< Josué 10 >
1 Agora quando Adoni-Zedeque, rei de Jerusalém, ouviu como Josué havia tomado Ai, e o havia destruído completamente; como havia feito com Jericó e seu rei, assim fez com Ai e seu rei; e como os habitantes de Gibeon haviam feito as pazes com Israel, e estavam entre eles,
And when Adoni-bezec king of Jerusalem heard that Joshua had taken Gai, and had destroyed it, as he did to Jericho and its king, even so they did to Gai and its king, and that the inhabitants of Gabaon had gone over to Joshua and Israel;
2 eles tinham muito medo, porque Gibeon era uma grande cidade, como uma das cidades reais, e porque era maior que Ai, e todos os seus homens eram poderosos.
then they were greatly terrified by them, for [the king] knew that Gabaon [was] a great city, as one of the chief cities, and all its men [were] mighty.
3 Portanto Adoni-Zedek, rei de Jerusalém, enviou a Hoham rei de Hebron, Piram rei de Jarmuth, Japhia rei de Laquis, e Debir rei de Eglon, dizendo:
So Adoni-bezec king of Jerusalem sent to Elam king of Hebron, and to Phidon king of Jerimuth, and to Jephtha king of Lachis, and to Dabin king of Odollam, saying,
4 “Venha até mim e me ajude”. Vamos atacar Gibeon; pois eles fizeram as pazes com Josué e com os filhos de Israel”.
Come up hither to me, and help me, and let us take Gabaon; for the Gabaonites have gone over to Joshua and to the children of Israel.
5 Therefore os cinco reis dos amorreus, o rei de Jerusalém, o rei de Hebron, o rei de Jarmute, o rei de Laquis e o rei de Eglon, se reuniram e subiram, eles e todos os seus exércitos, e acamparam contra Gibeon, e fizeram guerra contra ele.
And the five kings of the Jebusites went up, the king of Jerusalem, and the king of Chebron, and the king of Jerimuth, and the king of Lachis, and the king of Odollam, they and all their people; and encamped around Gabaon, and besieged it.
6 Os homens de Gibeon enviaram a Josué no acampamento em Gilgal, dizendo: “Não abandone seus servos! Venha até nós rapidamente e nos salve! Ajude-nos; pois todos os reis dos amorreus que habitam na região montanhosa se reuniram contra nós”.
And the inhabitants of Gabaon sent to Joshua into the camp to Galgala, saying, Slack not your hands from your servants: come up quickly to us, and help us, and rescue us; for all the kings of the Amorites who dwell in the hill country are gathered together against us.
7 Então Josué subiu de Gilgal, ele e todo o exército com ele, incluindo todos os poderosos homens de valor.
And Joshua went up from Galgala, he and all the people of war with him, every one mighty in strength.
8 Yahweh disse a Joshua: “Não tenha medo deles, pois eu os entreguei em suas mãos”. Nem um homem deles estará diante de você”.
And the Lord said to Joshua, Fear them not, for I have delivered them into your hands; there shall not one of them be left before you.
9 Joshua, portanto, chegou a eles de repente. Ele marchou de Gilgal a noite toda.
And when Joshua came suddenly upon them, he [had] advanced all the night out of Galgala.
10 Yahweh confundiu-os diante de Israel. Ele os matou com uma grande matança em Gibeon, e os perseguiu pelo caminho da ascensão de Beth Horon, e os atingiu até Azekah e até Makkedah.
And the Lord struck them with terror before the children of Israel; and the Lord destroyed them with a great slaughter at Gabaon; and they pursued them by the way of the going up of Oronin, and they struck them to Azeca and to Makeda.
11 Quando fugiram de antes de Israel, enquanto estavam na descida de Beth Horon, Yahweh atirou grandes pedras do céu sobre eles para Azekah, e eles morreram. Havia mais pessoas que morreram das pedras de granizo do que aquelas que os filhos de Israel mataram com a espada.
And when they fled from the face of the children of Israel at the descent of Oronin, then the Lord cast upon them hailstones from heaven to Azeca; and they were more that died by the hailstones, than those whom the children of Israel killed with the sword in the battle.
12 Então Josué falou a Javé no dia em que Javé entregou os amorreus diante dos filhos de Israel. Ele disse aos olhos de Israel: “Sol, fique parado em Gibeon! Tu, lua, pára no vale de Aijalon”!
Then Joshua spoke to the Lord, in the day in which the Lord delivered the Amorite into the power of Israel, when he destroyed them in Gabaon, and they were destroyed from before the children of Israel: and Joshua said, Let the sun stand over against Gabaon, and the moon over against the valley of Aelon.
