< Êxodo 31 >
1 Yahweh falou a Moisés, dizendo:
Yahweh [also] said to Moses/me, “Note that I have chosen Bezalel, the son of Uri and grandson of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, [for special tasks].
2 “Eis que chamei pelo nome Bezalel o filho de Uri, o filho de Hur, da tribo de Judá.
3 Eu o enchi com o Espírito de Deus, na sabedoria, na compreensão, no conhecimento e em todo tipo de obra,
I have caused him to be completely controlled/empowered by my Spirit, and I have given him special ability [to make things] and have enabled him to know how to do very skilled work.
4 para conceber trabalhos hábeis, para trabalhar em ouro, em prata e em bronze,
He can engrave skillful designs in gold, silver, and bronze.
5 e no corte de pedras para fixar, e no entalhe de madeira, para trabalhar em todo tipo de obra.
He can cut (jewels/valuable stones) and enclose them [in tiny gold settings/frames]. He can carve things from wood and do other skilled work.
6 Eis que eu mesmo nomeei com ele Oholiab, o filho de Ahisamach, da tribo de Dan; e no coração de todos os sábios, coloquei sabedoria, para que façam tudo o que lhes ordenei:
Note that I have also appointed Oholiab, the son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, to work with him. I have also given special ability to other men, in order that they can make all the things that I have commanded you [to be made].
7 a Tenda da Reunião, a arca do convênio, o assento de misericórdia que está sobre ela, todos os móveis da Tenda,
That includes the Sacred Tent, the sacred chest and its lid, all the other things that will be inside the Sacred Tent,
8 a mesa e seus vasos, o suporte de lâmpada pura com todos os seus vasos, o altar de incenso,
the table and all the things that are used with it, the pure gold lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar [for burning] incense,
9 o altar de holocausto com todos os seus vasos, a bacia e sua base,
the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned and all the things that will be used with it, the washbasin and its base,
10 as vestes finamente trabalhadas - as vestes sagradas para Arão, o sacerdote, as vestes de seus filhos para ministrar no escritório do sacerdote -
all the beautiful sacred clothes for Aaron and his sons to wear when they work as priests,
11 o óleo de unção, e o incenso de especiarias doces para o lugar santo: de acordo com tudo o que eu lhe ordenei, eles farão.”
the oil for anointing, and the sweet-smelling incense for the Holy Place. [The skilled workers] must make all these things exactly as I have told you to do.”
12 Javé falou a Moisés, dizendo:
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
13 “Fale também aos filhos de Israel, dizendo: “Certamente guardareis meus sábados; pois é um sinal entre mim e vós ao longo de vossas gerações, para que saibais que eu sou o Javé que vos santifica.
“Tell the Israeli people, ‘Obey my instructions regarding the (rest days/Sabbath days). Those days will remind you [and your descendants], throughout all future generations, that I, Yahweh, have (set you apart/chosen you) to be my people.
14 Portanto, guardareis o sábado, pois ele é sagrado para vós. Todo aquele que o profanar será certamente morto; pois quem nele fizer algum trabalho, essa alma será extirpada do meio de seu povo.
You must obey [my rules about] the Sabbath days because they are holy/sacred. Those who treat those days in an irreverent way by working on those days must be executed [to show that] I no longer consider them to belong to my people.
15 Seis dias de trabalho serão cumpridos, mas no sétimo dia é um sábado de descanso solene, santo para Javé. Quem quer que faça qualquer trabalho no dia do sábado certamente será morto.
You may work for six days [each week], but the seventh day [of each week] is a solemn day of rest, dedicated to me, Yahweh. Anyone who does any work on a day of rest is to be executed [because I no longer want them to be able to associate with my people].
16 Therefore os filhos de Israel guardarão o Sábado, para observar o Sábado ao longo de suas gerações, para um pacto perpétuo.
You Israeli people must respect the rest day, and you [and your descendants] must (celebrate it/keep it holy) throughout all future generations. [It will remind you] of the agreement that I have made with you that will last forever.
17 É um sinal entre mim e os filhos de Israel para sempre; pois em seis dias Javé fez o céu e a terra, e no sétimo dia descansou, e se refrescou”.
It will remind you Israeli people and remind me [of that agreement] because I, Yahweh, created the heavens and the earth in six days, and on the seventh day I stopped doing that work and relaxed.’”
18 Quando terminou de falar com ele no Monte Sinai, ele deu a Moisés as duas tábuas do pacto, tábuas de pedra, escritas com o dedo de Deus.
When Yahweh finished talking with Moses/me on the top of Sinai Mountain, he gave him/me the two stone slabs on which he had engraved his commandments with his own fingers.