< Números 25 >
1 E Israel deteve-se em Sittim, e o povo começou a fornicar com as filhas dos moabitas.
And it remained Israel in Shittim and it began the people to commit fornication into [the] daughters of Moab.
2 E convidaram o povo aos sacrifícios dos seus deuses; e o povo comeu, e inclinou-se aos seus deuses.
And they invited the people to [the] sacrifices of gods their and it ate the people and they bowed down to gods their.
3 Juntando-se pois Israel a Baalpeor, a ira do Senhor se acendeu contra Israel.
And it joined itself Israel to Baal Peor and it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Israel.
4 Disse o Senhor a Moisés: Toma todos os Cabeças do povo, e enforca-os ao Senhor diante do sol, e o ardor da ira do Senhor se retirará de Israel.
And he said Yahweh to Moses take all [the] leaders of the people and impale them to Yahweh before the sun so may it turn away [the] burning of [the] anger of Yahweh from Israel.
5 Então Moisés disse aos juízes de Israel: Cada um mate os seus homens que se conjuntaram a Baalpeor.
And he said Moses to [the] judges of Israel kill everyone men his who have joined themselves to Baal Peor.
6 E eis que veio um homem dos filhos de Israel, e trouxe a seus irmãos uma midianita aos olhos de Moisés, e aos olhos de toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel, chorando eles diante da tenda da congregação.
And there! a man from [the] people of Israel [was] coming and he brought near to brothers his the Midianite [woman] to [the] eyes of Moses and to [the] eyes of all [the] congregation of [the] people of Israel and they [were] weeping [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting.
7 Vendo isso Phineas, filho de Eleazar, o filho de Aarão, sacerdote, se levantou do meio da congregação, e tomou uma lança na sua mão
And he saw [it] Phinehas [the] son of Eleazar [the] son of Aaron the priest and he arose from among the congregation and he took a spear in hand his.
8 E foi após do varão israelita até à tenda, e os atravessou a ambos, ao varão israelita e à mulher, pela sua barriga: então a praga cessou de sobre os filhos de Israel
And he went after [the] man of Israel into the tent and he pierced through both of them [the] man of Israel and the woman into belly her and it was restrained the plague from on [the] people of Israel.
9 E os que morreram daquela praga foram vinte e quatro mil.
And they were those [who] died by the plague four and twenty thousand.
10 Então o Senhor falou a Moisés, dizendo:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
11 Phineas, filho de Eleazar, o filho de Aarão sacerdote, desviou a minha ira de sobre os filhos de Israel, pois zelou o meu zelo no meio deles; que no meu zelo não consumi os filhos de Israel.
Phinehas [the] son of Eleazar [the] son of Aaron the priest he has turned back rage my from against [the] people of Israel because was zealous he zeal my in midst of them and not I made an end of [the] people of Israel in zeal my.
12 Portanto dize: Eis que lhe dou o meu concerto de paz,
Therefore say here I [am] about to give to him covenant my peace.
13 E ele, e a sua semente depois dele, terá o concerto do sacerdócio perpétuo; porquanto teve zelo pelo seu Deus, e fez propiciação pelos filhos de Israel.
And it will belong to him and to offspring his after him a covenant of priesthood of perpetuity because that he was zealous for God his and he made atonement on [the] people of Israel.
14 E o nome do israelita morto, que foi morto com a midianita, era Zimri, filho de Salu, maioral da casa paterna dos simeonitas.
And [the] name of [the] man of Israel who was struck down who he was struck down with the Midianite [woman] [was] Zimri [the] son of Salu a leader of a house of a father of the Simeonite[s].
15 E o nome da mulher midianita, morta, era Cosbi, filha de Zur, cabeça do povo da casa paterna entre os midianitas.
And [the] name of the woman who was struck down the Midianite [woman] [was] Cozbi [the] daughter of Zur [was] a leader of tribes a house of a father in Midian he.
16 Falou mais o Senhor a Moisés, dizendo:
And he spoke Yahweh to Moses say.
17 Afligireis os midianitas e os ferireis,
oppose The Midianites and you will strike down them.
18 Porque eles vos afligiram a vós outros com os seus enganos com que vos enganaram no negócio de Peor, e no negócio de Cosbi, filha do maioral dos midianitas, a irmã deles, que foi morta no dia da praga no negócio de Peor.
For [are] opposers they you by deceitfulness their which they have dealt deceptively to you on [the] matter of Peor and on [the] matter of Cozbi [the] daughter of [the] leader of Midian sister their who was struck down on [the] day of the plague on [the] matter of Peor.