< Mathayo 15 >

1 Na Amafarisayo na asimbi bhahenzele wha Yesu afume Huyerusalemu. Na yanje,
Then the Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem, saying,
2 “Yenu abhanafunzi bhananganya amalisizi gazehe? Afwatanaje sagabhanawa inyobhe zyawo lwabhalya ishalye.”
"Why do your disciples disobey the Tradition of the Elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread."
3 U Yesu abhajibu nahubhawozya, “Namwe yenu munanganya indajizyo ya Gosi kwa ajili yamalisizi genyu?
And he answered them, "Why do you also disobey the commandment of God because of your tradition?
4 Afwatanaje o Ngolobhi ayanjile, 'Ubheninshinshi wha baba waho nu maye waho; na 'Wayanga imbibhi wha baba wakwe na whamaye wakwe, na hakika afwe.'
For God said, 'Honor your father and your mother,' and, 'He who speaks evil of father or mother, let him be put to death.'
5 Ila amwe muyanga, na wahumozya ubaba wakwe nu maye wakwe, “Kila ulwavwe ambalo andapatile afume huline eshe mpesya afume wha Ngolobhi,”
But you say, 'Whoever may tell his father or his mother, "Whatever help you might otherwise have gotten from me is a gift devoted to God,"
6 “Umuntu oyo sagaalinihaja yabheninshinshi wha baba wakwe. Katika inamuna ene mubadilisizye izulya Ngolobhi kwa ajili yimalisizi genyu.
he is not to honor his father or his mother.' You have made the word of God void because of your tradition.
7 Amwe bhanafiki, shinza hansi u Isaya shakuwilwe pamwanya yenyu shayanjile,
You hypocrites. Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying,
8 'Abhantu ebha bhahwfpanyila inshinshi ane humalomu gawo, ila amioyo gawo galihutali nane.
'These people honor me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9 Bhahunsaya wene, kwa sababu bhafundizya amamanyizyo agali malajizyo gabhanadamu.”
And in vain do they worship me, teaching instructions that are the commandments of humans.'"
10 Epo abhakwizizye ikusanyiho na hubhawozye, “Tejelezi na mumanye
He summoned the crowd, and said to them, "Hear, and understand.
11 Nahamo ahantu hahahinjila mwilomu lya muntu nahumombe ubhibhi. Ila, shila shishifuma mwilomu eshi shesho shimomba umuntu abhe mibhi.”
That which enters into the mouth does not defile the person; but that which proceeds out of the mouth, this defiles the person."
12 Epo abhanafunzi bhamalila nayanje nu Yesu, “Eshi!, Uwhele Amafarisayo lwabhalyevwa lila izu bhavisiwilwe?”
Then the disciples came, and said to him, "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended, when they heard this saying?"
13 U Yesu abhajibu na yanje, “Kila likwi lwasagatotile ubaba wane wahumwanya lyayisenywa.
But he answered, "Every plant which my heavenly Father did not plant will be uprooted.
14 Bhaleshi bhene, abhene bhalongozi bhivipofu. Hansi umuntu shipofu abhahunongozye ushipofu uwamwawo, wonti bhabhele bhanzagwe mwilende.”
Leave them alone. They are blind guides of the blind. If the blind guide the blind, both will fall into a pit."
15 Upetro ajibu na humozye u Yesu, “Tiwozye umfano ogu hulite,
And answering, Peter said to him, "Explain this parable to us."
16 U Yesu ajibu, “Namwe bado sagamuhelewa?
So he said, "Do you also still not understand?
17 Namwe sagamuwhenya aje shila shishi bhala mwilomu shishilila muvyanda na bhale muchoho?
Do you not understand that whatever goes into the mouth passes into the belly, and then out of the body?
18 Ila ivintu vyonti vivifuma mwilomu vifuma mhati yimoyo. Shesho ivintu vihumeha umuntu ubhibhi.
But the things which proceed out of the mouth come out of the heart, and they defile the person.
19 Afwatanaje katika umoyo gafuma amawazo amabhibhi, ugoji, uumalaya, uashelati, uwibha, uashuda wilenga ni ndigo.
For out of the heart come forth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, sexual sins, thefts, false testimony, and blasphemies.
20 Ega gamambo gahumeha umuntu ubhibhi. Ila alye bila anawe inyobhe sagahuumomba umuntu abhe mibhi.”
These are the things which defile the person; but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile the person."
21 Epo u Yesu ayepa isehemu ela nahujisegusye aeleshela uhupande wi miji gi Tiro ni Sidoni.
Jesus went out from there, and withdrew into the region of Tyre and Sidon.
