< Neemias 9 >

1 Agora, no vigésimo quarto dia deste mês, as crianças de Israel foram reunidas com jejum, com pano de saco e sujeira sobre elas.
On October 31, the people gathered together again. They (fasted/abstained from eating food), they wore clothes made from rough cloth, and they put dirt on their heads [to show that they were sorry for their sins].
2 Os descendentes de Israel se separaram de todos os estrangeiros e confessaram seus pecados e as iniqüidades de seus pais.
The Israeli people separated themselves from all the foreigners. They stood there and confessed their sins and the sins that their ancestors had committed.
3 Eles se levantaram em seu lugar e leram no livro da lei de Javé seu Deus uma quarta parte do dia; e uma quarta parte confessaram e adoraram a Javé seu Deus.
The scroll that contained the laws of Yahweh, the God whom they [worshiped], was read to them for three hours. Then for three more hours they confessed their sins and they worshiped Yahweh.
4 Então Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani e Chenani dos Levitas se levantaram nas escadas, e gritaram com voz alta a Javé seu Deus.
[Some of] the descendants of Levi were standing on the stairs. They were Jeshua, Bani, Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, [another] Bani, and Kenani.
5 Então os Levitas, Jeshua e Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah e Pethahiah, disseram: “Levanta-te e abençoa Yahweh teu Deus de eternidade em eternidade! Bendito seja seu glorioso nome, que é exaltado acima de tudo bênção e louvor!
Then [the leaders of] the Levites called out to the people. They were Jeshua, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah. They said, “While you are standing there, praise Yahweh your God, who has always lived and will live forever!” [Then one of them continued by praying this to God], “Yahweh, we praise your glorious name! You are much greater than anything that we can think about or talk about!
6 Você é Yahweh, até mesmo você sozinho. Fizestes o céu, o céu dos céus, com todo o seu exército, a terra e todas as coisas que estão sobre ela, os mares e tudo o que neles há, e os preservastes a todos. O exército dos céus te adora.
“You only are God. You made the sky and the heavens and all the stars. You made the earth and everything that is on it, and you made the seas/oceans and everything that is in them. You are the one who gives life to everything and helps them remain alive. All the angels who are in heaven worship you.
7 Você é Javé, o Deus que escolheu Abrão, o tirou de Ur dos Caldeus, deu-lhe o nome de Abraão,
“Yahweh, you are God. You chose Abram and brought him out of Ur [city] in Chaldea [region]. You gave him a new name, Abraham.
8 encontrou seu coração fiel diante de você, e fez um pacto com ele para dar a terra do cananeu, do hitita, do amorreu, do perizeu, do jebuseu e do girgasita, para dá-la à sua descendência, e cumpriu suas palavras, pois você é justo.
You saw that he was trustworthy. Then you made (an agreement with/a promise to) him, saying that you would give [to him and] to his descendants the land that the descendants of Canaan, Heth, Amor, Periz, Jebus, and Girgash lived in. And you have done what you promised, because you always do what is right.
9 “Vós vistes a aflição de nossos pais no Egito, ouvistes seu grito no Mar Vermelho,
“You saw what our ancestors were suffering in Egypt. You heard them cry to you for help when they were at the Red Sea.
10 e mostrastes sinais e maravilhas contra o Faraó, contra todos os seus servos, e contra todo o povo de sua terra, pois sabíeis que eles lidavam orgulhosamente contra eles, e fizestes um nome para vós mesmos, como é hoje.
Because you knew that the leaders of Egypt were treating our ancestors very arrogantly, you performed many kinds of miracles that caused the king and his officials and all his people to suffer. As a result, you became famous then, and you are still famous!
11 Você dividiu o mar diante deles, de modo que eles atravessaram o meio do mar na terra seca; e lançou seus perseguidores nas profundezas, como uma pedra nas águas impetuosas.
You caused the Red Sea to divide, with the result that your people walked through it on the ground without [getting their feet] wet. [After they were all safely on the other side, ] you [caused the water to come back again], and you hurled into the deep water the [soldiers of the Egyptian army] that were pursuing our ancestors. Their soldiers sank into the deep sea like stones!
12 Moreover, em um pilar de nuvem você os conduziu de dia; e em um pilar de fogo à noite, para dar-lhes luz no caminho em que deveriam ir.
During each day you led our ancestors with a bright cloud that resembled a huge pillar, and each night you led them by a flaming cloud that gave them light to show them where to walk.
13 “Você também desceu ao Monte Sinai, e falou com eles do céu, e lhes deu ordenanças corretas e leis verdadeiras, bons estatutos e mandamentos,
“When our ancestors were at Sinai Mountain, you came down from heaven and spoke to them. You gave them many regulations and instructions that are just and reliable, and you gave them commands and laws that are good.
14 e lhes deu a conhecer seu santo sábado, e lhes ordenou mandamentos, estatutos e uma lei, por Moisés seu servo,
You taught them about your holy (Sabbath/day of rest), and you gave many kinds of laws to your servant Moses for him to tell to the people.