13 O sol ficou parado, e a lua permaneceu, até que a nação se vingasse de seus inimigos. Isto não está escrito no livro de Jashar? O sol permaneceu no meio do céu, e não se apressou a se pôr por um dia inteiro.
And the sun and the moon stood still, until God executed vengeance on their enemies; and the sun stood still in the midst of heaven; it did not proceed to set till the end of one day.
14 Não havia um dia assim antes ou depois, que Iavé ouvisse a voz de um homem; pois Iavé lutou por Israel.
And there was not such a day either before or after, so that God should listen to a man, because the Lord fought on the side of Israel.
15 Josué voltou, e todo Israel com ele, ao acampamento em Gilgal.
16 Estes cinco reis fugiram, e se esconderam na caverna em Makkedah.
And these five kings fled, and hid themselves in a cave that is in Makeda.
17 Foi dito a Josué, dizendo: “Os cinco reis foram encontrados, escondidos na caverna em Makkedah”.
And it was told Joshua, saying, The five kings have been found hid in the cave that is in Makeda.
18 Joshua disse: “Enrole grandes pedras para cobrir a entrada da caverna, e coloque homens ao seu lado para protegê-los;
And Joshua said, Roll stones to the mouth of the cave, and set men to watch over them.
19 mas não fique lá. Persiga seus inimigos e ataque-os pela retaguarda”. Não permita que entrem em suas cidades; pois Yahweh seu Deus os entregou em suas mãos”.
But do not you stand, but pursue after your enemies, and attack the rear of them, and do not suffer them to enter into their cities; for the Lord our God has delivered them into our hands.
20 Quando Josué e as crianças de Israel terminaram de matá-los com um grande massacre até serem consumidos, e o resto que restava deles tinha entrado nas cidades fortificadas,
And it came to pass when Joshua and all Israel ceased destroying them utterly with a very great slaughter, that they that escaped took refuge in the strong cities.
21 todo o povo voltou ao acampamento para Josué em Makkedah em paz. Nenhum mexeu sua língua contra nenhuma das crianças de Israel.
And all the people returned safe to Joshua to Makeda; and no one of the children of Israel murmured with his tongue.
22 Então Josué disse: “Abra a entrada da caverna e traga aqueles cinco reis para fora da caverna até mim”.
And Joshua said, Open the cave, and bring out these five kings out of the cave.
23 Eles o fizeram e lhe trouxeram aqueles cinco reis da caverna: o rei de Jerusalém, o rei de Hebron, o rei de Jarmuth, o rei de Laquis e o rei de Eglon.
And they brought out the five kings out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, and the king of Chebron, and the king of Jerimuth, and the king of Lachis, and the king of Odollam.
24 Quando eles trouxeram aqueles reis para Josué, Josué chamou todos os homens de Israel e disse aos chefes dos homens de guerra que foram com ele: “Cheguem perto. Ponham seus pés no pescoço desses reis”. Eles se aproximaram e colocaram seus pés no pescoço.
And when they brought them out to Joshua, then Joshua called together all Israel, and the chiefs of the army that went with him, saying to them, Come forward and set your feet on their necks; and they came and set their feet on their necks.
25 Joshua disse-lhes: “Não tenham medo, nem se desesperem. Sejam fortes e corajosos, pois Yahweh fará isso com todos os seus inimigos contra os quais vocês lutam”.
And Joshua said to them, Do not fear them, neither be cowardly; be courageous and strong, for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies, against whom you fight.
26 Depois disso, Joshua os atingiu, os matou e os enforcou em cinco árvores. Eles foram pendurados nas árvores até a noite.
And Joshua killed them, and hanged them on five trees; and they hung upon the trees until the evening.
27 No momento do pôr do sol, Josué ordenou, e eles os tiraram das árvores, e os jogaram na caverna em que se haviam escondido, e colocaram grandes pedras na boca da caverna, que permanecem até hoje.
And it came to pass toward the setting of the sun, Joshua commanded, and they took them down from the trees, and cast them into the cave into which they [had] fled for refuge, and rolled stones to the cave, [which remain] till this day.
28 Josué tomou Makkedah naquele dia, e o golpeou com o fio da espada, com seu rei. Ele a destruiu completamente e a todas as almas que estavam nela. Ele não deixou ninguém restante. Ele fez com o rei de Makkedah como havia feito com o rei de Jericó.
