< Mateus 21 >
1 E, quando se aproximaram de Jerusalém, e chegaram a Bethphage, ao monte das Oliveiras, enviou então Jesus dois discípulos, dizendo-lhes:
When they had almost reached Jerusalem, having come as far as Bethphage, on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent on two disciples.
2 Ide à aldeia que está defronte de vós, e logo encontrareis uma jumenta presa, e um jumentinho com ela; desprendei-a, e trazei-mos.
“Go to the village facing you,” he said, “and you will immediately find a donkey tethered, with a foal by her side; untie her, and lead her here for me.
3 E, se alguém vos disser alguma coisa, direis que o Senhor os há de míster: e logo os enviará.
And, if anyone says anything to you, you are to say this – ‘The Master wants them’; and he will send them at once.”
4 Ora tudo isto aconteceu para que se cumprisse o que foi dito pelo profeta, que diz:
This happened in fulfillment of these words in the prophet –
5 Dizei à filha de Sião: Eis que o teu Rei ai te vem, manso, e assentado sobre uma jumenta, e sobre um jumentinho, filho de animal sujeito ao jugo.
‘Say to the people of Zion – “Your King is coming to you, gentle, and riding on a donkey, and on the foal of a beast of burden.”’
6 E, indo os discípulos, e fazendo como Jesus lhes ordenara,
So the disciples went and did as Jesus had directed them.
7 Trouxeram a jumenta e o jumentinho, e sobre eles puseram os seus vestidos, e fizeram-no assentar em cima.
They led the donkey and the foal back, and, when they had put their cloaks on them, he seated himself on them.
8 E muitíssima gente estendia os seus vestidos pelo caminho, e outros cortavam ramos de árvores, e os espalhavam pelo caminho.
The immense crowd of people spread their cloaks in the road, while some cut branches off the trees, and spread them on the road.
9 E a multidão que ia adiante, e a que seguia, clamava, dizendo: hosana ao Filho de David; bendito o que vem em nome do Senhor: hosana nas alturas.
The crowds that led the way, as well as those that followed behind, kept shouting, “God save the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! God save him from on high!”
10 E, entrando ele em Jerusalém, toda a cidade se alvoroçou, dizendo: Quem é este?
When he had entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred, and asked –
11 E a multidão dizia: Este é Jesus, o profeta de Nazareth da Galiléia.
“Who is this?”, to which the crowd replied – “This is the prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee.”
12 E entrou Jesus no templo de Deus, e expulsou todos os que vendiam e compravam no templo, e derribou as mesas dos cambistas e as cadeiras dos que vendiam pombas:
Jesus went into the Temple Courts, and drove out all those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers, and the seats of the pigeon-dealers,
13 E disse-lhes: Está escrito: A minha casa será chamada casa de oração: mas vós a tendes convertido em covil de ladrões.
and said to them, “Scripture says ‘My house will be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a den of robbers.”
14 E foram ter com ele ao templo cegos e coxos, e curou-os.
While he was still in the Temple Courts, some blind and some lame people came up to him, and he cured them.
15 Vendo então os principais dos sacerdotes e os escribas as maravilhas que fazia, e os meninos clamando no templo, hosana ao Filho de David; indignaram-se,
But, when the chief priests and the teachers of the Law saw the wonderful things that Jesus did, and the boys who were calling out in the Temple Courts “God save the Son of David!”, they were indignant,
16 E disseram-lhe: Ouves o que estes dizem? E Jesus lhes disse: Sim; nunca lestes: Pela boca dos meninos e das criancinhas de peito aperfeiçoaste o louvor?
and said to him, “Do you hear what these boys are saying?” “Yes,” answered Jesus, “but did you never read the words – ‘Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings you have called forth perfect praise’?”
17 E, deixando-os, saiu da cidade para Bethania, e ali passou a noite.
Then he left them, and went out of the city to Bethany, and spent the night there.
18 E, de manhã, voltando para a cidade, teve fome;
The next morning, in returning to the city, Jesus became hungry;
19 E, avistando uma figueira perto do caminho, dirigiu-se a ela, e não achou nela senão folhas. E disse-lhe: Nunca mais nasça fruto de ti. E a figueira secou imediatamente. (aiōn )
and, noticing a solitary fig tree by the roadside, he went up to it, but found nothing on it but leaves. So he said to it, “Never again will fruit be gathered off you.” And suddenly the fruit tree withered up. (aiōn )
20 E os discípulos, vendo isto, maravilharam-se, dizendo: Como secou imediatamente a figueira?
When the disciples saw this, they exclaimed in astonishment, “How suddenly the fig tree withered up!”
21 Jesus, porém, respondendo, disse-lhes: Em verdade vos digo que, se tiverdes fé e não duvidardes, não só fareis isto à figueira, mas até, se a este monte disserdes: Ergue-te e precipita-te no mar, assim será feito;
“I tell you,” replied Jesus, “if you have faith and don’t doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you were to say to this hill ‘Be lifted up and hurled into the sea!’ it would be done.
22 E tudo o que pedirdes na oração, crendo, o recebereis.
And whatever you ask for in your prayers will, if you have faith, be granted you.”
23 E, chegando ao templo, acercaram-se dele, estando já ensinando, os príncipes dos sacerdotes e os anciãos do povo, dizendo: Com que autoridade fazes isto? e quem te deu essa autoridade?
After Jesus had come into the Temple Courts, the chief priests and the elders of the people came up to him as he was teaching, and said, “What authority have you to do these things? Who gave you this authority?”
