< 1 karinthinaH 15 >

1 hE bhrAtaraH, yaH susaMvAdO mayA yuSmatsamIpE nivEditO yUyanjca yaM gRhItavanta Azritavantazca taM puna ryuSmAn vijnjApayAmi|
And I make known to you, my brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, and which ye received, and in which ye stand,
2 yuSmAkaM vizvAsO yadi vitathO na bhavEt tarhi susaMvAdayuktAni mama vAkyAni smaratAM yuSmAkaM tEna susaMvAdEna paritrANaM jAyatE|
and by which ye have life. In what terms I preached to you, ye remember; unless ye have believed in vain.
3 yatO'haM yad yat jnjApitastadanusArAt yuSmAsu mukhyAM yAM zikSAM samArpayaM sEyaM, zAstrAnusArAt khrISTO'smAkaM pApamOcanArthaM prANAn tyaktavAn,
For I delivered to you from the first, as I had received it; that the Messiah died on account of our sins, as it is written:
4 zmazAnE sthApitazca tRtIyadinE zAstrAnusArAt punarutthApitaH|
and that he was buried and arose on the third day, as it is written:
5 sa cAgrE kaiphai tataH paraM dvAdazaziSyEbhyO darzanaM dattavAn|
and that he was seen by Cephas; and after him, by the twelve:
6 tataH paraM panjcazatAdhikasaMkhyakEbhyO bhrAtRbhyO yugapad darzanaM dattavAn tESAM kEcit mahAnidrAM gatA bahutarAzcAdyApi varttantE|
and after that, he was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once; many of whom survive at the present time, and some of them sleep.
7 tadanantaraM yAkUbAya tatpazcAt sarvvEbhyaH prEritEbhyO darzanaM dattavAn|
And subsequently to this, he was seen by James; and after him, by all the legates.
8 sarvvazESE'kAlajAtatulyO yO'haM, sO'hamapi tasya darzanaM prAptavAn|
And last of them all, he was seen by me, as it were by an abortion.
9 Izvarasya samitiM prati daurAtmyAcaraNAd ahaM prEritanAma dharttum ayOgyastasmAt prEritAnAM madhyE kSudratamazcAsmi|
I am the least of the legates; and am not worthy to be called a legate; because I persecuted the church of God.
10 yAdRzO'smi tAdRza IzvarasyAnugrahENaivAsmi; aparaM mAM prati tasyAnugrahO niSphalO nAbhavat, anyEbhyaH sarvvEbhyO mayAdhikaH zramaH kRtaH, kintu sa mayA kRtastannahi matsahakAriNEzvarasyAnugrahENaiva|
But by the grace of God, I am what I am: and his grace, that was in me, was not in vain; but I labored more than they all: -not I, but his grace that was with me.
11 ataEva mayA bhavEt tai rvA bhavEt asmAbhistAdRzI vArttA ghOSyatE saiva ca yuSmAbhi rvizvAsEna gRhItA|
Whether I, therefore, or whether they, so we preached; and so ye believed.
12 mRtyudazAtaH khrISTa utthApita iti vArttA yadi tamadhi ghOSyatE tarhi mRtalOkAnAm utthiti rnAstIti vAg yuSmAkaM madhyE kaizcit kutaH kathyatE?
And if the Messiah is proclaimed, as rising from the dead; how is it that there are some among you, who say, There is no reviviscence of the dead?
13 mRtAnAm utthiti ryadi na bhavEt tarhi khrISTO'pi nOtthApitaH
And if there is no reviviscence of the dead, the Messiah also hath not risen.
14 khrISTazca yadyanutthApitaH syAt tarhyasmAkaM ghOSaNaM vitathaM yuSmAkaM vizvAsO'pi vitathaH|
And if the Messiah hath not risen, our preaching is vain, and your faith also vain.
