< Luka 19 >
1 Isusu auntrat ăn Jerihon. Pănd jel atrikut p trgula,
And having entered He was passing through Jericho.
2 afost ănklo unu om karje sa kimat Zakej. Jel irja glavni porezniku ăn aja regija d Rim š mult bogat om.
And behold a man by name being called Zacchaeus and he himself was a chief tax collector and (he himself *N(k)O*) (was *k*) rich;
3 Apokušăt s vjadă p Isusu činje je jel, ali afost mik š nu putja s l vjadă pisti multă lumje.
And he was seeking to see Jesus who He is and not he was able because of the crowd, because in stature small he was.
4 Jel daja adat fuga la intje s s urče p smokvă pănglă karje atribja Isusu s trjače s puată p ja s l vjadă.
And having run (to the *no*) front he went up into a sycamore-fig tree so that he may see Him, for (through *k*) that [way] He was soon to pass.
5 Kănd Isusu ažuns pănla smokvă, sa ujtat ăn sus š ja zăs aluj: “Zakeju, majdată dătje ăn zos! Astăz mora s viuv la tinje ăn gostjamje.”
And as He came to the place, having looked up Jesus (he saw him and *K*) said to him; Zacchaeus, having hurried do come down; today for in the house of you it behooves Me to stay.
6 Zakej majdată sa dat ăn zos š la primit p Isusu ăn gostjamje, tot bukurat.
And having hurried he came down and received Him rejoicing.
7 Ali tuată lumja karje avizut aja ančiput s čakaljaskă: “Nu trjebje s pljače ăn gostjamje la omu rov!”
And having seen [it] (all *N(k)O*) were grumbling saying that With a sinful man He has entered to stay.
8 A maj ănklo Zakej saskulat š zăče alu Domnuluj Isusuluj: “Jakă pola d imanja amja dau alu lumjej karje je sărakă, a p tot ăla p karje la šălat s ji tork d patru vorj kăta amlat dăla jel.”
Having stood then Zacchaeus said to the Lord; Behold the half my possessions Lord, to the poor I give; and if of anyone anything I have defrauded, I restore [it] fourfold.
9 Isusu azăs p aja: “Astăz ăn kasasta avinjit spasjala k š omusta je prava sămănca alu Abraham!
Said then to him Jesus that Today salvation to the house this has come, because also he himself a son of Abraham is;
10 Jo, Bijatu alu Omuluj, amvinjit s kat š s spasăsk p lumja karje je purdută.”
Came for the Son of Man to seek and to save that having been lost.
11 Pănd lumje apus urjajke la Isusu, daja če irja la upruapje d Jeruzalem š jej agăndit k s cara alu Dimizov akuma s pojavjaštje, Isusu lja spus asta vorbă:
When are hearing now they these things having proceeded He spoke a parable because near being to Jerusalem He and thinking they that immediately is about the kingdom of God to appear.
12 “Njeki om dăn familjije bună sa sprimit s putujaskă p dăpartje pămănt. Jel atribut s pljače ănklo s dobidjaskă vlastu dăla caru marje. Atunča s ăntuarče ăn pămăntu aluj s puată s vladjaskă ka caru.
He said therefore; A man certain of noble birth proceeded to a country distant to receive for himself a kingdom and to return.
13 Majdată njego ča pljikat akimat p zjače argac aluj, adat alu tot usută kovanic d arđint š lja zăs: ‘Trgujic pănă god jo nu vinja.’
Having called then ten servants his own he gave to them ten minas and said to them; (Do trade *NK(o)*) (in that *NO*) (until *k*) I come back.
14 Ali lumja d pămăntula aluj l mrza š atrimjes la caru alu marje p poslanikurlje s zăkă: ‘Nu vrjem jel s carujaskă p noj.’
But the citizens of him were hating him and sent a delegation after him saying; Not we are willing [for] this [man] to reign over us.
15 Ali jel adobidit vlastu s fije car. Š kănd sa tors akasă, azapovidit s kjamje p argacă alu karje jel adat banji. Avrut s štije kăt tot ăla zaradit d jel.
And it came to pass on the returning of him having received the kingdom that he directed to be called to him servants these to whom (he had given *N(k)O*) the money, in order that he may know (who *k*) what (they had gained by trading. *N(k)O*)
16 Prvi argat avinjit š zăče: ‘Gospodarulje amkoristit banjišta karje maj dat š afukut zaradă d zjače vorj maj mult.’
Came up then the first saying; lord, the mina of you ten (has produced *N(k)O*) more minas.
