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1 pavitralOkAnAM kRtE yO'rthasaMgrahastamadhi gAlAtIyadEzasya samAjA mayA yad AdiSTAstad yuSmAbhirapi kriyatAM|
Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I commanded the congregations of Galatia, you do likewise.
2 mamAgamanakAlE yad arthasaMgrahO na bhavEt tannimittaM yuSmAkamEkaikEna svasampadAnusArAt sanjcayaM kRtvA saptAhasya prathamadivasE svasamIpE kinjcit nikSipyatAM|
On the first day of the week, let each one of you save, as he may prosper, that no collections be made when I come.
3 tatO mamAgamanasamayE yUyaM yAnEva vizvAsyA iti vEdiSyatha tEbhyO'haM patrANi dattvA yuSmAkaM taddAnasya yirUzAlamaM nayanArthaM tAn prESayiSyAmi|
When I arrive, I will send whoever you approve with letters to carry your gracious gift to Urishlim.
4 kintu yadi tatra mamApi gamanam ucitaM bhavEt tarhi tE mayA saha yAsyanti|
If it is appropriate for me to go also, they will go with me.
5 sAmprataM mAkidaniyAdEzamahaM paryyaTAmi taM paryyaTya yuSmatsamIpam AgamiSyAmi|
But I will come to you when I have passed through Macedonia, for I am passing through Macedonia.
6 anantaraM kiM jAnAmi yuSmatsannidhim avasthAsyE zItakAlamapi yApayiSyAmi ca pazcAt mama yat sthAnaM gantavyaM tatraiva yuSmAbhirahaM prErayitavyaH|
But with you it may be that I will stay, or even winter, that you may send me on my journey wherever I go.
7 yatO'haM yAtrAkAlE kSaNamAtraM yuSmAn draSTuM nEcchAmi kintu prabhu ryadyanujAnIyAt tarhi kinjcid dIrghakAlaM yuSmatsamIpE pravastum icchAmi|
For I do not wish to see you now in passing, but I hope to stay a while with you, if the Lord permits.
8 tathApi nistArOtsavAt paraM panjcAzattamadinaM yAvad iphiSapuryyAM sthAsyAmi|
But I will stay at Ephesus until Pentecost,
9 yasmAd atra kAryyasAdhanArthaM mamAntikE bRhad dvAraM muktaM bahavO vipakSA api vidyantE|
for a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.
10 timathi ryadi yuSmAkaM samIpam AgacchEt tarhi yEna nirbhayaM yuSmanmadhyE varttEta tatra yuSmAbhi rmanO nidhIyatAM yasmAd ahaM yAdRk sO'pi tAdRk prabhOH karmmaNE yatatE|
Now if Timothy comes, see that he is with you without fear, for he does the work of the Lord, as I also do.
11 kO'pi taM pratyanAdaraM na karOtu kintu sa mamAntikaM yad AgantuM zaknuyAt tadarthaM yuSmAbhiH sakuzalaM prESyatAM| bhrAtRbhiH sArddhamahaM taM pratIkSE|
Therefore let no one despise him. But set him forward on his journey in peace, that he may come to me; for I expect him with the brothers.
12 ApalluM bhrAtaramadhyahaM nivEdayAmi bhrAtRbhiH sAkaM sO'pi yad yuSmAkaM samIpaM vrajEt tadarthaM mayA sa punaH punaryAcitaH kintvidAnIM gamanaM sarvvathA tasmai nArOcata, itaHparaM susamayaM prApya sa gamiSyati|
Now concerning Apollos, the brother, I strongly urged him to come to you with the brothers; and it was not at all his desire to come now; but he will come when he has an opportunity.
13 yUyaM jAgRta vizvAsE susthirA bhavata pauruSaM prakAzayata balavantO bhavata|
Watch. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.
14 yuSmAbhiH sarvvANi karmmANi prEmnA niSpAdyantAM|
Let all that you do be done in love.
15 hE bhrAtaraH, ahaM yuSmAn idam abhiyAcE stiphAnasya parijanA AkhAyAdEzasya prathamajAtaphalasvarUpAH, pavitralOkAnAM paricaryyAyai ca ta AtmanO nyavEdayan iti yuSmAbhi rjnjAyatE|
Now I appeal to you, brothers (you know the house of Stephanas, that it is the first fruits of Achaia, and that they have set themselves to serve the saints),
16 atO yUyamapi tAdRzalOkAnAm asmatsahAyAnAM zramakAriNAnjca sarvvESAM vazyA bhavata|
that you also be in subjection to such, and to everyone who helps in the work and labors.
17 stiphAnaH pharttUnAta AkhAyikazca yad atrAgaman tEnAham AnandAmi yatO yuSmAbhiryat nyUnitaM tat taiH sampUritaM|
I rejoice at the coming of Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus; for that which was lacking on your part, they supplied.
18 tai ryuSmAkaM mama ca manAMsyApyAyitAni| tasmAt tAdRzA lOkA yuSmAbhiH sammantavyAH|
For they refreshed my spirit and yours. Therefore acknowledge those who are like that.
19 yuSmabhyam AziyAdEzasthasamAjAnAM namaskRtim AkkilapriskillayOstanmaNPapasthasamitEzca bahunamaskRtiM prajAnIta|
The congregations of Asia greet you. Aquila and Priscilla greet you much in the Lord, together with the church that is in their house.
20 sarvvE bhrAtarO yuSmAn namaskurvvantE| yUyaM pavitracumbanEna mithO namata|
All the brothers greet you. Greet one another with a holy kiss.
21 paulO'haM svakaralikhitaM namaskRtiM yuSmAn vEdayE|
This greeting is by me, Paul, with my own hand.
22 yadi kazcid yIzukhrISTE na prIyatE tarhi sa zApagrastO bhavEt prabhurAyAti|
If anyone does not love the Lord, a curse be on him. Our Lord, come.
23 asmAkaM prabhO ryIzukhrISTasyAnugrahO yuSmAn prati bhUyAt|
The grace of the Lord Yeshua be with you.
24 khrISTaM yIzum AzritAn yuSmAn prati mama prEma tiSThatu| iti||
My love to all of you in Meshikha Yeshua.

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