< Roma 5 >

1 Dadꞌi, huu tamahere neu Lamatualain, naa de Ana cap nggita atahori rala ndoos. De rala tara dadꞌi meumareꞌ fee neu Lamatuaꞌ, huu hita Lamatuan Yesus Kristus, fo Lamatuaꞌ haituaꞌ nemaꞌ a, soi dalaꞌ fo ata badꞌame taꞌo naa.
Therefore being accepted as righteous through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ;
2 Kristus natudꞌu rala malolen neu nggita onaꞌ naa, huu tamahere neu E ena. Naa de rala tara dadꞌi manggatee. Ma tamahoꞌo, huu ata tahine tae, dei fo Lamatuaꞌ nau soꞌu nggita fo medꞌa tita Eni manaselin.
through whom also we have had admission into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in the hope of the glory which God will confer.
3 Mae hita hambu sususaꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ, te tamahoꞌo takandooꞌ a. Ata bubꞌuluꞌ tae, tanori mia sususaꞌ, fo bisa taꞌatataaꞌ no maꞌadereꞌ lenaꞌ fai.
And not only so, but we rejoice in afflictions also, knowing that affliction produceth endurance,
4 Mete ma taꞌatataaꞌ sia sususaꞌ rala, naa tao nggita nda taꞌaloli sa, ma masodꞌa tara tao namahoꞌo Lamatuaꞌ ralan. Mete ma hita tasodꞌa tahereꞌ taꞌo naa, naa tao nemehere tara bau mahereꞌ, ma, Lamatuaꞌ nae natudꞌu rala malolen neu nggita.
and endurance proof [[of faith]], and proof [[of faith giveth]] hope;
5 Mete ma nemehere tara bau mahereꞌ taꞌo naa, hita nda mae sa. Huu Lamatuaꞌ fee nggita Dula-dale meumaren, fo tahine sia rala tara tae, Ana sue nala nggita naen seli.
and hope will not disappoint us; because the love of God hath been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which hath been given to us.
6 Ana natudꞌu susuen taꞌo ia: leleꞌ hita nda mampo tao ao tara maloleꞌ to Lamatuaꞌ sa, tao-tao te Ana haitua Kristus fo mate nggati hita mana tasodꞌa nda taoafiꞌ neu Lamatuaꞌ sa. Lamatuaꞌ pili fain nandaa taꞌo naa.
For while we were yet without strength, in due season Christ died for the ungodly.
7 Dꞌuꞌa malolole dei! Matasalaꞌ dei fo hambu atahori nau mate nggati nonoon rala ndoos. Neꞌo hambu atahori ruma rae mate fo tulun atahori rala maloleꞌ.
Now hardly for a righteous man will one die; perhaps, however, for a benefactor one might even dare to die.
8 Te Lamatualain natudꞌu rala susuen nae-nae neu nggita ena. Huu, leleꞌ hita feꞌe tao salaꞌ, te Kristus mate nggati hita ena.
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Lamatualain cap nggita atahori rala ndoos mana maloleꞌ to E, huu Kristus fee raan nandali fo mate soaꞌ neu nggita. Tao-tao te, mete ma atahori tao salaꞌ, Lamatuaꞌ namanasa. Te huu Kristus tataon, de hita mana tao salaꞌ ra nda nenehukun sa.
Much more then, being now accepted as righteous through his blood, we shall be saved through him from the [[coming]] wrath.
10 Feꞌesaꞌan, hita feꞌe musu to Lamatuaꞌ. Te, Lamatuaꞌ Anan mate fo tao maꞌasufu Lamatuaꞌ ralan, fo no taꞌo naa hita badꞌame baliꞌ to Lamatuaꞌ. Dadꞌi ia naa, hita nda bamusuꞌ sa ena, te maloleꞌ baliꞌ ena. Lelenan fai, huu Kristus nasodꞌa baliꞌ ena, de dei fo sia fai mateteꞌen Ana fee masoi-masodꞌaꞌ neu nggita fo afiꞌ hambu Lamatualain huku-dokin fai.
For if while enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more having been reconciled shall we be saved by his life;
11 Nda taꞌoꞌ a naa sa! Ata tamahoꞌo tae, “Lamatuaꞌ naa, manaseliꞌ tebꞌeꞌ!” huu hita nenepaꞌaꞌ to E. Hita dadꞌi Eni atahorin, huu hita Lamatuan Yesus Kristus, mate nggati hita ena, fo tao nggita dame to Lamatuaꞌ.
and not this only, but also having joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received the reconciliation.
12 Dadꞌi mia lele uluꞌ a, atahori fefeun, naeni baꞌi Adam, mana tao salaꞌ naꞌahuluꞌ. Naeni de Lamatualain nda fee ne nasodꞌa nakandoo sa. De eniꞌ a mia leleꞌ naa, basa atahori sia raefafoꞌ ia tungga tao salaꞌ onaꞌ baꞌi Adam boe. Ma huu sira tao salaꞌ onaꞌ baꞌi Adam, de basa se musi mate onaꞌ baꞌi Adam boe.
So then as through one man sin entered into the world, and through sin death, and thus [[death]] came through unto all men, because all sinned—
13 Maꞌahulun, leleꞌ Lamatualain nda feꞌe naꞌondaꞌ Hohoro-lalane nara sa, atahori sia ndule raefafoꞌ ia tao salaꞌ. Te huu nda feꞌe hambu Hohoro-lalaneꞌ raa sa, de atahori sala-kilu nara nda neneito-reken sa.
