< prEritAH 26 >

1 tata AgrippaH paulam avAdIt, nijAM kathAM kathayituM tubhyam anumati rdIyatE| tasmAt paulaH karaM prasAryya svasmin uttaram avAdIt|
And Agrippa said to Paul, “It is permitted to you to speak for yourself”; then Paul having stretched forth the hand, was making a defense:
2 hE AgripparAja yatkAraNAdahaM yihUdIyairapavAditO 'bhavaM tasya vRttAntam adya bhavataH sAkSAn nivEdayitumanumatOham idaM svIyaM paramaM bhAgyaM manyE;
“Concerning all things of which I am accused by Jews, King Agrippa, I have thought myself blessed, being about to make a defense before you today,
3 yatO yihUdIyalOkAnAM madhyE yA yA rItiH sUkSmavicArAzca santi tESu bhavAn vijnjatamaH; ataEva prArthayE dhairyyamavalambya mama nivEdanaM zRNOtu|
especially knowing you to be acquainted with all things—both customs and questions—among Jews; for this reason, I implore you to hear me patiently.
4 ahaM yirUzAlamnagarE svadEzIyalOkAnAM madhyE tiSThan A yauvanakAlAd yadrUpam AcaritavAn tad yihUdIyalOkAH sarvvE vidanti|
The manner of my life then, indeed, from youth—which from the beginning was among my nation, in Jerusalem—all the Jews know,
5 asmAkaM sarvvEbhyaH zuddhatamaM yat phirUzIyamataM tadavalambI bhUtvAhaM kAlaM yApitavAn yE janA A bAlyakAlAn mAM jAnAnti tE EtAdRzaM sAkSyaM yadi dadAti tarhi dAtuM zaknuvanti|
knowing me before from the first (if they may be willing to testify), that after the most exact sect of our worship, I lived a Pharisee;
6 kintu hE AgripparAja IzvarO'smAkaM pUrvvapuruSANAM nikaTE yad aggIkRtavAn tasya pratyAzAhEtOraham idAnIM vicArasthAnE daNPAyamAnOsmi|
and now for the hope of the promise made to the fathers by God, I have stood judged,
7 tasyAggIkArasya phalaM prAptum asmAkaM dvAdazavaMzA divAnizaM mahAyatnAd IzvarasEvanaM kRtvA yAM pratyAzAM kurvvanti tasyAH pratyAzAyA hEtOrahaM yihUdIyairapavAditO'bhavam|
to which our twelve tribes, intently serving night and day, hope to come, concerning which hope I am accused, King Agrippa, by the Jews;
8 IzvarO mRtAn utthApayiSyatIti vAkyaM yuSmAkaM nikaTE'sambhavaM kutO bhavEt?
why is it judged incredible with you if God raises the dead?
9 nAsaratIyayIzO rnAmnO viruddhaM nAnAprakArapratikUlAcaraNam ucitam ityahaM manasi yathArthaM vijnjAya
I indeed, therefore, thought with myself that it was necessary [for me] to do many things against the Name of Jesus of Nazareth,
10 yirUzAlamanagarE tadakaravaM phalataH pradhAnayAjakasya nikaTAt kSamatAM prApya bahUn pavitralOkAn kArAyAM baddhavAn vizESatastESAM hananasamayE tESAM viruddhAM nijAM sammatiM prakAzitavAn|
which I also did in Jerusalem, and I shut up many of the holy ones in prison, having received the authority from the chief priests; they also being put to death, I gave my vote against them,
11 vAraM vAraM bhajanabhavanESu tEbhyO daNPaM pradattavAn balAt taM dharmmaM nindayitavAMzca punazca tAn prati mahAkrOdhAd unmattaH san vidEzIyanagarANi yAvat tAn tAPitavAn|
and in every synagogue, often punishing them, I was constraining [them] to speak evil, being also exceedingly mad against them, I was also persecuting [them] even to strange cities.
12 itthaM pradhAnayAjakasya samIpAt zaktim AjnjApatranjca labdhvA dammESaknagaraM gatavAn|
In which things, also, going on to Damascus—with authority and commission from the chief priests—
13 tadAhaM hE rAjan mArgamadhyE madhyAhnakAlE mama madIyasagginAM lOkAnAnjca catasRSu dikSu gagaNAt prakAzamAnAM bhAskaratOpi tEjasvatIM dIptiM dRSTavAn|
at midday, I saw in the way, O king, out of Heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining around me a light—and those going on with me;
14 tasmAd asmAsu sarvvESu bhUmau patitESu satsu hE zaula hai zaula kutO mAM tAPayasi? kaNTakAnAM mukhE pAdAhananaM tava duHsAdhyam ibrIyabhASayA gadita EtAdRza EkaH zabdO mayA zrutaH|
and we all having fallen to the earth, I heard a voice speaking to me, and saying in the Hebrew dialect, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me? [It is] hard for you to kick against goads!
