
53 taddinamArabhya te kathaM taM hantuM zaknuvantIti mantraNAM karttuM prArebhire|
From that time on they plotted how they might kill Jesus.
54 ataeva yihUdIyAnAM madhye yIzuH saprakAzaM gamanAgamane akRtvA tasmAd gatvA prAntarasya samIpasthAyipradezasyephrAyim nAmni nagare ziSyaiH sAkaM kAlaM yApayituM prArebhe|
So Jesus did not travel openly among the Jews but went to a town called Ephraim in the region near the desert and stayed there with his disciples.
55 anantaraM yihUdIyAnAM nistArotsave nikaTavarttini sati tadutsavAt pUrvvaM svAn zucIn karttuM bahavo janA grAmebhyo yirUzAlam nagaram Agacchan,
It was nearly time for the Jewish Passover, and many people went from the countryside to Jerusalem to purify themselves for the Passover.
56 yIzoranveSaNaM kRtvA mandire daNDAyamAnAH santaH parasparaM vyAharan, yuSmAkaM kIdRzo bodho jAyate? sa kim utsave'smin atrAgamiSyati?
People were looking for Jesus and talking about him as they stood in the Temple. “What do you think?” they asked each other. “Isn't he coming to the festival?”
57 sa ca kutrAsti yadyetat kazcid vetti tarhi darzayatu pradhAnayAjakAH phirUzinazca taM dharttuM pUrvvam imAm AjJAM prAcArayan|
The chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that anyone who knew where Jesus was should report it so they could arrest him.

< yohanaH 11 >