< rOmiNaH 7 >

1 hE bhrAtRgaNa vyavasthAvidaH prati mamEdaM nivEdanaM| vidhiH kEvalaM yAvajjIvaM mAnavOparyyadhipatitvaM karOtIti yUyaM kiM na jAnItha?
Remember ye not brethren (I speake to them yt know the lawe) how that the lawe hath power over a man as longe as it endureth?
2 yAvatkAlaM pati rjIvati tAvatkAlam UPhA bhAryyA vyavasthayA tasmin baddhA tiSThati kintu yadi pati rmriyatE tarhi sA nArI patyu rvyavasthAtO mucyatE|
For the woman which is in subieccion to a man is bounde by the lawe to the man as longe as he liveth. Yf the man be deed she is lowsed from the lawe of the man.
3 EtatkAraNAt patyurjIvanakAlE nArI yadyanyaM puruSaM vivahati tarhi sA vyabhicAriNI bhavati kintu yadi sa pati rmriyatE tarhi sA tasyA vyavasthAyA muktA satI puruSAntarENa vyUPhApi vyabhicAriNI na bhavati|
So then yf whill the man liveth she couple her selfe with another man she shalbe counted a wedlocke breaker. But yf the man be deed she is fre fro the lawe: so that she is no wedlocke breaker though she couple her selfe with another man.
4 hE mama bhrAtRgaNa, IzvaranimittaM yadasmAkaM phalaM jAyatE tadarthaM zmazAnAd utthApitEna puruSENa saha yuSmAkaM vivAhO yad bhavEt tadarthaM khrISTasya zarIrENa yUyaM vyavasthAM prati mRtavantaH|
Even so ye my brethren are deed concerninge the lawe by the body of Christ yt ye shuld be coupled to another (I meane to him that is rysen agayne fro deeth) that we shuld bringe forth frute vnto God.
5 yatO'smAkaM zArIrikAcaraNasamayE maraNanimittaM phalam utpAdayituM vyavasthayA dUSitaH pApAbhilASO'smAkam aggESu jIvan AsIt|
For when we were in the flesshe the lustes of synne which were stered vppe by ye lawe raygned in oure membres to bringe forth frute vnto deeth.
6 kintu tadA yasyA vyavasthAyA vazE Asmahi sAmprataM tAM prati mRtatvAd vayaM tasyA adhInatvAt muktA iti hEtOrIzvarO'smAbhiH purAtanalikhitAnusArAt na sEvitavyaH kintu navInasvabhAvEnaiva sEvitavyaH
But now are we delivered fro the lawe and deed fro that whervnto we werein bondage that we shuld serve in a newe conversacion of ye sprete and not in ye olde conversacion of the letter.
7 tarhi vayaM kiM brUmaH? vyavasthA kiM pApajanikA bhavati? nEtthaM bhavatu| vyavasthAm avidyamAnAyAM pApaM kim ityahaM nAvEdaM; kinjca lObhaM mA kArSIriti cEd vyavasthAgranthE likhitaM nAbhaviSyat tarhi lObhaH kimbhUtastadahaM nAjnjAsyaM|
What shall we saye then? is ye lawe synne? God forbid: but I knewe not what synne meant but by the lawe. For I had not knowne what lust had meant excepte the lawe had sayde thou shalt not lust.
8 kintu vyavasthayA pApaM chidraM prApyAsmAkam antaH sarvvavidhaM kutsitAbhilASam ajanayat; yatO vyavasthAyAm avidyamAnAyAM pApaM mRtaM|
But synne toke an occasion by the meanes of the commaundement and wrought in me all manner of concupiscece. For with out the lawe synne was deed.
9 aparaM pUrvvaM vyavasthAyAm avidyamAnAyAm aham ajIvaM tataH param AjnjAyAm upasthitAyAm pApam ajIvat tadAham amriyE|
I once lived with out lawe. But when the commaundement came synne revyved and I was deed.
10 itthaM sati jIvananimittA yAjnjA sA mama mRtyujanikAbhavat|
And the very same comaundement which was ordeyned vnto lyfe was founde to be vnto me an occasion of deeth.
