< Zacarias 7 >

1 No quarto ano do rei Dario, a palavra de Yahweh chegou a Zacarias no quarto dia do nono mês, o mês de Chislev.
And it came to pass in the fourth year of king Darius that the word of the Lord came unto Zechariah on the fourth day of the ninth month, in Kislev;
2 O povo de Betel enviou Sharezer e Regem Melech e seus homens para pedir o favor de Javé,
When they had sent unto Beth-el Sherezer and Regem-melech, and his men, to make entreaty before the Lord.
3 e para falar aos sacerdotes da casa de Javé dos exércitos e aos profetas, dizendo: “Devo chorar no quinto mês, separando-me, como tenho feito nestes tantos anos?
[And] to say unto the priests who were in the house of the Lord of hosts, and to the prophets, saying, Shall I weep in the fifth month with abstinence, as I have done already these many years?
4 Então a palavra de Javé dos Exércitos veio a mim, dizendo:
Then came the word of the Lord of hosts unto me, saying,
5 “Fala a todo o povo da terra e aos sacerdotes, dizendo: 'Quando jejuastes e chorastes no quinto e no sétimo mês durante estes setenta anos, jejuastes de todo para mim, realmente para mim?
Say unto all the people of the land, and to the priests, as followeth, When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and in the seventh [month], already these seventy years, did ye in anywise fast for me, yea, for me?
6 Quando comem e quando bebem, não comem para si mesmos e não bebem para si mesmos?
And if ye do eat, and if ye do drink, are ye not yourselves those that eat, and yourselves those that drink?
7 Aren't these the words which Yahweh proclamed by the former prophets when Jerusalem was hababited and in prosperity, and its cities around her, and the South and the lowland were inhabited?'”
Are not these the words which the Lord hath proclaimed by means of the former prophets, when Jerusalem was inhabited and in prosperity, with her cities round about her, when [men] inhabited the south, and the lowlands?
8 A palavra de Javé veio a Zacarias, dizendo:
And the word of the Lord came unto Zechariah, saying,
9 “Assim falou Javé dos Exércitos, dizendo: 'Executem o verdadeiro julgamento e mostrem bondade e compaixão cada homem para com seu irmão'.
Thus hath said the Lord of hosts, saying, Execute true justice, and show kindness and mercy every man to his brother;
10 Não oprimais a viúva, o órfão de pai, o estrangeiro, nem os pobres; e não deixeis que nenhum de vós invente o mal contra seu irmão em seu coração'.
And defraud not the widow, or the fatherless, the stranger, or the poor; and imagine not evil in your heart one against the other.
11 Mas eles se recusaram a ouvir, e viraram as costas, e pararam os ouvidos, para que não ouvissem.
But they refused to listen, and turned away rebelliously the shoulder, and stopped their ears, so as not to hear;
12 Yes, fizeram seus corações duros como pedra, para que não ouvissem a lei e as palavras que Javé dos Exércitos havia enviado por seu Espírito pelos antigos profetas. Portanto, grande ira veio de Javé dos Exércitos.
And their heart they rendered as an adamant, so as not to hear the law, and the words which the Lord of hosts had sent through his spirit, by means of the former prophets: wherefore came a great anger from the Lord of hosts.
13 Aconteceu que, como ele chamou e eles se recusaram a ouvir, assim eles chamarão e eu não ouvirei”, disse Javé dos Exércitos;
And it is come to pass, that as he proclaimed, and they would not hear: so had they to call, and I would not hear, saith the Lord of hosts;
14 “mas eu os espalharei com um turbilhão entre todas as nações que eles não conheceram”. Assim a terra ficou desolada depois deles, de modo que nenhum homem passou por eles nem retornou; pois eles tornaram a agradável terra desolada”.
And I resolved to scatter them with a storm-wind among all the nations that they had not known; and the land was left desolate after them, without any one to pass through it forward or backward; and the pleasant land have they changed into a desert.

< Zacarias 7 >