< 2 thiSalanIkinaH 2 >

1 hE bhrAtaraH, asmAkaM prabhO ryIzukhrISTasyAgamanaM tasya samIpE 'smAkaM saMsthitinjcAdhi vayaM yuSmAn idaM prArthayAmahE,
But, britheren, we preien you bi the comyng of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, and of oure congregacioun in to the same comyng,
2 prabhEstad dinaM prAyENOpasthitam iti yadi kazcid AtmanA vAcA vA patrENa vAsmAkam AdEzaM kalpayan yuSmAn gadati tarhi yUyaM tEna canjcalamanasa udvignAzca na bhavata|
that ye be not mouyd soone fro youre witt, nether be aferd, nether bi spirit, nether bi word, nether bi epistle as sent bi vs, as if the dai of the Lord be nyy.
3 kEnApi prakArENa kO'pi yuSmAn na vanjcayatu yatastasmAd dinAt pUrvvaM dharmmalOpEnOpasyAtavyaM,
No man disseyue you in ony manere. For but dissencioun come first, and the man of synne be schewid, the sonne of perdicioun,
4 yazca janO vipakSatAM kurvvan sarvvasmAd dEvAt pUjanIyavastuzcOnnaMsyatE svam Izvaramiva darzayan Izvaravad Izvarasya mandira upavEkSyati ca tEna vinAzapAtrENa pApapuruSENOdEtavyaM|
that is aduersarie, and is enhaunsid ouer `al thing that is seid God, or that is worschipid, so that he sitte in the temple of God, and schewe hym silf as if he were God.
5 yadAhaM yuSmAkaM sannidhAvAsaM tadAnIm Etad akathayamiti yUyaM kiM na smaratha?
Whether ye holden not, that yit whanne Y was at you, Y seide these thingis to you?
6 sAmprataM sa yEna nivAryyatE tad yUyaM jAnItha, kintu svasamayE tEnOdEtavyaM|
And now what withholdith, ye witen, that he be schewid in his tyme.
7 vidharmmasya nigUPhO guNa idAnImapi phalati kintu yastaM nivArayati sO'dyApi dUrIkRtO nAbhavat|
For the priuete of wickidnesse worchith now; oneli that he that holdith now, holde, til he be do awei.
8 tasmin dUrIkRtE sa vidharmmyudESyati kintu prabhu ryIzuH svamukhapavanEna taM vidhvaMsayiSyati nijOpasthitEstEjasA vinAzayiSyati ca|
And thanne thilke wickid man schal be schewid, whom the Lord Jhesu schal sle with the spirit of his mouth, and schal distrie with liytnyng of his comyng;
9 zayatAnasya zaktiprakAzanAd vinAzyamAnAnAM madhyE sarvvavidhAH parAkramA bhramikA AzcaryyakriyA lakSaNAnyadharmmajAtA sarvvavidhapratAraNA ca tasyOpasthitEH phalaM bhaviSyati;
hym, whos comyng is bi the worching of Sathanas, in al vertu, and signes,
10 yatO hEtOstE paritrANaprAptayE satyadharmmasyAnurAgaM na gRhItavantastasmAt kAraNAd
and grete wondris, false, and in al disseit of wickidnesse, to hem that perischen. For that thei resseyueden not the charite of treuthe, that thei schulden be maad saaf.
11 IzvarENa tAn prati bhrAntikaramAyAyAM prESitAyAM tE mRSAvAkyE vizvasiSyanti|
And therfor God schal sende to hem a worching of errour, that thei bileue to leesing,
12 yatO yAvantO mAnavAH satyadharmmE na vizvasyAdharmmENa tuSyanti taiH sarvvai rdaNPabhAjanai rbhavitavyaM|
that alle be demed, whiche bileueden not to treuthe, but consentiden to wickidnesse.
13 hE prabhOH priyA bhrAtaraH, yuSmAkaM kRta Izvarasya dhanyavAdO'smAbhiH sarvvadA karttavyO yata Izvara A prathamAd AtmanaH pAvanEna satyadharmmE vizvAsEna ca paritrANArthaM yuSmAn varItavAn
But, britheren louyd of God, we owen to do thankyngis euermore to God for you, that God chees vs the firste fruytis in to heelthe, in halewing of spirit and in feith of treuthe;
14 tadarthanjcAsmAbhi rghOSitEna susaMvAdEna yuSmAn AhUyAsmAkaM prabhO ryIzukhrISTasya tEjasO'dhikAriNaH kariSyati|
in which also he clepide you bi oure gospel, in to geting of the glorie of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
15 atO hE bhrAtaraH yUyam asmAkaM vAkyaiH patraizca yAM zikSAM labdhavantastAM kRtsnAM zikSAM dhArayantaH susthirA bhavata|
Therfor, britheren, stonde ye, and holde ye the tradiciouns, that ye han lerud, ethir bi word, ethir bi oure pistle.
16 asmAkaM prabhu ryIzukhrISTastAta IzvarazcArthatO yO yuSmAsu prEma kRtavAn nityAnjca sAntvanAm anugrahENOttamapratyAzAnjca yuSmabhyaM dattavAn (aiōnios g166)
And oure Lord Jhesu Crist him silf, and God oure fadir, which louyde vs, and yaf euerlastinge coumfort and good hope in grace, (aiōnios g166)
17 sa svayaM yuSmAkam antaHkaraNAni sAntvayatu sarvvasmin sadvAkyE satkarmmaNi ca susthirIkarOtu ca|
stire youre hertis, and conferme in al good werk and word.

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