< 2 Reis 20 >

1 Naqueles dias caiu Ezequias enfermo de morte, e veio a ele Isaías profeta filho de Amoz, e disse-lhe: o SENHOR disse assim: Dá ordens à tua casa, porque hás de morrer, e não viverás.
About that time, Hezekiah became very ill. [He thought that he] was about to die. Isaiah the prophet came to him and said, “This is what Yahweh says: ‘You should tell the people in your palace what you want them to do after you die, because you are not going to recover from this illness. You are going to die.’”
2 Então virou ele seu rosto à parede, e orou ao SENHOR, e disse:
Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall and prayed,
3 Rogo-te, ó SENHOR, rogo-te faças memória de que andei diante de ti em verdade e íntegro coração, e que fiz as coisas que te agradam. E chorou Ezequias com grande choro.
“Yahweh, do not forget that I have always served you faithfully, and I have done things that pleased you.” Then Hezekiah started to cry loudly.
4 E antes que Isaías saísse até a metade do pátio, veio a palavra do SENHOR a Isaías, dizendo:
Isaiah left the king, but before he had crossed the middle courtyard of the palace, Yahweh gave him a message
5 Volta, e dize a Ezequias, príncipe de meu povo: Assim diz o SENHOR, o Deus de Davi teu pai: Eu ouvi tua oração, e vi tuas lágrimas: eis que eu te saro; ao terceiro dia subirás à casa do SENHOR.
which said, “Go back to Hezekiah, the ruler of my people, and say to him, ‘I, Yahweh, the God whom your ancestor King David [worshiped], have heard what you prayed. And I have seen your tears. So, listen: I will heal you. Two days from now you will [be able to] go up to my temple.
6 E acrescentarei a teus dias quinze anos, e te livrarei a ti e a esta cidade da mão do rei da Assíria; e ampararei esta cidade por causa de mim, e por causa de Davi meu servo.
I will enable you to live for 15 more years. And I will rescue you and this city again from the power [MTY] of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for the sake of my own reputation and because of what I promised King David, who served me [well].’”
7 E disse Isaías: Tomai uma pasta de figos. E tomando-a, puseram sobre a chaga, e sanou.
So Isaiah [returned to the palace and told Hezekiah what Yahweh had said. Then he] [to Hezekiah’s servants], “Bring a paste made of boiled figs. Put some of it on his boil, and he will get well.”
8 E Ezequias havia dito a Isaías: Que sinal terei de que o SENHOR me sarará, e que subirei à casa do SENHOR ao terceiro dia?
Then Hezekiah replied to Isaiah, “What will Yahweh do to prove that he will heal me and that two days from now I will be able to go up to the temple?”
9 E respondeu Isaías: Esta sinal terás do SENHOR, de que fará o SENHOR isto que disse: Avançará a sombra dez degraus, ou retrocederá dez degraus?
Isaiah replied, “Yahweh will do something that will prove to you that he will do what he promised. Do you want him to cause the shadow on the stairway/sundial to go back ten steps/degrees, or to go forward ten steps/degrees?”
10 E Ezequias respondeu: Fácil coisa é que a sombra decline dez degraus: mas, que a sombra volte atrás dez degraus.
Hezekiah replied, “It is easy to cause the shadow to move forward, [because that is what it always does]. Tell him to cause it to move backward ten steps/degrees.”
11 Então o profeta Isaías clamou ao SENHOR; e fez voltar a sombra pelos degraus que havia descido no relógio de Acaz, dez degraus atrás.
So Isaiah prayed earnestly to Yahweh, and Yahweh caused the shadow to go backward ten steps/degrees on the stairway/sundial that King Ahaz had made (OR, that workers had built for King Ahaz).
12 Naquele tempo Berodaque-Baladã, filho de Baladã, rei da Babilônia, enviou cartas e um presente a Ezequias, porque havia ouvido que Ezequias havia estado doente.
At that time, King Merodach-Baladan, the son of Baladan the [previous] King of Babylonia, heard a report that King Hezekiah had been very sick. So he wrote some letters and gave them to some messengers to take to Hezekiah, along with a gift.
13 E Ezequias os ouviu, e mostrou-lhes toda a casa das coisas preciosas, prata, ouro, e especiaria, e preciosos unguentos; e a casa de suas armas, e tudo o que havia em seus tesouros: nenhuma coisa restou que Ezequias não lhes mostrasse, tanto em sua casa como em todo o seu domínio.
[When the messengers arrived], Hezekiah welcomed them gladly. Then he showed them everything that was in his (treasure houses/places where very valuable things were stored)—the silver and gold, the spices, the nice-smelling olive oil, and all the weapons [for his soldiers]. He showed them all the [valuable] things in his storerooms and everywhere else in his kingdom [HYP]; he showed them everything.
14 Então o profeta Isaías veio ao rei Ezequias, e disse-lhe: Que disseram aqueles homens, e de onde vieram a ti? E Ezequias lhe respondeu: De distantes terras vieram, de Babilônia.
Then the prophet Isaiah went to Hezekiah and asked him, “Where did those men come from, and what did they say to you?” Hezekiah replied, “They came from a country very far from here. They came from Babylonia.”
15 E ele lhe voltou a dizer: Que viram em tua casa? E Ezequias respondeu: Viram tudo o que havia em minha casa; nada restou em meus tesouros que não lhes mostrasse.
Isaiah asked, “What did they see in your palace?” Hezekiah replied, “They saw everything. I showed them absolutely everything that I own—all my valuable things.”
16 Então Isaías disse a Ezequias: Ouve a palavra do SENHOR:
[Isaiah knew that Hezekiah had done a very foolish thing]. So Isaiah said to him, “Listen to what Yahweh says to you.
17 Eis que vêm dias, em que tudo o que está em tua casa, e tudo o que teus pais entesouraram até hoje, será levado a Babilônia, sem restar nada, disse o SENHOR.
There will be a time when everything that is still in your palace, all the valuable things that were put there by you and your ancestors, will be carried away to Babylon. There will be nothing left here! [That is what] Yahweh says [to you]
18 E de teus filhos que sairão de ti, que haverás gerado, tomarão; e serão eunucos no palácio do rei da Babilônia.
Furthermore, some of your own descendants will be forced to go there, and they will be castrated in order that they may become servants in the palace of the King of Babylon.”
19 Então Ezequias disse a Isaías: A palavra do SENHOR que falaste, é boa. Depois disse: Mas não haverá paz e verdade em meus dias?
Then Hezekiah replied to Isaiah, “That message from Yahweh that you have given to me is good.” He said that because he was thinking, “Even if that happens, there will be peace and security [in Israel] all the rest of my life.”
20 Os demais dos feitos de Ezequias, e todo o seu vigor, e como fez o tanque, e o aqueduto, e meteu as águas na cidade, não está escrito no livro das crônicas dos reis de Judá?
[If you want to know more about] [RHQ] all the other things that Hezekiah did, about his brave deeds in battle, about his ordering a reservoir to be built in the city and a tunnel [to be dug] to bring water into the reservoir, they are all written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
21 E descansou Ezequias com seus pais, e reinou em seu lugar Manassés seu filho.
Later Hezekiah died [EUP], and his son Manasseh became the king.

< 2 Reis 20 >