15 vayanjcEzvarasya mRSAsAkSiNO bhavAmaH, yataH khrISTa stEnOtthApitaH iti sAkSyam asmAbhirIzvaramadhi dattaM kintu mRtAnAmutthiti ryadi na bhavEt tarhi sa tEna nOtthApitaH|
And we too are found false witnesses of God; for we have testified concerning God, that he raised up the Messiah, when he did not raise him up.
16 yatO mRtAnAmutthiti ryati na bhavEt tarhi khrISTO'pyutthApitatvaM na gataH|
For, if the dead will not arise, the Messiah also hath not risen.
17 khrISTasya yadyanutthApitaH syAt tarhi yuSmAkaM vizvAsO vitathaH, yUyam adyApi svapApESu magnAstiSThatha|
And if the Messiah rose not, your faith is inane; and ye are yet in your sins:
18 aparaM khrISTAzritA yE mAnavA mahAnidrAM gatAstE'pi nAzaM gatAH|
and also, doubtless, they who have fallen asleep in the Messiah, have perished.
19 khrISTO yadi kEvalamihalOkE 'smAkaM pratyAzAbhUmiH syAt tarhi sarvvamartyEbhyO vayamEva durbhAgyAH|
And if, in this life only, we have hope in the Messiah, we are the most miserable of all men.
20 idAnIM khrISTO mRtyudazAta utthApitO mahAnidrAgatAnAM madhyE prathamaphalasvarUpO jAtazca|
But now the Messiah hath risen from the dead, and become the first-fruits of them that slept.
21 yatO yadvat mAnuSadvArA mRtyuH prAdurbhUtastadvat mAnuSadvArA mRtAnAM punarutthitirapi pradurbhUtA|
And as by a man came death, so also by a man came the reviviscence of the dead.
22 AdamA yathA sarvvE maraNAdhInA jAtAstathA khrISTEna sarvvE jIvayiSyantE|
For as it was by Adam, that all men die, so also by the Messiah they all live:
23 kintvEkaikEna janEna nijE nijE paryyAya utthAtavyaM prathamataH prathamajAtaphalasvarUpEna khrISTEna, dvitIyatastasyAgamanasamayE khrISTasya lOkaiH|
every one in his order; the Messiah was the first-fruits; afterwards, they that are the Messiah's, at his coming.
24 tataH param antO bhaviSyati tadAnIM sa sarvvaM zAsanam adhipatitvaM parAkramanjca luptvA svapitarIzvarE rAjatvaM samarpayiSyati|
And then will be the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God the Father; when every prince, and every sovereign, and all powers shall have come to naught.
25 yataH khrISTasya ripavaH sarvvE yAvat tEna svapAdayOradhO na nipAtayiSyantE tAvat tEnaiva rAjatvaM karttavyaM|
For he is to reign, until he shall put all his enemies under his feet.
26 tEna vijEtavyO yaH zESaripuH sa mRtyurEva|
And the last enemy, death, will be abolished.
27 likhitamAstE sarvvANi tasya pAdayO rvazIkRtAni| kintu sarvvANyEva tasya vazIkRtAnItyuktE sati sarvvANi yEna tasya vazIkRtAni sa svayaM tasya vazIbhUtO na jAta iti vyaktaM|
For he hath subjected all under his feet. But when he said, that every thing is subjected to him, it is manifest that he is excepted, who subjected all to him.
28 sarvvESu tasya vazIbhUtESu sarvvANi yEna putrasya vazIkRtAni svayaM putrO'pi tasya vazIbhUtO bhaviSyati tata IzvaraH sarvvESu sarvva Eva bhaviSyati|
And when all shall be subjected to him, then the Son himself will be subject to him who subjected all to him, so that God will be all in all.
29 aparaM parEtalOkAnAM vinimayEna yE majjyantE taiH kiM lapsyatE? yESAM parEtalOkAnAm utthitiH kEnApi prakArENa na bhaviSyati tESAM vinimayEna kutO majjanamapi tairaggIkriyatE?
Otherwise, what shall they do who are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not? Why are they baptized for the dead?
30 vayamapi kutaH pratidaNPaM prANabhItim aggIkurmmahE?
