< Mark 10 >

1 Hanchu Jisua'n ha mun hah a mâka, Judea ramhuola a sea, male Jordan Tuidung râl ânkânna lokongei apâlpa a kôm an hong intûp nôka, a tho tit ngâi anghan anni ngei ha a lei minchu ngeia.
And he arose from there, and came to the border of Judaea, on the other side the Jordan. And great multitudes came to him there; and again he instructed them, as he was accustomed.
2 Phariseengei senkhat an honga, ama min ôkna rangin, “Mîn a lômnu mâk rangin ei Balamin aphal mo?” mi ril roh, tiin an rekela.
And the Pharisees came to him, and, tempting him, inquired if it were lawful for a man to divorce his wife.
3 Jisua'n an kôm, “Moses'n inmo Balam nangni a pêk?” tiin chongrekel leh a thuon ngeia.
He said to them: What did Moses command you?
4 Anni han, “Moses'n chu pasalin inmâkna lekha a mizieka male a lômnu tîr pai rangin inmâk hih a phal ngâi ani” ti hih an thuona chu ani.
They said: Moses permitted us to write a bill of divorce, and send her away.
5 Jisua'n an kôm, “Minchu nin intak rai sika Moses'n hi Balam hih nangni rangin a miziek, a tipe ngeia.
Jesus answered and said to them: On account of the hardness of your heart, Moses wrote you this precept.
6 Aniatachu rammuol insieng phut renga Pathien Lekhabu'n ati anghan, ‘Pathien'n pasal le nupang’ a sin ngei ani.
But, from the beginning, God made them a male and a female.
7 ‘Masika han pasalin a nû le a pa mâk a ta, male a lômnu leh inlop an ta,
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and adhere to his wife:
8 male inik hah takpum inkhat hongni an ti zoi.’ Masikin inik ni khâi mak ngeia, inkhat an hongni zoi ani.
and they two shall be one flesh. Wherefore they are not two, but one flesh.
9 Hanchu Pathien'n munkhata a minzom sai chu miriemin an minsen rang nimak,” a tia.
What therefore God hath conjoined, let not man separate.
10 In sûng an lût lehan a ruoisingeiin ma roi hah Jisua an rekela.
And in the house, the disciples asked him again of this matter.
11 Ama han an kôm, “Tukhom a lômnu a mâka, male nupang dang inneipui chu a lômnu doiin a inrê ani.
And he said to them: Whoever shall divorce his wife, and take another, committeth adultery.
12 Ma angdênin, nupang khomin a pasal mâkin pasal dang inneipui chu a inrê ani,” a tia.
And if a woman shall leave her husband, and marry another, she committeth adultery.
13 Jisua'n an chunga kutngei a minngama satavur theina rangin mi senkhatin a kôm nâipangtengei an hong tuonga, aniatachu ruoisingeiin mingei hah an lei ngokhuma.
And they brought little children to him, that he might touch them. But his disciples rebuked those who brought them.
14 Jisua'n maha a mu lehan a ningathika, a ruoisingei kôm, “Nâipangtengei ko kôm min hong ungla, khap no roi, Pathien Rêngram chu hi anga mingei ta ani sikin.
And when Jesus saw it, he was displeased; and he said to them, Suffer little children to come to me, and forbid them not; for of those like them is the kingdom of God.
15 Adiktakin nangni ki ril tukhom nâipangte angin Pathien ram a modôm nônchu Pathien Rêngram lût tet no ni,” a tia.
Verily I say to you, That whoever doth not receive the kingdom of God, like a little child, shall not enter it.
16 Hanchu nâipangtengei a kuoa, an chung chita a kutngei minngamin, male satavur ngei zoi.
And he took them in his arms, and laid his hand on them and blessed them.
17 Jisua'n se nôk ranga kalchôichakin, mi inkhat a hong tânna, amakunga khûkinbilin, a kôm, “Minchupu Sa, ringinlon ka chang theina rangin imo ki sin rang?” tiin a rekela. (aiōnios g166)
And as he walked in the way, one ran and fell upon his knees, and asked him, and said: Good Teacher, what must I do, to inherit eternal life? (aiōnios g166)
18 Jisua'n a kôm, “Ithomo asa mi ni tia?” “Pathien pêna chu tute mi sa om mak ngei.
Jesus saith to him: Why callest thou me good? There is none good, but one, God.
19 Balam chongpêkngei ha chu ni riet duo: ‘Mi that no roh; inrê no roh; inru no roh; adikloitakin tute bâtu tho no roh; mi huong no roh; nu nû le na pa jâ roh ti ngei hih’” a tia.
Thou knowest the commandments; thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not give false testimony, thou shalt not defraud; honor thy father and thy mother.
20 Hapa han a kôm, “Minchupu ma Balam chongpêkngei nâm ha chu ka nâipangte renga ke lei jôm sai kêng” a tia.
And he answered, and said to him: Teacher, all these have I kept from my childhood.
