< philipinaH 3 >
1 hE bhrAtaraH, zESE vadAmi yUyaM prabhAvAnandata| punaH punarEkasya vacO lEkhanaM mama klEzadaM nahi yuSmadarthanjca bhramanAzakaM bhavati|
Finally, my brethren, rejoice in our Lord. To write these things again and again to you, is not irksome to me, because they make you cautious.
2 yUyaM kukkurEbhyaH sAvadhAnA bhavata duSkarmmakAribhyaH sAvadhAnA bhavata chinnamUlEbhyO lOkEbhyazca sAvadhAnA bhavata|
Beware of dogs; beware of evil doers; beware of the clipped in flesh.
3 vayamEva chinnatvacO lOkA yatO vayam AtmanEzvaraM sEvAmahE khrISTEna yIzunA zlAghAmahE zarIrENa ca pragalbhatAM na kurvvAmahE|
For we are the real circumcision, who worship God in spirit, and glory in Jesus the Messiah, and place no reliance on the flesh.
4 kintu zarIrE mama pragalbhatAyAH kAraNaM vidyatE, kazcid yadi zarIrENa pragalbhatAM cikIrSati tarhi tasmAd api mama pragalbhatAyA gurutaraM kAraNaM vidyatE|
And yet I might place reliance on the flesh. For, if any one thinketh that his reliance should be on the flesh, I might do so more than he.
5 yatO'ham aSTamadivasE tvakchEdaprApta isrAyElvaMzIyO binyAmInagOSThIya ibrikulajAta ibriyO vyavasthAcaraNE phirUzI
Circumcised when eight days old; of the stock of Israel; of the tribe of Benjamin; a Hebrew, descendant of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee;
6 dharmmOtsAhakAraNAt samitErupadravakArI vyavasthAtO labhyE puNyE cAnindanIyaH|
as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; and as to the righteousness of the law, I was without fault.
7 kintu mama yadyat labhyam AsIt tat sarvvam ahaM khrISTasyAnurOdhAt kSatim amanyE|
But these things, which had been my excellence, I have accounted a detriment, because of the Messiah.
8 kinjcAdhunApyahaM matprabhOH khrISTasya yIzO rjnjAnasyOtkRSTatAM buddhvA tat sarvvaM kSatiM manyE|
And now also I account them all a detriment, because of the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus the Messiah my Lord; for the sake of whom, I have parted with all things, and have accounted them as dung, that I might gain the Messiah,
9 yatO hEtOrahaM yat khrISTaM labhEya vyavasthAtO jAtaM svakIyapuNyanjca na dhArayan kintu khrISTE vizvasanAt labhyaM yat puNyam IzvarENa vizvAsaM dRSTvA dIyatE tadEva dhArayan yat khrISTE vidyEya tadarthaM tasyAnurOdhAt sarvvESAM kSatiM svIkRtya tAni sarvvANyavakarAniva manyE|
and be found in him; since my righteousness is not now that from the law, but that which is from faith in the Messiah, that is, the righteousness which is from God;
10 yatO hEtOrahaM khrISTaM tasya punarutthitE rguNaM tasya duHkhAnAM bhAgitvanjca jnjAtvA tasya mRtyOrAkRtinjca gRhItvA
that thereby I might know Jesus, and the efficacy of his resurrection; and might participate in his sufferings, and be assimilated to his death:
11 yEna kEnacit prakArENa mRtAnAM punarutthitiM prAptuM yatE|
if so be, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
12 mayA tat sarvvam adhunA prApi siddhatA vAlambhi tannahi kintu yadartham ahaM khrISTEna dhAritastad dhArayituM dhAvAmi|
Not as though I had already taken the prize, or were already complete; but I run in the race, if so I may take that, for which Jesus the Messiah took me.
13 hE bhrAtaraH, mayA tad dhAritam iti na manyatE kintvEtadaikamAtraM vadAmi yAni pazcAt sthitAni tAni vismRtyAham agrasthitAnyuddizya
My brethren, I do not consider myself, as having taken it. But one thing I know, that I forget the things behind me, and reach for the things before me;
14 pUrNayatnEna lakSyaM prati dhAvan khrISTayIzunOrddhvAt mAm Ahvayata IzvarAt jEtRpaNaM prAptuM cESTE|
and I run straight for the goal, that I may obtain the prize of victory of the call of God from on high, by Jesus the Messiah.
15 asmAkaM madhyE yE siddhAstaiH sarvvaistadEva bhAvyatAM, yadi ca kanjcana viSayam adhi yuSmAkam aparO bhAvO bhavati tarhIzvarastamapi yuSmAkaM prati prakAzayiSyati|
Therefore let those who are perfect, have these views; and if ye differently view any thing, God will reveal that also to you.
16 kintu vayaM yadyad avagatA AsmastatrAsmAbhirEkO vidhirAcaritavya EkabhAvai rbhavitavyanjca|
Nevertheless, that we may attain to this, let us proceed on in one path, and with one consent.
17 hE bhrAtaraH, yUyaM mamAnugAminO bhavata vayanjca yAdRgAcaraNasya nidarzanasvarUpA bhavAmastAdRgAcAriNO lOkAn AlOkayadhvaM|
Be like me, my brethren; and contemplate them, who walk after the pattern ye have seen in us.
18 yatO'nEkE vipathE caranti tE ca khrISTasya kruzasya zatrava iti purA mayA punaH punaH kathitam adhunApi rudatA mayA kathyatE|
For there are many who walk otherwise; of whom I have often told you, and I now tell you, with weeping, that they are adversaries of the cross of the Messiah;
19 tESAM zESadazA sarvvanAza udarazcEzvarO lajjA ca zlAghA pRthivyAnjca lagnaM manaH|
whose end is destruction; whose god is their belly, and their glory their shame; whose thoughts are on things of the earth.
20 kintvasmAkaM janapadaH svargE vidyatE tasmAccAgamiSyantaM trAtAraM prabhuM yIzukhrISTaM vayaM pratIkSAmahE|
But our concern is with heaven; and from thence we expect our Vivifier, our Lord, Jesus the Messiah;
21 sa ca yayA zaktyA sarvvANyEva svasya vazIkarttuM pArayati tayAsmAkam adhamaM zarIraM rUpAntarIkRtya svakIyatEjOmayazarIrasya samAkAraM kariSyati|
who will change the body of our abasement, that it may have the likeness of the body of his glory, according to his great power, whereby all things are made subject to him.