< mathiH 17 >

1 anantaraM SaPdinEbhyaH paraM yIzuH pitaraM yAkUbaM tatsahajaM yOhananjca gRhlan uccAdrE rviviktasthAnam Agatya tESAM samakSaM rUpamanyat dadhAra|
And after six days, Jesus taketh Peter, and James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up to a high mountain apart;
2 tEna tadAsyaM tEjasvi, tadAbharaNam AlOkavat pANParamabhavat|
and was transfigured before them: and his face shone like the sun, and his raiment became white as the light.
3 anyacca tEna sAkaM saMlapantau mUsA Eliyazca tEbhyO darzanaM dadatuH|
And they saw Moses and Elias talking with Him.
4 tadAnIM pitarO yIzuM jagAda, hE prabhO sthitiratrAsmAkaM zubhA, yadi bhavatAnumanyatE, tarhi bhavadarthamEkaM mUsArthamEkam EliyArthanjcaikam iti trINi dUSyANi nirmmama|
Then Peter said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou pleasest, let us make three tabernacles here, one for Thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias.
5 EtatkathanakAla Eka ujjavalaH payOdastESAmupari chAyAM kRtavAn, vAridAd ESA nabhasIyA vAg babhUva, mamAyaM priyaH putraH, asmin mama mahAsantOSa Etasya vAkyaM yUyaM nizAmayata|
And as he was speaking, lo a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him.
6 kintu vAcamEtAM zRNvantaEva ziSyA mRzaM zagkamAnA nyubjA nyapatan|
And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid.
7 tadA yIzurAgatya tESAM gAtrANi spRzan uvAca, uttiSThata, mA bhaiSTa|
But Jesus came and touched them and said, Rise up and be not afraid.
8 tadAnIM nEtrANyunmIlya yIzuM vinA kamapi na dadRzuH|
And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw none but Jesus only.
9 tataH param adrEravarOhaNakAlE yIzustAn ityAdidEza, manujasutasya mRtAnAM madhyAdutthAnaM yAvanna jAyatE, tAvat yuSmAbhirEtaddarzanaM kasmaicidapi na kathayitavyaM|
And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no one, till the Son of man be risen from the dead.
10 tadA ziSyAstaM papracchuH, prathamam Eliya AyAsyatIti kuta upAdhyAyairucyatE?
And his disciples asked Him, saying, Why then do the scribes say, that Elias must first come?
11 tatO yIzuH pratyavAdIt, EliyaH prAgEtya sarvvANi sAdhayiSyatIti satyaM,
Jesus said unto them, Elias doth indeed come first, and shall set all things right.
12 kintvahaM yuSmAn vacmi, Eliya Etya gataH, tE tamaparicitya tasmin yathEcchaM vyavajahuH; manujasutEnApi tESAmantikE tAdRg duHkhaM bhOktavyaM|
But I tell you that Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but did what they pleased to him: and so is the Son of man to suffer by them.
13 tadAnIM sa majjayitAraM yOhanamadhi kathAmEtAM vyAhRtavAn, itthaM tacchiSyA bubudhirE|
Then the disciples understood that He spake to them of John the baptist.
14 pazcAt tESu jananivahasyAntikamAgatESu kazcit manujastadantikamEtya jAnUnI pAtayitvA kathitavAn,
And when they were come to the multitude, there came to Him a man kneeling down and saying,
15 hE prabhO, matputraM prati kRpAM vidadhAtu, sOpasmArAmayEna bhRzaM vyathitaH san punaH puna rvahnau muhu rjalamadhyE patati|
Lord, have compassion upon my son, for he is lunatic and grievously afflicted; for he often falleth into the fire, and often into the water.
16 tasmAd bhavataH ziSyANAM samIpE tamAnayaM kintu tE taM svAsthaM karttuM na zaktAH|
And I brought him to thy disciples, and they could not heal him.
17 tadA yIzuH kathitavAn rE avizvAsinaH, rE vipathagAminaH, punaH katikAlAn ahaM yuSmAkaM sannidhau sthAsyAmi? katikAlAn vA yuSmAn sahiSyE? tamatra mamAntikamAnayata|
Then Jesus answered and said, O unbelieving and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I bear with you?
18 pazcAd yIzunA tarjataEva sa bhUtastaM vihAya gatavAn, taddaNPaEva sa bAlakO nirAmayO'bhUt|
Bring him here to me. And when Jesus rebuked him, the demon departed out of him, and the child was cured from that time.
19 tataH ziSyA guptaM yIzumupAgatya babhASirE, kutO vayaM taM bhUtaM tyAjayituM na zaktAH?
Then came the disciples to Jesus in private, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
20 yIzunA tE prOktAH, yuSmAkamapratyayAt;
And Jesus said unto them, because of your unbelief: for verily I tell you, if ye had but faith as a grain of mustard-seed, ye might say to this mountain, Remove from hence thither, and it shall remove: and nothing would be impossible to you.
21 yuSmAnahaM tathyaM vacmi yadi yuSmAkaM sarSapaikamAtrOpi vizvAsO jAyatE, tarhi yuSmAbhirasmin zailE tvamitaH sthAnAt tat sthAnaM yAhIti brUtE sa tadaiva caliSyati, yuSmAkaM kimapyasAdhyanjca karmma na sthAsyAti| kintu prArthanOpavAsau vinaitAdRzO bhUtO na tyAjyEta|
But this kind is not to be cast out but by prayer and fasting.
22 aparaM tESAM gAlIlpradEzE bhramaNakAlE yIzunA tE gaditAH, manujasutO janAnAM karESu samarpayiSyatE tai rhaniSyatE ca,
And while they were in Galilee, Jesus said unto them, the Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men:
23 kintu tRtIyE'hina ma utthApiSyatE, tEna tE bhRzaM duHkhitA babhUvaH|
and they will put Him to death, and the third day He shall be raised again. And they were exceedingly grieved.
24 tadanantaraM tESu kapharnAhUmnagaramAgatESu karasaMgrAhiNaH pitarAntikamAgatya papracchuH, yuSmAkaM guruH kiM mandirArthaM karaM na dadAti? tataH pitaraH kathitavAn dadAti|
And when they were come to Capernaum, the receivers of the tribute-money came to Peter and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? Yes, saith he.
25 tatastasmin gRhamadhyamAgatE tasya kathAkathanAt pUrvvamEva yIzuruvAca, hE zimOn, mEdinyA rAjAnaH svasvApatyEbhyaH kiM vidEzibhyaH kEbhyaH karaM gRhlanti? atra tvaM kiM budhyasE? tataH pitara uktavAn, vidEzibhyaH|
And when he came into the house, Jesus prevented him and said, What thinkest thou, Simon? Of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? Of their own children, or of other people?
26 tadA yIzuruktavAn, tarhi santAnA muktAH santi|
Peter saith unto Him, Of others. Jesus answered him, Then are the children free:
27 tathApi yathAsmAbhistESAmantarAyO na janyatE, tatkRtE jaladhEstIraM gatvA vaPizaM kSipa, tEnAdau yO mIna utthAsyati, taM ghRtvA tanmukhE mOcitE tOlakaikaM rUpyaM prApsyasi, tad gRhItvA tava mama ca kRtE tEbhyO dEhi|
but that we may not give them offence, go to the sea-side and throw in a hook, and take the first fish that comes up, and open its mouth, and thou shalt find a piece of money: that take and give them for me and thee.

< mathiH 17 >