< 1 Korintus 12 >

1 Toronoo susue nggara, e! Au nau fo ama mihine soꞌal koasa no babꞌanggi-babꞌaꞌeꞌ fo Lamatualain Dula-dalen fee neu nggita fo ata pakeꞌ a.
In the next place, Brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant about spiritual gifts.
2 Hei bubꞌuluꞌ ena mae, leleꞌ ama nda feꞌe dadꞌi Lamatuaꞌ atahorin sa, hei akaꞌ songgo-tanggu sudꞌiꞌ a saa nda maharaꞌ ra sa. Hei tungga no poke-mbakeꞌ neu se.
You know that there was a time when you were Gentiles, going astray after idols that could not speak, just as you happened to be led.
3 Huu naa, au nau fo ama mihine mae, nda bisa hambu atahori nenepaꞌaꞌ no Lamatualain Dula-dale Meumaren oi, “Sumba-ndoon neu Yesus naa!” Ma nda bisa hambu atahori fo nda nenepaꞌaꞌ no Lamatualain Dula-dale Meumaren nae, “Yesus naa, au Lamatua ngga mana naꞌena hak parenda au!”
Therefore I tell you plainly that no one who speaks under the influence of the Spirit of God says ‘JESUS IS ACCURSED,’ and that no one can say ‘JESUS IS LORD,’ except under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
4 Lamatualain Dula-dalen fee atahori esa-esaꞌ no babꞌanggi-babꞌaꞌeꞌ, fo ara ralalao ue-tataos laen-laen. Te basa babꞌanggi-babꞌaꞌeꞌ ra, laoꞌ mia Dula-daleꞌ esa.
Gifts differ, but the Spirit is the same;
5 Atahori hambu babꞌanggi-babꞌaꞌeꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ fo mete-seꞌu atahori, te basa se rena mia Lamatuaꞌ esa.
ways of serving differ, yet the Master is the same;
6 Atahori hambu ue-tataos mataꞌ-mataꞌ fo nelalao Lamatualain ue-tataon, te akaꞌ na Lamatualain, mana tulu-fali se fo ralalao basa ue-tataos ra.
results differ, yet the God who brings about every result is in every case the same.
7 Lamatualain natudꞌu Dula-dalen sia atahori esaꞌ-esaꞌ masodꞌan no dalaꞌ esa-esaꞌ no enan, te masud na basa se hambu hahambun ona esaꞌ.
To each man there is given spiritual illumination for the general good.
8 Ana fee koasa Dula-dalen neu atahori nara. Ruma simbo koasa fo ara bisa duꞌa naruꞌ, fo fee nenoriꞌ nandaa. Ruma simbo koasa fo rafadꞌe no relo-relo saa fo sira rahine.
To one is given the power to speak with wisdom through the Spirit; to another the power to speak with knowledge, due to the same Spirit;
9 Ruma fai simbo koasa fo ramahere rahereꞌ Lamatualain, huu sira nenepaꞌa malolole ro Eni Dula-dalen. Ruma fai simbo koasa fo tao raꞌahahaiꞌ atahori mamahedꞌiꞌ ra.
to another faith by the same Spirit; to another power to cure diseases by the one Spirit; to another supernatural powers;
10 Ruma fai simbo koasa fo tao manadadꞌi-manaseliꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ fo ratudꞌu Lamatualain manaselin. Ruma fai simbo koasa fo dui-bꞌengga Lamatualain hehelu-fufulin neu atahori nara. Ruma fai simbo koasa fo rahine dula-daleꞌ bee mana maꞌokaꞌ sia Lamatualain, ma bee hokoꞌ. Ruma fai simbo koasa fo olaꞌ rahine rendiꞌ dedꞌeat mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Ruma fai simbo koasa fo rafadꞌe dedꞌeat naa ra sosoan.
to another the gift of preaching; to another the gift of distinguishing between true and false inspiration; to another varieties of the gift of ‘tongues’; to another the power to interpret ‘tongues.’
11 Te akaꞌ Dula-daleꞌ esaꞌ a mana tao fo basa atahori tao rala ue-tataos naa ra. Ana fee atahori esa-esaꞌ fo bisa tao ues tungga Dula-daleꞌ a hihii-nanaun.
