+ Matthew 1 >

1 Hi ngei hih Abraham jâisuon, David jâisuon Jisua Khrista richibulngei an ni.
book origin Jesus Christ son David son Abraham
2 Abraham renga Rêng David tena, anuoia anghin richibulngei hah adônin mintâng ani: Abraham'n Isaac a neia, Isaac'n Jakob a neia, Jakob'n Judah le a lâibungngei a neia; hanchu Judah'n Perez le Zerah a nei ngeia, (an nu chu Tamar ani) Perez'n Hezron a neia; Hezron'n Ram a neia, Ram'n Amminadab a neia, Amminadab'n Nahshon a neia; Nahshon'n Salmon a neia; Salmon'n Boaz a neia, (a nu chu Rahab ani) Boaz'n Obed a neia, (a nu chu Ruth ani) Obed'n Jesse a neia; Jesse'n Rêng David a nei ani.
Abraham to beget the/this/who Isaac Isaac then to beget the/this/who Jacob Jacob then to beget the/this/who Judah and the/this/who brother it/s/he
Judah then to beget the/this/who Perez and the/this/who Zerah out from the/this/who Tamar Perez then to beget the/this/who Hezron Hezron then to beget the/this/who Ram
Ram then to beget the/this/who Amminadab Amminadab then to beget the/this/who Nahshon Nahshon then to beget the/this/who Salmon
Salmon then to beget the/this/who Boaz out from the/this/who Rahab Boaz then to beget the/this/who Obed out from the/this/who Ruth Obed then to beget the/this/who Jesse
6 David zora renga Israel mipui ngei Babylon suoka intânga an om tena anuoia anghin an richibulngei hah adônin mintâng ani: David'n Uriah lômnu leh Solomon a neia; Solomon'n Rehoboam a neia; Rehoboam'n Abijah a neia; Abijah'n Asa a neia; Asa'n Jehoshaphat a neia; Jehoshaphat'n Jehoram a neia; Jehoram'n Uzziah a neia; Uzziah'n Jotham a neia; Jotham'n Ahaz a neia; Ahaz'n Hezekiah a neia; Hezekiah'n Manasseh a neia; Manasseh'n Amon a neia; Amon'n Josiah a neia; Josiah'n Jehoiachin le a lâibungngei a nei ngei ani.
Jesse then to beget the/this/who David the/this/who king David then (the/this/who king *k*) to beget the/this/who Solomon out from the/this/who the/this/who Uriah
Solomon then to beget the/this/who Rehoboam Rehoboam then to beget the/this/who Abijah Abijah then to beget the/this/who Asaph
Asaph then to beget the/this/who Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat then to beget the/this/who Joram Joram then to beget the/this/who Uzziah
Uzziah then to beget the/this/who Jotham Jotham then to beget the/this/who Ahaz Ahaz then to beget the/this/who Hezekiah
Hezekiah then to beget the/this/who Manasseh Manasseh then to beget the/this/who (Amos Amos *N(k)O*) then to beget the/this/who Josiah
Josiah then to beget the/this/who Jechoniah and the/this/who brother it/s/he upon/to/against the/this/who deportation Babylon
12 Hanchu, Babylon suoka an intâng suonûk renga Jisua suok tena hi anuoia angin richilbulngei adônin mintâng ani: Jehoiachin'n Shealtiel a neia; Shealtiel'n Zerubbabel a neia; Zerubbabel'n Abiud a neia; Abiud'n Eliakim a neia; Eliakim'n Azor a neia; Azor'n Zadok a neia, Zadok'n Achim a neia; Achim'n Eliud a neia; Eliud'n Eleazar a neia; Eleazar'n Matthan a neia, Matthan'n Jacob a neia; Jacob'n, Joseph, Mary inneipuipu hah a neia; ha Mary renga han Jisua Messiah an ti hih ajuong inzir ani,
with/after then the/this/who deportation Babylon Jechoniah to beget the/this/who Shealtiel Shealtiel then to beget the/this/who Zerubbabel
Zerubbabel then to beget the/this/who Abiud Abiud then to beget the/this/who Eliakim Eliakim then to beget the/this/who Azor
Azor then to beget the/this/who Zadok Zadok then to beget the/this/who Achim Achim then to beget the/this/who Eliud
Eliud then to beget the/this/who Eleazar Eleazar then to beget the/this/who Matthan Matthan then to beget the/this/who Jacob
Jacob then to beget the/this/who Joseph the/this/who man: husband Mary out from which to beget Jesus the/this/who to say: call Christ
17 Masikin, Abraham renga David tena ruol sômleiminli ania; David renga Babylon tieng suoka an tuong ngei tena ruol sômleiminli ania; ma renga hah Messiah ânzir tena ruol sômleiminli ani.
