< mArkaH 6 >

1 anantaraM sa tatsthAnAt prasthAya svapradEzamAgataH ziSyAzca tatpazcAd gatAH|
And he yede out fro thennus, and wente in to his owne cuntre; and hise disciplis folewiden him.
2 atha vizrAmavArE sati sa bhajanagRhE upadESTumArabdhavAn tatO'nEkE lOkAstatkathAM zrutvA vismitya jagaduH, asya manujasya IdRzI AzcaryyakriyA kasmAj jAtA? tathA svakarAbhyAm itthamadbhutaM karmma karttAm Etasmai kathaM jnjAnaM dattam?
And whanne the sabat was come, Jhesus bigan to teche in a synagoge. And many herden, and wondriden in his techyng, and seiden, Of whennus to this alle these thingis? and what is the wisdom that is youun to hym, and siche vertues whiche ben maad bi hise hondis?
3 kimayaM mariyamaH putrastajnjA nO? kimayaM yAkUb-yOsi-yihudA-zimOnAM bhrAtA nO? asya bhaginyaH kimihAsmAbhiH saha nO? itthaM tE tadarthE pratyUhaM gatAH|
Whether this is not a carpenter, the sone of Marie, the brother of James and of Joseph and of Judas and of Symount? whether hise sistris ben not here with vs? And thei weren sclaundrid in hym.
4 tadA yIzustEbhyO'kathayat svadEzaM svakuTumbAn svaparijanAMzca vinA kutrApi bhaviSyadvAdI asatkRtO na bhavati|
And Jhesus seide to hem, That a profete is not without onoure, but in his owne cuntrey, and among his kynne, and in his hous.
5 aparanjca tESAmapratyayAt sa vismitaH kiyatAM rOgiNAM vapuHSu hastam arpayitvA kEvalaM tESAmArOgyakaraNAd anyat kimapi citrakAryyaM karttAM na zaktaH|
And he myyte not do there ony vertu, saue that he helide a fewe sijk men, leiynge on hem hise hoondis.
6 atha sa caturdikstha grAmAn bhramitvA upadiSTavAn
And he wondride for the vnbileue of hem. And he wente aboute casteles on ech side, and tauyte.
7 dvAdazaziSyAn AhUya amEdhyabhUtAn vazIkarttAM zaktiM dattvA tESAM dvau dvau janO prESitavAn|
And he clepide togidere twelue, and bigan to sende hem bi two togidere; and yaf to hem power of vnclene spiritis,
8 punarityAdizad yUyam EkaikAM yaSTiM vinA vastrasaMpuTaH pUpaH kaTibandhE tAmrakhaNPanjca ESAM kimapi mA grahlIta,
and comaundide hem, that thei schulde not take ony thing in the weie, but a yerde oneli, not a scrippe, ne breed, nether money in the girdil,
9 mArgayAtrAyai pAdESUpAnahau dattvA dvE uttarIyE mA paridhadvvaM|
but schod with sandalies, and that thei schulden not be clothid with twei cootis.
10 aparamapyuktaM tEna yUyaM yasyAM puryyAM yasya nivEzanaM pravEkSyatha tAM purIM yAvanna tyakSyatha tAvat tannivEzanE sthAsyatha|
And he seide to hem, Whidur euer ye entren in to an hous, dwelle ye there, til ye goon out fro thennus.
11 tatra yadi kEpi yuSmAkamAtithyaM na vidadhati yuSmAkaM kathAzca na zRNvanti tarhi tatsthAnAt prasthAnasamayE tESAM viruddhaM sAkSyaM dAtuM svapAdAnAsphAlya rajaH sampAtayata; ahaM yuSmAn yathArthaM vacmi vicAradinE tannagarasyAvasthAtaH sidOmAmOrayO rnagarayOravasthA sahyatarA bhaviSyati|
And who euer resseyueth you not, ne herith you, go ye out fro thennus, and schake awei the powdir fro youre feet, in to witnessyng to hem.
12 atha tE gatvA lOkAnAM manaHparAvarttanIH kathA pracAritavantaH|
And thei yeden forth, and prechiden, that men schulden do penaunce.
13 EvamanEkAn bhUtAMzca tyAjitavantastathA tailEna marddayitvA bahUn janAnarOgAnakArSuH|
And thei castiden out many feendis, and anoyntiden with oyle many sijk men, and thei weren heelid.
