< Jeremias 39 >

1 No nono ano de Zedequias rei de Judá, no décimo mês, veio Nabucodonosor rei da Babilônia com todo seu exército contra Jerusalém, e a cercaram.
After King Zedekiah had been ruling Judah for almost nine years, King Nebuchadnezzar came in January with his army, and they surrounded Jerusalem.
2 E no décimo primeiro ano de Zedequias, no quarto mês, aos nove do mês, foi rompida a cidade;
One and a half years later, after Zedekiah had been ruling for almost eleven years, on July 18, [soldiers from Babylonia] broke through the city [wall. Then they rushed in and captured the city].
3 E entraram [nela] todos os príncipes do rei de Babilônia, e se sentaram à porta do meio: Nergal-Sarezer, Sangar-Nebo, Sarsequim, Rabsáris, Nergal-sarezer, Rabmague, e todos os demais príncipes do rei da Babilônia.
Then all the officers of the king of Babylon came in and sat down at the Middle Gate [to decide what they would do to the city. They included] Nergal-Sharezer from Samgar, Nebo-Sarsekim who was one of the chief army officers, another Nergal-Sharezer, the king’s advisor, and many other officials.
4 E sucedeu que, Zedequias, rei de Judá, e todos os homens de guerra, quando os viram, fugiram, e saíram de noite da cidade pelo caminho do jardim do rei, pela porta entre os dois muros; e saíram pelo caminho de Arabá.
When King Zedekiah and all his soldiers realized that [the army of Babylonia had broken into the city], they fled. [They waited until] it was dark. Then they went out of the city through the king’s garden, through the gate that was between the two walls. Then they started [running] toward the Jordan River Valley.
5 Porém o exército dos caldeus os perseguiu, e alcançaram a Zedequias nas plancíes de Jericó; e o prenderam, e o fizeram subir a Nabucodonosor rei da Babilônia, a Ribla, na terra de Hamate; e ele sentenciou.
But the soldiers from Babylonia pursued the king, and they caught him on the plains near Jericho. They took him to the King of Babylon, who was at Riblah [town] in the Hamath [region]. There the king of Babylon told [his soldiers what] they should do to punish Zedekiah.
6 E o rei da Babilônia degolou os filhos de Zedequias em Ribla diante de seus olhos; o rei da Babilônia também degolou a todos os nobres de Judá.
They forced Zedekiah to watch while they killed his sons and all the officials from Judah.
7 E cegou os olhos de Zedequias, e o aprisionou com cadeias de bronze, para o levar à Babilônia.
[Then] they gouged out Zedekiah’s eyes. They fastened him with bronze chains and took him to Babylon.
8 E os caldeus queimaram a casa do rei e as casas do povo a fogo, e derrubaram os muros de Jerusalém.
[Meanwhile, ] the Babylonian army burned the palace and all the other buildings in Jerusalem. And they tore down the city walls.
9 E o restante do povo que tinha restado na cidade, e os que haviam a ele se rendido, com todo o resto do povo que tinha restado, Nabuzaradã, capitão da guarda, transportou-os à Babilônia
Then Nebuzaradan, the captain of the [king’s] bodyguards, forced to go to Babylon [most of] the other people who remained in the city and the Jews who had joined the soldiers of Babylonia.
10 Porém Nabuzaradã, capitão da guarda, fez restar na terra de Judá os mais pobres do povo, que não tinham nada, e lhes deu vinhas e campos naquele tempo.
But he allowed some of the very poor people to remain in Judah, and he gave them vineyards and fields [to take care of].
11 Mas Nabucodonosor, rei da Babilônia, havia dado ordem a Nabuzaradã, capitão da guarda, quanto a Jeremias, dizendo:
King Nebuchadnezzar had [previously] told Nebuzaradan to find me. He said,
12 Toma-o, olha por ele, e não lhe faças mal algum; mas faças com ele como ele te disser.
“Make sure that no one harms him. Take care of him, and do for him whatever he requests you to do.”
13 Então enviou Nabuzaradã capitão da guarda, e Nabusasbã, Rabsaris, e Nergal-Sarezer, e Rabmague, e todos os príncipes do rei da Babilônia;
So he and Nebushazban, who was one of their chief officers, and Nergal-Sharezer the king’s advisor, and other officers of the King of Babylon
14 Enviaram, pois, e tomaram a Jeremias do pátio da guarda, e o entregaram a Gedalias filho de Aicã, filho de Safã, para que o levasse para casa; e ele ficou entre o povo.
sent [some men] to bring me out of the courtyard outside of the palace. They took me to Gedaliah who was the son of Ahikam and grandson of Shaphan. Then Gedaliah took me to my home, and I stayed [in Judah] among [my own] people [who had been allowed to remain there].
15 E tinha vindo a palavra do SENHOR a Jeremias, enquanto ele estava preso no pátio da guarda, dizendo:
While I was [still] being guarded in the palace courtyard, Yahweh gave me this message:
16 Vai, e fala a Ebede-Meleque o cuxita, dizendo: Assim diz o SENHOR dos exércitos, Deus de Israel: Eis que trarei minhas palavras sobre esta cidade para o mal, e não para o bem; e serão naquele dia perante tua presença.
“Say this to Ebed-Melech, the official from Ethiopia: ‘This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: “I will do to this city everything that I said that I would do. I will not enable the people to prosper; I will cause them to experience disasters. You will see Jerusalem being destroyed,
17 Porém naquele dia eu te livrarei, diz o SENHOR, e não serás entregue nas mãos dos homens a quem tu temes.
but I will rescue you from the people whom you are afraid of.
18 Pois certamente te livrarei, e não cairás à espada, mas sim que terás tua alma como despojo, porque confiaste em mim, diz o SENHOR.
You trusted me, so I will save you. You will not be killed by [your enemies’] swords; you will remain alive. [That will surely happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.’”

< Jeremias 39 >