< prEritAH 10 >

1 kaisariyAnagara itAliyAkhyasainyAntargataH karNIliyanAmA sEnApatirAsIt
A man was in Cesarie, Cornelie bi name, a centurien of the cumpanye of knyytis, that is seid of Italie;
2 sa saparivArO bhakta IzvaraparAyaNazcAsIt; lOkEbhyO bahUni dAnAdIni datvA nirantaram IzvarE prArthayAnjcakrE|
a religious man, and dredinge the Lord, with al his meyne; doynge many almessis to the puple, and preynge the Lord euere more.
3 EkadA tRtIyapraharavElAyAM sa dRSTavAn IzvarasyaikO dUtaH saprakAzaM tatsamIpam Agatya kathitavAn, hE karNIliya|
This say in a visioun opinli, as in the nynthe oure of the dai, an aungel of God entringe in to hym, and seiynge to hym, Cornelie.
4 kintu sa taM dRSTvA bhItO'kathayat, hE prabhO kiM? tadA tamavadat tava prArthanA dAnAdi ca sAkSisvarUpaM bhUtvEzvarasya gOcaramabhavat|
And he bihelde hym, and was a dred, and seide, Who art thou, Lord? And he seide to hym, Thi preieris and thin almesdedis han stied vp in to mynde, in the siyt of the Lord.
5 idAnIM yAphOnagaraM prati lOkAn prESya samudratIrE zimOnnAmnazcarmmakArasya gRhE pravAsakArI pitaranAmnA vikhyAtO yaH zimOn tam AhvAyaya;
And now sende thou men in to Joppe, and clepe oon Symount, that is named Petre.
6 tasmAt tvayA yadyat karttavyaM tattat sa vadiSyati|
This is herborid at a man Symount, curiour, whos hous is bisidis the see. This schal seie to thee, what it bihoueth thee to do.
7 ityupadizya dUtE prasthitE sati karNIliyaH svagRhasthAnAM dAsAnAM dvau janau nityaM svasagginAM sainyAnAm EkAM bhaktasEnAnjcAhUya
And whanne the aungel that spak to hym, was gon awei, he clepide twei men of his hous, and a knyyt that dredde the Lord, whiche weren at his bidding.
8 sakalamEtaM vRttAntaM vijnjApya yAphOnagaraM tAn prAhiNOt|
And whanne he hadde told hem alle these thingis, he sente hem in to Joppe.
9 parasmin dinE tE yAtrAM kRtvA yadA nagarasya samIpa upAtiSThan, tadA pitarO dvitIyapraharavElAyAM prArthayituM gRhapRSTham ArOhat|
And on the dai suynge, while thei maden iournei, and neiyeden to the citee, Petre wente vp in to the hiest place of the hous to preie, aboute the sixte our.
10 Etasmin samayE kSudhArttaH san kinjcid bhOktum aicchat kintu tESAm annAsAdanasamayE sa mUrcchitaH sannapatat|
And whanne he was hungrid, he wolde haue ete. But while thei maden redi, a rauysching of spirit felde on hym;
11 tatO mEghadvAraM muktaM caturbhiH kONai rlambitaM bRhadvastramiva kinjcana bhAjanam AkAzAt pRthivIm avArOhatIti dRSTavAn|
and he say heuene openyd, and a vessel comynge doun, as a greet scheet with foure corneris, to be lette doun fro heuene in to erthe,
12 tanmadhyE nAnaprakArA grAmyavanyapazavaH khEcarOrOgAmiprabhRtayO jantavazcAsan|
in which weren alle foure footid beestis, and crepinge of the erthe, and volatilis of heuene.
13 anantaraM hE pitara utthAya hatvA bhuMkSva tampratIyaM gagaNIyA vANI jAtA|
And a vois was maad to hym, Rise thou, Petre, and sle, and ete.