14 itthaM tasya sukhyAtizcaturdizO vyAptA tadA hErOd rAjA tannizamya kathitavAn, yOhan majjakaH zmazAnAd utthita atOhEtOstEna sarvvA EtA adbhutakriyAH prakAzantE|
And kyng Eroude herde, for his name was maad opyn, and seide, That Joon Baptist hath risen ayen fro deeth, and therfor vertues worchen in hym.
15 anyE'kathayan ayam EliyaH, kEpi kathitavanta ESa bhaviSyadvAdI yadvA bhaviSyadvAdinAM sadRza EkOyam|
Othir seiden, That it is Helie; but othir seiden, That it is a profete, as oon of profetis.
16 kintu hErOd ityAkarNya bhASitavAn yasyAhaM zirazchinnavAn sa Eva yOhanayaM sa zmazAnAdudatiSThat|
And whanne this thing was herd, Eroude seide, This Joon, whom Y haue biheedide, is risun ayen fro deeth.
17 pUrvvaM svabhrAtuH philipasya patnyA udvAhaM kRtavantaM hErOdaM yOhanavAdIt svabhAtRvadhU rna vivAhyA|
For thilke Eroude sente, and helde Joon, and boond hym in to prisoun, for Erodias, the wijf of Filip, his brothir; for he hadde weddid hir.
18 ataH kAraNAt hErOd lOkaM prahitya yOhanaM dhRtvA bandhanAlayE baddhavAn|
For Joon seide to Eroude, It is not leueful to thee, to haue the wijf of thi brothir.
19 hErOdiyA tasmai yOhanE prakupya taM hantum aicchat kintu na zaktA,
And Erodias leide aspies to hym, and wolde sle hym, and myyte not.
20 yasmAd hErOd taM dhArmmikaM satpuruSanjca jnjAtvA sammanya rakSitavAn; tatkathAM zrutvA tadanusArENa bahUni karmmANi kRtavAn hRSTamanAstadupadEzaM zrutavAMzca|
And Eroude dredde Joon, and knewe hym a iust man and hooli, and kepte hym. And Eroude herde hym, and he dide many thingis, and gladli herde hym.
21 kintu hErOd yadA svajanmadinE pradhAnalOkEbhyaH sEnAnIbhyazca gAlIlpradEzIyazrESThalOkEbhyazca rAtrau bhOjyamEkaM kRtavAn
And whanne a couenable dai was fallun, Eroude in his birthdai made a soper to the princis, and tribunes, and to the grettest of Galilee.
22 tasmin zubhadinE hErOdiyAyAH kanyA samEtya tESAM samakSaM saMnRtya hErOdastEna sahOpaviSTAnAnjca tOSamajIjanat tatA nRpaH kanyAmAha sma mattO yad yAcasE tadEva tubhyaM dAsyE|
And whanne the douyter of thilke Erodias was comun ynne, and daunside, and pleside to Eroude, and also to men that saten at the mete, the kyng seide to the damysel, Axe thou of me what thou wolt, and Y schal yyue to thee.
23 zapathaM kRtvAkathayat cEd rAjyArddhamapi yAcasE tadapi tubhyaM dAsyE|
And he swore to hir, That what euer thou axe, Y schal yyue to thee, thouy it be half my kyngdom.
24 tataH sA bahi rgatvA svamAtaraM papraccha kimahaM yAciSyE? tadA sAkathayat yOhanO majjakasya ziraH|
And whanne sche hadde goon out, sche seide to hir modir, What schal Y axe? And sche seide, The heed of Joon Baptist.
25 atha tUrNaM bhUpasamIpam Etya yAcamAnAvadat kSaNEsmin yOhanO majjakasya ziraH pAtrE nidhAya dEhi, Etad yAcE'haM|
And whanne sche was comun ynne anoon with haast to the kyng, sche axide, and seide, Y wole that anoon thou yyue to me in a dische the heed of Joon Baptist.