(for all the time before the Law sin was in the world; but sin is not set to one's account when there is no law.
14 Mia baꞌi Adam losa baꞌi Musa simbo Lamatuaꞌ Hohoro-lalanen, basa atahori dei fo mate. Mae ara nda ralena-langga neu Lamatua parendan fo Ana fee neu baꞌi Adam a sa, te ara feꞌe tao sala-kiluꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Naa de ara musi mate onaꞌ Adam. Naa! Mete ma taꞌasasamaꞌ baꞌi Adam no Lamatuaꞌ Yesus, hambu mana naeꞌ a ona esaꞌ, ma hambu manafeaꞌ boe. Huu Adam onaꞌ nggambar esa mana natudꞌu Yesus mata aon, mana sangga sou nema.
Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the manner in which Adam transgressed; who is a type of him who was to come.—
15 Te Adam ue-tao salan esa, nda onaꞌ Yesus ue-tao malolen esa soaꞌ neu nggita sa. Te atahori esa, naeni Adam, nalena-langga Lamatuaꞌ parendan. Naa de basa atahori musi mate. Te atahori esa fai, naeni Yesus Kristus, tao malole manaseliꞌ esa, ma nda nahani atahori bala-bꞌae malolen sa. Atahori sa tataon esa, dai ena soaꞌ neu basa atahori, huu Lamatuaꞌ rala malolen, de Ana hiiꞌ a tao maloleꞌ fee nggita.
But the free gift was not as the transgression. For if through the offence of the one the many died, much more hath the grace of God, and the gift which is by the grace of the one man Jesus Christ, abounded to the many.
16 Lamatualain fee neu nggitaꞌ naa, manafeaꞌ no salaꞌ fo atahori ka esaꞌ naa, Adam, taoꞌ a. Leleꞌ ana tao salaꞌ, Lamatualain naꞌetuꞌ nae, “Ho sala. Dadꞌi musi hambu huku-dꞌokiꞌ!” Te mae atahori tao salaꞌ naen seli o, Lamatualain, mana paresaꞌ basa atahori masodꞌan, feꞌe nau natudꞌu rala malolen, ma naꞌetuꞌ nae, “Au cap nggo nda sala sa. Dadꞌi ia naa ho nenemboꞌit ma nda hambu huku-dꞌokiꞌ sa ena. Uma fo maloleꞌ baliꞌ mo Au!”
And the free gift is not like what happened through one man who sinned. For sentence of condemnation followed one offence; but the free gift is a justification after many offences.
17 Dadꞌi atahori esa, Adam, tao salaꞌ, ma nalena-langga Lamatuaꞌ parendan. Naa de, ia naa, basa e musi mate. Te, Atahori esa fai, naeni Yesus Kristus, Ana tao maloleꞌ. Huu tatao malolen naa, naa de hita malolole to Lamatuaꞌ. Naa onaꞌ saa esa fo Ana fee hieꞌ nema nggita. Ana nau fee nggita tasodꞌa ndoo-tetuꞌ, onaꞌ hita Maneꞌ nonoo nara.
For if by one trespass death reigned through the one man, much more will they who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.)—
18 Dadꞌi atahori sa salan esa, soi dalaꞌ fo basa atahori musi neneoiꞌ mia Lamatuaꞌ matan. Ma Atahori sa tatao ndoo-tetun esa, soi dalaꞌ fo basa atahori maloleꞌ baliꞌ ro Lamatuaꞌ, fo rasodꞌa ndoo-tetuꞌ ro E.
As then through one trespass all men have come under condemnation, so through one act of righteousness all obtain the gift of righteousness unto life.
19 Au masud ngga taꞌo ia: Adam naa, atahori sa nda mana nau rena Lamatuaꞌ sa, ma nalena-langga parendan. De atahori hetar o tungga tao salaꞌ, onaꞌ e boe. Ma, Yesus naa, Atahori sa mana rena neu Lamatuaꞌ, ma tao tungga hihii-nanaun. Eni mana soi dalaꞌ fo atahori hetar maloleꞌ baliꞌ ro Lamatuaꞌ.
For as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so through the obedience of the one man will the many be made righteous.
20 Lamatualain naꞌondaꞌ Hohoro-lalanen neu baꞌi Musa, fo basa atahori rahine tebꞌe, bee sala. Ma sia bee-bꞌee atahori sala nara boe fua-fuaꞌ, sia naa Lamatuaꞌ natudꞌu Rala malolen naeꞌ neu se.
Moreover the law came in in addition, that the trespass might abound; but where sin abounded, grace abounded much more;
21 Feꞌesaꞌan, deꞌulakaꞌ mana sia atahori ra ralan naꞌena koasa fo nalalao se, losa ara tao salaꞌ mana nendi huku-dꞌoki mamates. Te ia naa, dꞌala maloleꞌ fo hita Lamatuan Yesus Kristus taoꞌ naa, Lamatualain pake fo natudꞌu rala malolen neu nggita. Ma dꞌala maloleꞌ naa naꞌena koasa fo nalalao nggita, ma ata bisa maloleꞌ to Lamatuaꞌ, ma tasodꞌa ndoo-tetuꞌ to E takandooꞌ a. (aiōnios g166)
that as sin reigned in death, so grace might reign through righteousness to everlasting life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (aiōnios g166)

< Roma 5 >