< João 11 >

1 E estava doente um certo Lázaro, de Betânia, a aldeia de Maria e de sua irmã Marta.
[One time] there was a man whose name was Lazarus who was [very] sick. He lived in Bethany [village], where his [older] sisters Mary and Martha also lived.
2 (E era Maria a que ungiu ao Senhor com o óleo, e com seus cabelos lhe limpou os pés; [a que] cujo irmão Lázaro era o que estava doente).
Mary was the woman who [later] poured perfume on the feet of the Lord [Jesus], and then wiped his feet with her hair.
3 Enviaram pois suas irmãs [uma mensagem] a ele, dizendo: Senhor, eis que aquele a quem [tu] amas está doente.
So the two sisters sent [someone to tell] Jesus [about Lazarus], saying, “Lord, the one you love [very much] is very sick.”
4 E ouvindo Jesus, disse: Esta doença não é para morte, mas para glória de Deus; para que o Filho de Deus seja por ela glorificado.
[They hoped that Jesus would come], but when Jesus heard the message, he said, “His being sick will not end in his dying. Instead, it will result in [people realizing] how great God is, and that I, God’s son, may be honored {that people may honor me, God’s son}, because of [what I will do].”
5 E Jesus amava a Marta, e a sua irmã, e a Lázaro.
Jesus loved Martha and her [younger] sister [Mary] and Lazarus.
6 Quando, pois, ele ouviu que estava doente, ficou ainda dois dias no lugar onde estava.
But when Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed [where he was] for two more days.
7 Então depois disto voltou a dizer aos discípulos: Vamos outra vez à Judeia.
But Jesus [wanted to see Lazarus]. So he said to us disciples, “Let’s go back to Judea.”
8 Disseram-lhe os discípulos: Rabi, ainda agora os Judeus procuravam te apedrejar; e tu voltas novamente para lá?
We said, “Teacher, just a short while ago the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] wanted to [kill you by] throwing stones at you. So ([we think that you should not] go back there again!/[are you sure that you want to] go back there again?) [RHQ]”
9 Respondeu Jesus: Não há doze horas no dia? Se alguém anda de dia, não tropeça, porque vê a luz deste mundo.
[To show us that nothing bad could happen to him until the time that God had chosen] [MET], Jesus replied, “There are [RHQ] twelve hours in the daytime, [which is enough time to do what God wants us to do]. People who walk in the daytime will not stumble [over things they cannot see], because they see things by the light from the sun.
10 Mas se alguém anda de noite, tropeça; porque nele não há luz.
It is when people walk in the nighttime that they stumble over things, because they have no light.”
11 Ele falou estas coisas; e depois disto, disse-lhes: Lázaro, nosso amigo, dorme; mas vou para despertá-lo do sono.
After he said that, he told us, “Our friend Lazarus has gone to sleep. But I will go there so that I can wake him up.”
12 Disseram pois seus discípulos: Senhor, se [ele] dorme, será salvo.
So we said to him, “Lord, if he is sleeping, he will get well. [So you do not need to risk your life by going there].”
13 Mas Jesus dizia [isto] de sua morte; porém eles pensavam que falava do repouso do sono.
Jesus was speaking [figuratively] about Lazarus’ death, but we thought that he was talking about really being asleep.
14 Então pois lhes disse Jesus claramente: Lázaro está morto.
So then he told us plainly, “Lazarus is dead.
15 E me alegro, por causa de vós, que eu não estivesse lá, para que creiais; porém vamos até ele.
But for your sake I am glad that I was not there [when he died], because I want you to believe [more firmly that I] ([am the Messiah/came from God]). So now, [instead of staying here], let’s go to him.”
16 Disse pois Tomé, chamado o Dídimo, aos colegas discípulos: Vamos nós também, para que com ele morramos.
Then Thomas, who was {whom they} called ‘The Twin’, said to the rest of us disciples, “Let’s all go, so that we may die with Jesus [when his enemies kill him].”
17 Vindo pois Jesus, encontrou que já havia quatro dias que estava na sepultura.
When we arrived [close to Bethany], someone told Jesus that Lazarus [had died and had been buried and his body had] been in the tomb for four days.
18 (E Betânia era como quase quinze estádios de Jerusalém).
Bethany is less than (two miles/three kilometers) from Jerusalem.
19 E muitos dos judeus tinham vindo até Marta e Maria, para consolá-las por seu irmão.
Many Jews had come [from Jerusalem] to console Martha and Mary over [the death of] their [younger] brother.
20 Ouvindo pois Marta que Jesus vinha, saiu-lhe ao encontro; mas Maria ficou sentada em casa.
When Martha heard [someone say] that Jesus was coming, she went [along the road] to meet him. But Mary stayed in the house.
