< prakAzitaM 19 >

1 tataH paraM svargasthAnAM mahAjanatAyA mahAzabdO 'yaM mayA zrUtaH, brUta parEzvaraM dhanyam asmadIyO ya IzvaraH| tasyAbhavat paritrANAM prabhAvazca parAkramaH|
And after these things, I heard the voice as of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah! salvation, and glory, and power, to the Lord our God;
2 vicArAjnjAzca tasyaiva satyA nyAyyA bhavanti ca| yA svavEzyAkriyAbhizca vyakarOt kRtsnamEdinIM| tAM sa daNPitavAn vEzyAM tasyAzca karatastathA| zONitasya svadAsAnAM saMzOdhaM sa gRhItavAn||
for his judgments are true and righteous; for he has judged the great harlot, who corrupted the earth with her fornication; and he has avenged the blood of his servants shed by her hand.
3 punarapi tairidamuktaM yathA, brUta parEzvaraM dhanyaM yannityaM nityamEva ca| tasyA dAhasya dhUmO 'sau dizamUrddhvamudESyati|| (aiōn g165)
And a second time they said, Hallelujah! And the smoke of her torment ascended for ever and ever. (aiōn g165)
4 tataH paraM caturvviMzatiprAcInAzcatvAraH prANinazca praNipatya siMhAsanOpaviSTam IzvaraM praNamyAvadan, tathAstu paramEzazca sarvvairEva prazasyatAM||
And the twenty-four elders, and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God, sitting upon the throne, saying, Amen! Hallelujah!
5 anantaraM siMhAsanamadhyAd ESa ravO nirgatO, yathA, hE Izvarasya dAsEyAstadbhaktAH sakalA narAH| yUyaM kSudrA mahAntazca prazaMsata va IzvaraM||
And a voice came out from the throne, which said, Praise our God, all you his servants, you that fear him, both small and great.
6 tataH paraM mahAjanatAyAH zabda iva bahutOyAnAnjca zabda iva gRrutarastanitAnAnjca zabda iva zabdO 'yaM mayA zrutaH, brUta parEzvaraM dhanyaM rAjatvaM prAptavAn yataH| sa paramEzvarO 'smAkaM yaH sarvvazaktimAn prabhuH|
And I heard a sound, which was as the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and like the peal of mighty thunderings, saying, Hallelujah! for the Lord God, the Omnipotent, reigns!
7 kIrttayAmaH stavaM tasya hRSTAzcOllAsitA vayaM| yanmESazAvakasyaiva vivAhasamayO 'bhavat| vAgdattA cAbhavat tasmai yA kanyA sA susajjitA|
We rejoice, and exult, and give glory to him, because the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has prepared herself.
8 paridhAnAya tasyai ca dattaH zubhraH sucElakaH||
And it was given to her that she should be clothed in fine linen, pure and resplendent; and the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.
9 sa sucElakaH pavitralOkAnAM puNyAni| tataH sa mAm uktavAn tvamidaM likha mESazAvakasya vivAhabhOjyAya yE nimantritAstE dhanyA iti| punarapi mAm avadat, imAnIzvarasya satyAni vAkyAni|
And he said to me, Write--Happy are they who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb! And he said to me, These are the true words of God.
10 anantaraM ahaM tasya caraNayOrantikE nipatya taM praNantumudyataH|tataH sa mAm uktavAn sAvadhAnastiSTha maivaM kuru yIzOH sAkSyaviziSTaistava bhrAtRbhistvayA ca sahadAsO 'haM| IzvaramEva praNama yasmAd yIzOH sAkSyaM bhaviSyadvAkyasya sAraM|
And I fell before his feet to worship him; and he said to me, See you do it not: I am a fellow-servant with you, and with your brethren who keep the testimony of Jesus. Worship God; for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
11 anantaraM mayA muktaH svargO dRSTaH, EkaH zvEtavarNO 'zvO 'pi dRSTastadArUPhO janO vizvAsyaH satyamayazcEti nAmnA khyAtaH sa yAthArthyEna vicAraM yuddhanjca karOti|
And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse; and he that sat upon it was called Faithful and True; and he judges and makes war in righteousness:
12 tasya nEtrE 'gnizikhAtulyE zirasi ca bahukirITAni vidyantE tatra tasya nAma likhitamasti tamEva vinA nAparaH kO 'pi tannAma jAnAti|
whose eyes are as a flame of fire; and many diadems were upon his head, having a name written which no man knows but himself:
13 sa rudhiramagnEna paricchadEnAcchAdita IzvaravAda iti nAmnAbhidhIyatE ca|
and he was clothed in a garment dipt in blood, and his name is called THE WORD OF GOD.
14 aparaM svargasthasainyAni zvEtAzvArUPhAni parihitanirmmalazvEtasUkSmavastrANi ca bhUtvA tamanugacchanti|
And the armies which are in heaven followed him, riding on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 tasya vaktrAd EkastIkSaNaH khaggO nirgacchati tEna khaggEna sarvvajAtIyAstEnAghAtitavyAH sa ca lauhadaNPEna tAn cArayiSyati sarvvazaktimata Izvarasya pracaNPakOparasOtpAdakadrAkSAkuNPE yadyat tiSThati tat sarvvaM sa Eva padAbhyAM pinaSTi|
And there went out of his mouth a sharp sword, that with it he might smite the nations: and he shall govern them with a rod of iron; and he treads the wine press of the indignation and wrath of almighty God.
16 aparaM tasya paricchada urasi ca rAjnjAM rAjA prabhUnAM prabhuzcEti nAma nikhitamasti|
And he has upon his garment and his thigh a name written-- KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
17 anantaraM sUryyE tiSThan EkO dUtO mayA dRSTaH, AkAzamadhya uPPIyamAnAn sarvvAn pakSiNaH prati sa uccaiHsvarENEdaM ghOSayati, atrAgacchata|
And I saw a single angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds of prey, which were flying in the midst of heaven, Come, and assemble yourselves to the great supper of God:
18 Izvarasya mahAbhOjyE milata, rAjnjAM kravyANi sEnApatInAM kravyANi vIrANAM kravyANyazvAnAM tadArUPhAnAnjca kravyANi dAsamuktAnAM kSudramahatAM sarvvESAmEva kravyANi ca yuSmAbhi rbhakSitavyAni|
that you may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of commanders, and the flesh of the mighty, and the flesh of horses, and of those that sat on them; and the flesh of all, both freemen and slaves, both small and great.
19 tataH paraM tEnAzvArUPhajanEna tadIyasainyaizca sArddhaM yuddhaM karttuM sa pazuH pRthivyA rAjAnastESAM sainyAni ca samAgacchantIti mayA dRSTaM|
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war with him who sits upon the white horse, and with his army.
20 tataH sa pazu rdhRtO yazca mithyAbhaviSyadvaktA tasyAntikE citrakarmmANi kurvvan tairEva pazvagkadhAriNastatpratimApUjakAMzca bhramitavAn sO 'pi tEna sArddhaM dhRtaH| tau ca vahnigandhakajvalitahradE jIvantau nikSiptau| (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And the beast was taken captive, and with him the false prophet, who had wrought signs before him, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast, and those who worshiped his image; both of whom were cast alive into the lake of fire which burned with brimstone. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
21 avaziSTAzca tasyAzvArUPhasya vaktranirgatakhaggEna hatAH, tESAM kravyaizca pakSiNaH sarvvE tRptiM gatAH|
And the rest were slain with the sword that came out of the mouth of him who sat on the horse: and all the birds were satiated with their flesh.

< prakAzitaM 19 >