< 2 karinthinaH 7 >

1 ataeva he priyatamAH, etAdRzIH pratijJAH prAptairasmAbhiH zarIrAtmanoH sarvvamAlinyam apamRjyezvarasya bhaktyA pavitrAcAraH sAdhyatAM|
Dear friends, since we have these promises, we should wash ourselves clean from all that makes both body and spirit dirty, aiming for complete holiness out of reverence for God.
2 yUyam asmAn gRhlIta| asmAbhiH kasyApyanyAyo na kRtaH ko'pi na vaJcitaH|
Please accept us as your friends! We haven't done anyone wrong, we haven't corrupted anyone, and we haven't taken advantage of anyone.
3 yuSmAn doSiNaH karttamahaM vAkyametad vadAmIti nahi yuSmAbhiH saha jIvanAya maraNAya vA vayaM yuSmAn svAntaHkaraNai rdhArayAma iti pUrvvaM mayoktaM|
I'm not saying this to condemn you—as I already told you, you mean so much to us that we live and die together with you!
4 yuSmAn prati mama mahetsAho jAyate yuSmAn adhyahaM bahu zlAghe ca tena sarvvaklezasamaye'haM sAntvanayA pUrNo harSeNa praphullitazca bhavAmi|
I speak up very strongly for you because I am so proud of you. You are such an encouragement to me. I am so happy for you despite all our troubles.
5 asmAsu mAkidaniyAdezam AgateSvasmAkaM zarIrasya kAcidapi zAnti rnAbhavat kintu sarvvato bahi rvirodhenAntazca bhItyA vayam apIDyAmahi|
When we arrived in Macedonia we didn't have a minute's peace. We were attacked from every direction, with external conflicts and inner fears.
6 kintu namrANAM sAntvayitA ya IzvaraH sa tItasyAgamanenAsmAn asAntvayat|
Even so, God who encourages the downhearted, encouraged us with Titus' arrival.
7 kevalaM tasyAgamanena tannahi kintu yuSmatto jAtayA tasya sAntvanayApi, yato'smAsu yuSmAkaM hArddavilApAsaktatveSvasmAkaM samIpe varNiteSu mama mahAnando jAtaH|
Not just by his arrival, but also by the encouragement you gave him. He told us how you were longing to see me, how sorry you were, and how concerned you were about me, which made me even happier.
8 ahaM patreNa yuSmAn zokayuktAn kRtavAn ityasmAd anvatapye kintvadhunA nAnutapye| tena patreNa yUyaM kSaNamAtraM zokayuktIbhUtA iti mayA dRzyate|
Even though I made you sorry by the letter I wrote, I don't regret it—though I did regret it because the letter did hurt you, but just for a while.
9 ityasmin yuSmAkaM zokenAhaM hRSyAmi tannahi kintu manaHparivarttanAya yuSmAkaM zoko'bhavad ityanena hRSyAmi yato'smatto yuSmAkaM kApi hAni ryanna bhavet tadarthaM yuSmAkam IzvarIyaH zoko jAtaH|
I'm happy now, not for hurting you, but because this pain led you to change your minds. You were made sorry in a way God would want, and so weren't harmed by us in any way.
10 sa IzvarIyaH zokaH paritrANajanakaM niranutApaM manaHparivarttanaM sAdhayati kintu sAMsArikaH zoko mRtyuM sAdhayati|
The kind of sorrow God wants us to have makes us change our minds and brings salvation. This kind of sorrow leaves no sense of regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.
11 pazyata tenezvarIyeNa zokena yuSmAkaM kiM na sAdhitaM? yatno doSaprakSAlanam asantuSTatvaM hArddam AsaktatvaM phaladAnaJcaitAni sarvvANi| tasmin karmmaNi yUyaM nirmmalA iti pramANaM sarvveNa prakAreNa yuSmAbhi rdattaM|
See what happened to you when you had this very same experience of sorrow that God wants. Remember how enthusiastic you became, how keen you were to defend yourselves, how angry you were at what had happened, how seriously you took it, how you longed to do right, how concerned you were, how you wanted justice to be done. In all of this you showed that you were sincere in wanting to make things right.
12 yenAparAddhaM tasya kRte kiMvA yasyAparAddhaM tasya kRte mayA patram alekhi tannahi kintu yuSmAnadhyasmAkaM yatno yad Izvarasya sAkSAd yuSmatsamIpe prakAzeta tadarthameva|
So when I wrote to you, I wasn't writing about who did the wrong or who was wronged, but to show you how devoted you are to us in God's sight.
13 uktakAraNAd vayaM sAntvanAM prAptAH; tAJca sAntvanAM vinAvaro mahAhlAdastItasyAhlAdAdasmAbhi rlabdhaH, yatastasyAtmA sarvvai ryuSmAbhistRptaH|
We are so encouraged by this. Added to our own encouragement, we were so pleased to see how happy Titus was, because you set his mind at rest.
14 pUrvvaM tasya samIpe'haM yuSmAbhiryad azlAghe tena nAlajje kintu vayaM yadvad yuSmAn prati satyabhAvena sakalam abhASAmahi tadvat tItasya samIpe'smAkaM zlAghanamapi satyaM jAtaM|
I boasted to him about you, and you didn't let me down. Just as all I've told you is true, my boasting about you to Titus has proved to be true too!
15 yUyaM kIdRk tasyAjJA apAlayata bhayakampAbhyAM taM gRhItavantazcaitasya smaraNAd yuSmAsu tasya sneho bAhulyena varttate|
Titus cares for you even more as he remembers how you did what he told you, how you welcomed him with great respect.
16 yuSmAsvahaM sarvvamAzaMse, ityasmin mamAhlAdo jAyate|
I am so happy that I can be completely confident of you.

< 2 karinthinaH 7 >