< mArkaH 7 >

1 anantaraM yirUzAlama AgatAH phirUzinO'dhyApakAzca yIzOH samIpam AgatAH|
And there were gathered unto Him the pharisees, and some of the scribes, from Jerusalem;
2 tE tasya kiyataH ziSyAn azucikarairarthAda aprakSAlitahastai rbhunjjatO dRSTvA tAnadUSayan|
and when they saw some of his disciples eating with impure (that is, unwashed) hands, they found fault:
3 yataH phirUzinaH sarvvayihUdIyAzca prAcAM paramparAgatavAkyaM sammanya pratalEna hastAn aprakSAlya na bhunjjatE|
for the pharisees, and indeed all the Jews, do not eat till they have washed their hands thoroughly, observing the tradition of the ancients.
4 ApanAdAgatya majjanaM vinA na khAdanti; tathA pAnapAtrANAM jalapAtrANAM pittalapAtrANAm AsanAnAnjca jalE majjanam ityAdayOnyEpi bahavastESAmAcArAH santi|
And when they come from the market, they do not eat till they have washed. And there are many other things, which they have received to observe, as the washing of cups, and pots, and brass-vessels, and seats.
5 tE phirUzinO'dhyApakAzca yIzuM papracchuH, tava ziSyAH prAcAM paramparAgatavAkyAnusArENa nAcarantO'prakSAlitakaraiH kutO bhujaMtE?
Then the pharisees and the scribes ask Him, Why do not thy disciples walk according to the tradition of the ancients, but eat without washing their hands?
6 tataH sa pratyuvAca kapaTinO yuSmAn uddizya yizayiyabhaviSyadvAdI yuktamavAdIt| yathA svakIyairadharairEtE sammanyanatE sadaiva mAM| kintu mattO viprakarSE santi tESAM manAMsi ca|
But He answered them, Well did Esaias prophesy concerning you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me:
7 zikSayantO bidhIn nnAjnjA bhajantE mAM mudhaiva tE|
and in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the injunctions of men.
8 yUyaM jalapAtrapAnapAtrAdIni majjayantO manujaparamparAgatavAkyaM rakSatha kintu IzvarAjnjAM laMghadhvE; aparA IdRzyOnEkAH kriyA api kurudhvE|
For laying aside the commandment of God, ye retain the tradition of men, as the washings of pots and cups, and many other such like things.
9 anyanjcAkathayat yUyaM svaparamparAgatavAkyasya rakSArthaM spaSTarUpENa IzvarAjnjAM lOpayatha|
And ye expressly annul the commandment of God, that ye may retain your own tradition;
10 yatO mUsAdvArA prOktamasti svapitarau sammanyadhvaM yastu mAtaraM pitaraM vA durvvAkyaM vakti sa nitAntaM hanyatAM|
for Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, He that revileth father or mother, let him be put to death:
11 kintu madIyEna yEna dravyENa tavOpakArObhavat tat karbbANamarthAd IzvarAya nivEditam idaM vAkyaM yadi kOpi pitaraM mAtaraM vA vakti
but ye say, If a man tell his father or mother, That which thou mightest be profited by from me is Corban, (that is, a gift to the temple) it sufficeth:
12 tarhi yUyaM mAtuH pitu rvOpakAraM karttAM taM vArayatha|
and so ye allow him to do nothing more for his father or his mother:
13 itthaM svapracAritaparamparAgatavAkyEna yUyam IzvarAjnjAM mudhA vidhadvvE, IdRzAnyanyAnyanEkAni karmmANi kurudhvE|
making void the word of God by your tradition, And many such like things ye do.
14 atha sa lOkAnAhUya babhASE yUyaM sarvvE madvAkyaM zRNuta budhyadhvanjca|
And calling all the people to Him, He said unto them,
15 bAhyAdantaraM pravizya naramamEdhyaM karttAM zaknOti IdRzaM kimapi vastu nAsti, varam antarAd bahirgataM yadvastu tanmanujam amEdhyaM karOti|
Hear me all of you, and understand, There is nothing without a man, which entring into him can defile him: but the things proceeding from him are those which defile a man.
16 yasya zrOtuM zrOtrE staH sa zRNOtu|
If any one hath ears to hear, let him hear.
17 tataH sa lOkAn hitvA gRhamadhyaM praviSTastadA ziSyAstadRSTAntavAkyArthaM papracchuH|
And when He was come into the house, away from the multitude, his disciples asked Him concerning the meaning of the parable.
18 tasmAt sa tAn jagAda yUyamapi kimEtAdRgabOdhAH? kimapi dravyaM bAhyAdantaraM pravizya naramamEdhyaM karttAM na zaknOti kathAmimAM kiM na budhyadhvE?