21 Jisua'n amapa hah a en ngita, lungkhamna tak dônin a kôm, “Inkhat mamang na lân sam. Senla no dôn murdi zuor inla, male a sum hah inrieng ngei pêk inla, male invâna rochon dôn ni tih; hanchu hong inla, mi hong jûi roh” a tipea.
And Jesus looked on him, and loved him, and said to him: One thing thou lackest. Go, sell all that thou possessest, and give to the poor, and there will be a treasure for thee in heaven; and take thy cross, and come after me.
22 Amapa han ha chong hah a riet lehan, a mâimôk pe oka, mineipa ani sikin, innguikhakin a rot zoi.
And he was made sad by that speech, and went away sorrowing: for he possessed great riches.
23 Jisua'n a ruoisingei a vêng ngeia male an kôm “Anei ngei Pathien Rêngrama lûtna rangin khodôra ântak mo ani zoi!” a tia.
And Jesus looked upon his disciples, and said to them: How hard for those who possess wealth, to enter into the kingdom of God!
24 Ruoisingei han a chongril hah jâmzal aom sabak an tia, hannirese Jisua'n a la tibanga an kôm, “Ka nâingei, Pathien Rêngrama lût rang hi idôra ântak mo ani zoi!
And the disciples wondered at the remark. And Jesus, replied again, and said to them: My children, how hard it is, for those who trust in riches, to enter into the kingdom of God.
25 Minei ngei Pathien Rêngrama lût nêkin chu simphuoi kuora ût lût rang bai uol ok atih” a tia.
It is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
26 Haten hanchu ruoisingeiin an jâmânzal phar zoia, male inkhat le inkhat annin rekel inlôma, “Hanchu, tumo sanminjôkin aom thei rang?” an tia.
And they wondered the more, and said among themselves: Who can obtain life!
27 Jisua'n anni ngei hah a en ngita, an kôm, “Maha miriem rangin chu nitheimaka, aniatachu Pathien rangin chu anithei ani; Pathien rangin chu neinuntin hih anithei let ani” tiin a thuona.
And Jesus looked on them again, and said to them: With men, this is not possible, but with God it is; for with God all things are possible.
28 Hanchu Peter'n a kôm, “En ta, keini chu neinuntin kin mâka, male nang kin jûi ani hi” a tia.
And Cephas began to say: Lo, we have left every thing, and have cleaved to thee.
29 Jisua'n an kôm, “Ani,” nangni ki ril tukhom keima sika le thurchisa sika, in mo, lâibungngei mo, sarnungei mo, nû mo, pa mo, nâingei mo, loingei mo amâk ngei chu,
Jesus answered and said: Verily I say to you, There is no man that leaveth houses, or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or wife or children, for my sake, and for the sake of my tidings,
30 hi damsûng renga hin inngei mo, lâibungngei mo, sarnungei mo, nûngei mo, pangei mo, nâingei mo, loingei mo, abâk razan man a ta, male mi nuomlonangei khom tuong sa a ta; male zora la hong tung ranga ringinlon khom man sa atih. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
who will not receive a hundredfold, here in the present time, houses, and brothers and sisters, and mothers and children, and lands, with persecution; and in the world to come eternal life. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 “Aniatachu atûna amotontaka om mi tam ngei chu anûktaka la om an ta, male anûktaka om mi tam ngei chu amotontaka la om an tih,” a tia.
But many are first, who will be last; and last, who will be first.
32 Jisua le a ruoisingei Jerusalem tena se rangin lampuia an oma, Jisua moton ânsa, ruoisingei hah kamâmnân an sipa; a nûkjûi mingei han an chia. Jisua'n, ruoisingei hah an theiviekin a tuong ngei nôka, male a chunga neinun ahongtung rang ngei hah a misîr pe ngei nôka.
And as they were in the way, going up to Jerusalem, Jesus went before them: and they were amazed, and walked after him with trembling. And he took his twelve, and began to tell them what was to befall him.
33 “Rangâi roi, Jerusalem tena ei se rang ania, mahan Miriem Nâipasal hi ochaisingei le Balam minchupungei kuta bangin om atih. Thi rangin theiloimintum an ta masuole chu Jentailngei kuta bang an ta,
Behold, we are going to Jerusalem; and the Son of man will be delivered up to the chief priests and the Scribes; and they will condemn him to die, and will deliver him over to the Gentiles.
34 anni ngei han innuinân mang an ta, michil an ta, jêm an ta, that an tih; hannirese sûnthum suole chu aringin inthoinôk a tih” a tia.
And they will mock him, and will scourge him, and will spit in his face, and will kill him; and on the third day he will arise.
35 Hanchu Zebedee nâipasalngei Jacob le John, Jisua kôm an honga, “Minchupu, imini sin mi ni tho pe rangin kin nuom aom,” an tia.
And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him, and said to him: Teacher, we desire that thou wouldst do for us all that we ask.