24 E Jesus, respondendo, disse-lhes: Eu também vos perguntarei uma coisa; se ma disserdes, também eu vos direi com que autoridade faço isto.
“I, too,” said Jesus in reply, “will ask you one question; if you will give me an answer to it, then I, also, will tell you what authority I have to act as I do.
25 O batismo de João de onde era? Do céu, ou dos homens? E pensavam entre si, dizendo: Se dissermos: Do céu, ele nos dirá: Então porque não o crestes?
It is about John’s baptism. What was its origin? Divine or human?” But they began arguing among themselves, “If we say ‘divine,’ he will say to us ‘Why then didn’t you believe him?’
26 E, se dissermos: Dos homens, tememos o povo, porque todos consideram João como profeta.
But if we say ‘human,’ we are afraid of the people, for everyone regards John as a prophet.”
27 E, respondendo a Jesus, disseram: Não sabemos. ele disse-lhes: Nem eu vos digo com que autoridade faço isto.
So the answer they gave Jesus was – “We do not know.” “Then I,” he said, “refuse to tell you what authority I have to do these things.
28 Mas que vos parece? Um homem tinha dois filhos, e, dirigindo-se ao primeiro, disse: Filho, vai trabalhar hoje na minha vinha.
What do you think of this? There was a man who had two sons. He went to the elder and said ‘Go and work in the vineyard today my son.’
29 Ele, porém, respondendo, disse: Não quero. Mas depois, arrependendo-se, foi.
‘Yes, sir,’ he answered; but he did not go.
30 E, dirigindo-se ao segundo, falou-lhe de igual modo; e, respondendo ele, disse: Eu vou, senhor; e não foi.
Then the father went to the second son, and said the same. ‘I will not,’ he answered; but afterward he was sorry and went.
31 Qual dos dois fez a vontade do pai? Disseram-lhe eles: O primeiro. Disse-lhes Jesus: Em verdade vos digo que os publicanos e as meretrizes vos precedem no reino de Deus.
Which of the two sons did as his father wished?” “The second,” they said. “I tell you,” added Jesus, “that tax collectors and prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God before you.
32 Porque João veio a vós no caminho de justiça, e não o crestes, mas os publicanos e as meretrizes o creram: vós, porém, vendo isto, nem depois vos arrependestes para o crer.
For when John came to you, walking in the path of righteousness, you did not believe him, but tax collectors and prostitutes did; and yet you, though you saw this, even then were not sorry, nor did you believe him.
33 Ouvi ainda outra parábola: Houve um homem, pai de família, que plantou uma vinha, e circundou-a de um valado, e construiu nela um lagar, e edificou uma torre, e arrendou-a a uns lavradores, e ausentou-se para longe:
“Listen to another parable. A man, who was an employer, once planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a winepress in it, built a tower, and then let it out to tenants and went abroad.
34 E, chegando o tempo dos frutos, enviou os seus servos aos lavradores, para receberem os seus frutos.
When the time for the grape harvest drew near, he sent his servants to the tenants, to receive his share of the produce.
35 E os lavradores, apoderando-se dos servos, feriram um, mataram outro, e apedrejaram outro.
But the tenants seized his servants, beat one, killed another, and stoned a third.
36 Depois enviou outros servos, em maior número do que os primeiros; e fizeram-lhes o mesmo;
A second time the owner sent some servants, a larger number than before, and the tenants treated them in the same way.
37 E por último enviou-lhes seu filho, dizendo: Terão respeito a meu filho.
As a last resort he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.
38 Mas os lavradores, vendo o filho, disseram entre si: Este é o herdeiro; vinde, matemo-lo, e apoderemo-nos da sua herança.
But the tenants, on seeing his son, said to each other ‘Here is the heir! Come, let us kill him, and get his inheritance.’
39 E, lançando mão dele, o arrastaram para fora da vinha, e o mataram.
So they seized him, and threw him outside the vineyard, and killed him.
40 Quando pois vier o senhor da vinha, que fará àqueles lavradores?
Now, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”
41 Dizem-lhe eles: Dará afrontosa morte aos maus, e arrendará a vinha a outros lavradores, que a seus tempos lhe dêem os frutos.
“Miserable wretches!” they exclaimed, “he will put them to a miserable death, and he will let out the vineyard to other tenants, who will pay him his share of the produce at the proper times.”
42 Diz-lhes Jesus: Nunca lestes nas escrituras: A pedra, que os edificadores rejeitaram, essa foi posta por cabeça do ângulo: pelo Senhor foi feito isto, e é maravilhoso aos nossos olhos?
Then Jesus added, “Have you never read in the scriptures? – ‘The stone which the builders despised – has now itself become the cornerstone. This cornerstone has come from the Lord, and is marvelous in our eyes.’
43 Portanto eu vos digo que o reino de Deus vos será tirado, e será dado a gente que dê os seus frutos.
That, I tell you, is why the kingdom of God will be taken from you, and given to a nation that does produce the fruit of the kingdom.
44 E quem cair sobre esta pedra despedaçar-se-a; e sobre quem ela cair esmagá-lo-a.
Yes, and he who falls on this stone will be dashed to pieces, while anyone on whom it falls – it will scatter him as dust.”
45 E os príncipes dos sacerdotes e os fariseus, ouvindo estas palavras, entenderam que falava deles;
After listening to these parables, the chief priests and the Pharisees saw that it was about them that he was speaking;
46 E, pretendendo prendê-lo, recearam o povo, porquanto o tinham por profeta.
yet, although eager to arrest him, they were afraid of the crowds, who regarded him as a prophet.