17 Zăče caru: ‘Bun lukru! Bun ješt argat. Daja ča fost vjeran ăn maj mikă, c dau s vladješt p zjače trgurj.’
And He said to him; (well done *N(k)O*) good servant! Because in very little faithful you were, do be having authority you are over ten cities.
18 Altu argat avinjit š zăče: ‘Gospodarulje, amkoristit banjišta karje maj dat š afukut zaradă d još činč vorj maj mult.’
And came the second saying; The mina of you, lord, has made five minas.
19 Š p aja caru zăče: ‘Tu osă vladjaštje p činč trgurj.’
He said then also to this one; And you yourself over do be five cities.
20 Ali aldă trje argat avinjit frzdă zaradă š ji zăče: ‘Gospodarulje, jakăc arđintu. Lam cănut skuns ăn maramică.
And (*no*) another came saying; lord, behold the mina of you which I was keeping lying in a piece of cloth;
21 Ma fost frikă d tinje daja če ješt strog om. Jaj tuată zaradă dăla ăla če alcă uložăt d tinje š căj tuată bugacija dăla jej karje lukrizat d tinje.’
I was afraid for of you, because a man harsh you are; You take up what not you did lay down and you reap what not you did sow.
22 Caru ja zăs: ‘Argatulje alu rov! C sudjesk p aja ča zăs tu. Tu zăč k sănt strog. Tu zăč jo jav tuată zarada dăla ăla če alcă auložăt d minje š jo căv tuată bugacija dăla jej karje lukrizat d minje!
He says (now *k*) to him; Out of the mouth of you I will judge you, evil servant. You knew that I myself a man harsh am taking up what not I did lay down and reaping what not I did sow;
23 Dăče atunča na pus banji alji mje p bankă? Aša barem adobidja kamatje.’
Then because of why not did you give my money to (the *k*) bank, and I myself and I myself having come with interest maybe it collected
24 Atunča caru zăče alu lumje karje afost aiča upruapje: ‘Lăcăj dăla jel usută kovanic d arđint š dăcăj alu ăla karje zaradit zjače vorj maj mult!’
And to those having stood by he said; do take from him the mina and do give [it] to the [one] the ten minas having.
25 Jej azăs: ‘Ali, gospodarulje, jel arje mij kovanic d arđint!’
And they said to him; Master, he has ten minas.
26 Caru azăs, ‘Istina je tot ăla karje koristjaštje binilje aja ča dobidit, osă dobidjaskă još maj mult, a toc karje nu koristjaštje binilje aja ča dobidit, osă s s ja š aja če arje.
I say (for *ko*) to you that to everyone who is having will be given, from however the [one] not having even that which he has will be taken away (from of him. *ko*)
27 Ali ălja dušmani alji mjej, karje na vurut s lji fiuv caru, dučecălje aiča š lji umurăc la intja amja.’”
Furthermore the enemies of mine (these *N(k)O*) those not having been willing [for] me to reign over them do bring here and do slay them before me.
28 Dăpă aja če Isusu azăs, nastavit s pljače la intja alor kătri Jeruzalem.
And having said these things He was going on ahead going up to Jerusalem.
29 Kănd avinjit la upruapje d saturj Betfaga š Betanija maj upruapje p djal Maslina, atrimjes la intje p doj učenikurj.
And it came to pass as He drew near to Bethphage and Bethany toward the mount which is being called Olivet He sent two of the disciples (of him *ko*)
30 Lja zăs: “Fuđic ăn satula la intja avuastră. Š čim untrăc, osă vidjec p magaracu alu tănăr karje je ljigat karje nimilja nu la jahit. Dizljigăcălăj š dučecălăj aiča.
(speaking; *N(k)O*) do go into the ahead village, in which entering you will find a colt tied on which no [one] ever yet of men has sat; (and *no*) having untied it do bring [it].
31 Akă ăntrijabă njeko p voj: ‘Dăče dizljigăc p magaracu alu tănăr?’ Zăčec samo: ‘Trjebje alu Domnuluj.’”
And if anyone you shall ask; Because of why do you untie [it]? thus will you say (to him: *k*) Because the Lord of it need has.’
32 Jej apljikat š angăsăt toto kum lja zăs Isusu.
Having departed then those sent found [it] even as He had said to them.