And why also do we stand every hour in peril?
31 asmatprabhunA yIzukhrISTEna yuSmattO mama yA zlAghAstE tasyAH zapathaM kRtvA kathayAmi dinE dinE'haM mRtyuM gacchAmi|
I protest, my brethren, by your exultation, which is mine in our Lord Jesus the Messiah, that I die daily.
32 iphiSanagarE vanyapazubhiH sArddhaM yadi laukikabhAvAt mayA yuddhaM kRtaM tarhi tEna mama kO lAbhaH? mRtAnAm utthiti ryadi na bhavEt tarhi, kurmmO bhOjanapAnE'dya zvastu mRtyu rbhaviSyati|
If, as amongst men, I was cast to wild beasts at Ephesus, what did it profit me, if the dead rise not? " Let us eat and drink; for to-morrow we die."
33 ityanEna dharmmAt mA bhraMzadhvaM| kusaMsargENa lOkAnAM sadAcArO vinazyati|
Be not deceived; " Evil stories corrupt well-disposed minds."
34 yUyaM yathOcitaM sacaitanyAstiSThata, pApaM mA kurudhvaM, yatO yuSmAkaM madhya IzvarIyajnjAnahInAH kE'pi vidyantE yuSmAkaM trapAyai mayEdaM gadyatE|
Let your hearts be righteously excited, and sin not: for there are some, in whom is not the love of God: it is to your shame, I say it.
35 aparaM mRtalOkAH katham utthAsyanti? kIdRzaM vA zarIraM labdhvA punarESyantIti vAkyaM kazcit prakSyati|
But some one of you may say: How will the dead arise? and with what body will they come forth?
36 hE ajnja tvayA yad bIjam upyatE tad yadi na mriyEta tarhi na jIvayiSyatE|
Foolish man! The seed which thou sowest, is not quickened, unless it die.
37 yayA mUrttyA nirgantavyaM sA tvayA nOpyatE kintu zuSkaM bIjamEva; tacca gOdhUmAdInAM kimapi bIjaM bhavituM zaknOti|
And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not the body that is to be, but the naked kernel of wheat or barley, or of the other grains:
38 IzvarENEva yathAbhilASaM tasmai mUrtti rdIyatE, Ekaikasmai bIjAya svA svA mUrttirEva dIyatE|
and God giveth it a body, as he pleaseth; and to each of the grains its natural body.
39 sarvvANi palalAni naikavidhAni santi, manuSyapazupakSimatsyAdInAM bhinnarUpANi palalAni santi|
And every body is not alike; for the body of a man is one thing, and that of a beast is another, and that of a bird is another, and that of a fish is another.
40 aparaM svargIyA mUrttayaH pArthivA mUrttayazca vidyantE kintu svargIyAnAm EkarUpaM tEjaH pArthivAnAnjca tadanyarUpaM tEjO'sti|
And there are bodies celestial, and bodies terrestrial; but the glory of the celestial bodies is one, and that of the terrestrial is another.
41 sUryyasya tEja EkavidhaM candrasya tEjastadanyavidhaM tArANAnjca tEjO'nyavidhaM, tArANAM madhyE'pi tEjasastAratamyaM vidyatE|
And the glory of the sun is one thing, and the glory of the moon is another, and the glory of the stars is another; and one star exceedeth another star in glory.
42 tatra likhitamAstE yathA, ‘AdipuruSa Adam jIvatprANI babhUva, ` kintvantima Adam (khrISTO) jIvanadAyaka AtmA babhUva|
So also in the reviviscence of the dead. They are sown in corruption, they arise without corruption:
43 yad upyatE tat tucchaM yaccOtthAsyati tad gauravAnvitaM; yad upyatE tannirbbalaM yaccOtthAsyati tat zaktiyuktaM|
they are sown in dishonor, they arise in glory: they are sown in weakness, they arise in power:
44 yat zarIram upyatE tat prANAnAM sadma, yacca zarIram utthAsyati tad AtmanaH sadma| prANasadmasvarUpaM zarIraM vidyatE, AtmasadmasvarUpamapi zarIraM vidyatE|
it is sown an animal body, it ariseth a spiritual body. For there is a body of the animal life, and there is a body of the spirit.
