< Êxodo 38 >

1 Fez também o altar do holocausto de madeira de cetim: de cinco côvados era o seu comprimento, e de cinco côvados a sua largura, quadrado; e de três côvados a sua altura.
Bezalel made the altar for burnt offerings of acacia wood. It was five cubits long and five cubits wide—a square—and three cubits high.
2 E fez-lhe os seus cornos aos seus quatro cantos; do mesmo eram os seus cornos; e cobriu-o de cobre.
He made extensions of its four corners shaped like ox horns. The horns were made of one piece with the altar, and he covered it with bronze.
3 Fez também todos os vasos do altar: os caldeirões, e as pás, e as bacias, e os garfos, e os brazeiros: todos os seus vasos fez de cobre.
He made all the equipment for the altar—pots for ashes, shovels, basins, meat forks, and firepans. He made all this equipment with bronze.
4 Fez também ao altar um crivo de cobre, de obra de rede, no seu cerco debaixo, até ao meio dele.
He made a grate for the altar, a network of bronze to be placed under the ledge, halfway down to the bottom.
5 E fundiu quatro argolas às quatro extremidades do crivo de cobre, para os lugares dos varais.
He cast four rings for the four corners of the bronze grate, as holders for the poles.
6 E fez os varais de madeira de cetim, e os cobriu de cobre.
Bezalel made poles of acacia wood and covered them with bronze.
7 E meteu os varais pelas argolas aos lados do altar, para leva-lo com eles: fê-lo oco de tábuas.
He put the poles through the rings on the sides of the altar, to carry it. He made the altar hollow, out of planks.
8 Fez também a pia de cobre com a sua base de cobre, dos espelhos das mulheres que se ajuntavam, ajuntando-se à porta da tenda da congregação.
Bezalel made the large bronze basin with a bronze stand. He made the basin out of mirrors belonging to the women who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting.
9 Fez também o pátio da banda do meio dia ao sul: as cortinas do pátio eram de linho fino torcido, de cem côvados.
He also made the courtyard. The hangings on the south side of the courtyard were of fine linen, one hundred cubits long.
10 As suas vinte colunas e as suas vinte bases eram de cobre: os colchetes destas colunas e as suas molduras eram de prata;
The hangings had twenty posts, with twenty bronze bases. There were hooks attached to the posts, as well as silver rods.
11 E da banda do norte cortinas de cem côvados; as suas vinte colunas e as suas vinte bases eram de cobre, os colchetes das colunas e as suas molduras eram de prata.
Likewise along the north side, there were hangings one hundred cubits long with twenty posts, twenty bronze bases, hooks attached to the posts, and silver rods.
12 E da banda do ocidente cortinas de cincoênta côvados, as suas colunas dez, e as suas bases dez: os colchetes das colunas e as suas molduras eram de prata.
The hangings of the west side were fifty cubits long, with ten posts and bases. The hooks and rods of the posts were silver.
13 E da banda oriental, ao oriente, cortinas de cincoênta côvados.
The courtyard was also fifty cubits long on the east side.
14 As cortinas desta banda da porta eram de quinze côvados: as suas colunas três e as suas bases três.
The hangings for one side of the entrance were fifteen cubits long. They had three posts with three bases.
15 E da outra banda da porta do pátio de ambos os lados eram cortinas de quinze côvados: as suas colunas três e as suas bases três.
On the other side of the entrance of the courtyard were also hangings fifteen cubits long, with three posts and three bases.
16 Todas as cortinas do pátio ao redor eram de linho fino torcido.
All the hangings around the courtyard were made of fine linen.
17 E as bases das colunas eram de cobre: os colchetes das colunas e as suas molduras eram de prata; e a coberta das suas cabeças de prata; e todas as colunas do pátio eram cingidas de prata.
The bases for the posts were made of bronze. The hooks and rods for the posts were made of silver, and the covering for the tops of the posts was also made of silver. All the courtyard posts were covered with silver.
