< Yohanis 10 >

1 Yesus olaꞌ nendiꞌ nekendandaaꞌ esa nae, “Au ufadꞌe neu nggi ia, tebꞌe. Bibꞌi lombo naꞌena lalaet. Mete ma hambu atahori rala neu nda tungga lelesu a sa, te rala neu hene tungga lutu-mbaa, na, tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ, eni naꞌo.
“Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever does not enter the sheepfold by the gate, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.
2 Te mana rala neu tungga lelesu a, naeni bibꞌi lombo ra manatadꞌan mana naꞌabꞌoi se.
But the one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep.
3 Mana nanea lelesu a nahine manatadꞌa, de soi lelesu fee ne. Bibꞌi lombo ra o rahine manatadꞌa haran. Basa ma, mete ma nameli esa-esaꞌ naran, ara tungga e dea reu.
The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen for his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
4 Leleꞌ ana no se dea reu, ana laoꞌ sia mataꞌ. Bibꞌi lombo ra tungga-tungga dean, huu ara rahine haran.
When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.
5 Mete ma hambu atahori fo bibꞌi lombo ra nda rahine sa, na, ara nda tungga e sa. Te ara rela raꞌadodꞌooꞌ, huu ara nda rahine atahori fuiꞌ naa haran sa.”
But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will flee from him because they do not recognize his voice.”
6 Mae Yesus dui nekendandaaꞌ naa neu se, te ara nda rahine masud na saa sa boe.
Jesus spoke to them using this illustration, but they did not understand what He was telling them.
7 Basa ma Yesus tute nafadꞌe mbali se nae, “Au ufadꞌe mbali nggi ia, tebꞌe. Au onaꞌ lelesu sia bibꞌi lombo lalaet na.
So He said to them again, “Truly, truly, I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.
8 Basa atahori mana rema raꞌahulu Au, Ara onaꞌ naꞌo re. Mae ara roꞌe rakandooꞌ a o, bibꞌi lombo ra nda rena atahori naa ra sa.
All who came before Me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.
9 Boe ma, Au onaꞌ lelesu naa. Mete ma hambu esa nae nau rala neu tungga Au, Lamatualain nau fee masoi-masodꞌaꞌ neu e mia sala-kilu nara. Naa onaꞌ ana rala neu sia Lamatualain mamanan, tungga Au fo mana dadꞌi eni lelesun. Boe ma atahori mana rala neu tungga Au, eni laoꞌ sudꞌiꞌ a bee neu, ma hambu nanaa-nininu matetuꞌ a.
I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture.
10 Naꞌo ra tao akaꞌ nemue-neanggiꞌ a, ara rema fo ramanaꞌo, tati-mbau risa, ma tao ralutu atahori masodꞌa nara. Te Au uma endi masodꞌa malole manaseliꞌ a, huu Au uma fo atahori bisa rasodꞌa no mole-dame ma masodꞌa ndoo-tetuꞌ a.
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.
11 Au manatadꞌa maloleꞌ esa boe. Huu manatadꞌa maloleꞌ a nahehere fee aon losa mate, fo ona bee na bibꞌi lombo nara bisa rasodꞌa.
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.
12 Te atahori mana tao ues fo bibꞌi lombo ra nda lamatuan sa, mete ma nita busa fui sa nema na, ana nela naꞌadodꞌooꞌ, hela bibꞌi lombo ra reu naa. Boe ma busa fui a edꞌa nala bibꞌi lombo ra, ma bibꞌi lombo laen ra rela sea-saranggaa.
The hired hand is not the shepherd, and the sheep are not his own. When he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf pounces on them and scatters the flock.
13 Atahori mana tao ues a nela, huu eni tao ues sanggaꞌ a doiꞌ. Ana nda tao afiꞌ fo nanea malolole bibꞌi lombo naa ra sa.
The man runs away because he is a hired servant and is unconcerned for the sheep.