15 e lhes deu pão do céu por sua fome, e lhes tirou água da rocha por sua sede, e lhes ordenou que entrassem para possuir a terra que você tinha jurado dar-lhes.
When they were hungry, you gave them manna from the sky; and when they were thirsty, you gave them water from a rock. You commanded them to go and take, from the people who lived there, the land which you had promised to give to them.
16 “Mas eles e nossos pais se comportaram orgulhosamente, endureceram o pescoço, não ouviram seus mandamentos,
“But our ancestors were very proud and stubborn [IDM], and they did not do what you commanded them to do.
17 e se recusaram a obedecer. Eles não estavam cientes de suas maravilhas que você fez entre eles, mas endureceram seu pescoço, e em sua rebelião nomearam um capitão para voltar à sua escravidão. Mas você é um Deus pronto a perdoar, gracioso e misericordioso, lento na ira e abundante na bondade amorosa, e não os abandonou.
They refused to heed you, and they forgot about all the miracles that you had performed for them. Instead, they became stubborn [IDM], and they appointed someone to lead them back to Egypt, where they would be slaves again! But you are a God who forgives us and who is kind and merciful [to us]. You do not quickly become angry. You always faithfully love us.
18 Sim, quando eles se fizeram um bezerro moldado, e disseram: 'Este é seu Deus que o tirou do Egito', e cometeram terríveis blasfêmias,
So, even though their [leaders] made an idol that resembled a calf and insulted you by saying [about the idol], ‘This is our god, who brought you up out of Egypt,’ you did not desert them.
19 ainda assim você em suas múltiplas misericórdias não os abandonou no deserto. A coluna de nuvem não se afastou deles durante o dia, para conduzi-los no caminho; nem a coluna de fogo durante a noite, para mostrar-lhes a luz, e o caminho pelo qual eles deveriam ir.
“Because you always act mercifully, you did not abandon them when they were in the desert. The bright cloud which was like a huge pillar continued to lead them during the daytime, and the fiery cloud showed them where to walk at night.
20 Você também deu seu bom Espírito para instruí-los, e não escondeu seu maná da boca deles, e deu-lhes água para sua sede.
You sent your good Spirit to instruct them. You continued to provide water when they were thirsty.
21 “Sim, durante quarenta anos, você os sustentou no deserto. Não lhes faltou nada. Suas roupas não envelheciam, e seus pés não inchavam.
For 40 years you took care of them in the desert. During all that time, they had everything [that they needed]. Their clothes did not wear out, and their feet did not swell up [even though they were continually walking].
22 Moreover você lhes deu reinos e povos, que você distribuiu de acordo com suas porções. Então eles possuíam a terra de Sihon, até mesmo a terra do rei de Hesbon, e a terra de Og, rei de Basã.
“You helped our ancestors to defeat armies of great kings who ruled many people-groups. By doing that, you enabled our ancestors to (occupy/live in) even the most distant places in this land. They occupied the land over which King Sihon ruled from Heshbon [city] and the land over which King Og ruled in [the] Bashan [area].
23 Vocês também multiplicaram seus filhos como as estrelas do céu, e os trouxeram para a terra a respeito da qual vocês disseram a seus pais que eles deveriam entrar para possuí-la.
You caused our ancestors’ descendants to become as numerous as the stars in the sky, and you brought them into this land, the land that you told their fathers to enter and occupy.
24 “Então as crianças entraram e possuíram a terra; e subjugaram diante deles os habitantes da terra, os cananeus, e os entregaram em suas mãos, com seus reis e os povos da terra, para que eles pudessem fazer com eles o que quisessem.
Their sons went in and took the land [from the people that lived there]. You enabled them to defeat the descendants of Canaan who lived here in this land. You enabled them to conquer the descendants of Canaan and their kings and the people whom they ruled. You enabled our ancestors to do to those people whatever they wanted to do.
25 Eles tomaram cidades fortificadas e uma terra rica, e possuíram casas cheias de todas as coisas boas, cisternas escavadas, vinhedos, olivais e árvores frutíferas em abundância. Então eles comeram, se encheram, engordaram e se deliciaram com sua grande bondade.
Our ancestors captured cities that had walls around them, and they took possession of fertile land. They took possession of houses that were full of good things, where there were wells that were already dug. They took possession of many vineyards and groves of olive trees and fruit trees. They ate all that they wanted to and became fat. They were delighted in all these good things that you gave to them.
26 “No entanto, eles foram desobedientes e se rebelaram contra você, jogaram sua lei nas costas deles, mataram seus profetas que testemunharam contra eles para transformá-los novamente em você, e cometeram blasfêmias terríveis.
“But they disobeyed you and rebelled against you. They (turned their backs on/rejected) your laws. They killed the prophets who warned them that they should return to you. They badly insulted you.