21 Disse pois Marta a Jesus: Senhor, se tu estivesses aqui, meu irmão não teria morrido.
When Martha [got to where Jesus was], she said to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died [because you would have healed him]!
22 Porém também sei agora, que tudo quanto pedires a Deus, Deus o dará a ti.
But I know that even now God will do for you whatever you ask [concerning my brother].”
23 Disse-lhe Jesus: Teu irmão ressuscitará.
Jesus said to her, “Your brother will become alive again!”
24 Marta lhe disse: Eu sei que ele ressuscitará, na ressurreição, no último dia.
Martha said to him, “I know that he will become alive again when all people become alive again on the [Judgment] day.”
25 Disse-lhe Jesus: Eu sou a ressurreição, e a vida; quem crê em mim, ainda que esteja morto, viverá.
Jesus said to her, “I am the one who [enables people to] become alive again and who [causes people to] live [eternally]. Those who believe in me, even if they die, will live [again].
26 E todo aquele que vive, e crê em mim, para sempre não morrerá. Crês nisto? (aiōn g165)
Furthermore, all those who believe in me while they are alive, [their souls] will not die [forever]. Do you believe that?” (aiōn g165)
27 Disse-lhe ela: Sim, Senhor; já cri que tu és o Cristo, o Filho de Deus, que viria ao mundo.
She said to him, “Yes, Lord! I believe that you are the Messiah, (the Son of God/the man who is also God). You are the one [God promised to send] into the world!”
28 E dito isto, [ela] se foi, e chamou em segredo a Maria, sua irmã, dizendo: Aqui está o Mestre, e ele te chama.
After she said that, she returned [to the house] and took her [younger] sister, Mary, aside and said to her, “The Teacher is close [to our village], and he wants to talk to you.”
29 Ouvindo ela [isto], logo se levantou, e foi até ele.
When Mary heard that, she got up quickly and went to him.
30 (Porque Jesus ainda não havia chegado à aldeia; mas estava no lugar onde Marta lhe saíra ao encontro).
Jesus had not yet entered the village; he was still at the place where Martha met him.
31 Vendo pois os judeus que com ela estavam em casa, e a consolavam, que Maria com pressa se levantara, e saíra, seguiram-na, dizendo: Ela vai para a sepultura, para chorar lá.
The Jews who were in the house with Mary, consoling her, saw Mary get up quickly and go outside. So they followed her, thinking that she was going to the tomb [where they had buried Lazarus], in order to cry there.
32 Vindo pois Maria aonde Jesus estava, e vendo-o, caiu a seus pés, dizendo-lhe: Senhor, se tu estivesses aqui, meu irmão não teria morrido.
When Mary got to where Jesus was and saw him, she prostrated herself at his feet and said, “Lord, if you had been here, my [younger] brother would not have died!”
33 Quando Jesus a viu chorar, e aos judeus, que vinham chorando com ela, comoveu-se em espírito, e ficou perturbado.
When Jesus saw her crying, and saw that the Jews who had come with her were also crying, he was very angry [that Satan had caused Lazarus to die] (OR, very troubled) and disturbed in his spirit.
34 E disse: Onde o pusestes? Disseram-lhe: Senhor, vem, e vê.
He said, “Where have you buried (him/his body)?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.”
35 Jesus chorou.
Jesus began to cry.
36 Disseram pois os Judeus: Vede como ele o amava!
Then [some of] the Jews said, “Look how much he loved Lazarus!”
37 E alguns deles disseram: Não podia este, que abriu os olhos ao cego, ter feito também que este não morresse?
But some others said, “He enabled a blind man to see. So (he should have been able to [heal this man so that] he did not die!/why did he not [heal this man so that] he did not die?) [RHQ]”
38 Comovendo-se pois Jesus outra vez em si mesmo, veio à sepultura; e era [esta] uma caverna, e estava uma pedra posta sobre ela.
Within himself Jesus was again very angry [about Lazarus dying] (OR, very troubled). He came to the tomb. It was a cave. The entrance had been covered with a large stone.
39 Disse Jesus: Tirai a pedra. Marta, a irmã do morto, disse-lhe: Senhor, já cheira mal, porque já é de quatro dias.
Jesus said, “Take away the stone!” Martha, [who, as I mentioned before, was an older] sister of the man who had died, said, “Lord, his [body] has been [in the tomb] for four days, so now there will be a bad smell!”
40 Jesus disse-lhe: Não te disse, que se creres, verás a glória de Deus?
Jesus said to her, “I told [RHQ] you that if you believed [in] ([me/what I can do]), you would see how great God is! Have [you forgotten that]?”
