< Gênesis 7 >

1 Yahweh disse a Noé: “Venha com toda sua casa para o navio, pois vi sua retidão diante de mim nesta geração”.
And the Lord said vnto Noah, Enter thou and all thine house into the Arke: for thee haue I seene righteous before me in this age.
2 Você levará consigo sete pares de cada animal limpo, o macho e sua fêmea. Dos animais que não estiverem limpos, leve dois, o macho e sua fêmea.
Of euery cleane beast thou shalt take to thee by seuens, the male and his female: but of vncleane beastes by couples, the male and his female.
3 Também das aves do céu, sete e sete, macho e fêmea, para manter a semente viva na superfície de toda a terra.
Of the foules also of the heauen by seuens, male and female, to keepe seede aliue vpon the whole earth.
4 Em sete dias, farei chover sobre a terra durante quarenta dias e quarenta noites. Destruirei todos os seres vivos que fiz da superfície da terra”.
For seuen dayes hence I will cause it raine vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes, and all the substance that I haue made, will I destroy from off the earth.
5 Noah fez tudo o que Yahweh lhe ordenou.
Noah therefore did according vnto all that the Lord commanded him.
6 Noé tinha seiscentos anos quando a inundação de águas chegou à terra.
And Noah was sixe hundreth yeeres olde, when the flood of waters was vpon the earth.
7 Noé entrou no navio com seus filhos, sua esposa e as esposas de seus filhos, por causa da inundação das águas.
So Noah entred and his sonnes, and his wife, and his sonnes wiues with him into the Arke, because of the waters of the flood.
8 Animais limpos, animais impuros, pássaros e tudo o que rasteja no chão
Of the cleane beastes, and of the vncleane beastes, and of the foules, and of all that creepeth vpon the earth,
9 foram aos pares para Noé no navio, macho e fêmea, como Deus ordenou a Noé.
There came two and two vnto Noah into the Arke, male and female, as God had commanded Noah.
10 Após os sete dias, as águas da enchente vieram à terra.
And so after seuen dayes the waters of the flood were vpon the earth.
11 No sexto centésimo ano de vida de Noé, no segundo mês, no décimo sétimo dia do mês, naquele dia, todas as fontes do grande abismo se abriram, e as janelas do céu se abriram.
In the sixe hundreth yeere of Noahs life in the second moneth, the seuetenth day of the moneth, in the same day were all the fountaines of the great deepe broken vp, and the windowes of heauen were opened,
12 Choveu sobre a terra durante quarenta dias e quarenta noites.
And the raine was vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes.
13 No mesmo dia Noé, e Shem, Ham e Japheth - os filhos de Noé - e a esposa de Noé e as três esposas de seus filhos com eles, entraram no navio -
In the selfe same day entred Noah with Shem, and Ham and Iapheth, the sonnes of Noah, and Noahs wife, and the three wiues of his sonnes with them into the Arke.
14 eles, e todos os animais após sua espécie, todo o gado após sua espécie, toda coisa rastejante que rasteja na terra após sua espécie, e toda ave após sua espécie, toda ave de toda espécie.
They and euery beast after his kinde, and all cattell after their kinde, and euery thing that creepeth and moueth vpon the earth after his kinde, and euery foule after his kinde, euen euery bird of euery fether.
15 Pares de toda a carne com o sopro da vida neles foram para o navio para Noé.
For they came to Noah into ye Arke, two and two, of all flesh wherein is ye breath of life.
16 Aqueles que entraram, entraram macho e fêmea de toda a carne, como Deus lhe ordenou; depois Yahweh o fechou dentro.
And they entring in, came male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in.
17 A enchente foi de quarenta dias na terra. As águas aumentaram, e elevaram o navio, e este foi levantado acima da terra.
Then ye flood was fourtie dayes vpon the earth, and the waters were increased, and bare vp the Arke, which was lift vp aboue the earth.
18 As águas subiram, e aumentaram muito sobre a terra; e o navio flutuou sobre a superfície das águas.
The waters also waxed strong, and were increased exceedingly vpon the earth, and the Arke went vpon the waters.
19 As águas subiram muito alto sobre a terra. Todas as altas montanhas que estavam sob todo o céu foram cobertas.
The waters preuailed so exceedingly vpon the earth, that all the high mountaines, that are vnder the whole heauen, were couered.
20 As águas subiram quinze cúbitos mais alto, e as montanhas foram cobertas.
Fifteene cubites vpwarde did the waters preuaile, when the mountaines were couered.
21 Toda a carne morreu que se movia sobre a terra, incluindo aves, gado, animais, toda coisa rastejante que rasteja sobre a terra, e todo homem.
Then all flesh perished that moued vpon the earth, both foule and cattell and beast, and euery thing that creepeth and moueth vpon the earth, and euery man.
22 Todos na terra seca, em cujas narinas estava o sopro do espírito da vida, morreram.
Euery thing in whose nostrels the spirit of life did breathe, whatsoeuer they were in the drie land, they died.
23 Todos os seres vivos foram destruídos na superfície do solo, incluindo o homem, o gado, os rastejantes e as aves do céu. Eles foram destruídos da terra. Somente Noé foi deixado, e aqueles que estavam com ele no navio.
So he destroyed euery thing that was vpon the earth, from man to beast, to ye creeping thing, and to the foule of the heauen: they were euen destroyed from the earth. And Noah onely remained; and they that were with him in ye Arke.
24 As águas inundaram a terra durante cento e cinqüenta dias.
And the waters preuailed vpon the earth an hundreth and fiftie dayes.

< Gênesis 7 >

The Great Flood
The Great Flood