14 tadA pitaraH pratyavadat, hE prabhO IdRzaM mA bhavatu, aham Etat kAlaM yAvat niSiddham azuci vA dravyaM kinjcidapi na bhuktavAn|
And Petre seide, Lord, forbede, for Y neuer ete ony comun thing and vnclene.
15 tataH punarapi tAdRzI vihayasIyA vANI jAtA yad IzvaraH zuci kRtavAn tat tvaM niSiddhaM na jAnIhi|
And eft the secounde tyme the vois was maad to him, That thing that God hath clensid, seye thou not vnclene.
16 itthaM triH sati tat pAtraM punarAkRSTaM AkAzam agacchat|
And this thing was don bi thries; and anoon the vessel was resseyued ayen.
17 tataH paraM yad darzanaM prAptavAn tasya kO bhAva ityatra pitarO manasA sandEgdhi, Etasmin samayE karNIliyasya tE prESitA manuSyA dvArasya sannidhAvupasthAya,
And while that Petre doutide with ynne hym silf, what the visioun was that he say, lo! the men, that weren sent fro Corneli, souyten the hous of Symount, and stoden at the yate.
18 zimOnO gRhamanvicchantaH sampRchyAhUya kathitavantaH pitaranAmnA vikhyAtO yaH zimOn sa kimatra pravasati?
And whanne thei hadden clepid, thei axiden if Symount, that is named Petre, hadde there herbore.
19 yadA pitarastaddarzanasya bhAvaM manasAndOlayati tadAtmA tamavadat, pazya trayO janAstvAM mRgayantE|
And while Petre thouyte on the visioun, the spirit seide to hym, Lo! thre men seken thee.
20 tvam utthAyAvaruhya niHsandEhaM taiH saha gaccha mayaiva tE prESitAH|
Therfor ryse thou, and go doun, and go with hem, and doute thou no thing, for Y sente hem.
21 tasmAt pitarO'varuhya karNIliyaprEritalOkAnAM nikaTamAgatya kathitavAn pazyata yUyaM yaM mRgayadhvE sa janOhaM, yUyaM kinnimittam AgatAH?
And Petre cam doun to the men, and seide, Lo! Y am, whom ye seken; what is the cause, for which ye ben come?
22 tatastE pratyavadan karNIliyanAmA zuddhasattva IzvaraparAyaNO yihUdIyadEzasthAnAM sarvvESAM sannidhau sukhyAtyApanna EkaH sEnApati rnijagRhaM tvAmAhUya nEtuM tvattaH kathA zrOtunjca pavitradUtEna samAdiSTaH|
And thei seiden, Cornelie, the centurien, a iust man, and dredinge God, and hath good witnessyng of alle the folc of Jewis, took aunswere of an hooli aungel, to clepe thee in to his hous, and to here wordis of thee.
23 tadA pitarastAnabhyantaraM nItvA tESAmAtithyaM kRtavAn, parE'hani taiH sArddhaM yAtrAmakarOt, yAphOnivAsinAM bhrAtRNAM kiyantO janAzca tEna saha gatAH|
Therfor he ledde hem inne, and resseyuede in herbore; and that nyyt thei dwelliden with hym. And in the dai suynge he roos, and wente forth with hem; and sum of the britheren folewiden hym fro Joppe, that thei be witnessis to Petre.
24 parasmin divasE kaisariyAnagaramadhyapravEzasamayE karNIliyO jnjAtibandhUn AhUyAnIya tAn apEkSya sthitaH|
And the other dai he entride in to Cesarie. And Cornelie abood hem, with hise cousyns, and necessarie freendis, that weren clepid togidere.
25 pitarE gRha upasthitE karNIliyastaM sAkSAtkRtya caraNayOH patitvA prANamat|
And it was don, whanne Petre was come ynne, Corneli cam metynge hym, and felle doun at hise feet, and worschipide him.
