< Atos 9 >
1 E Saulo, ainda assoprando ameaças e mortes contra os discípulos do Senhor, foi ao chefe dos sacerdotes.
Meanwhile Saul, still breathing murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord, went to the High Priest,
2 E pediu-lhe cartas para Damasco, para as sinagogas, para que se achasse alguns deste caminho, tanto homens como mulheres, ele [os] trouxesse presos a Jerusalém.
and asked him to give him letters to the Jewish congregations at Damascus, authorising him, if he found there any supporters of the Cause, whether men or women, to have them put in chains and brought to Jerusalem.
3 E indo, aconteceu que chegando perto de Damasco, repentinamente brilhou ao redor dele uma luz do céu.
While on his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, suddenly a light from the heavens flashed around him.
4 E caindo em terra, ouviu ma voz lhe dizendo: Saulo, Saulo, por que me persegues?
He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him — “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
5 E ele disse: Quem és, Senhor? E ele [disse]: Eu sou Jesus, a quem tu persegues.
“Who are you, Lord?” he asked. “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” the voice answered;
6 mas levanta-te, e entra na cidade; e [ali] te será dito o que deves fazer.
“Yet stand up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
7 E os homens que viajavam com ele pararam emudecidos, ouvindo, de fato, a voz, porém não vendo ninguém.
The men traveling with Saul were meanwhile standing speechless; they heard the sound of the voice, but saw no one.
8 E Saulo se levantou da terra e, tendo aberto seus olhos, não via ninguém; e sendo guiado pela mão, levaram-no a Damasco.
When Saul got up from the ground, though his eyes were open, he could see nothing. So his men led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus;
9 E ele estava três dias sem ver; e não comeu, nem bebeu.
and for three days he was unable to see, and took nothing either to eat or to drink.
10 E havia em Damasco um certo discípulo, de nome Ananias; e disse-lhe o Senhor em visão: Ananias! E ele respondeu: Eis-me aqui, Senhor!
Now there was at Damascus a disciple named Ananias, to whom, in a vision, the Lord said: “Ananias.” “Yes, Lord,” he answered.
11 E o Senhor lhe [disse]: Levanta-te, e vai a rua chamada Direita, e pergunta na casa de Judas por um chamado Saulo, de Tarso; porque que ele ora.
“Go at once,” said the Lord, “to the ‘Straight Street’, and ask at Judas’s house for a man named Saul, from Tarsus. He is at this moment praying,
12 E ele viu em visão que um homem, de nome Ananias, entrava, e sobre ele punha a mão, para que voltasse a ver.
and he has seen, in a vision, a man named Ananias coming in and placing his hands on him, so that he may recover his sight.”
13 E Ananias respondeu: Senhor, eu ouvi de muitos sobre este homem, quantos males ele tem feito aos teus santos em Jerusalém;
“Lord,” exclaimed Ananias, “I have heard from many people about this man — how much harm he has done at Jerusalem to your People there.
14 E aqui ele tem poder dos chefes dos sacerdotes para prender a todos os que invocam o teu nome.
And, here, too, he holds authority from the Chief Priests to put in chains all those who invoke your Name.”
15 Mas o Senhor lhe disse: Vai, porque este me é um vaso escolhido para levar meu nome diante dos gentios, e dos reis, e dos filhos de Israel;
But the Lord said to him: “Go, for this man is my chosen instrument to uphold my Name before the Gentiles and their kings, and the people of Israel.
16 Porque eu mostrarei a ele o quanto ele deve sofrer por causa do meu nome.
I will myself show him all that he has to suffer for my Name.”
17 E Ananias foi, e entrou na casa; e pondo as mãos sobre ele, disse: Irmão Saulo, o Senhor, [que é] Jesus, aquele que apareceu a ti no caminho, me enviou para que tu voltes a ver, e sejas cheio do Espírito Santo.
So Ananias went, entered the house, and, placing his hands on Saul, said: “Saul, my Brother, I have been sent by the Lord — by Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here — so that you may recover your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
18 E logo lhe caíram como que escamas dos olhos, e imediatamente voltou a ver; e levantando-se, foi batizado.
Instantly it seemed as if a film fell from Saul’s eyes, and his sight was restored. Then he got up and was baptized,
19 E ao comer, ele se fortaleceu. E Saulo ficou alguns dias com os discípulos [que estavam] em Damasco.
and, after he had taken food, he felt his strength return. Saul stayed for some days with the disciples who were at Damascus,
20 E logo nas sinagogas pregava a Cristo, [dizendo] que aquele era o Filho de Deus.
and at once began in the Synagogues to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God.
21 E todos os que o ouviam ficavam admirados, e diziam: Não é este aquele que em Jerusalém tentava destruir aos que invocavam este nome? E [não foi] para isso [que] ele veio aqui, para os levar presos aos chefes dos sacerdotes?
All who heard him were amazed. “Is not this,” they asked, “the man who worked havoc in Jerusalem among those that invoke this Name, and who had also come here for the express purpose of having such persons put in chains and taken before the Chief Priests?”
22 Mas Saulo se esforçava muito mais, e confundia aos judeus que habitavam em Damasco, provando que aquele era o Cristo.
Saul’s influence, however, kept steadily increasing, and he confounded the Jews who lived in Damascus by the proofs that he gave that Jesus was the Christ.