11 yataH pApaM chidraM prApya vyavasthitAdEzEna mAM vanjcayitvA tEna mAm ahan|
For synne toke occasion by the meanes of the comaundement and so disceaved me and by the selfe commaundement slewe we.
12 ataEva vyavasthA pavitrA, AdEzazca pavitrO nyAyyO hitakArI ca bhavati|
Wherfore the lawe is holy and the commaundement holy iust and good.
13 tarhi yat svayaM hitakRt tat kiM mama mRtyujanakam abhavat? nEtthaM bhavatu; kintu pApaM yat pAtakamiva prakAzatE tathA nidEzEna pApaM yadatIva pAtakamiva prakAzatE tadarthaM hitOpAyEna mama maraNam ajanayat|
Was that then which is good made deeth vnto me? God forbyd. Naye synne was deeth vnto me that it myght appere how that synne by the meanes of that which is good had wrought deeth in me: that synne which is vnder the commandemet myght be out of measure synfull.
14 vyavasthAtmabOdhikEti vayaM jAnImaH kintvahaM zArIratAcArI pApasya krItakigkarO vidyE|
For we knowe that the lawe is spirituall: but I am carnall solde vnder synne
15 yatO yat karmma karOmi tat mama manO'bhimataM nahi; aparaM yan mama manO'bhimataM tanna karOmi kintu yad RtIyE tat karOmi|
because I wote not what I doo. For what I wold that do I not: but what I hate that do I.
16 tathAtvE yan mamAnabhimataM tad yadi karOmi tarhi vyavasthA sUttamEti svIkarOmi|
Yf I do now that which I wolde not I graute to the lawe that it is good.
17 ataEva samprati tat karmma mayA kriyata iti nahi kintu mama zarIrasthEna pApEnaiva kriyatE|
So then nowe it is not I that do it but synne that dwelleth in me.
18 yatO mayi, arthatO mama zarIrE, kimapyuttamaM na vasati, Etad ahaM jAnAmi; mamEcchukatAyAM tiSThantyAmapyaham uttamakarmmasAdhanE samarthO na bhavAmi|
For I knowe that in me (that is to saye in my flesshe) dwelleth no good thinge. To will is present with me: but I fynde no meanes to performe that which is good.
19 yatO yAmuttamAM kriyAM karttumahaM vAnjchAmi tAM na karOmi kintu yat kutsitaM karmma karttum anicchukO'smi tadEva karOmi|
For I doo not yt good thinge which I wold: but that evill do I which I wolde not.
20 ataEva yadyat karmma karttuM mamEcchA na bhavati tad yadi karOmi tarhi tat mayA na kriyatE, mamAntarvarttinA pApEnaiva kriyatE|
Finally yf I do that I wolde not then is it not I that doo it but synne that dwelleth in me doeth it.
21 bhadraM karttum icchukaM mAM yO 'bhadraM karttuM pravarttayati tAdRzaM svabhAvamEkaM mayi pazyAmi|
I fynde then by the lawe that when I wolde do good evyll is present with me.
22 aham AntarikapuruSENEzvaravyavasthAyAM santuSTa AsE;
I delite in the lawe of God concerninge the inner man.
23 kintu tadviparItaM yudhyantaM tadanyamEkaM svabhAvaM madIyAggasthitaM prapazyAmi, sa madIyAggasthitapApasvabhAvasyAyattaM mAM karttuM cESTatE|
But I se another lawe in my membres rebellinge agaynst the lawe of my mynde and subduynge me vnto the lawe of synne which is in my membres.
24 hA hA yO'haM durbhAgyO manujastaM mAm EtasmAn mRtAccharIrAt kO nistArayiSyati?
O wretched man yt I am: who shall delyver me fro this body of deeth?
25 asmAkaM prabhuNA yIzukhrISTEna nistArayitAram IzvaraM dhanyaM vadAmi| ataEva zarIrENa pApavyavasthAyA manasA tu IzvaravyavasthAyAH sEvanaM karOmi|
I thanke God thorow Iesus Christ oure Lorde. So then I my silfe in my mynde serve the lawe of God and in my flesshe the lawe of synne.

< rOmiNaH 7 >