< 1 thiSalanIkinaH 2 >
1 hE bhrAtaraH, yuSmanmadhyE 'smAkaM pravEzO niSphalO na jAta iti yUyaM svayaM jAnItha|
My fellow believers, you know that our time with you was very worthwhile/effective [LIT].
2 aparaM yuSmAbhi ryathAzrAvi tathA pUrvvaM philipInagarE kliSTA ninditAzca santO'pi vayam IzvarAd utsAhaM labdhvA bahuyatnEna yuSmAn Izvarasya susaMvAdam abOdhayAma|
Although [people] in Philippi [city] previously mistreated us [(exc)] and insulted us, as you know, our God caused us to be courageous. As a result, we told you the good message [that originates/comes from] God, even though some [people in your city] also strongly (opposed [us/tried to prevent us from telling God’s message]).
3 yatO'smAkam AdEzO bhrAntErazucibhAvAd vOtpannaH pravanjcanAyuktO vA na bhavati|
When we exhorted/urged (OR, tried to convince) [you to obey God’s message], we did not tell you an untrue message. Instead, we told you a true message. We do not [want to get something for ourselves] by immoral means. We do not try to deceive [you or other people].
4 kintvIzvarENAsmAn parIkSya vizvasanIyAn mattvA ca yadvat susaMvAdO'smAsu samArpyata tadvad vayaM mAnavEbhyO na rurOciSamANAH kintvasmadantaHkaraNAnAM parIkSakAyEzvarAya rurOciSamANA bhASAmahE|
On the contrary, we tell God’s message because he trusted us to do that, because he examined us and considered us [to be acceptable to tell people] the message about Christ. As we teach people, we do not say what they like to hear. Instead, [we say what] God [wants us to say, because] he examines everything that we think and what we desire.
5 vayaM kadApi stutivAdinO nAbhavAmEti yUyaM jAnItha kadApi chalavastrENa lObhaM nAcchAdayAmEtyasmin IzvaraH sAkSI vidyatE|
We never (flattered you/said nice things about you insincerely), as you know. We were never greedy, so we never needed to use words to (hide greediness [from you/cause you to think that we were not greedy]). God knows that this is true!
6 vayaM khrISTasya prEritA iva gauravAnvitA bhavitum azakSyAma kintu yuSmattaH parasmAd vA kasmAdapi mAnavAd gauravaM na lipsamAnA yuSmanmadhyE mRdubhAvA bhUtvAvarttAmahi|
We never tried to get people [to honor us],
7 yathA kAcinmAtA svakIyazizUn pAlayati tathA vayamapi yuSmAn kAgkSamANA
although we could have demanded [that you should honor/respect us], because we are apostles [who represent] (OR, [speak for]) Christ. On the contrary, we were gentle when we were among you, as a mother [gently] takes care of her own children [SIM].
8 yuSmabhyaM kEvalam Izvarasya susaMvAdaM tannahi kintu svakIyaprANAn api dAtuM manObhirabhyalaSAma, yatO yUyam asmAkaM snEhapAtrANyabhavata|
So, because we love you, we were delighted to personally tell you the good message that God [gave us]. But also we were delighted to lovingly do all that we could do to help you [SYN] because (you had become very dear to us/we had begun to love you very much).
9 hE bhrAtaraH, asmAkaM zramaH klEzazca yuSmAbhiH smaryyatE yuSmAkaM kO'pi yad bhAragrastO na bhavEt tadarthaM vayaM divAnizaM parizrAmyantO yuSmanmadhya Izvarasya susaMvAdamaghOSayAma|
My fellow believers, you remember that we worked very hard [DOU] [in order to] ([support ourselves/earn money to buy what we needed]) [while we were with you]. We worked [during the] day and [also at] night in order that we would not have to ask any one of you to give us what we needed, [while] we proclaimed to you the good message that God [gave us].
10 aparanjca vizvAsinO yuSmAn prati vayaM kIdRk pavitratvayathArthatvanirdOSatvAcAriNO'bhavAmEtyasmin IzvarO yUyanjca sAkSiNa AdhvE|
You know that it is true, and God knows that it is true, that we conducted our lives in a very pure, right, and faultless [DOU] manner toward you believers.
11 aparanjca yadvat pitA svabAlakAn tadvad vayaM yuSmAkam EkaikaM janam upadiSTavantaH sAntvitavantazca,
You know also that [we lovingly behaved/acted toward] each one of you, just like a father [lovingly behaves/acts toward] his own children [SIM].