26 pitarastamutthApya kathitavAn, uttiSThAhamapi mAnuSaH|
But Petre reiside hym, and seide, Aryse thou, also Y my silf am a man, as thou.
27 tadA karNIliyEna sAkam Alapan gRhaM prAvizat tanmadhyE ca bahulOkAnAM samAgamaM dRSTvA tAn avadat,
And he spak with hym, and wente in, and foonde many that weren come togidere.
28 anyajAtIyalOkaiH mahAlapanaM vA tESAM gRhamadhyE pravEzanaM yihUdIyAnAM niSiddham astIti yUyam avagacchatha; kintu kamapi mAnuSam avyavahAryyam azuciM vA jnjAtuM mama nOcitam iti paramEzvarO mAM jnjApitavAn|
And he seide to hem, Ye witen, how abhomynable it is to a Jewe, to be ioyned ether to come to an alien; but God schewide to me, that no man seye a man comyn, ethir vnclene.
29 iti hEtOrAhvAnazravaNamAtrAt kAnjcanApattim akRtvA yuSmAkaM samIpam AgatOsmi; pRcchAmi yUyaM kinnimittaM mAm AhUyata?
For which thing Y cam, whanne Y was clepid, with out douting. Therfor Y axe you, for what cause han ye clepid me?
30 tadA karNIliyaH kathitavAn, adya catvAri dinAni jAtAni EtAvadvElAM yAvad aham anAhAra Asan tatastRtIyapraharE sati gRhE prArthanasamayE tEjOmayavastrabhRd EkO janO mama samakSaM tiSThan EtAM kathAm akathayat,
And Cornelie seide, To dai foure daies in to this our, Y was preiynge and fastynge in the nynthe our in myn hous. And lo! a man stood bifore me in a whijt cloth, and seide,
31 hE karNIliya tvadIyA prArthanA Izvarasya karNagOcarIbhUtA tava dAnAdi ca sAkSisvarUpaM bhUtvA tasya dRSTigOcaramabhavat|
Cornelie, thi preier is herd, and thin almesdedis ben in mynde in the siyt of God.
32 atO yAphOnagaraM prati lOkAn prahitya tatra samudratIrE zimOnnAmnaH kasyaciccarmmakArasya gRhE pravAsakArI pitaranAmnA vikhyAtO yaH zimOn tamAhUyaya; tataH sa Agatya tvAm upadEkSyati|
Therfor sende thou in to Joppe, and clepe Symount, that is named Petre; this is herborid in the hous of Symount coriour, bisidis the see. This, whanne he schal come, schal speke to thee.
33 iti kAraNAt tatkSaNAt tava nikaTE lOkAn prESitavAn, tvamAgatavAn iti bhadraM kRtavAn| IzvarO yAnyAkhyAnAni kathayitum Adizat tAni zrOtuM vayaM sarvvE sAmpratam Izvarasya sAkSAd upasthitAH smaH|
Therfor anoon Y sente to thee, and thou didist wel in comynge to vs. `Now therfor we alle ben present in thi siyt, to here the wordis, what euer ben comaundid to thee of the Lord.
34 tadA pitara imAM kathAM kathayitum ArabdhavAn, IzvarO manuSyANAm apakSapAtI san
And Petre openyde his mouth, and seide, In trewthe Y haue foundun, that God is no acceptor of persoones;
35 yasya kasyacid dEzasya yO lOkAstasmAdbhItvA satkarmma karOti sa tasya grAhyO bhavati, Etasya nizcayam upalabdhavAnaham|
but in eche folk he that dredith God, and worchith riytwisnesse, is accept to hym.
36 sarvvESAM prabhu ryO yIzukhrISTastEna Izvara isrAyElvaMzAnAM nikaTE susaMvAdaM prESya sammElanasya yaM saMvAdaM prAcArayat taM saMvAdaM yUyaM zrutavantaH|
God sente a word to the children of Israel, schewinge pees bi Jhesu Crist; this is Lord of alle thingis.