22 Enya ayenza onshe Umkanani afume uwupande owo. Azuvya isauti ayanga, “Ndolele inkombo, Gosi, Mwana wa Daudi; umwale wane ayemba hani ni mpepo.”
And look, a Canaanite woman came out from those borders, and started shouting, saying, "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David. My daughter is severely demonized."
23 Ila u Yesu sagaajibule izu. Abhanafunzi bhakwe bhenza bhanabha bhayanga, “Mwefwe abhaje ulwakwe, maana ahutikhomela ihalanga.”
But he did not answer her a word. His disciples came and pleaded with him, saying, "Send her away, for she keeps shouting at us."
24 U Yesu abhajibule nayanje, Saganatumwile wha muntu wowonti ila whingole zizitejile zinyumba yi Israeli.”
But he answered, "I was not sent to anyone but the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
25 Ila ahenzele na whiname whilongolela lyakwe, ayanga, “Gosi navwe.”
But she came and worshiped him, saying, "Lord, help me."
26 Ajibule na yanje, “Sagashinza awheje ishalye shabhana na huzitajile embwa.”
But he answered, "It is not appropriate to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."
27 Ayanga, “Eshi, Gosi, hata esho embwa indodo zilya ishalye shishigwa pameza pa Gosi wawo.”
But she said, "Yes, Lord, but even the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters' table."
28 Epo u Yesu ajibu na yanje “Anshe, ulweteho lwaho gosi.” Na ifanyishe huliwe hansi shuwhanza.” Nu mwale wakwe ali aponile husala yeyo.
Then Jesus answered her, "Woman, great is your faith. Be it done to you even as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that hour.
29 U Yesu asogoye isehemu ela nabhale karibu ni bahari yi Galilaya. Tena abhala humwanya yigamba na khale oho.
Jesus departed there, and came near to the sea of Galilee; and he went up into the mountain, and sat there.
30 Empoga ingosi yahenza hukwakwe. Na hunetele bhasaga bhajenda avipofu, abubu, bhishilema na bhanje vinji, bhabhali bhabhinile. Bhabhabheshele pamanama ga Yesu abhaponyla.
Large crowds came to him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, crippled, and many others, and they put them down at his feet; and he healed them.
31 Na bhene empoga bhaswijile lwabhalolile amabubu bhayanga, ni vilema bhabhewha womi, aviwete bhajenda, nivipofu bhalola. Bhatemele Ongolobhi wi Israeli.
So the crowd was amazed when they saw the mute speaking, crippled healthy, lame walking, and blind seeing—and they glorified the God of Israel.
32 U Yesu abhakwizizye abhanafunzi bhakwe nayanje, “Imbaloleye inkombo impoga, husababu bhali nane hinsiku zitatu bila alye ahantu hohonti, sigimbahubhalaje bhabhale humwawo bila alye, bhasa hazimile mwidala.”
Jesus summoned the disciples and said, "I have compassion on the crowd, because they continue with me now three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away fasting, or they might faint on the way."
33 Abhanafunzi bhakwe bhamozya, “Tibhawezye apate amabumunda gatosye epa pinyiha awhigutizye empoga ingosi eshi?”
Then the disciples said to him, "Where should we get so many loaves in a deserted place as to satisfy so great a crowd?"
34 U Yesu abhawozya, “Muli na mabumunda galenga?” Bhayanga, “Saba, neswe indodo ndodo.”
Jesus said to them, "How many loaves do you have?" They said, "Seven, and a few small fish."
35 U Yesu ayiwozya empoga ikhale pansi.
He commanded the crowd to sit down on the ground;
36 Ahejile gala amabumunda saba neswe, na baada ya husalifwe, agamensula na hubhapele abhanafunzi. Abhanafunzi bhabhapela empoga.
and he took the seven loaves and the fish. He gave thanks and broke them, and gave to the disciples, and the disciples to the crowds.
37 Abhantu bhonti bhalya natosewe. Bwawonganya gagasyalile ivipande vivyalye vya vyasageye vipande vipande, vyamemile iviseje saba.
They all ate, and were filled. They took up seven baskets full of the broken pieces that were left over.
38 Wonti bhabhaliye bhali alume elfu zene bila abhashe na bhana.
Those who ate were four thousand men, besides women and children.
39 Tena u Yesu alaga empoga bhabha bhewo na ayinjila mkasi yi mashua na bhale isehemu zi Magadani.
Then he sent away the crowds, got into the boat, and came into the borders of Magadan.

< Mathayo 15 >