12 ya IzvaraH svIyarAjyAya vibhavAya ca yuSmAn AhUtavAn tadupayuktAcaraNAya yuSmAn pravarttitavantazcEti yUyaM jAnItha|
[Specifically, we] kept strongly exhorting/urging and encouraging you that you conduct your lives in the way that God’s people should, [because] he has invited you to become his people over whom he will rule in a wonderful way [HEN].
13 yasmin samayE yUyam asmAkaM mukhAd IzvarENa pratizrutaM vAkyam alabhadhvaM tasmin samayE tat mAnuSANAM vAkyaM na mattvEzvarasya vAkyaM mattvA gRhItavanta iti kAraNAd vayaM nirantaram IzvaraM dhanyaM vadAmaH, yatastad Izvarasya vAkyam iti satyaM vizvAsinAM yuSmAkaM madhyE tasya guNaH prakAzatE ca|
We also continually thank God because when you heard the message [that] we told to you, you accepted it as the true message, the good message that God [gave to us]. We did not invent it. [We also thank God] that he is changing your lives because you trust this message [PRS].
14 hE bhrAtaraH, khrISTAzritavatya Izvarasya yAH samityO yihUdAdEzE santi yUyaM tAsAm anukAriNO'bhavata, tadbhuktA lOkAzca yadvad yihUdilOkEbhyastadvad yUyamapi svajAtIyalOkEbhyO duHkham alabhadhvaM|
My fellow believers, we [know that you sincerely believed the message from God], because the manner in which you acted was just like the manner in which [the congregations] in Judea acted. They also [worship] God, [and they] ([have a close relationship with/are united to]) Christ Jesus. Specifically, you endured it [when] your own countrymen [mistreated you because you believe the message from God], in the same manner that those [Jewish believers in Judea] endured it [when] the Jews [who do not believe in Christ mistreated them].
15 tE yihUdIyAH prabhuM yIzuM bhaviSyadvAdinazca hatavantO 'smAn dUrIkRtavantazca, ta IzvarAya na rOcantE sarvvESAM mAnavAnAM vipakSA bhavanti ca;
[Unbelieving Jews are] the ones whom God considers guilty [for] killing the Lord Jesus, as well as [for killing] many prophets. Other unbelieving Jews forced us to leave [many towns]. They really make God angry; and [they are] opposed to [what is best for] all human beings!
16 aparaM bhinnajAtIyalOkAnAM paritrANArthaM tESAM madhyE susaMvAdaghOSaNAd asmAn pratiSEdhanti cEtthaM svIyapApAnAM parimANam uttarOttaraM pUrayanti, kintu tESAm antakArI krOdhastAn upakramatE|
[Specifically], when we tell [the good message] to non-Jewish people in order that they can be saved {[that God] will save them} [spiritually], these [unbelieving Jews] try to stop/prevent us from doing that. Because they continually sin more and more, they are almost reaching the limit that has been [set by God] [MET]! [God] will soon punish them [MTY], at last, for all their sins!
17 hE bhrAtaraH manasA nahi kintu vadanEna kiyatkAlaM yuSmattO 'smAkaM vicchEdE jAtE vayaM yuSmAkaM mukhAni draSTum atyAkAgkSayA bahu yatitavantaH|
My fellow believers, when for a short time [IDM] [those people forced us to be separated] from you, [we felt like parents] (who had lost all their children/whose children had died) [MET]. [Although] we were far away from you, [we were still] emotionally [concerned about you], and we strongly desired to be present with you.
18 dvirEkakRtvO vA yuSmatsamIpagamanAyAsmAkaM vizESataH paulasya mamAbhilASO'bhavat kintu zayatAnO 'smAn nivAritavAn|
[You can know that] we wanted to return to you. Indeed I, Paul, [tried to return] twice [IDM]. But [we did not return because] each time Satan [prevented us from returning].
19 yatO'smAkaM kA pratyAzA kO vAnandaH kiM vA zlAghyakirITaM? asmAkaM prabhO ryIzukhrISTasyAgamanakAlE tatsammukhasthA yUyaM kiM tanna bhaviSyatha?
[We were strongly desiring to be with you], because truly you [RHQ] [are the ones about whom we are proud and joyful]! It is because we are confident that you [will] ([remain faithful/continue believing in God]) that we [will be] joyful! You are the ones who we confidently expect [will keep strongly trusting in God!] It is because you [will] ([remain faithful/continue believing in God]) that we [will] be proud [of the work that we have done] [MET, RHQ] [when] our Lord Jesus [examines what we all have done, at the time] when he comes back [to earth]!
20 yUyam EvAsmAkaM gauravAnandasvarUpA bhavatha|
Indeed, it is because of you that [even now we] are pleased and joyful!