23 E passados vários dias, os judeus tiveram conselho entre si para o matarem.
After some time the Jews laid a plot to kill Saul,
24 Mas as ciladas deles foram conhecidas por Saulo; e eles vigiavam as portas, tanto de dia como de noite, para poderem matá-lo.
but it became known to him. They even watched the gates day and night, to kill him;
25 Porém os discípulos, tomando-o de noite, levaram-no abaixo pelo muro em um cesto.
but his disciples let him down by night through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket.
26 E Saulo, tendo vindo a Jerusalém, procurava se juntar aos discípulos; mas todos tinham medo dele, não crendo que fosse discípulo.
On his arrival in Jerusalem, Saul attempted to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, as they did not believe that he was really a disciple.
27 Mas Barnabás, tomando-o consigo, trouxe [-o] aos apóstolos, e contou-lhes como no caminho tinha visto ao Senhor, e tinha lhe falado, e como em Damasco tinha falado ousadamente no nome de Jesus.
Barnabas, however, taking him by the hand, brought him to the Apostles, and told them the whole story of how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord, and how the Lord had talked to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken out fearlessly in the Name of Jesus.
28 E ele estava junto deles, entrando e saindo em Jerusalém;
After that, Saul remained in Jerusalem, in close intercourse with the Apostles; and he spoke fearlessly in the Name of the Lord,
29 E falando ousadamente no nome do Senhor; falava e discutia também contra os gregos; mas eles procuravam matá-lo.
talking and arguing with the Jews of foreign birth, who, however, made attempts to kill him.
30 E os irmãos, ao perceberem [isto], o levaram até Cesareia, e o enviaram a Tarso.
But, when the Brethren found this out, they took him down to Caesarea, and sent him on his way to Tarsus.
31 Então as igrejas por toda a Judeia, e Galileia, e Samaria, tinham paz, e eram edificadas; e andando no temor do Senhor, e [na] consolação do Espírito Santo, se multiplicavam.
And so it came about that the Church, throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, enjoyed peace and became firmly established; and, ordering its life by reverence for the Lord and the help of the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers.
32 E aconteceu que, Pedro, passando por todos [os lugares], veio também aos santos que habitavam em Lida.
Peter, while traveling from place to place throughout the country, went down to visit the People of Christ living at Lydda.
33 E ali ele achou a um certo homem chamado Enéas, que havia oito anos que jazia numa cama, que era paralítico.
There he found a man named Aeneas, who had been bed-ridden for eight years with paralysis.
34 E Pedro lhe disse: Enéas, Jesus Cristo te cura; levanta-te, e faz tua cama. E logo ele se levantou.
“Aeneas,” Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ cures you. Get up, and make your bed.” Aeneas got up at once;
35 E todos os que habitavam em Lida e Sarona o viram, os quais se converteram ao Senhor.
and all the inhabitants of Lydda and of the Plain of Sharon saw him, and came over to the Lord’s side.
36 E havia em Jope uma certa discípula, de nome Tabita, que traduzido se diz Dorcas. Esta estava cheia de boas obras e doações que ela fazia [aos necessitados].
At Jaffa there lived a disciple whose name was Tabitha, which is in Greek ‘Dorcas’ — a Gazelle. Her life was spent in doing kind and charitable actions.
37 E aconteceu naqueles dias, que tendo ela ficado doente, morreu; e tendo a lavado, puseram-na no compartimento superior.
Just at that time she was taken ill, and died; and they had washed her body and laid it out in an upstairs room.
38 E como Lida era perto de Jope, os discípulos, ao ouvirem que Pedro estava ali, mandaram-lhe dois homens, rogando [-lhe] que não demorasse a vir a eles.
Jaffa was near Lydda, and the disciples, having heard that Peter was at Lydda, sent two men with the request that he would come on to them without delay.
39 E Pedro, tendo se levantado, foi com eles; o qual chegou, e [o] levaram ao compartimento superior, e todas as viúvas o rodearam, chorando, e mostrando [-lhe] as túnicas e roupas que Dorcas tinha feito quando estava com elas.
Peter returned with them at once. On his arrival, he was taken upstairs, and all the widows came round him in tears, showing the coats and other clothing which Dorcas had made while she was among them.
40 Mas Pedro, pondo para fora a todas; pôs-se de joelhos, e orou; e virando-se para o corpo, disse: Tabita, levanta-te; E ela abriu seus olhos, e vendo a Pedro, sentou-se.
But Peter sent everybody out of the room, and knelt down and prayed. Then, turning to the body, he said: “Tabitha! stand up.” She opened her eyes, and, seeing Peter, sat up.
41 E ele, dando-lhe a mão, levantou-a; e tendo chamado aos santos, e às viúvas, apresentou-a viva.
Giving her his hand, Peter raised her up, and, calling in the widows and others of Christ’s People, presented her to them alive.
42 E isto ficou conhecido por toda Jope, e muitos creram no Senhor.
This became known all through Jaffa, and numbers of People came to believe in the Lord.
43 E aconteceu que ele ficou muitos dias em Jope, com um certo Simão curtidor.
And Peter stayed some days at Jaffa with a tanner named Simon.