41 Tiraram, pois, a pedra. E Jesus levantou os olhos para cima, e disse: Pai, graças te dou, porque me tens ouvido.
So they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up [toward heaven] and said, “My Father, I thank you that you heard me [when I prayed about this earlier].
42 Porém eu bem sabia que sempre me ouves; mas por causa da multidão, que está ao redor, [assim] disse; para que creiam que tu me enviaste.
I know that you always hear me [when I pray]. But instead [of just praying silently], I said that for the sake of the people who are standing here. I want them to believe that you sent me.”
43 E havendo dito isto, clamou com grande voz: Lázaro, sai fora.
After he said that, he shouted, “Lazarus, come out!”
44 E o que estava morto saiu, [com] as mãos e os pés atados, e seu rosto envolto em um lenço. Disse-lhes Jesus: Desatai-o, e deixai-o ir.
The man who [had been] dead came out! The strips of cloth were still wrapped around his [hands and feet], and a cloth was still around his face, [but he came out]! Jesus said to them, “Take off the cloths so that he can walk easily!” [So they did that].
45 Pelo que, muitos dos Judeus, que tinham vindo a Maria, e haviam visto o que Jesus fizera, creram nele.
As a result, many of the Jews who had come to [see] Mary and who had seen what Jesus did, believed that he ([was the Messiah/had come from God]).
46 Mas alguns deles foram aos fariseus, e lhes disseram o que Jesus havia feito.
But some of the [others] went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.
47 Então os sacerdotes e os fariseus juntaram o supremo conselho, e disseram: Que faremos? Porque este homem faz muitos sinais.
So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered all the members of the [Jewish] Council together. They started saying [to each other], “What are we going to do [about Jesus]? He is performing many miracles!
48 Se assim o deixamos, todos crerão nele, e virão os romanos, e nos tomarão tanto o lugar quanto a nação.
If we allow him to keep [doing this], everyone will believe (in him/that he [is the Messiah]), [and they will make him their king]. Then the Roman [army] will come and destroy our Temple and our whole nation of Israel!”
49 E Caifás, um deles, que era sumo sacerdote daquele ano, lhes disse: Vós nada sabeis;
One of the [Jewish Council] members was Caiaphas. He was the Jewish high priest that year. [Hinting that they should get rid of Jesus], he said to them, “You [talk as though you] do not know anything [HYP]!
50 Nem considerais que nos convém, que um homem morra pelo povo, e toda a nação não pereça.
You do not realize that it would be much better for us if one man died for the sake of the people rather than that [the Romans kill] all the [people of our Jewish] nation.”
51 E ele não disse isto de si mesmo; mas que, como era o sumo sacerdote daquele ano, profetizou que Jesus morreria pelo povo.
He said that, not because he thought of it himself. Instead, since he was the high priest that year, he was prophesying that Jesus would die for the whole [Jewish] nation.
52 E não somente por aquele povo, mas também para que juntasse em um aos filhos de Deus, que estavam dispersos.
But he was also prophesying that Jesus would die, not just for the Jews, but for all the people living in other lands who [would belong] to God, in order that he would unite [all of them into] one [group].
53 Então desde aquele dia se aconselhavam juntos para o matarem.
So from that day the [Jewish leaders] started to make plans how they could kill Jesus.
54 De maneira que Jesus já não andava mais abertamente entre os judeus, mas foi-se dali para a terra junto ao deserto, a uma cidade chamada Efraim; e ali andava com seus discípulos.
Because of that, Jesus no longer traveled around publicly among the Jewish people. Instead, he left [Jerusalem, along] with us disciples, and went to a village called Ephraim, in an area near the desolate region. We stayed there [for a while].
55 E estava perto a páscoa dos judeus, e muitos daquela terra subiram a Jerusalém antes da páscoa, para se purificarem.
When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover [celebration], many [Jews] went up to Jerusalem from other places in the country. They went there to perform the rituals to make themselves acceptable [to God] before the Passover [celebration started].
56 Buscavam pois a Jesus, e diziam uns aos outros estando no Templo: Que vos parece? Que ele não virá à festa?
The Jewish chief priests and Pharisees issued an order that if anyone found out where Jesus was, that person should report it to them, in order that they could seize him. [So the people thought that Jesus would] probably [not dare to come to the celebration]. But they kept looking for him, and as they were standing in the Temple [courtyard] they were saying to each other, “What do you think? He will not come to the celebration, will he?”
57 E os sacerdotes e os fariseus tinham dado ordem de que, se alguém soubesse onde ele estava, o denunciasse, para que o pudessem prender.

< João 11 >