all therefore/then the/this/who generation away from Abraham until David generation fourteen and away from David until the/this/who deportation Babylon generation fourteen and away from the/this/who deportation Babylon until the/this/who Christ generation fourteen
18 Mahih Jisua Khrista ajuong inzir tie chu ani. A nu Mary hah Joseph han ava bieka, in-annei mân, Ratha Inthiengin nâi a vonga,
the/this/who then Jesus Christ the/this/who (origin *N(k)O*) thus(-ly) to be to betroth (for *k*) the/this/who mother it/s/he Mary the/this/who Joseph before or to assemble it/s/he to find/meet in/on/among belly to have/be out from spirit/breath: spirit holy
19 Joseph hah zoratina mi diktak ani sikin mipui rietin Mary hah mâimôkshak rang nuom maka; masikin inrûktên an inbiekna setin mâkchien rangin a mintuo ani.
Joseph then the/this/who man: husband it/s/he just to be and not to will/desire it/s/he (to disgrace *N(k)O*) to plan quietly to release: divorce it/s/he
20 Hima roi hah a mindon lâitakin, a ramangin Pumapa Vântîrton inkhat a kôm a juong inlâra, a kôm han, “Joseph, David jâisuon, Mary hih lômnua nei rang chi no roh. Amanu nâivong hih Ratha Inthieng renga kêng ani.
this/he/she/it then it/s/he to reflect on look! angel lord: God according to dream to shine/appear it/s/he to say Joseph son David not to fear to take Mary the/this/who woman: wife you the/this/who for in/on/among it/s/he to beget out from spirit/breath: spirit to be holy
21 Amanu han Nâipasal nei a ta, male a riming Jisua ni phuo rang ani. Ama han a mingei an nunsienangei renga a sanminring ngei rang sikin,” a tia.
to give birth to then son and to call: call the/this/who name it/s/he Jesus it/s/he for to save the/this/who a people it/s/he away from the/this/who sin it/s/he
22 Atûn hin Pumapa'n dêipu manga a lei misîr hah adikin ahong tung theina ranga hima ngei murdi hih ahong oma,
this/he/she/it then all to be in order that/to to fulfill the/this/who to say by/under: by (the/this/who *k*) lord: God through/because of the/this/who prophet to say
23 “Dôngmate inthienghiei hah inrâi a ta nâipasal nei atih, male a riming Immanuel phuo an tih,” (ma omtie chu, “Ei kôm Pathien aom tina ani.”)
look! the/this/who virgin in/on/among belly to have/be and to give birth to son and to call: call the/this/who name it/s/he Immanuel which to be to mean with/after me the/this/who God
24 Masikin, Joseph ânthoi lehan, Pumapa vântîrtonin a tipe anghan, Mary hah lômnûn a nei zoi.
(to arise *N(k)O*) then the/this/who Joseph away from the/this/who sleep to do/make: do as/when to order it/s/he the/this/who angel lord: God and to take the/this/who woman: wife it/s/he
25 Aniatachu, a nâivong hah a nei mâka chu ompui mah. Hanchu, Joseph'n a riming hah Jisua a phuo zoi ani.
and no to know it/s/he until which to give birth to (the/this/who *k*) son (it/s/he the/this/who firstborn *K*) and to call: call the/this/who name it/s/he Jesus

+ Matthew 1 >