< 2 Reis 23 >
1 O rei enviou, e eles reuniram a ele todos os anciãos de Judá e de Jerusalém.
And they reported to the king what she had said. And he sent, and all the elders of Judah and Jerusalem were gathered to him.
2 O rei subiu à casa de Javé, e com ele todos os homens de Judá e todos os habitantes de Jerusalém - com os sacerdotes, os profetas e todo o povo, tanto pequeno como grande; e leu em suas audiências todas as palavras do livro do pacto que foi encontrado na casa de Javé.
And the king ascended to the temple of the Lord. And with him were all the men of Judah and all who were living in Jerusalem: the priests, and the prophets, and all the people, from the small to the great. And in the hearing of everyone, he read all the words of the book of the covenant, which was found in the house of the Lord.
3 O rei ficou ao lado da coluna e fez um pacto perante Iavé para caminhar depois de Iavé e guardar seus mandamentos, seus testemunhos e seus estatutos com todo o seu coração e toda a sua alma, para confirmar as palavras deste pacto que foram escritas neste livro; e todo o povo concordou com o pacto.
And the king stood upon the step. And he struck a covenant before the Lord, so that they would walk after the Lord, and keep his precepts and testimonies and ceremonies, with all their heart and with all their soul, and so that they would carry out the words of this covenant, which had been written in that book. And the people agreed to the covenant.
4 O rei ordenou a Hilquias, o sumo sacerdote, e aos sacerdotes da segunda ordem, e aos guardas do umbral, que tirassem do templo de Javé todos os vasos que foram feitos para Baal, para o Asherah, e para todo o exército do céu; e ele os queimou fora de Jerusalém nos campos do Cedron, e levou suas cinzas para Betel.
And the king instructed Hilkiah, the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the doorkeepers, so that they would cast out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels which had been made for Baal, and for the sacred grove, and for the entire army of heaven. And he burned them outside of Jerusalem, in the steep valley of Kidron. And he carried their dust into Bethel.
5 Ele se livrou dos sacerdotes idólatras que os reis de Judá tinham ordenado para queimar incenso nos lugares altos das cidades de Judá e nos lugares ao redor de Jerusalém; aqueles que também queimavam incenso para Baal, para o sol, para a lua, para os planetas, e para todo o exército do céu.
And he destroyed the soothsayers, whom the kings of Judah had appointed to sacrifice in the high places throughout the cities of Judah, and all around Jerusalem, along with those who were burning incense to Baal, and to the Sun, and to the Moon, and to the twelve signs, and to the entire army of heaven.
6 Ele trouxe o Asherah da casa de Iavé, fora de Jerusalém, para o riacho Kidron, e o queimou no riacho Kidron, e o espancou até o pó, e lançou seu pó sobre os túmulos do povo comum.
And he caused the sacred grove to be carried away from the house of the Lord, outside of Jerusalem, to the steep valley of Kidron. And he burned it there, and reduced it to dust. And he cast the dust over the graves of the common people.
7 Ele quebrou as casas das prostitutas do santuário masculino que estavam na casa de Yahweh, onde as mulheres teceram enforcamentos para o Asherah.
Also, he destroyed the small places of the effeminate, which were in the house of the Lord, for which the women were weaving something like little houses in the sacred grove.
8 Ele trouxe todos os sacerdotes para fora das cidades de Judá, e sujou os altos lugares onde os sacerdotes tinham queimado incenso, de Geba a Beersheba; e derrubou os altos lugares dos portões que estavam na entrada do portão de Josué, o governador da cidade, que estavam à esquerda de um homem no portão da cidade.
And he gathered together all the priests from the cities of Judah. And he defiled the high places, where the priests were sacrificing, from Geba as far as Beersheba. And he tore down the altars of the gates at the entrance to the gate of Joshua, the leader of the city, which was to the left of the gate of the city.
9 No entanto, os sacerdotes dos altos não subiram ao altar de Javé em Jerusalém, mas comeram pães ázimos entre seus irmãos.
Yet truly, the priests of the high places did not ascend to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem. For they would only eat from the unleavened bread in the midst of their brothers.
10 Ele contaminou Topheth, que fica no vale dos filhos de Hinnom, para que nenhum homem pudesse fazer seu filho ou sua filha passar pelo fogo para Molech.
Also, he defiled Topheth, which is in the steep valley of the son of Hinnom, so that no one would consecrate his son or his daughter, through fire, to Molech.
11 Ele tirou os cavalos que os reis de Judá tinham dedicado ao sol, na entrada da casa de Yahweh, pelo quarto de Nathan Melech, o oficial que estava na corte; e ele queimou as carruagens do sol com fogo.
