< 2 Reis 16 >

1 No décimo sétimo ano de Pekah, filho de Remaliah, Ahaz, filho de Jotham, rei de Judá, começou a reinar.
When Pekah had been ruling Israel for almost 17 years, Ahaz, the son of Jotham, became the king of Judah.
2 Acaz tinha vinte anos quando começou a reinar, e reinou dezesseis anos em Jerusalém. Ele não fez o que era certo aos olhos de Javé, seu Deus, como Davi, seu pai.
He was 20 years old when he became the king [of Judah]. He ruled from Jerusalem for 16 years. He did not do things that pleased Yahweh his God, good things like his ancestor King David had done.
3 Mas ele andou no caminho dos reis de Israel, e até fez seu filho passar pelo fogo, de acordo com as abominações das nações que Javé expulsou de diante dos filhos de Israel.
Instead, he was as sinful as the kings of Israel had been. He even sacrificed his son as an offering to idols. That was worse than the disgusting things that the people who previously lived there had done, people whom Yahweh had expelled as the Israelis were advancing through the land.
4 Ele sacrificou e queimou incenso nos lugares altos, nas colinas, e debaixo de cada árvore verde.
Ahaz offered sacrifices and burned incense [to honor Yahweh] on the tops of many hills and under many [HYP] big trees, [instead of in Jerusalem as Yahweh had commanded].
5 Então Rezin, rei da Síria, e Pekah, filho de Remaliah, rei de Israel, vieram a Jerusalém para travar uma guerra. Eles sitiaram Acaz, mas não conseguiram vencê-lo.
While he was the king of Judah, King Rezin of Assyria and King Pekah of Israel [came with their armies] and attacked Jerusalem. They surrounded the city, but they could not conquer it.
6 Naquele tempo, Rezin, rei da Síria, recuperou Elath para a Síria e expulsou os judeus de Elath; e os sírios vieram para Elath, e viveram lá até hoje.
At that time the [army of the] king of Edom expelled the people of Judah who were living in Elath [city]. Some of the people of Edom started to live there, and they are still living there.
7 Então Ahaz enviou mensageiros a Tiglath Pileser, rei da Assíria, dizendo: “Eu sou seu servo e seu filho”. Suba e me salve da mão do rei da Síria e da mão do rei de Israel, que se levantam contra mim”.
King Ahaz sent messengers to King Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria, to tell this message to him: “I promise that I will completely do what you tell me to do, [as though] I [was] your son. Please come and rescue us from the armies of Syria and Israel who are attacking my country.”
8 Ahaz pegou a prata e o ouro encontrados na casa de Iavé e nos tesouros da casa do rei e os enviou de presente ao rei da Assíria.
Ahaz took the silver and gold that was in the palace and in the temple and sent it to Assyria to be a present/gift for the king of Assyria.
9 O rei da Assíria o ouviu; e o rei da Assíria subiu contra Damasco e a tomou, e levou seu povo cativo a Kir, e matou Rezin.
So Tiglath-Pileser did what Ahaz requested. His army marched to Damascus and captured it, and they took the people of Damascus as prisoners to live in the capital city of Assyria, and executed [King] Rezin.
10 O rei Ahaz foi a Damasco para encontrar Tiglath Pileser, rei da Assíria, e viu o altar que estava em Damasco; e o rei Ahaz enviou a Urijah o sacerdote um desenho do altar e planeja construí-lo.
When King Ahaz went to Damascus to meet King Tiglath-Pileser, he saw the altar that was there. So he sent to Uriah, the Supreme Priest [in Jerusalem], a drawing of the altar and a model that was exactly like the altar in Damascus.
11 Urijah o sacerdote construiu um altar. De acordo com tudo o que o rei Ahaz havia enviado de Damasco, então Urijah o sacerdote o fez para a vinda do rei Ahaz de Damasco.
So Uriah built an altar [in Jerusalem], following the drawing that King Ahaz had sent. Uriah finished the altar before Ahaz returned [to Jerusalem] from Damascus.
12 Quando o rei tinha vindo de Damasco, o rei viu o altar; e o rei se aproximou do altar e ofereceu sobre ele.
When the king returned from Damascus, he saw the altar. He went to it
13 Ele queimou seu holocausto e sua oferta de refeição, derramou sua oferta de bebida e aspergiu o sangue de suas ofertas pacíficas sobre o altar.
and burned animal sacrifices and a grain offering on it. He also poured a wine offering on it and threw on it the blood of the offerings to maintain fellowship with God.
14 O altar de bronze, que estava antes de Javé, ele trouxe da frente da casa, de entre seu altar e a casa de Javé, e o colocou no lado norte de seu altar.
The old bronze altar which had been dedicated long ago to Yahweh was between the new altar and the temple, so Ahaz moved it to the north side of his new altar, [which was bigger than the old altar].
15 O rei Ahaz ordenou ao sacerdote Urijah, dizendo: “No grande altar queimar o holocausto da manhã, a oferta de refeição da noite, o holocausto do rei e sua oferta de refeição, com o holocausto de todo o povo da terra, sua oferta de refeição, e suas ofertas de bebida; e aspergir nele todo o sangue do holocausto, e todo o sangue do sacrifício; mas o altar de bronze será para eu perguntar por ele”.
Then King Ahaz ordered Uriah: “Each morning put on this new altar the sacrifices that will be completely burned, and in the evening put on it the grain offering, along with my offering and the offerings that the people bring, ones that will be completely burned, and my grain offering and the people’s grain and wine offerings. Pour against the sides of the altar the blood of all the animals that are sacrificed. But the old bronze altar will be only for me to use to find out what Yahweh wants me to do.”
16 Urijah o padre o fez, de acordo com tudo o que o rei Ahaz ordenou.
So Uriah did what the king commanded him to do.
17 O rei Ahaz cortou os painéis das bases, retirou a bacia, tirou o mar dos bois de bronze que estavam debaixo dela e o colocou sobre um pavimento de pedra.
King Ahaz told his workers to take off the frames of the carts [that were outside the temple] and to take down the basins that were on them. They also took down the bronze tank from the backs of the bronze [statues of the] oxen and put it on a stone foundation.
18 Ele removeu o caminho coberto para o sábado que eles tinham construído na casa, e a entrada externa do rei na casa de Yahweh, por causa do rei da Assíria.
Then to please the king of Assyria, Ahaz had them remove from the temple the roof under which the people walked into the temple on the Sabbath Day, and closed up the private entrance into the temple for the kings of Judah.
19 Agora o resto dos atos de Acaz que ele fez, não estão escritos no livro das crônicas dos reis de Judá?
[If you want to know about] the other things that Ahaz did, they are written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
20 Acaz dormiu com seus pais e foi enterrado com seus pais na cidade de Davi; e Ezequias, seu filho, reinou em seu lugar.
Ahaz died [EUP], and he was buried in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’, where his ancestors had been buried. Then his son Hezekiah became the king.

< 2 Reis 16 >