33 Pănd jej adizljigat, lumja alu činje magaracu lja tribat: “Dăče dizljigăc p magaracu alu tănăr?”
When are untying then they the colt said the masters of it to them; Why untie you the colt?
34 Jej lja zăs: “Alu Domnuluj ăntrjabje.”
And they said: (that *no*) The Lord of it need has.
35 Jej adus p magaracu alu tănăr la Isusu š prebacăt pisti jel ogrtači alor š apus p Isusu p magarac s šagă.
And they led it to Jesus, and having cast (their *N(k)O*) garments on the colt they put on [it] Jesus.
36 Pănd Isusu pljika mulc lumje raširit alor ogrtačurlje p drum la intja alu Isusuluj s ji pokazaskă častu.
When is going then He they were spreading the garments (of them *NK(o)*) on the road.
37 Kănd Isusu sa približăt undje drumu s slubadje dăpă djal Maslina, učenikurj š mulcă lumje karje kridja ăn Isusu ančiput p tot glasu s s radujaskă š s slavjaskă p Dimizov d tuată čuda karje avizut če Isusu majdată afukut.
When is drawing near then he already at the descent of the Mount of Olives began all the multitude of the disciples rejoicing to praise God in a voice loud for (all *NK(o)*) which they had seen [the] mighty works
38 Jej rubja: “Blagoslovit p caru p karje Domnu atrimjes! Hvaljic p Dimizov karje dă miru! Slava alu Dimizov karje vladjaštje p čerj!”
saying: Blessed [is] the coming King in [the] name of [the] Lord; In heaven peace, and glory in [the] highest.
39 Ali njeki farizeji karje irja ănklo azăs: “Učiteljulje, zapovidjaštje alu učenikurlje alji tej s takă!”
And some of the Pharisees from the crowd said to Him; Teacher, do rebuke the disciples of You.
40 Isusu zăče: “Akă jej osă takă, istina je, š buluvanji p tot glasu osă s radujaskă!”
And answering He said (to them: *ko*) I say to you (that *ko*) if these (will be silent, *N(k)O*) the stones (will cry out. *N(k)O*)
41 Kănd Isusu avinjit la upruapje la Jeruzalem š avizut trgu, plănđja dăpă lumjaja ăn trgula
And as He drew near, having seen the city He wept over (it *N(k)O*)
42 š azăs: “Kănd barem samo s štijec če vuavă osă adukă miru! Ali akuma je vuavă skuns.
saying that If you had known (and indeed *k*) in the day (of you *k*) this even you yourself the [things] for peace (of you; *ko*) Now however they are hidden from eyes of you.
43 K vinje vrijamja kănd dušmani alji voštri s gradjaskă kulje pănglă zidu alu trguluj s vu napadjaskă d tuatje părcă, vuastja alor osă vu okuljaskă š nu putjec s fuđic.
For will come days upon you that (will cast around *N(k)O*) the enemies of you a barricade you and they will surround you and they will hem in you on every side
44 Nusă s lasă ăn trgu alu vostru nič unu buluvan p buluvan. Jej osă uništjaskă tot trgu alu vostru š tot čije ăn jel voj daja če na prepoznajit asta vrijamje kănd Dimizov p voj avinjit s vu spasaskă.”
and will level to the ground you and the children of you within you and not will leave a stone upon (a stone *N(k)O*) within you, because which not you knew the season of visitation of you.
45 Kănd auntrat ăn dvorištja alu Hramuluj, Isusu ančiput dăn jel s putirjaskă p tuată lumja karje ănklo vindje.
And having entered into the temple He began to cast out those selling (in to it *k*) (and buying *K*)
46 Isusu lja zăs: “Skris je ăn Svăntă pismă: ‘Alu mjov Hramu s fije loku d rugală’, a voj pretvorit ăn lok undje s strănđe lopovi!”
saying to them; It has been written: (And *no*) (will be *N(k)O*) the house of Mine a house of prayer’; You yourselves however it made a den of robbers.’
47 Dăpă aja Isusu tuată zuva ănvăca ăn dvorištja alu Hramuluj. Glavni popurlje š učitelji d zakonu alu Mojsije š alcă vođe alu židovilor s ujta kum s l apuče p Isusu š s l osudjaskă p muartje.
And He was teaching every day in the temple; the however chief priests and the scribes were seeking Him to destroy and the foremost of the people,
48 Ali jej nu ja putut nimika s ji fakă daja če tot narodu upija tuată vorba karje Isusu rubja.
And not they were finding what they may do; the people for all were hanging on His [words] listening.