36 Jisua'n an kôm, “Maha imo ani?” tiin a rekel ngeia.
He saith to them: What would ye, that I should do for you?
37 Anni han, a kôm, “Ne Rêngram roiinpuitaka ne rêngsukmuna nên sung tika na changtieng inkhat voitieng inkhat mi ni min sung rangin kin nuom ani” tiin an thuona.
They say to him: Grant to us, that one may sit on thy right hand, and the other on thy left, in thy glory.
38 Jisua'n an kôm, “Nin ngên hi nin riet loi ani. Dûktuongna kilât ke nêk ngêt rang hi nin nêk thei rang mo? Ka baptisma chang rang khom nin chang thei rang mo?” a tipe ngeia.
But he said to them: Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink the cup, of which I drink? and to be baptized with the baptism, that I am baptized with?
39 Anni han, “Thei kin tih” tiin an thuona. Jisua'n an kôm, “Ki kilât nêk rang chu nêk nin ta, ka baptisma chang rang khom chang thei nin tih.
They say to him: We are able. Jesus saith to them: The cup that I drink, ye will drink, and the baptism that I am baptized with, ye will be baptized with:
40 Aniatachu ka changtieng mo, ko voitieng mo tumo an sung rang thang rangin chu rachamnei mu-ung. Ha munngei hah chu Pathien'n tu ngei rang mo a minsûk pe ngei kôm han pêk ngei atih,” tiin a tipe ngeia.
But that ye should sit on my right hand and on my left, is not mine o give, except to those for whom it is prepared.
41 Ma roi hah ruoisi dang sôm ngeiin an lei rieta Jacob le John chunga an lei nuor zoia.
And when the ten heard it, they began to murmur against James and John.
42 Masikin Jisua'n anrêngin munkhatin a koi ngeia, an kôm, “Jentailngei chunga roijêkpu an phun ngei chu an chunga an inlal sabak ngâia, male an ruoipungei khom an chunga racham an nei tatak ngâi ti khom nin riet.
And Jesus called them, and said to them: Ye know, that they who are accounted chiefs of the nations, are their lords; and their great men have authority over them.
43 Nikhomrese, nin lâia chu ma anghin ani rang nimak. Nin lâia tukhomin alien rang a nuomin chu nin tîrlâm ani bak ngêt rang ani;
But it shall not be so among you: but he that would be great among you, must be a servitor to you.
44 male nin lâia tukhomin amotontak ani nuomin chu mi murdi suok ani bak ngêt rang ani.
And he of you that would be first, must be servant to every one.
45 Miriem Nâipasal luo mana mîn a sin an tho pe rangin juong maka; mi sin tho pe rangin le mi tamtak ngei ratan ranga a ringna pêk rangin ke a juong ani” a tia.
And also the Son of man came, not to be served, but to serve; and to give his life a ransom for many.
46 Jericho an hong tunga, Jericho renga Jisua le a ruoisingei leh loko tamtak ngei mâkin an se lâiin kutdo Timaius nâipasal Bartimaeus lampui kôla a lei insunga.
And they came to Jericho. And as Jesus went out of Jericho, he and his disciples and a great multitude; Timeus, the son of Timeus, a blind man, was sitting by the side of the way, and begging.
47 Nazareth Jisua ani ti a riet lehan ân ieka, “Jisua! David Nâipasal, inrieng mi mu roh ba!” a tia.
And he heard that it was Jesus the Nazarean; and he began to cry out, and to say: Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.
48 Mi tamtakin dâirek rangin an ngokhuma, aniatachu ama'n, “David Nâipasal, inrieng mi mu roh!” tiin ânring uolin ân ieka.
And many rebuked him, that he might be silent. But he cried out the more, and said: Thou Son of David, have mercy on me.
49 Jisua ânngama male, “Ama hah hong koi roi” a tia. Masikin mitchopa hah an va koia, a kôm, “Tâihieiin om roh!” anni han, “Inthoi roh, nang a koi!” an tipea.
And Jesus stood, and directed him to be called. And they called the blind man, and said to him: Take courage: arise, he calleth thee.
50 Masikin a puon a vôr paia, inrangtakin ân chôma, male Jisua kôm a hong zoi.
And the blind man cast off his garment and arose, and went to Jesus.
51 Jisua'n a kôm, “Khoimo nang ko tho pe rangin nu nuom?” tiin a rekela. Mitchopa han a kôm, “Minchupu, mu nôk thei rangin ku nuom” tiin a thuona.
Jesus said to him: What wilt thou, that I do for thee? And the blind man said to him: Rabbi, that I may have sight.
52 Jisua'n a kôm, “Se ta roh, na taksônnân nang amindam zoi ani” tiin a rila. Voikhatrengin a mu thei kelena, male lampuia han Jisua a jûi zoi.
And Jesus said to him: Go; thy faith hath procured thee life. And immediately his sight was restored; and he followed after him.

< Mark 10 >