< 1 tImathiyaH 6 >

1 yAvanto lokA yugadhAriNo dAsAH santi te svasvasvAminaM pUrNasamAdarayogyaM manyantAM no ced Izvarasya nAmna upadezasya ca nindA sambhaviSyati|
All who are in the position of slaves should regard their masters as deserving of the greatest respect, so that the name of God, and our teaching, may not be maligned.
2 yeSAJca svAmino vizvAsinaH bhavanti taiste bhrAtRtvAt nAvajJeyAH kintu te karmmaphalabhogino vizvAsinaH priyAzca bhavantIti hetoH sevanIyA eva, tvam etAni zikSaya samupadiza ca|
Those who have Christian masters should not think less of them because they are also followers of Christ, but on the contrary they should serve them all the better, because those who are to benefit by their good work are dear to them as their fellow Christians.
3 yaH kazcid itarazikSAM karoti, asmAkaM prabho ryIzukhrISTasya hitavAkyAnIzvarabhakte ryogyAM zikSAJca na svIkaroti
Anyone who teaches otherwise, and refuses their assent to sound instruction – the instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ – and to the teaching of religion,
4 sa darpadhmAtaH sarvvathA jJAnahInazca vivAdai rvAgyuddhaizca rogayuktazca bhavati|
is puffed up with conceit, not really knowing anything, but having a morbid craving for discussions and arguments. Such things only give rise to envy, quarreling, recriminations, base suspicions,
5 tAdRzAd bhAvAd IrSyAvirodhApavAdaduSTAsUyA bhraSTamanasAM satyajJAnahInAnAm IzvarabhaktiM lAbhopAyam iva manyamAnAnAM lokAnAM vivAdAzca jAyante tAdRzebhyo lokebhyastvaM pRthak tiSTha|
and incessant wrangling on the part of these corrupt-minded people who have lost all hold on the truth, and who think of religion only as a source of gain.
6 saMyatecchayA yuktA yezvarabhaktiH sA mahAlAbhopAyo bhavatIti satyaM|
Of course religion is a great source of gain – when combined with contentment!
7 etajjagatpravezanakAle'smAbhiH kimapi nAnAyi tattayajanakAle'pi kimapi netuM na zakSyata iti nizcitaM|
For we brought nothing into the world, because we cannot even carry anything out of it.
8 ataeva khAdyAnyAcchAdanAni ca prApyAsmAbhiH santuSTai rbhavitavyaM|
So, with food and shelter, we will be content.
9 ye tu dhanino bhavituM ceSTante te parIkSAyAm unmAthe patanti ye cAbhilASA mAnavAn vinAze narake ca majjayanti tAdRzeSvajJAnAhitAbhilASeSvapi patanti|
Those who want to be rich fall into the net of temptation, and become the prey of many foolish and harmful ambitions, which plunge people into destruction and ruin.
10 yato'rthaspRhA sarvveSAM duritAnAM mUlaM bhavati tAmavalambya kecid vizvAsAd abhraMzanta nAnAklezaizca svAn avidhyan|
Love of money is a source of all kinds of evil; and in their eagerness to be rich some have wandered away from the faith, and have been pierced to the heart by many a regret.
11 he Izvarasya loka tvam etebhyaH palAyya dharmma Izvarabhakti rvizvAsaH prema sahiSNutA kSAntizcaitAnyAcara|
But you must, servant of God, avoid all this. Aim at righteousness, piety, faith, love, endurance, gentleness.
12 vizvAsarUpam uttamayuddhaM kuru, anantajIvanam Alambasva yatastadarthaM tvam AhUto 'bhavaH, bahusAkSiNAM samakSaJcottamAM pratijJAM svIkRtavAn| (aiōnios g166)
Run the great race of the faith, and win the eternal life. It was for this that you received the call, and, in the presence of many witnesses, made the great profession of faith. (aiōnios g166)
13 aparaM sarvveSAM jIvayiturIzvarasya sAkSAd yazca khrISTo yIzuH pantIyapIlAtasya samakSam uttamAM pratijJAM svIkRtavAn tasya sAkSAd ahaM tvAm idam AjJApayAmi|
I beg you, as in the sight of God, the source of all life, and of Christ Jesus who before Pontius Pilate made the great profession of faith –
14 IzvareNa svasamaye prakAzitavyam asmAkaM prabho ryIzukhrISTasyAgamanaM yAvat tvayA niSkalaGkatvena nirddoSatvena ca vidhI rakSyatAM|
I implore you to keep his command free from stain or reproach, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15 sa IzvaraH saccidAnandaH, advitIyasamrAT, rAjJAM rAjA, prabhUnAM prabhuH,
This will be brought about in his own time by the one ever-blessed Potentate, the king of all kings and Lord of all lords,
16 amaratAyA advitIya AkaraH, agamyatejonivAsI, marttyAnAM kenApi na dRSTaH kenApi na dRzyazca| tasya gauravaparAkramau sadAtanau bhUyAstAM| Amen| (aiōnios g166)
who alone is possessed of immortality and dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or ever can see – to whom be ascribed honor and power for ever. Amen. (aiōnios g166)
17 ihaloke ye dhaninaste cittasamunnatiM capale dhane vizvAsaJca na kurvvatAM kintu bhogArtham asmabhyaM pracuratvena sarvvadAtA (aiōn g165)
Teach those who are wealthy in this life not to pride themselves, or fix their hopes, on so uncertain a thing as wealth, but on God, who gives us a wealth of enjoyment on every side. (aiōn g165)
18 yo'mara Izvarastasmin vizvasantu sadAcAraM kurvvantu satkarmmadhanena dhanino sukalA dAtArazca bhavantu,
Teach them to show kindness, to exhibit a wealth of good actions, to be open-handed and generous,
19 yathA ca satyaM jIvanaM pApnuyustathA pAratrikAm uttamasampadaM saJcinvantveti tvayAdizyantAM|
storing up for themselves what in the future will prove to be a good foundation, so that they may gain the only true life.
20 he tImathiya, tvam upanidhiM gopaya kAlpanikavidyAyA apavitraM pralApaM virodhoktiJca tyaja ca,
Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you. Avoid the profane prattle and contradictions of what some miscall ‘theology,’
21 yataH katipayA lokAstAM vidyAmavalambya vizvAsAd bhraSTA abhavana| prasAdastava sahAyo bhUyAt| Amen|
for there are those who, while asserting their proficiency in it, have yet, as regards the faith, gone altogether astray. God bless you all.

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