And they took Makeda on that day, and killed the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and they utterly destroyed every living thing that was in it; and there was none left in it that was preserved and had escaped; and they did to the king of Makeda, as they did to the king of Jericho.
29 Josué passou de Makkedah, e todo Israel com ele, para Libnah, e lutou contra Libnah.
And Joshua and all Israel with him departed out of Makeda to Lebna, and besieged Lebna.
30 Yahweh também o entregou, com seu rei, nas mãos de Israel. Ele a golpeou com o fio da espada, e todas as almas que estavam nela. Ele não deixou ninguém que nela permanecesse. Ele fez com seu rei, como havia feito com o rei de Jericó.
And the Lord delivered it into the hands of Israel: and they took it, and its king, and killed the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and every thing breathing in it; and there was not left in it any that survived and escaped; and they did to its king, as they did to the king of Jericho.
31 Josué passou de Libnah, e todo Israel com ele, para Laquis, e se acampou contra ele, e lutou contra ele.
And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lebna to Lachis, and he encamped about it, and besieged it.
32 Yahweh entregou Laquis nas mãos de Israel. Ele o tomou no segundo dia, e o atingiu com o fio da espada, com todas as almas que estavam nele, de acordo com tudo o que ele havia feito a Libnah.
And the Lord delivered Lachis into the hands of Israel; and they took it on the second day, and they put the inhabitants to death with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed it, as they had done to Lebna.
33 Então Horam, rei de Gezer, subiu para ajudar Laquis; e Josué bateu nele e em seu povo, até que ele não lhe deixou mais ninguém.
Then Elam the king of Gazer went up to help Lachis; and Joshua struck him and his people with the edge of the sword, until there was not left to him one that was preserved and escaped.
34 Josué passou de Laquis, e todo Israel com ele, para Eglon; e eles acamparam contra ele e lutaram contra ele.
And Joshua and all Israel with him departed from Lachis to Odollam, and he besieged it and took it.
35 Eles a pegaram naquele dia, e a golpearam com o fio da espada. Ele destruiu completamente todas as almas que estavam nele naquele dia, de acordo com tudo o que ele havia feito a Laquis.
And the Lord delivered it into the hand of Israel; and he took it on that day, and killed the inhabitants with the edge of the sword, and killed every thing breathing in it, as they did to Lachis.
36 Josué subiu de Eglon, e todo Israel com ele, para Hebron; e eles lutaram contra isso.
And Joshua and all Israel with him departed to Chebron, and encamped about it.
37 Eles a pegaram, e a golpearam com o fio da espada, com seu rei e todas as suas cidades, e todas as almas que estavam dentro dela. Ele não deixou ninguém restante, de acordo com tudo o que havia feito a Eglon; mas ele a destruiu totalmente, e todas as almas que estavam nela.
And he struck it with the edge of the sword, and all the living creatures that were in it; there was no one preserved: they destroyed it and all things in it, as they did to Odollam.
38 Josué voltou, e todo Israel com ele, a Debir, e lutou contra isso.
And Joshua and all Israel returned to Dabir; and they encamped about it;
39 Ele o levou, com seu rei e todas as suas cidades. Eles os atingiram com o fio da espada, e destruíram completamente todas as almas que estavam nela. Ele não deixou ninguém restante. Como havia feito com Hebron, assim fez com Debir, e com seu rei; como havia feito também com Libnah, e com seu rei.
and they took it, and its king, and its villages: and he struck it with the edge of the sword, and they destroyed it, and every thing breathing in it; and they did not leave in it any one that was preserved: as they did to Chebron and her king, so they did to Dabir and her king.
40 Então Josué atingiu toda a terra, a região montanhosa, o Sul, as terras baixas, as encostas e todos os seus reis. Ele não deixou ninguém restante, mas destruiu completamente tudo o que respirava, como ordenou Yahweh, o Deus de Israel.
And Joshua struck all the land of the hill country, and Nageb and the plain country, and Asedoth, and her kings, they did not leave of them one that was saved: and they utterly destroyed every thing that had the breath of life, as the Lord God of Israel commanded,
41 Josué os atingiu desde Kadesh Barnea até Gaza, e todo o país de Goshen, até Gibeon.
from Cades Barne to Gaza, all Gosom, as far as Gabaon.
42 Josué tomou todos esses reis e suas terras de uma só vez porque Javé, o Deus de Israel, lutou por Israel.
And Joshua struck, once for all, all their kings, and their land, because the Lord God of Israel fought on the side of Israel.
43 Josué voltou, e todo Israel com ele, ao acampamento em Gilgal.