45 tatra likhitamAstE yathA, AdipuruSa Adam jIvatprANI babhUva, kintvantima Adam (khrISTO) jIvanadAyaka AtmA babhUva|
So also is it written: " Adam, the first man, became a living soul;" the second Adam became a quickening spirit.
46 Atmasadma na prathamaM kintu prANasadmaiva tatpazcAd Atmasadma|
And the spiritual was not first; but the animal, and then the spiritual.
47 AdyaH puruSE mRda utpannatvAt mRNmayO dvitIyazca puruSaH svargAd AgataH prabhuH|
The first man was of dust from the earth; the second man was the Lord from heaven.
48 mRNmayO yAdRza AsIt mRNmayAH sarvvE tAdRzA bhavanti svargIyazca yAdRzO'sti svargIyAH sarvvE tAdRzA bhavanti|
As he was of the dust, so also those who are of the dust; and as was he who was from heaven, so also are the heavenly.
49 mRNmayasya rUpaM yadvad asmAbhi rdhAritaM tadvat svargIyasya rUpamapi dhArayiSyatE|
And as we have worn the likeness of him from the dust, so shall we wear the likeness of him from heaven.
50 hE bhrAtaraH, yuSmAn prati vyAharAmi, Izvarasya rAjyE raktamAMsayOradhikArO bhavituM na zaknOti, akSayatvE ca kSayasyAdhikArO na bhaviSyati|
But this I say, my brethren that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven: neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
51 pazyatAhaM yuSmabhyaM nigUPhAM kathAM nivEdayAmi|
Lo, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 sarvvairasmAbhi rmahAnidrA na gamiSyatE kintvantimadinE tUryyAM vAditAyAm Ekasmin vipalE nimiSaikamadhyE sarvvai rUpAntaraM gamiSyatE, yatastUrI vAdiSyatE, mRtalOkAzcAkSayIbhUtA utthAsyanti vayanjca rUpAntaraM gamiSyAmaH|
suddenly, as in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, when it shall sound; and the dead will arise, without corruption; and we shall be changed.
53 yataH kSayaNIyEnaitEna zarIrENAkSayatvaM parihitavyaM, maraNAdhInEnaitEna dEhEna cAmaratvaM parihitavyaM|
For this which is corruptible, is to put on incorruption; and that which dieth, will put on immortality.
54 Etasmin kSayaNIyE zarIrE 'kSayatvaM gatE, Etasman maraNAdhInE dEhE cAmaratvaM gatE zAstrE likhitaM vacanamidaM sEtsyati, yathA, jayEna grasyatE mRtyuH|
And when this that is corruptible, shall put on incorruption, and this that dieth, immortality; then will take place the word that is written, " Death is absorbed in victory."
55 mRtyO tE kaNTakaM kutra paralOka jayaH kka tE|| (Hadēs g86)
Where is thy sting, O death? And where is thy victory, O grave? (Hadēs g86)
56 mRtyOH kaNTakaM pApamEva pApasya ca balaM vyavasthA|
Now the sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57 Izvarazca dhanyO bhavatu yataH sO'smAkaM prabhunA yIzukhrISTEnAsmAn jayayuktAn vidhApayati|
But thanks be to God, that giveth us the victory, through our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
58 atO hE mama priyabhrAtaraH; yUyaM susthirA nizcalAzca bhavata prabhOH sEvAyAM yuSmAkaM parizramO niSphalO na bhaviSyatIti jnjAtvA prabhOH kAryyE sadA tatparA bhavata|
Wherefore, my brethren and my beloved, be ye steadfast, and be not vacillating; but be ye at all times abundant in the work of the Lord; seeing ye know, that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

< 1 karinthinaH 15 >