< Salmos 120 >

1 Na minha angústia clamei ao Senhor, e me ouviu.
A SONG OF THE ASCENTS. I have called to YHWH in my distress, And He answers me.
2 Senhor, livra a minha alma dos lábios mentirosos e da língua enganadora.
O YHWH, deliver my soul from a lying lip, From a deceitful tongue!
3 Que te será dado, ou que te será acrescentado, língua enganadora?
What does He give to you? And what does He add to you? O deceitful tongue!
4 Flechas agudas do valente, com brazas vivas de zimbro.
Sharp arrows of a mighty one, with coals of broom trees.
5 Ai de mim, que peregrino em Mesech, e habito nas tendas de Kedar.
Woe to me, for I have inhabited Mesech, I have dwelt with tents of Kedar.
6 A minha alma bastante tempo habitou com os que detestam a paz.
My soul has dwelt too much with him who is hating peace.
7 Pacífico sou, porém quando eu falo já eles procuram guerra.
I—peace, and when I speak they [are] for war!

< Salmos 120 >