37 yatO yOhanA majjanE pracAritE sati sa gAlIladEzamArabhya samastayihUdIyadEzaM vyApnOt;
Ye witen the word that is maad thorou al Judee, and bigan at Galile, aftir the baptym that Joon prechide, Jhesu of Nazareth;
38 phalata IzvarENa pavitrENAtmanA zaktyA cAbhiSiktO nAsaratIyayIzuH sthAnE sthAnE bhraman sukriyAM kurvvan zaitAnA kliSTAn sarvvalOkAn svasthAn akarOt, yata Izvarastasya sahAya AsIt;
hou God anoyntide hym with the Hooli Goost, and vertu; which passide forth in doynge wel, and heelynge alle men oppressid of the deuel, for God was with hym.
39 vayanjca yihUdIyadEzE yirUzAlamnagarE ca tEna kRtAnAM sarvvESAM karmmaNAM sAkSiNO bhavAmaH| lOkAstaM kruzE viddhvA hatavantaH,
And we ben witnessis of alle thingis, whiche he dide in the cuntrei of Jewis, and of Jerusalem; whom thei slowen, hangynge in a tre.
40 kintu tRtIyadivasE IzvarastamutthApya saprakAzam adarzayat|
And God reiside this in the thridde dai, and yaf hym to be maad knowun,
41 sarvvalOkAnAM nikaTa iti na hi, kintu tasmin zmazAnAdutthitE sati tEna sArddhaM bhOjanaM pAnanjca kRtavanta EtAdRzA Izvarasya manOnItAH sAkSiNO yE vayam asmAkaM nikaTE tamadarzayat|
not to al puple, but to witnessis bifor ordeyned of God; to vs that eeten and drunken with hym, after that he roos ayen fro deth.
42 jIvitamRtObhayalOkAnAM vicAraM karttum IzvarO yaM niyuktavAn sa Eva sa janaH, imAM kathAM pracArayituM tasmin pramANaM dAtunjca sO'smAn AjnjApayat|
And he comaundide to vs to preche to the puple, and to witnesse, that he it is, that is ordeyned of God domesman of the quyk and of deede.
43 yastasmin vizvasiti sa tasya nAmnA pApAnmuktO bhaviSyati tasmin sarvvE bhaviSyadvAdinOpi EtAdRzaM sAkSyaM dadati|
To this alle prophetis beren witnessing, that alle men that bileuen in hym, schulen resseyue remyssioun of synnes bi his name.
44 pitarasyaitatkathAkathanakAlE sarvvESAM zrOtRNAmupari pavitra AtmAvArOhat|
And yit while that Petre spak these wordis, the Hooli Goost felde on alle that herden the word.
45 tataH pitarENa sArddham AgatAstvakchEdinO vizvAsinO lOkA anyadEzIyEbhyaH pavitra Atmani dattE sati
And the feithful men of circumcisioun, that camen with Petre, wondriden, that also in to naciouns the grace of the Hooli Goost is sched out.
46 tE nAnAjAtIyabhASAbhiH kathAM kathayanta IzvaraM prazaMsanti, iti dRSTvA zrutvA ca vismayam Apadyanta|
For thei herden hem spekynge in langagis, and magnyfiynge God.
47 tadA pitaraH kathitavAn, vayamiva yE pavitram AtmAnaM prAptAstESAM jalamajjanaM kiM kOpi niSEddhuM zaknOti?
Thanne Petre answeride, Whether ony man may forbede watir, that these ben not baptisid, that han also resseyued the Hooli Goost as we?
48 tataH prabhO rnAmnA majjitA bhavatEti tAnAjnjApayat| anantaraM tE svaiH sArddhaM katipayadinAni sthAtuM prArthayanta|
And he comaundide hem to be baptisid in the name of the Lord Jhesu Crist. Thanne thei preieden hym, that he schulde dwelle with hem sum daies.

< prEritAH 10 >