< 2 Samuel 2 >
1 Depois disto aconteceu que Davi consultou ao SENHOR, dizendo: Subirei a alguma das cidades de Judá? E o SENHOR lhe respondeu: Sobe. E Davi voltou a dizer: Para onde subirei? E ele lhe disse: A Hebrom.
And it came to pass after this that David enquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up into one of the cities of Juda? and the Lord said to him, Go up. And David said, Whither shall I go up? and he said, To Chebron.
2 E Davi subiu ali, e com ele suas duas mulheres, Ainoã jezreelita e Abigail, a que foi mulher de Nabal do Carmelo.
And David went up there to Chebron, [he] and both his wives, Achinaam the Jezraelitess, and Abigaia the wife of Nabal the Carmelite,
3 E levou também Davi consigo os homens que com ele haviam estado, cada um com sua família; os quais moraram nas cidades de Hebrom.
and the men that were with him, every one and his family; and they lived in the cities of Chebron.
4 E vieram os homens de Judá, e ungiram ali a Davi por rei sobre a casa de Judá. E deram aviso a Davi, dizendo: Os de Jabes de Gileade são os que sepultaram a Saul.
And the men of Judea come, and anoint David there to reign over the house of Juda; and they reported to David, saying, The men of Jabis of the country of Galaad have buried Saul.
5 E Davi enviou mensageiros aos de Jabes de Gileade, dizendo-lhes: Benditos sejais vós do SENHOR, que fizestes esta misericórdia com vosso senhor Saul em haver-lhe dado sepultura.
And David sent messengers to the rulers of Jabis of the country of Galaad, and David said to them, Blessed be you of the Lord, because you have wrought this mercy towards your lord, even towards Saul the anointed of the Lord, and you have buried him and Jonathan his son.
6 Agora, pois, o SENHOR faça convosco misericórdia e verdade; e eu também vos farei bem por isto que fizestes.
And now may the Lord deal in mercy and truth towards you: and I also will requite towards you this good deed, because you have done this.
7 Esforcem-se, pois agora vossas mãos, e sede valentes; pois que morto Saul vosso senhor, os da casa de Judá me ungiram por rei sobre eles.
And now let your hands be made strong, and be valiant; for your master Saul is dead, and moreover the house of Juda have anointed me to be king over them.
8 Mas Abner filho de Ner, general de exército de Saul, tomou a Is-Bosete filho de Saul, e o fez passar ao acampamento:
But Abenner, the son of Ner, the commander-in-chief of Saul's army, took Jebosthe son of Saul, and brought him up from the camp to Manaem
9 E o constituiu rei sobre Gileade, Assuri, Jezreel, Efraim, Benjamim, e sobre todo Israel.
and made him king over the land of Galaad, and over Thasiri, and over Jezrael, and over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over all Israel.
10 De quarenta anos era Is-Bosete filho de Saul, quando começou a reinar sobre Israel; e reinou dois anos. Só a casa de Judá seguia a Davi.
Jebosthe, Saul's son [was] forty years old, when he reigned over Israel; and he reigned two years, but not over the house of Juda, who followed David.
11 E foi o número dos dias que Davi reinou em Hebrom sobre a casa de Judá, sete anos e seis meses.
And the days which David reigned in Chebron over the house of Juda were seven years and six months.
12 E Abner filho de Ner saiu de Maanaim a Gibeão com os servos de Is-Bosete filho de Saul.
And Abenner the son of Ner went forth, and the servants of Jebosthe the son of Saul, from Manaem to Gabaon.
13 E Joabe filho de Zeruia, e os servos de Davi, saíram e encontraram-nos junto ao tanque de Gibeão: e quando se juntaram, pararam-se os uns da uma parte do tanque, e os outros da outra.
And Joab the son of Saruia, and the servants of David, went forth from Chebron, and met them at the fountain of Gabaon, at the same place: and these sat down by the fountain on this side, and those by the fountain on that side.
14 E disse Abner a Joabe: Levantem-se agora os rapazes, e lutem diante de nós. E Joabe respondeu: Levante-se.
And Abenner said to Joab, Let now the young men arise, and play before us. And Joab said, Let them arise.
15 Então se levantaram, e em número de doze, passaram de Benjamim da parte de Is-Bosete filho de Saul; e doze dos servos de Davi.
And there arose and passed over by number twelve of the children of Benjamin, belonging to Jebosthe the son of Saul, and twelve of the servants of David.
16 E cada um lançou mão da cabeça de seu companheiro, e meteu-lhe sua espada pelo lado, caindo assim de uma vez; pelo que foi chamado aquele lugar, Helcate-Hazurim, o qual está em Gibeão.