All these result from one and the same Spirit, who distributes his gifts to each individually as he wills.
12 Au ae uꞌusasamaꞌ babꞌanggi-babꞌaꞌeꞌ naa ra no atahori aon. Aoꞌ esa babꞌanggin hambu mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Te babꞌanggiꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ naa, nenepaꞌaꞌ dadꞌi aoꞌ esaꞌ a. Naa onaꞌ Kristus atahori nara.
For just as the human body is one whole, and yet has many parts, and all its parts, many though they are, form but one body, so it is with the Christ;
13 Basa nggita nenepaꞌa to Dula-daleꞌ esa. Naeni de leleꞌ sarani nggita, ata dadꞌi onaꞌ nusaꞌ esa. Mae hita atahori Yahudi do atahori nda Yahudi sa, ate do atahori nenemboꞌit o, Lamatualain fee basa nggita Dula-daleꞌ esaꞌ a. Naa onaꞌ basa nggita tinu oe mana nendi masodꞌa mia oe mataꞌ esa.
for it was by one Spirit that we were all baptized to form one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, slaves or free men, and were all imbued with one Spirit.
14 Memaꞌ aoꞌ naa, nda miaꞌ a babꞌanggiꞌ esaꞌ a sa. Huu eni ia, dadꞌi mia babꞌanggiꞌ hetar.
The human body, I repeat, consists not of one part, but of many.
15 Onaꞌ ei ma nae, “Au ia, nda limaꞌ sa. Dadꞌi au nda dadꞌi babꞌanggi mia aom sa.” Mae ana olaꞌ naꞌo naa, te eni feꞌe babꞌanggiꞌ sa mia aom. Tebꞌe, to?
If the foot says ‘Since I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,’ it does not on that account cease to belong to the body.
16 Boe ma onaꞌ ndiki ma nae, “Au ia, nda mataꞌ sa. Dadꞌi au nda dadꞌi babꞌanggiꞌ mia aom sa.” Mae ana olaꞌ taꞌo naa o, eni feꞌe babꞌanggiꞌ esa mia aom.
Or if the ear says ‘Since I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,’ it does not on that account cease to belong to the body.
17 Dudꞌuꞌa dei! Onaꞌ ao ma dadꞌi akaꞌ mataꞌ, na, taꞌo bee fo hambu rena? Boe ma onaꞌ ao ma dadꞌi akaꞌ ndiki, na, taꞌo bee fo bisa hae mala foo-fooꞌ ra?
If all the body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If it were all hearing, where would the sense of smell be?
18 Te hei bubꞌuluꞌ ena, Lamatualain tao nggita dadꞌi onaꞌ aoꞌ esa, ma ator se no babꞌanggin mataꞌ-mataꞌ, tungga Eni hihiin.
But in fact God has placed each individual part just where he thought fit in the body.
19 Mete ma hita aon dadꞌi akaꞌ babꞌanggi mataꞌ esaꞌ a na, naran nda ‘aoꞌ’ sa ena, to?
If, however, they all made up only one part, where would the body be?
20 Te matetun, hita aon naꞌena babꞌanggiꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Naa mana tao e dadꞌi ao teme-aoꞌ esa.
But in fact, although it has many parts, there is only one body.
21 Atahori matan nda bisa naloe-nadꞌae liman nae, “Au nda parlu nggo sa!” Boe ma atahori langgan nda bisa olaꞌ neu atahori naa ein nae, “Au nda parlu nggo sa.”
The eye cannot say to the hand ‘I do not need you,’ nor, again, the head to the feet ‘I do not need you.’
22 Matetun, naeni aoꞌ a babꞌanggin hita tae nda mana beꞌiꞌ sa ma nda pantin sa, te hita feꞌe parlu se.
No! Those parts of the body that seem naturally the weaker are indispensable;
23 Hambu babꞌanggiꞌ fo hita tae nda raꞌena sosoaꞌ sa, te feꞌe taꞌabꞌoi se no maloleꞌ. Ma hambu babꞌanggiꞌ fai hita mae tatudꞌu, de talusa tahereꞌ se.
and those parts which we deem less honourable we surround with special honour; and our ungraceful parts receive a special grace which our graceful parts do not require.
