< Salmos 150 >
1 Aleluia! Louvai a Deus em seu santuário; louvai-o no firmamento de seu poder.
Praise ye Yah, Praise ye GOD in his sanctuary, Praise him, in his strong expanse:
2 Louvai-o por suas proezas; louvai-o conforme a imensidão de sua grandeza.
Praise him, for his mighty deeds, Praise him, according to his exceeding greatness:
3 Louvai-o com com de trombeta; louvai-o com lira e harpa.
Praise him, with the blast of a horn, Praise him, with the harp and lyre:
4 Louvai-o com tamborim e flauta; louvai-o com instrumentos de cordas e de sopro.
Praise him, with timbrel and dance, —Praise him, with stringed instrument and flute,
5 Louvai-o com címbalos bem sonoros; louvai-o com címbalos de sons de alegria.
Praise him, with cymbals of clear tone, —Praise him, with cymbals of loud clang:
6 Tudo quanto tem fôlego, louve ao SENHOR! Aleluia!
Let, every breathing thing, praise Yah, Praise ye Yah!