18 E a coberta da porta do pátio era de obra de bordador, de azul, e de púrpura, e de carmezim, e de linho fino torcido; e o comprimento era de vinte côvados, e a altura, na largura, de cinco côvados, defronte das cortinas do pátio.
The curtain at the courtyard gate was twenty cubits long. The curtain was made of blue, purple, and scarlet linen, fine twined linen, and was twenty cubits long. It was twenty cubits in length and five cubits in height, like the courtyard curtains.
19 E as suas quatro colunas e as suas quatro bases eram de cobre, os seus colchetes de prata, e a coberta das suas cabeças, e as suas molduras, de prata.
It had four bronze bases and silver hooks. The covering for their tops and its rods were made of silver.
20 E todas as estacas do tabernáculo e do pátio ao redor eram de cobre.
All the tent pegs for the tabernacle and courtyard were made of bronze.
21 Esta é a numeração das coisas contadas do tabernáculo do testemunho, que por ordem de Moisés foram contadas para o ministério dos levitas por mão de Ithamar, filho de Aarão o sacerdote.
This is the inventory of the tabernacle, the tabernacle of the covenant decrees, as it was taken following Moses' instructions. It was the work of the Levites under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron the priest.
22 Fez pois Bezaleel, o filho de Uri, filho de Hur, da tribo de Judá, tudo quanto o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés.
Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, made everything that Yahweh had commanded Moses.
23 E com ele Aholiab, o filho de Ahisamach, da tribo de Dan, um mestre de obra, e engenhoso artífice, e bordador em azul, e em púrpura e em carmezim e em linho fino.
Oholiab son of Ahisamak, from the tribe of Dan, worked with Bezalel as an engraver, as a skillful workman, and as an embroiderer in blue, purple, and scarlet wool, and in fine linen.
24 Todo o ouro gasto na obra, em toda a obra do santuário, a saber, o ouro da oferta, foi vinte e nove talentos e setecentos e trinta siclos, conforme ao siclo do santuário;
All the gold that was used for the project, in all the work connected with the holy place—the gold from the wave offering—was twenty-nine talents and 730 shekels, measured by the standard of the sanctuary shekel.
25 E a prata dos arrolados da congregação foi cem talentos e mil e setecentos e setenta e cinco siclos, conforme ao siclo do santuário;
The silver given by the community weighed one hundred talents and 1,775 shekels, according to the sanctuary shekel,
26 Um beca por cada cabeça, isto é, meio siclo, conforme ao siclo do santuário: de qualquer que passava aos arrolados, da idade de vinte anos e acima, que foram seiscentos e três mil e quinhentos e cincoênta.
or one beka per man, which is half a shekel, measured by the sanctuary shekel. This figure was reached on the basis of every person who was counted in the census, those twenty years old and older—603,550 men in all.
27 E houve cem talentos de prata para fundir as bases do santuário e as bases do véu: para cem bases eram cem talentos; um talento para cada base.
One hundred talents of silver were cast for the bases of the holy place and the curtain's bases—one hundred bases, one talent for each base.
28 Mas dos mil e setecentos e setenta siclos fez os colchetes das colunas, e cobriu as suas cabeças, e as cingiu de molduras.
With the remaining 1,775 shekels of silver, Bezalel made the hooks for the posts, covered the tops of the posts, and made the rods for them.
29 E o cobre da oferta foi setenta talentos e dois mil e quatrocentos siclos.
The bronze from wave offering weighed seventy talents and 2,400 shekels.
30 E dele fez as bases da porta da tenda da congregação e o altar de cobre, e o crivo de cobre e todos os vasos do altar,
With this he made the bases for the entrance to the tent of meeting, the bronze altar, its bronze grate, all the equipment for the altar,
31 E as bases do pátio ao redor, e as bases da porta do pátio, e todas as estacas do tabernáculo e todas as estacas do pátio ao redor.
the bases for the courtyard, the bases for the courtyard entrance, all the tent pegs for the tabernacle, and all the tent pegs for the courtyard.

< Êxodo 38 >