Also, he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the Sun, at the entrance to the temple of the Lord, beside the hallway of Nathan-melech, the eunuch, who was in Pharurim. And he burned the chariots of the Sun with fire.
12 O rei quebrou os altares que estavam no telhado da sala superior de Ahaz, que os reis de Judá tinham feito, e os altares que Manassés tinha feito nas duas cortes da casa de Yahweh, e os derrubou dali, e jogou seu pó no riacho Kidron.
Also, the altars which were upon the roof of the upper room of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the temple of the Lord, the king destroyed. And he hurried from there, and he scattered their ashes into the torrent Kidron.
13 O rei profanou os lugares altos que estavam diante de Jerusalém, que estavam à direita da montanha da corrupção, que Salomão, rei de Israel, tinha construído para Astoreth a abominação dos sidônios, e para Chemosh a abominação dos moabitas, e para Milcom a abominação dos filhos de Amon.
Also, the high places which were in Jerusalem, to the right side of the Mount of Offense, which Solomon, the king of Israel, had built to Ashtoreth, the idol of the Sidonians, and to Chemosh, the offense of Moab, and to Milcom, the abomination of the sons of Ammon, the king defiled.
14 Ele quebrou em pedaços os pilares, cortou os postes de Asherah e encheu seus lugares com ossos de homens.
And he crushed the statues, and he cut down the sacred groves. And he filled their places with the bones of the dead.
15 Além disso, o altar que estava em Betel e o lugar alto que Jeroboão, filho de Nebat, que fez Israel pecar, tinha feito, mesmo aquele altar e o lugar alto que ele quebrou; e ele queimou o lugar alto e bateu nele até o pó, e queimou o Asherah.
Then too, the altar which was in Bethel, and the high place which Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin, had made: both that altar and the high place he tore down, and burned, and reduced to dust. And then he also set fire to the sacred grove.
16 Enquanto Josias se transformava, ele espiou os túmulos que estavam lá na montanha; e enviou, e tirou os ossos dos túmulos, e os queimou sobre o altar, e o contaminou, segundo a palavra de Javé que o homem de Deus proclamou, que proclamou estas coisas.
And in that place Josiah, turning, saw the sepulchers which were on the mount. And he sent and took the bones from the sepulchers. And he burned them upon the altar, and he defiled it in accord with the word of the Lord, which was spoken by the man of God, who had predicted these events.
17 Então ele disse: “Que monumento é esse que eu vejo?”. Os homens da cidade lhe disseram: “É o túmulo do homem de Deus que veio de Judá e proclamou estas coisas que você fez contra o altar de Betel”.
And he said, “What is that monument that I see?” And the citizens of that city responded to him: “It is the sepulcher of the man of God, who came from Judah, and who predicted these events, which you have carried out concerning the altar of Bethel.”
18 Ele disse: “Deixe-o estar! Que ninguém lhe mexa os ossos”. Então eles deixaram seus ossos em paz, com os ossos do profeta que saiu de Samaria.
And he said: “Permit him. Let no one move his bones.” And his bones have remained untouched, with the bones of the prophet who had arrived from Samaria.
19 Todas as casas também dos lugares altos que estavam nas cidades de Samaria, que os reis de Israel tinham feito para provocar a ira de Iavé, Josias tirou, e fez a eles de acordo com todos os atos que ele tinha feito em Betel.
Then too, all the shrines of the high places, which were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had made to provoke the Lord, Josiah took away. And he acted toward them according to all the works that he had done in Bethel.
20 Ele matou todos os sacerdotes dos altos que estavam ali, nos altares, e queimou ossos de homens sobre eles; e retornou a Jerusalém.
And all the priests of the high places, who were in that place, he killed upon the altars. And he burned the bones of the men upon them. And he returned to Jerusalem.
21 O rei ordenou a todo o povo, dizendo: “Guardai a Páscoa para Javé vosso Deus, como está escrito neste livro do convênio”.
And he instructed all the people, saying: “Keep the Passover to the Lord your God, according to what has been written in the book of this covenant.”
22 Certamente não foi celebrada tal Páscoa desde os dias dos juízes que julgavam Israel, nem em todos os dias dos reis de Israel, nem dos reis de Judá;
Now no similar Passover was kept, from the days of the judges, who judged Israel, and from all the days of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah,
23 mas no décimo oitavo ano do rei Josias, esta Páscoa foi celebrada a Iavé em Jerusalém.
as this Passover, which was kept to the Lord in Jerusalem, in the eighteenth year of king Josiah.
24 Além disso, Josias removeu aqueles que tinham espíritos familiares, os feiticeiros e os terafins, e os ídolos, e todas as abominações que foram vistas na terra de Judá e em Jerusalém, para confirmar as palavras da lei que estavam escritas no livro que Hilquias, o sacerdote, encontrou na casa de Yahweh.