26 tasmAt bhUpO'tiduHkhitaH, tathApi svazapathasya sahabhOjinAnjcAnurOdhAt tadanaggIkarttuM na zaktaH|
And the kyng was sori for the ooth, and for men that saten togidere at the meete he wolde not make hir sori;
27 tatkSaNaM rAjA ghAtakaM prESya tasya zira AnEtumAdiSTavAn|
but sente a manqueller and comaundide, that Joones heed were brouyt in a dissche. And he bihedide hym in the prisoun,
28 tataH sa kArAgAraM gatvA tacchirazchitvA pAtrE nidhAyAnIya tasyai kanyAyai dattavAn kanyA ca svamAtrE dadau|
and brouyte his heed in a disch, and yaf it to the damysel, and the damysel yaf to hir modir.
29 ananataraM yOhanaH ziSyAstadvArttAM prApyAgatya tasya kuNapaM zmazAnE'sthApayan|
And whanne this thing was herd, hise disciplis camen, and token his bodi, and leiden it in a biriel.
30 atha prESitA yIzOH sannidhau militA yad yac cakruH zikSayAmAsuzca tatsarvvavArttAstasmai kathitavantaH|
And the apostlis camen togidere to Jhesu, and telden to hym alle thingis, that thei hadden don, and tauyt.
31 sa tAnuvAca yUyaM vijanasthAnaM gatvA vizrAmyata yatastatsannidhau bahulOkAnAM samAgamAt tE bhOktuM nAvakAzaM prAptAH|
And he seide to hem, Come ye bi you silf in to a desert place; and reste ye a litil. For there were many that camen, and wenten ayen, and thei hadden not space to ete.
32 tatastE nAvA vijanasthAnaM guptaM gagmuH|
And thei yeden in to a boot, and wenten in to a desert place bi hem silf.
33 tatO lOkanivahastESAM sthAnAntarayAnaM dadarza, anEkE taM paricitya nAnApurEbhyaH padairvrajitvA javEna taiSAmagrE yIzOH samIpa upatasthuH|
And thei sayn hem go awei, and many knewen, and thei wenten afoote fro alle citees, and runnen thidur, and camen bifor hem.
34 tadA yIzu rnAvO bahirgatya lOkAraNyAnIM dRSTvA tESu karuNAM kRtavAn yatastE'rakSakamESA ivAsan tadA sa tAna nAnAprasaggAn upadiSTavAn|
And Jhesus yede out, and saiy myche puple, and hadde reuth on hem, for thei weren as scheep not hauynge a scheepherd. And he bigan to teche hem many thingis.
35 atha divAntE sati ziSyA Etya yIzumUcirE, idaM vijanasthAnaM dinanjcAvasannaM|
And whanne it was forth daies, hise disciplis camen, and seiden, This is a desert place, and the tyme is now passid;
36 lOkAnAM kimapi khAdyaM nAsti, atazcaturdikSu grAmAn gantuM bhOjyadravyANi krEtunjca bhavAn tAn visRjatu|
lete hem go in to the nexte townes and villagis, to bie hem meete to ete.
37 tadA sa tAnuvAca yUyamEva tAn bhOjayata; tatastE jagadu rvayaM gatvA dvizatasaMkhyakai rmudrApAdaiH pUpAn krItvA kiM tAn bhOjayiSyAmaH?
And he answeride, and seide to hem, Yyue ye to hem to ete. And thei seiden to hym, Go we, and bie we looues with two hundrid pens, and we schulen yyue to hem to ete.
38 tadA sa tAn pRSThavAn yuSmAkaM sannidhau kati pUpA AsatE? gatvA pazyata; tatastE dRSTvA tamavadan panjca pUpA dvau matsyau ca santi|
And he seith to hem, Hou many looues han ye? Go ye, and se. And whanne thei hadden knowe, thei seien, Fyue, and two fischis.
39 tadA sa lOkAn zaspOpari paMktibhirupavEzayitum AdiSTavAn,
And he comaundide to hem, that thei schulden make alle men sitte to mete bi cumpanyes, on greene heye.
40 tatastE zataM zataM janAH panjcAzat panjcAzajjanAzca paMktibhi rbhuvi samupavivizuH|
And thei saten doun bi parties, bi hundridis, and bi fifties.
