< prEritAH 8 >

1 tasya hatyAkaraNaM zaulOpi samamanyata| tasmin samayE yirUzAlamnagarasthAM maNPalIM prati mahAtAPanAyAM jAtAyAM prEritalOkAn hitvA sarvvE'parE yihUdAzOmirONadEzayO rnAnAsthAnE vikIrNAH santO gatAH|
And Saul was assenting to his death, and there came in that day a great persecution on the Assembly in Jerusalem, all were also scattered abroad in the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles;
2 anyacca bhaktalOkAstaM stiphAnaM zmazAnE sthApayitvA bahu vyalapan|
and devout men carried Stephen away, and made great lamentation over him;
3 kintu zaulO gRhE gRhE bhramitvA striyaH puruSAMzca dhRtvA kArAyAM baddhvA maNPalyA mahOtpAtaM kRtavAn|
and Saul was making havoc of the Assembly, entering into every house, and dragging away men and women, giving them up to prison;
4 anyacca yE vikIrNA abhavan tE sarvvatra bhramitvA susaMvAdaM prAcArayan|
they then indeed, having been scattered, went abroad proclaiming good news—the word.
5 tadA philipaH zOmirONnagaraM gatvA khrISTAkhyAnaM prAcArayat;
And Philip having gone down to a city of Samaria, was preaching the Christ to them;
6 tatO'zuci-bhRtagrastalOkEbhyO bhUtAzcItkRtyAgacchan tathA bahavaH pakSAghAtinaH khanjjA lOkAzca svasthA abhavan|
the multitudes were also giving heed to the things spoken by Philip, with one accord, in their hearing and seeing the signs that he was doing,
7 tasmAt lAkA IdRzaM tasyAzcaryyaM karmma vilOkya nizamya ca sarvva EkacittIbhUya tEnOktAkhyAnE manAMsi nyadadhuH|
for unclean spirits came forth from many who were possessed, crying with a loud voice, and many who have been paralytic and lame were healed,
8 tasminnagarE mahAnandazcAbhavat|
and there was great joy in that city.
9 tataH pUrvvaM tasminnagarE zimOnnAmA kazcijjanO bahvI rmAyAkriyAH kRtvA svaM kanjcana mahApuruSaM prOcya zOmirONIyAnAM mOhaM janayAmAsa|
And a certain man, by name Simon, was previously in the city using magic, and amazing the nation of Samaria, saying himself to be a certain great one,
10 tasmAt sa mAnuSa Izvarasya mahAzaktisvarUpa ityuktvA bAlavRddhavanitAH sarvvE lAkAstasmin manAMsi nyadadhuH|
to whom they were all giving heed, from small to great, saying, “This one is the great power of God”;
11 sa bahukAlAn mAyAvikriyayA sarvvAn atIva mOhayAnjcakAra, tasmAt tE taM mEnirE|
and they were giving heed to him, because of his having amazed them for a long time with deeds of magic.
12 kintvIzvarasya rAjyasya yIzukhrISTasya nAmnazcAkhyAnapracAriNaH philipasya kathAyAM vizvasya tESAM strIpuruSObhayalOkA majjitA abhavan|
And when they believed Philip, proclaiming good news, the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ, they were immersed—both men and women;
13 zESE sa zimOnapi svayaM pratyait tatO majjitaH san philipEna kRtAm AzcaryyakriyAM lakSaNanjca vilOkyAsambhavaM manyamAnastEna saha sthitavAn|
and Simon himself also believed, and having been immersed, he was continuing with Philip, beholding also signs and mighty acts being done, he was amazed.
14 itthaM zOmirONdEzIyalOkA Izvarasya kathAm agRhlan iti vArttAM yirUzAlamnagarasthaprEritAH prApya pitaraM yOhananjca tESAM nikaTE prESitavantaH|
And the apostles in Jerusalem having heard that Samaria has received the word of God, sent Peter and John to them,
15 tatastau tat sthAnam upasthAya lOkA yathA pavitram AtmAnaM prApnuvanti tadarthaM prArthayEtAM|
who having come down prayed concerning them, that they may receive the Holy Spirit—
16 yatastE purA kEvalaprabhuyIzO rnAmnA majjitamAtrA abhavan, na tu tESAM madhyE kamapi prati pavitrasyAtmana AvirbhAvO jAtaH|
for as yet He was fallen on none of them, and only they have been immersed—into the Name of the Lord Jesus;
17 kintu prEritAbhyAM tESAM gAtrESu karESvarpitESu satsu tE pavitram AtmAnam prApnuvan|
then they were laying hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
18 itthaM lOkAnAM gAtrESu prEritayOH karArpaNEna tAn pavitram AtmAnaM prAptAn dRSTvA sa zimOn tayOH samIpE mudrA AnIya kathitavAn;
And Simon, having beheld that through the laying on of the hands of the apostles the Holy Spirit is given, brought money before them,
19 ahaM yasya gAtrE hastam arpayiSyAmi tasyApi yathEtthaM pavitrAtmaprApti rbhavati tAdRzIM zaktiM mahyaM dattaM|
saying, “Give also to me this authority, that on whomsoever I may lay the hands, he may receive the Holy Spirit.”
20 kintu pitarastaM pratyavadat tava mudrAstvayA vinazyantu yata Izvarasya dAnaM mudrAbhiH krIyatE tvamitthaM buddhavAn;
And Peter said to him, “Your silver with you—may it be to destruction! Because you thought to possess the gift of God through money;
21 IzvarAya tAvantaHkaraNaM saralaM nahi, tasmAd atra tavAMzO'dhikArazca kOpi nAsti|
you have neither part nor lot in this thing, for your heart is not right before God;
22 ata EtatpApahEtOH khEdAnvitaH san kEnApi prakArENa tava manasa EtasyAH kukalpanAyAH kSamA bhavati, Etadartham IzvarE prArthanAM kuru;
convert, therefore, from this your wickedness, and implore God, if then the purpose of your heart may be forgiven you,
23 yatastvaM tiktapittE pApasya bandhanE ca yadasi tanmayA buddham|
for in the gall of bitterness, and bond of unrighteousness, I perceive you being.”