Then too, Josiah took away those who divined by spirits, and the soothsayers, and the images of the idols, and the defilements, and the abominations, which had been in the land of Judah and Jerusalem, so that he might establish the words of the law, which were written in the book, which Hilkiah, the priest, found in the temple of the Lord.
25 Não houve rei como ele antes dele, que se voltou para Javé com todo o seu coração, com toda a sua alma e com todo o seu poder, de acordo com toda a lei de Moisés; e não houve rei como ele que se levantou depois dele.
There was no king before him similar to him, who returned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his strength, in accord with the entire law of Moses. And after him, there rose up no one similar to him.
26 Notwithstanding, Javé não se voltou da ferocidade de sua grande ira, com a qual sua ira ardia contra Judá, por causa de toda a provocação com que Manassés o havia provocado.
Yet truly, the Lord did not turn away from the wrath of his great fury, his fury which was enraged against Judah because of the provocations by which Manasseh had provoked him.
27 Javé disse: “Eu também tirarei Judá da minha vista, como tirei Israel; e rejeitarei esta cidade que escolhi, até Jerusalém, e a casa da qual eu disse: 'Meu nome estará lá'”.
And so the Lord said: “And now I will remove Judah from my face, just as I removed Israel. And I will cast aside this city, Jerusalem, which I have chosen, and the house, about which I said: My name shall be there.”
28 Agora o resto dos atos de Josias, e tudo o que ele fez, não estão escritos no livro das crônicas dos reis de Judá?
Now the rest of the words of Josiah, and all that he did, have these not been written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Judah?
29 Em seus dias, o Faraó Neco, rei do Egito, subiu contra o rei da Assíria até o rio Eufrates; e o rei Josias foi contra ele, mas o Faraó Neco o matou em Megido quando o viu.
During his days, Pharaoh Neco, the king of Egypt, ascended against the king of the Assyrians to the river Euphrates. And king Josiah went out to meet him. And when he had seen him, he was killed at Megiddo.
30 Seus servos o levaram morto em uma carruagem de Megido, o levaram para Jerusalém e o sepultaram em sua própria tumba. O povo da terra tomou Jeoacaz, filho de Josias, e o ungiram, e o fizeram rei no lugar de seu pai.
And his servants carried him dead from Megiddo. And they took him to Jerusalem, and they buried him in his own sepulcher. And the people of the land took Jehoahaz, the son of Josiah. And they anointed him, and made him king in place of his father.
31 Jehoahaz tinha vinte e três anos de idade quando começou a reinar; e reinou três meses em Jerusalém. O nome de sua mãe era Hamutal, filha de Jeremias de Libnah.
Jehoahaz was twenty-three years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for three months in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah, from Libnah.
32 Ele fez o que era mau aos olhos de Iavé, de acordo com tudo o que seus pais tinham feito.
And he did evil before the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done.
33 O Faraó Neco o pôs em prisão em Ribla, na terra de Hamath, para que ele não reinasse em Jerusalém; e colocou a terra a um tributo de cem talentos de prata e um talento de ouro.
And Pharaoh Neco bound him at Riblah, which is in the land of Hamath, so that he would not reign in Jerusalem. And he imposed a penalty on the land: one hundred talents of silver, and one talent of gold.
34 O Faraó Neco fez de Eliaquim o filho de Josias rei no lugar de seu pai, e mudou seu nome para Jeoiaquim; mas ele levou Jeoiaquim embora, e veio para o Egito e morreu lá.
And Pharaoh Neco appointed Eliakim, the son of Josiah, as king in place of Josiah his father. And he changed his name to Jehoiakim. Then he took Jehoahaz away, and he brought him into Egypt, and there he died.
35 Jehoiaquim deu a prata e o ouro ao Faraó; mas ele tributou a terra para dar o dinheiro de acordo com o mandamento do Faraó. Ele exigiu a prata e o ouro do povo da terra, de todos de acordo com sua avaliação, para dá-la ao Faraó Necoh.
Now Jehoiakim gave silver and gold to Pharaoh, when he had taxed the land, according to each one who would contribute by the command of Pharaoh. And he exacted both silver and gold from the people of the land, from each one according to his ability, so that he would give to Pharaoh Neco.
36 Jehoiakim tinha vinte e cinco anos de idade quando começou a reinar, e reinou onze anos em Jerusalém. O nome de sua mãe era Zebidah, filha de Pedaías de Rumah.
Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he had begun to reign, and he reigned for eleven years in Jerusalem. The name of his mother was Zebidah, the daughter of Pedaiah, from Rumah.
37 Ele fez o que era mau aos olhos de Iavé, de acordo com tudo o que seus pais haviam feito.
And he did evil before the Lord, in accord with all that his fathers had done.