< mathiH 28 >
1 tataH paraM vizrAmavArasya zESE saptAhaprathamadinasya prabhOtE jAtE magdalInI mariyam anyamariyam ca zmazAnaM draSTumAgatA|
FROM the evening (end) of the sabbath, when the first (day) in the week was lightening, Mariam Magdolitha and the other Mariam came to see the sepulchre.
2 tadA mahAn bhUkampO'bhavat; paramEzvarIyadUtaH svargAdavaruhya zmazAnadvArAt pASANamapasAryya taduparyyupavivEza|
And, behold, there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and drew near, rolled the stone from the door, and sat upon it.
3 tadvadanaM vidyudvat tEjOmayaM vasanaM himazubhranjca|
His aspect was like lightning, and his raiment was white as the snow.
4 tadAnIM rakSiNastadbhayAt kampitA mRtavad babhUvaH|
And with fear of him they who were watching were shaken, and became as the dead.
5 sa dUtO yOSitO jagAda, yUyaM mA bhaiSTa, kruzahatayIzuM mRgayadhvE tadahaM vEdmi|
But the angel answered and said to the women, Fear not ye; for I know that for Jeshu who was crucified you are seeking.
6 sO'tra nAsti, yathAvadat tathOtthitavAn; Etat prabhOH zayanasthAnaM pazyata|
He is not here: for he is risen, even as he said. Come, see the place in which our Lord was laid:
7 tUrNaM gatvA tacchiSyAn iti vadata, sa zmazAnAd udatiSThat, yuSmAkamagrE gAlIlaM yAsyati yUyaM tatra taM vIkSiSyadhvE, pazyatAhaM vArttAmimAM yuSmAnavAdiSaM|
and go with speed, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the house of the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galila. There shall you see him. Lo, I have told you.
8 tatastA bhayAt mahAnandAnjca zmazAnAt tUrNaM bahirbhUya tacchiSyAn vArttAM vaktuM dhAvitavatyaH| kintu ziSyAn vArttAM vaktuM yAnti, tadA yIzu rdarzanaM dattvA tA jagAda,
And they went quickly from the sepulchre, with fear and with great joy, and ran that they might tell his disciples.
9 yuSmAkaM kalyANaM bhUyAt, tatastA Agatya tatpAdayOH patitvA praNEmuH|
And, behold, Jeshu met them, and said to them, Peace to you! And they approached, held him by the feet, and adored him.
10 yIzustA avAdIt, mA bibhIta, yUyaM gatvA mama bhrAtRn gAlIlaM yAtuM vadata, tatra tE mAM drakSyanti|
Then said Jeshu to them, Fear not; but go tell my brethren, that I will go into Galila, and there they shall see me.
11 striyO gacchanti, tadA rakSiNAM kEcit puraM gatvA yadyad ghaTitaM tatsarvvaM pradhAnayAjakAn jnjApitavantaH|
But while they went, there came certain from those guards into the city, and told the chief priests every thing that had been done.
12 tE prAcInaiH samaM saMsadaM kRtvA mantrayantO bahumudrAH sEnAbhyO dattvAvadan,
And they assembled with the elders, and took counsel; and they gave money not a little to the guards,
13 asmAsu nidritESu tacchiSyA yAminyAmAgatya taM hRtvAnayan, iti yUyaM pracArayata|
telling them, Say you that his disciples came (and) stole him away in the night, while we slept.
14 yadyEtadadhipatEH zrOtragOcarIbhavEt, tarhi taM bOdhayitvA yuSmAnaviSyAmaH|
And if this be heard before the governor, we will persuade him, and make you without care.
15 tatastE mudrA gRhItvA zikSAnurUpaM karmma cakruH, yihUdIyAnAM madhyE tasyAdyApi kiMvadantI vidyatE|
But they, when they had received the money, did as they had instructed them; and that saying went forth among the Jihudoyee until to-day.
16 EkAdaza ziSyA yIzunirUpitAgAlIlasyAdriM gatvA
But the eleven disciples went into Galila, unto the mountain where Jeshu had appointed them.
17 tatra taM saMvIkSya praNEmuH, kintu kEcit sandigdhavantaH|
And when they saw him, they worshipped him; but from them some had doubted.
18 yIzustESAM samIpamAgatya vyAhRtavAn, svargamEdinyOH sarvvAdhipatitvabhArO mayyarpita AstE|
And Jeshu drew near, and discoursed with them, and said to them, There is given unto me all power in heaven and in earth.
19 atO yUyaM prayAya sarvvadEzIyAn ziSyAn kRtvA pituH putrasya pavitrasyAtmanazca nAmnA tAnavagAhayata; ahaM yuSmAn yadyadAdizaM tadapi pAlayituM tAnupAdizata|
As the Father sent me, so also I send you. Go therefore, disciple all nations, and baptize them in the name (of) the Father, and (of) the Son, and (of) the Spirit of Holiness.
20 pazyata, jagadantaM yAvat sadAhaM yuSmAbhiH sAkaM tiSThAmi| iti| (aiōn )
And teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And, behold, I am with you all the days, until the consummation of the world. Amen. (aiōn )