41 atha sa tAn panjcapUpAn matsyadvayanjca dhRtvA svargaM pazyan IzvaraguNAn anvakIrttayat tAn pUpAn bhaMktvA lOkEbhyaH parivESayituM ziSyEbhyO dattavAn dvA matsyau ca vibhajya sarvvEbhyO dattavAn|
And whanne he hadde take the fyue looues, and twei fischis, he biheelde in to heuene, and blesside, and brak looues, and yaf to hise disciplis, that thei schulden sette bifor hem. And he departide twei fischis to alle;
42 tataH sarvvE bhuktvAtRpyan|
and alle eeten, and weren fulfillid.
43 anantaraM ziSyA avaziSTaiH pUpai rmatsyaizca pUrNAn dvadaza PallakAn jagRhuH|
And thei token the relifs of brokun metis, twelue cofyns ful, and of the fischis.
44 tE bhOktAraH prAyaH panjca sahasrANi puruSA Asan|
And thei that eeten, weren fyue thousynde of men.
45 atha sa lOkAn visRjannEva nAvamArOPhuM svasmAdagrE pArE baitsaidApuraM yAtunjca zSyin vAPhamAdiSTavAn|
And anoon he maad hise disciplis to go up in to a boot, to passe bifor hym ouer the se to Bethsaida, the while he lefte the puple.
46 tadA sa sarvvAn visRjya prArthayituM parvvataM gataH|
And whanne he hadde left hem, he wente in to an hille, to preye.
47 tataH sandhyAyAM satyAM nauH sindhumadhya upasthitA kintu sa EkAkI sthalE sthitaH|
And whanne it was euen, the boot was in the myddil of the see, and he aloone in the loond;
48 atha sammukhavAtavahanAt ziSyA nAvaM vAhayitvA parizrAntA iti jnjAtvA sa nizAcaturthayAmE sindhUpari padbhyAM vrajan tESAM samIpamEtya tESAmagrE yAtum udyataH|
and he say hem trauelynge in rowyng; for the wynde was contrarie to hem. And aboute the fourthe wakynge of the nyyt, he wandride on the see, and cam to hem, and wolde passe hem.
49 kintu ziSyAH sindhUpari taM vrajantaM dRSTvA bhUtamanumAya ruruvuH,
And as thei sayn hym wandrynge on the see, thei gessiden that it weren a fantum, and crieden out;
50 yataH sarvvE taM dRSTvA vyAkulitAH| ataEva yIzustatkSaNaM taiH sahAlapya kathitavAn, susthirA bhUta, ayamahaM mA bhaiSTa|
for alle sayn hym, and thei weren afraied. And anoon he spak with hem, and seide to hem, Triste ye, Y am; nyle ye drede.
51 atha naukAmAruhya tasmin tESAM sannidhiM gatE vAtO nivRttaH; tasmAttE manaHsu vismitA AzcaryyaM mEnirE|
And he cam vp to hem in to the boot, and the wynde ceesside. And thei wondriden more `with ynne hem silf;
52 yatastE manasAM kAThinyAt tat pUpIyam AzcaryyaM karmma na viviktavantaH|
for thei vndurstoden not of the looues; for her herte was blyndid.
53 atha tE pAraM gatvA ginESaratpradEzamEtya taTa upasthitAH|
And whanne thei weren passid ouer the see, thei camen in to the lond of Genasareth, and settiden to loond.
54 tESu naukAtO bahirgatESu tatpradEzIyA lOkAstaM paricitya
And whanne thei weren gon out of the boot, anoon thei knewen hym.
55 caturdikSu dhAvantO yatra yatra rOgiNO narA Asan tAn sarvvAna khaTvOpari nidhAya yatra kutracit tadvArttAM prApuH tat sthAnam AnEtum ArEbhirE|
And thei ranne thorou al that cuntre, and bigunnen to brynge sijk men in beddis on eche side, where thei herden that he was.
56 tathA yatra yatra grAmE yatra yatra purE yatra yatra pallyAnjca tEna pravEzaH kRtastadvartmamadhyE lOkAH pIPitAn sthApayitvA tasya cElagranthimAtraM spraSTum tESAmarthE tadanujnjAM prArthayantaH yAvantO lOkAH paspRzustAvanta Eva gadAnmuktAH|
And whidur euer `he entride in to villagis, ethir in to townes, or in to citees, thei setten sijk men in stretis, and preiden hym, that thei schulden touche namely the hemme of his cloth; and hou many that touchiden hym, weren maad saaf.

< mArkaH 6 >