15 tadAhaM pRSTavAn hE prabhO kO bhavAn? tataH sa kathitavAn yaM yIzuM tvaM tAPayasi sOhaM,
And I said, Who are You, Lord? And He said, I am Jesus whom you persecute;
16 kintu samuttiSTha tvaM yad dRSTavAn itaH punanjca yadyat tvAM darzayiSyAmi tESAM sarvvESAM kAryyANAM tvAM sAkSiNaM mama sEvakanjca karttum darzanam adAm|
but rise, and stand on your feet, for this I appeared to you, to appoint you an officer and a witness both of the things you saw, and of the things [in which] I will appear to you,
17 vizESatO yihUdIyalOkEbhyO bhinnajAtIyEbhyazca tvAM manOnItaM kRtvA tESAM yathA pApamOcanaM bhavati
delivering you from the people, and the nations, to whom I now send you,
18 yathA tE mayi vizvasya pavitrIkRtAnAM madhyE bhAgaM prApnuvanti tadabhiprAyENa tESAM jnjAnacakSUMSi prasannAni karttuM tathAndhakArAd dIptiM prati zaitAnAdhikArAcca IzvaraM prati matIH parAvarttayituM tESAM samIpaM tvAM prESyAmi|
to open their eyes, to turn [them] from darkness to light, and [from] the authority of Satan to God, for their receiving forgiveness of sins, and a lot among those having been sanctified by faith that [is] toward Me.
19 hE AgripparAja EtAdRzaM svargIyapratyAdEzaM agrAhyam akRtvAhaM
After which, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision,
20 prathamatO dammESaknagarE tatO yirUzAlami sarvvasmin yihUdIyadEzE anyESu dEzESu ca yEna lOkA matiM parAvarttya IzvaraM prati parAvarttayantE, manaHparAvarttanayOgyAni karmmANi ca kurvvanti tAdRzam upadEzaM pracAritavAn|
but to those in Damascus first, and to those in Jerusalem, also to all the region of Judea, and to the nations, I was preaching to convert, and to turn back to God, doing works worthy of conversion;
21 EtatkAraNAd yihUdIyA madhyEmandiraM mAM dhRtvA hantum udyatAH|
because of these things the Jews—having caught me in the temple—were endeavoring to kill [me].
22 tathApi khrISTO duHkhaM bhuktvA sarvvESAM pUrvvaM zmazAnAd utthAya nijadEzIyAnAM bhinnadEzIyAnAnjca samIpE dIptiM prakAzayiSyati
Having obtained, therefore, help from God, until this day, I have stood witnessing both to small and to great, saying nothing besides the things that both the prophets and Moses spoke of as about to come,
23 bhaviSyadvAdigaNO mUsAzca bhAvikAryyasya yadidaM pramANam adadurEtad vinAnyAM kathAM na kathayitvA IzvarAd anugrahaM labdhvA mahatAM kSudrANAnjca sarvvESAM samIpE pramANaM dattvAdya yAvat tiSThAmi|
that the Christ is to suffer, whether first by a resurrection from the dead, He is about to proclaim light to the people and to the nations.”
24 tasyamAM kathAM nizamya phISTa uccaiH svarENa kathitavAn hE paula tvam unmattOsi bahuvidyAbhyAsEna tvaM hatajnjAnO jAtaH|
And he thus making a defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “You are mad, Paul; much learning turns you mad!”
25 sa uktavAn hE mahAmahima phISTa nAham unmattaH kintu satyaM vivEcanIyanjca vAkyaM prastaumi|
And he says, “I am not mad, most noble Festus, but of truth and soberness I speak forth the sayings;
26 yasya sAkSAd akSObhaH san kathAM kathayAmi sa rAjA tadvRttAntaM jAnAti tasya samIpE kimapi guptaM nEti mayA nizcitaM budhyatE yatastad vijanE na kRtaM|
for the king knows concerning these things, before whom I also speak boldly, for none of these things, I am persuaded, are hidden from him; for this thing has not been done in a corner;
27 hE AgripparAja bhavAn kiM bhaviSyadvAdigaNOktAni vAkyAni pratyEti? bhavAn pratyEti tadahaM jAnAmi|
do you believe, King Agrippa, the prophets? I have known that you believe!”
28 tata AgrippaH paulam abhihitavAn tvaM pravRttiM janayitvA prAyENa mAmapi khrISTIyaM karOSi|
And Agrippa said to Paul, “In [so] little you persuade me to become a Christian?”
29 tataH sO'vAdIt bhavAn yE yE lOkAzca mama kathAm adya zRNvanti prAyENa iti nahi kintvEtat zRgkhalabandhanaM vinA sarvvathA tE sarvvE mAdRzA bhavantvitIzvasya samIpE prArthayE'ham|
And Paul said, “I would have wished to God, both in a little, and in much, not only you, but also all those hearing me today, to become such as I also am—except these bonds.”
30 EtasyAM kathAyAM kathitAyAM sa rAjA sO'dhipati rbarNIkI sabhAsthA lOkAzca tasmAd utthAya
And he having spoken these things, the king rose up, and the governor, Bernice also, and those sitting with them,
31 gOpanE parasparaM vivicya kathitavanta ESa janO bandhanArhaM prANahananArhaM vA kimapi karmma nAkarOt|
and having withdrawn, they were speaking to one another, saying, “This man does nothing worthy of death or of bonds”;
32 tata AgrippaH phISTam avadat, yadyESa mAnuSaH kaisarasya nikaTE vicAritO bhavituM na prArthayiSyat tarhi muktO bhavitum azakSyat|
and Agrippa said to Festus, “This man might have been released if he had not appealed to Caesar.”

< prEritAH 26 >