14 Tebꞌe! Au onaꞌ manatadꞌa maloleꞌ a. Au uhine bibꞌi lombo nggara. Ma ara rahine Au boe.
I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me,
15 Naa onaꞌ Amaꞌ sia sorga nahine Au, ma Au uhine Eni boe. Au uhehere fee Ao ngga losa mate, fo bibꞌi lombo nggara hambu masodꞌaꞌ.
just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep.
16 Au bibꞌi lombo laen nggara, nda feꞌe raꞌabꞌue ro bibꞌi lombo mana sia ia ra sa. Au musi uu mboo uꞌubꞌue se boe. Dei fo mete ma ara rena hara ngga, na rahine neuꞌ ena. Boe ma ara rema raꞌabꞌue dadꞌi nononggoꞌ esa mana naꞌena manatadꞌa esa boe.
I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them in as well, and they will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd.
17 Huu naa, Ama ngga sia sorga sue Au. Au uhehere fee Ao ngga losa mate, fo Au bisa usodꞌa baliꞌ.
The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down My life in order to take it up again.
18 Nda hambu atahori raꞌasusuuꞌ Au fo mate sa, te Au mesaꞌ nggo mana uhehere fee Ao ngga losa mate. Au uꞌena hak fo fee ao ngga. Au o uꞌena hak haꞌi baliꞌ boe. Parendaꞌ ia, Au simbo mia Ama ngga sia sorga.”
No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.”
19 Huu ara rena Yesus olaꞌ taꞌo naa, boe ma atahori Yahudi ra rareresi seluꞌ fai.
Again there was division among the Jews because of Jesus’ message.
20 Hambu hetar mia sira rae, “Weh! Atahori ia, muluꞌ! Nitu sia ralan! Taꞌo bee de hei nau rena E?”
Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and insane. Why would you listen to Him?”
21 Te hambu ruma fai rae, “Ia nda atahori muluꞌ a oꞌolan sa, to? Dedꞌea-oꞌolaꞌ onaꞌ naa, nda parna kalua mia nitu a bafan sa! Boe ma nitu ra nda tao fee atahori pokeꞌ ra rita baliꞌ sa, to?”
But others replied, “These are not the words of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”
22 Leleꞌ naa, atahori Yahudi ra rae tao sira agama na fai malolen esa. Fai maloleꞌ naa, nandaa no fula-fai maꞌariniꞌ. Sia fefetas naa, atahori Yahudi ra rasanedꞌa leleꞌ atahori laen tao ranggenggeo Lamatualain Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ mana sia kota Yerusalem, basa ma ara tao rameu e de tabis seluꞌ e.
At that time the Feast of Dedication took place in Jerusalem. It was winter,
23 Yesus lao rereoꞌ Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a sodꞌan, sia mamanaꞌ fo ara babae rae, ‘Mane Soleman Ume Loos na’.
and Jesus was walking in the temple courts in Solomon’s Colonnade.
24 Boe ma atahori Yahudi ra malangga nara rema heo rala E rae, “Weh! hai musi mihani mikindoo losa fai hiraꞌ, dei fo hai feꞌe mihine ena? Mete ma Papa ia, naeni Kristus, na, tulun nefadꞌe relo-relo dei.”
So the Jews gathered around Him and demanded, “How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly.”
25 Yesus nataa nae, “Au ufadꞌe memaꞌ ena, te hei nda nau mimihere sa. Tao-tao te, dala-dalaꞌ fo Au taoꞌ ra, basa se tunggaꞌ a Ama ngga parendan. Basa dalaꞌ naa ra ratudꞌu rae, Au ia, seka.
“I already told you,” Jesus replied, “but you did not believe. The works I do in My Father’s name testify on My behalf.
26 Te hei nda mimihere Au sa, huu hei nda Au bibꞌi lombo nggara sa.
But because you are not My sheep, you refuse to believe.
27 Huu Au bibꞌi lombo matetu ngga ra, rahine Au hara ngga. Ara o tungga Au boe. Ma Au uhine se boe.
My sheep listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me.