24 Te mete ma babꞌanggiꞌ nda mana tao fee nggita mae sa, na ata nda tao saa-saa neu se sa boe. Te Lamatualain naꞌabꞌue basa babꞌanggiꞌ ra fo tao se dadꞌi reu aoꞌ sa. Ma Ana ator fo babꞌanggiꞌ fo hita tae nda pantin sa, ata taꞌabꞌoi se no malolole,
Yes, God has so constructed the body — by giving a special honour to the part that lacks it —
25 huu Ana nda nau hita aon nenebꞌabꞌanggiꞌ sa. Ana nau basa babꞌanggiꞌ ra, esa mete-seꞌu esa.
As to secure that there should be no disunion in the body, but that the parts should show the same care for one another.
26 Mete ma babꞌanggiꞌ esa hambu sususaꞌ, na, basa se medꞌa sususaꞌ boe. Ma mete ma esa simbo hadꞌa-hormat, na, basa se ramahoꞌo boe.
If one part suffers, all the others suffer with it, and if one part has honour done it, all the others share its joy.
27 Onaꞌ naa no hei boe. Huu hei onaꞌ Kristus ao teme-aon. Atahori mamahereꞌ esa-esaꞌ dadꞌi onaꞌ babꞌanggiꞌ sa mia Kristus aon.
Together you are the Body of Christ, and individually its parts.
28 Huu sia atahori mamahereꞌ ra taladꞌan, Lamatualain fee koasa fo tao ue-tataos mataꞌ-mataꞌ. Ka esan, Ana denu atahori ruma reu dui-bꞌengga hehelu-fufulin. Ka ruan, Ana pake atahori ruma dadꞌi mana ola-olan. Ka telun, Ana tao ruma ranori rahine atahori soꞌal Eni. Boe ma Ana fee koasa neu atahori ruma fo tao manadadꞌiꞌ-manaseliꞌ mataꞌ-mataꞌ fo ratudꞌu manaselin. Ruma fai hambu koasa fo tao raꞌahaiꞌ atahori mamahedꞌiꞌ ra. Ruma fai hambu babꞌanggi-babꞌaeꞌ fo tulun atahori. Ruma fai hambu papala-babꞌanggiꞌ fo rauli atahori fo tao ues reu esa no maloleꞌ. Boe ma Ana fee koasa neu atahori ruma fai, fo ara bisa olaꞌ rendiꞌ dedꞌeat mataꞌ-mataꞌ.
In the Church God has appointed, first, Apostles, secondly Preachers, thirdly Teachers; then he has given supernatural powers, then power to cure diseases, aptness for helping others, capacity to govern, varieties of the gift of ‘tongues.’
29 Naa, hei duꞌa taꞌo bee? Lamatualain denu basa atahori fo laoꞌ reu dui-bꞌengga hehelu-fufulin, do? Hokoꞌ. Ana tao basa atahori dadꞌi mana ola-olan, do? Hokoꞌ. Ana tao basa atahori ranori rahine, do? Hokoꞌ. Ana fee koasa neu basa atahori fo tao rala manadadꞌiꞌ-manaseliꞌ, do? Hokoꞌ.
Can every one be an Apostle? can every one be a Preacher? can every one be a Teacher? can every one have supernatural powers?
30 Ana fee koasa neu basa atahori fo tao raꞌahahaiꞌ atahori mamahedꞌiꞌ ra, do? Hokoꞌ. Ana tao basa atahori bisa ola-olaꞌ rendiꞌ dedꞌeat mata-mataꞌ, do? Hokoꞌ. Ana tao basa atahori fo bisa rafadꞌe dedꞌeat naa ra sosoan, do? Hokoꞌ.
Can every one have power to cure diseases? can every one speak in ‘tongues’? can every one interpret them?
31 Naa! Hei musi mihehere fo simbo ma pake babꞌanggi-babꞌaꞌeꞌ mana naꞌena nggunaꞌ lenaꞌ soaꞌ neu atahori hetar. Mae onaꞌ naa o, au feꞌe ae utudꞌu nggi dala maloleꞌ manaseliꞌ lenaꞌ fai.
Strive for the greater gifts.

< 1 Korintus 12 >