And He saith unto them, Are ye so void of understanding also? Do ye not know, that whatsoever from without entreth into a man cannot defile him?
19 tat tadantarna pravizati kintu kukSimadhyaM pravizati zESE sarvvabhuktavastugrAhiNi bahirdEzE niryAti|
because it entreth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all his food.
20 aparamapyavAdId yannarAnnirEti tadEva naramamEdhyaM karOti|
But said He, What cometh out of a man, that defileth the man;
21 yatO'ntarAd arthAn mAnavAnAM manObhyaH kucintA parastrIvEzyAgamanaM
for out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts,
22 naravadhazcauryyaM lObhO duSTatA pravanjcanA kAmukatA kudRSTirIzvaranindA garvvastama ityAdIni nirgacchanti|
adulteries, fornications, murthers, thefts, avarice, malice, deceit, lasciviousness, envy, slander, pride, folly;
23 EtAni sarvvANi duritAnyantarAdEtya naramamEdhyaM kurvvanti|
all these evils come from within and defile the man.
24 atha sa utthAya tatsthAnAt sOrasIdOnpurapradEzaM jagAma tatra kimapi nivEzanaM pravizya sarvvairajnjAtaH sthAtuM matinjcakrE kintu guptaH sthAtuM na zazAka|
And He arose and went from thence to the borders of Tyre and Sidon; and going into a house He would have had no body know it, but He could not be concealed: for a woman,
25 yataH suraphainikIdEzIyayUnAnIvaMzOdbhavastriyAH kanyA bhUtagrastAsIt| sA strI tadvArttAM prApya tatsamIpamAgatya taccaraNayOH patitvA
whose child was possessed by an evil spirit, having heard of Him, came and fell at his feet,
26 svakanyAtO bhUtaM nirAkarttAM tasmin vinayaM kRtavatI|
(now the woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation, ) and she besought Him to cast out the demon from her daughter.
27 kintu yIzustAmavadat prathamaM bAlakAstRpyantu yatO bAlakAnAM khAdyaM gRhItvA kukkurEbhyO nikSEpO'nucitaH|
But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be satisfied: for it is not fit to take the children's bread, and throw it to the dogs.
28 tadA sA strI tamavAdIt bhOH prabhO tat satyaM tathApi manjcAdhaHsthAH kukkurA bAlAnAM karapatitAni khAdyakhaNPAni khAdanti|
And she answered and said unto Him, True, Lord, yet the dogs under the table, eat of the children's crumbs.
29 tataH sO'kathayad EtatkathAhEtOH sakuzalA yAhi tava kanyAM tyaktvA bhUtO gataH|
And He said unto her, For this saying, go thy way, the demon is gone out of thy daughter.
30 atha sA strI gRhaM gatvA kanyAM bhUtatyaktAM zayyAsthitAM dadarza|
And she went away to her house, and found the demon gone out, and her daughter laid on the bed.
31 punazca sa sOrasIdOnpurapradEzAt prasthAya dikApalidEzasya prAntarabhAgEna gAlIljaladhEH samIpaM gatavAn|
And departing again out of the coasts of Tyre and Sidon, He came to the sea of Galilee thro' the midst of the coasts of Decapolis.
32 tadA lOkairEkaM badhiraM kadvadanjca naraM tannikaTamAnIya tasya gAtrE hastamarpayituM vinayaH kRtaH|
And they brought to Him a deaf man, who had likewise an impediment in his speech, and pray Him to put his hand upon him.
33 tatO yIzu rlOkAraNyAt taM nirjanamAnIya tasya karNayOggulI rdadau niSThIvaM dattvA ca tajjihvAM pasparza|
And He took him aside out of the croud, and He spit and put his fingers into his ears, and touched his tongue:
34 anantaraM svargaM nirIkSya dIrghaM nizvasya tamavadat itaphataH arthAn muktO bhUyAt|
and looking up to heaven He sighed, and saith unto him, Ephphatha, that is, be opened:
35 tatastatkSaNaM tasya karNau muktau jihvAyAzca jAPyApagamAt sa suspaSTavAkyamakathayat|
and immediately his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spake distinctly.
36 atha sa tAn vAPhamityAdidEza yUyamimAM kathAM kasmaicidapi mA kathayata, kintu sa yati nyaSEdhat tE tati bAhulyEna prAcArayan;
And He charged them to tell no one, but the more He charged them, the more they published it:
37 tE'ticamatkRtya parasparaM kathayAmAsuH sa badhirAya zravaNazaktiM mUkAya ca kathanazaktiM dattvA sarvvaM karmmOttamarUpENa cakAra|
and were exceedingly astonished, saying, He hath done all things well; he maketh both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.

< mArkaH 7 >