28 Au fee se masodꞌa ndoo-tetuꞌ nda mana basaꞌ sa, ma ara nda saranggaa mia Lamatualain sa. Nda hambu atahori esa sa boe bisa rambas nala se mia Au sa. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them out of My hand. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 Ama ngga sia sorga fee se reu Au ena. Eni manaseliꞌ lenaꞌ basa e. Naeni de nda hambu atahori esa bisa rambas nala se mia Eni liman sa.
My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all. No one can snatch them out of My Father’s hand.
30 Huu Au o Ama ngga, esa.”
I and the Father are one.”
31 Rena taꞌo naa, ma atahori Yahudi ra malangga nara oꞌo fatu lao esa fai, fo rae honda risa Yesus.
At this, the Jews again picked up stones to stone Him.
32 Boe ma Yesus nafadꞌe se nae, “Hee! Au utudꞌu dala maloleꞌ hetar mia Ama ngga ena. Hei mae mbia misa Au, mendiꞌ dala maloleꞌ bee?”
But Jesus responded, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone Me?”
33 Ara rataa rae, “Hai nda mbia nggo sa, huu tao dala maloleꞌ na. Te hai fee huku-dokiꞌ a neu nggo, huu muꞌumuti mala seli ena. Huu ho atahori, te soꞌu aom onaꞌ Lamatualain! Seli tebꞌe ia ma!”
“We are not stoning You for any good work,” said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.”
34 Boe ma Yesus nataa nae, “Taꞌo bee? Sia agama hohoro-lalanen fo hei toꞌuꞌ a, nenesuraꞌ nae, ‘Au ufadꞌe memaꞌ ae, hei malangga ia ra, lamatuaꞌ’.
Jesus replied, “Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are gods’?
35 Naa, hita tahine ena tae, basa mana nenesuraꞌ sia Lamatualain Susura Meumaren naa, tebꞌe, ma nda bisa neneose hendiꞌ sa. Lamatualain mesaꞌ ne mana nafadꞌe atahori nara nae, sira, ‘lamatuaꞌ’
If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—
36 Dadꞌi taꞌo bee de hei bisa olaꞌ mae Au uꞌumuti huu Au ae Au Lamatualain Anan? Nda masoꞌ dudꞌuꞌat sa! Huu Amaꞌ sia sorga mana dudꞌu nala Au, ma mana denu Au raefafoꞌ ia uma.
then what about the One whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world? How then can you accuse Me of blasphemy for stating that I am the Son of God?
37 Taꞌo ia. Mete ma Au nda ulalao Ama ngga ue-tataon sa, na, ama afiꞌ mimihere Au.
If I am not doing the works of My Father, then do not believe Me.
38 Te Au ulalao ue-tataon ukundooꞌ a. Dadꞌi mae hei nda nau mimihere Au sa, te mbei anak a o, hei musi simbo manadadꞌi-manaseliꞌ fo Au taoꞌ ra. No taꞌo naa, hei bisa mihine mae, Ama ngga nenepaꞌa no Au. Ma Au o nenepaꞌa o Ama ngga boe.”
But if I am doing them, even though you do not believe Me, believe the works themselves, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I am in the Father.”
39 Basa ma ara sobꞌa humu seluꞌ E, te nda rala E sa.
At this, they tried again to seize Him, but He escaped their grasp.
40 Boe ma Yesus neu seluꞌ sia loe Yarden bobꞌoan, sia mamanaꞌ fefeun fo dalahulun Yohanis sarani atahori ra. De Ana leo naꞌatataaꞌ sia naa.
Then Jesus went back across the Jordan to the place where John had first been baptizing, and He stayed there.
41 Atahori hetar rema sangga E. Boe ma ara ola-olaꞌ rae, “Yohanis nda tao manadadꞌi-manaseliꞌ saa sa boe. Te basa oꞌolan soꞌal Yesus ia, tebꞌe, e!”
Many came to Him and said, “Although John never performed a sign, everything he said about this man was true.”
42 Boe ma atahori hetar ramahere E sia naa.
And many in that place believed in Jesus.

< Yohanis 10 >