27 Portanto, o senhor os entregou nas mãos de seus adversários, que os afligiram. No tempo de seus problemas, quando eles clamaram a você, você ouviu do céu; e de acordo com suas múltiplas misericórdias, você lhes deu salvadores que os salvaram das mãos de seus adversários.
So you allowed their enemies to defeat them. But when their enemies caused them to suffer, they called out to you. You heard them from heaven, and because you are very merciful, you sent them people to help them, and those leaders rescued them from their enemies.
28 Mas depois de terem descansado, voltaram a fazer o mal diante de vós; por isso os deixastes nas mãos de seus inimigos, para que tivessem o domínio sobre eles; no entanto, quando voltaram e clamaram a vós, ouvistes do céu; e muitas vezes os entregastes de acordo com vossas misericórdias,
“But after there was a time of peace again, our ancestors again did things that displeased you. So again you allowed their enemies to conquer them. But whenever they cried out to you again [to help them], you heard them from heaven, and because you act mercifully, you rescued them many times.
29 e testemunhastes contra eles, para que os trouxésseis novamente à vossa lei. No entanto, eles foram arrogantes e não ouviram seus mandamentos, mas pecaram contra suas ordenanças (que se um homem o fizer, viverá neles), viraram as costas, endureceram seu pescoço e não quiseram ouvir.
“You warned them that they should again [obey] your laws, but they became proud and stubborn, and they disobeyed your commands. They sinned by disobeying what you commanded them to do, the things that would enable them to live a good long life [if they obeyed them]. They stubbornly refused [IDM] to listen to you and continued sinning.
30 No entanto, muitos anos você os suportou e testemunhou contra eles por seu Espírito através de seus profetas. No entanto, eles não quiseram ouvir. Por isso, vós os entregastes nas mãos dos povos das terras.
You were patient with them for many years. You warned them trough [the messages] your Spirit gave to the prophets. But they did not (heed/pay attention to) those messages. So again you allowed [the armies of] other nations to defeat them.
31 “No entanto, em suas múltiplas misericórdias, você não fez um fim completo delas, nem as abandonou; pois você é um Deus gracioso e misericordioso.
But because you act very mercifully, you did not get rid of them completely or abandon them [forever]. You are a very gracious/kind and merciful God!
32 Agora, portanto, nosso Deus, o grande, o poderoso e o Deus incrível, que mantém o pacto e a bondade amorosa, não deixe que todo o trabalho que se abateu sobre nós, sobre nossos reis, sobre nossos príncipes, sobre nossos sacerdotes, sobre nossos profetas, sobre nossos pais e sobre todo seu povo, desde o tempo dos reis da Assíria até os dias de hoje.
“Our God, you are great! You are mighty! You are awesome! You faithfully love us as [you promised in] your agreement with us that you would do! But now we are experiencing great difficulties/hardships. Great troubles have come to us, to our kings, to our [other] leaders, to our priests, and to our prophets. We have been experiencing these troubles since [the armies of] the kings of Assyria [conquered us], and we are still experiencing them. We ask that you sincerely think about [LIT] all these things.
33 However vocês estão em tudo o que nos sobreveio; pois vocês lidaram verdadeiramente, mas nós o fizemos de forma perversa.
[We know that] you acted justly each time that you punished us. We have sinned greatly, but you have treated us fairly.
34 Também nossos reis, nossos príncipes, nossos padres e nossos pais não guardaram sua lei, nem ouviram seus mandamentos e seus testemunhos com os quais você testemunhou contra eles.
Our kings and other leaders and our priests and our other ancestors did not obey your laws. They did not heed your commands or the warnings that you gave to them.
35 Pois eles não vos serviram em seu reino, e em vossa grande bondade que lhes destes, e na grande e rica terra que destes diante deles. Eles não se desviaram de suas obras perversas.
Even when they had their own kings, and they enjoyed the good things that you did for them in this large and fertile land that you gave to them, they did not serve you. They refused to quit doing what was evil.
36 “Eis que hoje somos servos, e quanto à terra que o senhor deu a nossos pais para comer seus frutos e seu bem, eis que somos servos nela.
“So now we are [like] slaves here in this land that you gave to our ancestors, the land that you gave to them in order that they could enjoy all the good things that grow here.
37 Cede muito mais aos reis que o senhor colocou sobre nós por causa de nossos pecados. Eles também têm poder sobre nosso corpo e sobre nosso gado, a seu gosto, e nós estamos em grande angústia.
Because we have sinned, [we cannot eat the things that grow here]. The kings that now rule over us are enjoying the things that grow here. They rule us and [take] our cattle. We have to serve them and do the things that please them. We are experiencing great misery/distress.
38 Yet por tudo isso, fazemos um pacto seguro, e o escrevemos; e nossos príncipes, nossos levitas, e nossos sacerdotes, o selam”.
“However, we [Israeli] people now are making an agreement/promise [to obey you], and we are writing this agreement/promise [on a scroll]. We will write on it the names of our leaders and the names of the Levites and the names of the priests, and then we will seal it.”

< Neemias 9 >