24 tadA zimOn akathayat tarhi yuvAbhyAmuditA kathA mayi yathA na phalati tadarthaM yuvAM mannimittaM prabhau prArthanAM kurutaM|
And Simon answering, said, “Implore for me to the LORD, that nothing may come on me of the things you have spoken.”
25 anEna prakArENa tau sAkSyaM dattvA prabhOH kathAM pracArayantau zOmirONIyAnAm anEkagrAmESu susaMvAdanjca pracArayantau yirUzAlamnagaraM parAvRtya gatau|
They indeed, therefore, having testified fully, and spoken the word of the LORD, turned back to Jerusalem; they also proclaimed good news in many villages of the Samaritans.
26 tataH param Izvarasya dUtaH philipam ityAdizat, tvamutthAya dakSiNasyAM dizi yO mArgO prAntarasya madhyEna yirUzAlamO 'sAnagaraM yAti taM mArgaM gaccha|
And a messenger of the LORD spoke to Philip, saying, “Arise, and go on toward the south, on the way that is going down from Jerusalem to Gaza.” (This is desolate.)
27 tataH sa utthAya gatavAn; tadA kandAkInAmnaH kUzlOkAnAM rAjnjyAH sarvvasampattEradhIzaH kUzadEzIya EkaH SaNPO bhajanArthaM yirUzAlamnagaram Agatya
And having arisen, he went on, and behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch, a man of rank, of Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who was over all her treasure, who had come to Jerusalem to worship;
28 punarapi rathamAruhya yizayiyanAmnO bhaviSyadvAdinO granthaM paThan pratyAgacchati|
he was also returning, and is sitting on his chariot, and he was reading the prophet Isaiah.
29 Etasmin samayE AtmA philipam avadat, tvam rathasya samIpaM gatvA tEna sArddhaM mila|
And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near, and be joined to this chariot”;
30 tasmAt sa dhAvan tasya sannidhAvupasthAya tEna paThyamAnaM yizayiyathaviSyadvAdinO vAkyaM zrutvA pRSTavAn yat paThasi tat kiM budhyasE?
and Philip having run near, heard him reading the prophet Isaiah and said, “Do you then know what you read?”
31 tataH sa kathitavAn kEnacinna bOdhitOhaM kathaM budhyEya? tataH sa philipaM rathamArOPhuM svEna sArddham upavESTunjca nyavEdayat|
And he said, “Why, how am I able, if someone may not guide me?” He called Philip also, having come up, to sit with him.
32 sa zAstrasyEtadvAkyaM paThitavAn yathA, samAnIyata ghAtAya sa yathA mESazAvakaH| lOmacchEdakasAkSAcca mESazca nIravO yathA| Abadhya vadanaM svIyaM tathA sa samatiSThata|
And the passage of the Writing that he was reading was this: “He was led as a sheep to slaughter, And as a lamb before his shearer is silent, So He does not open His mouth;
33 anyAyEna vicArENa sa ucchinnO 'bhavat tadA| tatkAlInamanuSyAn kO janO varNayituM kSamaH| yatO jIvannRNAM dEzAt sa ucchinnO 'bhavat dhruvaM|
In His humiliation His judgment was taken away, And His generation—who will declare? Because His life is taken from the earth.”
34 anantaraM sa philipam avadat nivEdayAmi, bhaviSyadvAdI yAmimAM kathAM kathayAmAsa sa kiM svasmin vA kasmiMzcid anyasmin?
And the eunuch answering Philip said, “I beg you, about whom does the prophet say this? About himself, or about some other one?”
35 tataH philipastatprakaraNam Arabhya yIzOrupAkhyAnaM tasyAgrE prAstaut|
And Philip having opened his mouth, and having begun from this Writing, proclaimed good news to him—Jesus.
36 itthaM mArgENa gacchantau jalAzayasya samIpa upasthitau; tadA klIbO'vAdIt pazyAtra sthAnE jalamAstE mama majjanE kA bAdhA?
And as they were going on the way, they came on some water, and the eunuch said, “Behold, water; what hinders me to be immersed?”
37 tataH philipa uttaraM vyAharat svAntaHkaraNEna sAkaM yadi pratyESi tarhi bAdhA nAsti| tataH sa kathitavAn yIzukhrISTa Izvarasya putra ityahaM pratyEmi|
[[And Philip said, “If you believe out of all the heart, it is lawful”; and he answering said, “I believe Jesus Christ to be the Son of God”; ]]
38 tadA rathaM sthagitaM karttum AdiSTE philipaklIbau dvau jalam avAruhatAM; tadA philipastam majjayAmAsa|
and he commanded the chariot to stand still, and they both went down to the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and he immersed him;
39 tatpazcAt jalamadhyAd utthitayOH satOH paramEzvarasyAtmA philipaM hRtvA nItavAn, tasmAt klIbaH punastaM na dRSTavAn tathApi hRSTacittaH san svamArgENa gatavAn|
and when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the LORD snatched up Philip, and the eunuch saw him no more, for he was going on his way rejoicing;
40 philipazcAsdOdnagaram upasthAya tasmAt kaisariyAnagara upasthitikAlaparyyanataM sarvvasminnagarE susaMvAdaM pracArayan gatavAn|
and Philip was found at Azotus, and passing through, he was proclaiming good news to all the cities, until his coming to Caesarea.

< prEritAH 8 >