And they seized every one the head of his neighbour with his hand, and his sword [was thrust] into the side of his neighbour, and they fall down together: and the name of that place was called The portion of the treacherous ones, which is in Gabaon.
17 E houve aquele dia uma batalha muito dura, e Abner e os homens de Israel foram vencidos pelos servos de Davi.
And the battle was very severe on that day; and Abenner and the men of Israel were worsted before the servants of David.
18 E estavam ali os três filhos de Zeruia: Joabe, e Abisai, e Asael. Este Asael era veloz de pés como um corço do campo.
And there were there the three sons of Saruia, Joab, and Abessa, and Asael: and Asael was swift in his feet as a roe in the field.
19 O qual Asael seguiu a Abner, indo atrás dele sem desviar-se à direita nem à esquerda.
And Asael followed after Abenner, and turned not to go to the right hand or to the left from following Abenner.
20 E Abner olhou atrás, e disse: Não és tu Asael? E ele respondeu: Sim.
And Abenner looked behind him, and said, Are you Asael himself? and he said, I am.
21 Então Abner lhe disse: Aparta-te à direita ou à esquerda, e agarra-te algum dos rapazes, e toma para ti seus despojos. Porém Asael não quis desviar-se de detrás dele.
And Abenner said to him, Turn you to the right hand or to the left, and lay hold for yourself on one of the young men, and take to yourself his armour: but Asel would not turn back from following him.
22 E Abner voltou a dizer a Asael: Aparta-te de detrás de mim, porque te ferirei derrubando-te em terra, e depois como levantarei meu rosto a teu irmão Joabe?
And Abenner said yet again to Asael, Stand aloof from me, lest I strike you to the ground? and how should I lift up my face to Joab?
23 E não querendo ele ir-se, feriu-o Abner com a ponta da lança pela quinta costela, e saiu-lhe a lança pelas costas, e caiu ali, e morreu naquele mesmo lugar. E todos os que vinham por aquele lugar, de onde Asael havia caído e estava morto, paravam.
And what does this mean? return to Joab your brother? But he would not stand aloof; and Abenner smites him with the hinder end of the spear on the loins, and the spear went out behind him, and he falls there and dies on the spot: and it came to pass that every one that came to the place where Asael fell and died, stood still.
24 Mas Joabe e Abisai seguiram a Abner; e o sol se pôs quando chegaram ao morro de Amá, que está diante de Gia, junto ao caminho do deserto de Gibeão.
And Joab and Abessa pursued after Abenner, and the sun went down: and they went as far as the hill of Amman, which is in the front of Gai, by the desert way of Gabaon.
25 E juntaram-se os filhos de Benjamim em um esquadrão com Abner, e pararam-se no cume do morro.
And the children of Benjamin who followed Abenner gather themselves together, and they formed themselves into one body, and stood on the top of a hill.
26 E Abner deu vozes a Joabe, dizendo: Consumirá a espada perpetuamente? Não sabes tu que ao fim se segue amargura? Até quando não dirás ao povo que deixem de perseguir a seus irmãos?
And Abenner called Joab, and said, Shall the sword devour perpetually? know you not that it will be bitter at last? How long then will you refuse to tell the people to turn from following our brethren?
27 E Joabe respondeu: Vive Deus que se não houvesses falado, já desde esta manhã o povo haveria deixado de perseguir a seus irmãos.
And Joab said, As the Lord lives, if you had not spoken, even from the morning the people had gone up every one from following his brother.
28 Então Joabe tocou o chifre, e todo aquele povo se deteve, e não seguiu mais aos de Israel, nem lutou mais.
And Joab sounded the trumpet, and all the people departed, and did not pursue after Israel, and did not fight any longer.
29 E Abner e os seus caminharam pela campina toda aquela noite, e passando o Jordão cruzaram por todo Bitrom, e chegaram a Maanaim.
And Abenner and his men departed at evening, [and went] all that night, and crossed over Jordan, and went along the whole adjacent [country], and they come to the camp.
30 Joabe também deixou de perseguir a Abner, e juntando todo aquele povo, faltaram dos servos de Davi dezenove homens, e Asael.
And Joab returned from following Abenner, and he assembled all the people, and there were missing of the people of David, nineteen men, and Asael.
31 Mas os servos de Davi feriram dos de Benjamim e dos de Abner, trezentos e sessenta homens, que morreram. Tomaram logo a Asael, e sepultaram-no no sepulcro de seu pai em Belém.
And the servants of David struck of the children of Benjamin, of the men of Abenner, three hundred and sixty men belonging to him.
32 E caminharam toda aquela noite Joabe e os seus, e amanheceu-lhes em Hebrom.
And they take up Asael, and bury him in the tomb of his father in Bethleem. And Joab and the men with him went all the night, and the morning rose upon them in Chebron.