< Efésios 4 >
1 Rogo-vos, pois, eu, o preso do Senhor, que andeis como é digno da vocação com que sois chamados,
Therefore I, who am in prison because [I serve] the Lord [Jesus], urge you, whom God has chosen [to be his people, to do these things]: Conduct your lives as [God’s people] should.
2 Com toda a humildade e mansidão, com longanimidade, suportando-vos uns aos outros em amor,
Always be humble, and do not demand your own rights. Be patient [with each other], and, because you love each other, endure each other’s ([irritating] behavior/behavior that you do not like).
3 Procurando guardar a unidade de espírito pelo vínculo da paz.
[God’s] Spirit has caused you to be united [with one another], so do all that you can to remain united [with one another] by acting peacefully [toward each other].
4 Há um só corpo e um só espírito, como também fostes chamados em uma só esperança da vossa vocação;
[All we believers form just one group] [MET], and we have only one [Holy] Spirit. Similarly, you were chosen {[God] chose you} in order that you all might confidently keep expecting one [set of good] things [from God].
5 Um só Senhor, uma só fé, um só batismo;
There is only one Lord, [Jesus Christ]. We all believe the same [teaching about him. It was to show that we belong to him] alone that [we had someone] baptize us.
6 Um só Deus e Pai de todos, o qual é sobre todos, e por todos e em todos.
There is one God, who is the [spiritual] Father of all [us believers]. He [rules] over all his people; he enables all his people [to do powerful things] (OR, he sustains all his people); and his [Spirit lives] in all his people.
7 Porém a graça é dada a cada um de nós segundo a medida do dom de Cristo.
Christ has generously given to each one of us spiritual gifts, just like he decided to give them.
8 Pelo que diz: Subindo ao alto, levou cativo o cativeiro, e deu dons aos homem.
[When Christ gave] gifts to his people, [it was similar to what the Psalmist said about God receiving tribute money] from those whom he had conquered, When he ascended to heaven, he gave as gifts to people the things [that he had taken] from the people whom he captured:
9 Ora, isto, que subiu, que é, senão que também antes tinha descido às partes mais baixas da terra?
The words ‘he ascended’ certainly imply/indicate [RHQ] that Christ had also previously descended to the earth.
10 Aquele que desceu é também o mesmo que subiu acima de todos os céus, para cumprir todas as coisas.
Christ, who descended [to earth], is also the one who ascended to the most exalted position in heaven, in order that he might show his power [MTY] throughout the universe.
11 E ele mesmo deu uns para apóstolos, e outros para profetas, e outros para evangelistas, e outros para pastores e doutores,
He appointed some people to be apostles. He appointed some people to be (prophets/ones who reveal messages that come directly from God). He appointed some people to be (evangelists/ones whose work is to tell others the message about Christ). He appointed some people to lead and teach [the congregations].
12 Para aperfeiçoamento dos santos, para obra do ministério, para edificação do corpo de Cristo;
[He appointed all of these] in order that they would prepare God’s people to do [God’s] work, so that all the people who belong to Christ [MET] might become [spiritually] mature.
13 Até que todos cheguemos à unidade da fé, e ao conhecimento do Filho de Deus, a varão perfeito, à medida da estatura completa de Cristo.
He wants all of us [believers] to be united [because] we all believe in the Son of God (OR, the man who was also God) and [because] we all know [him]. He wants us to become spiritually mature; that is, he wants us to be (perfect/all that God wants us to be), [just like] Christ was ([perfect/all that God wanted him to be]).
14 Para que não sejamos mais meninos, inconstantes, levados em roda de todo o vento de doutrina, pelo engano dos homens que com astúcia enganam fraudulosamente.
Then we will no longer be [spiritually immature], like [MET] little children [are immature]. We will no longer be constantly [changing what we believe, like] [MET] waves of the sea are [constantly changing as the wind blows and] tosses them back and forth. We will not allow people who teach [what is false] and who scheme to deceive/influence us.
15 Antes, seguindo a verdade em caridade, cresçamos em tudo naquele que é a cabeça, Cristo.
Instead, by loving [others] as we behave as [God’s] truth requires (OR, speak in a loving manner what is true), we will become more and more like Christ in every way. He is the one [who controls/guides all his people] [MET], [just like a person’s] head [controls/guides his] body.
16 Do qual todo o corpo, bem ajustado, e ligado pelo que todas as juntas lhe subministram, segundo a operação de cada parte na sua medida, toma aumento do corpo, para sua edificação em amor.
He [enables all those who belong to him to mature spiritually. A person’s body grows stronger, as] each part of the body is joined to the others by the ligaments and as each part (functions properly/works as it should). Similarly, believers will become mature [spiritually] by loving each other and by each of them doing the work [that God wants them to do] [MET].
17 De sorte que digo isto, e testifico no Senhor, para que não andeis mais como andam também os outros gentios, na vaidade do seu sentido,
The Lord [Jesus] has authorized me to strongly tell you that you must no longer conduct your lives like unbelievers do. The futile/worthless way in which they think [MET] [controls how they conduct their lives].
18 Entenebrecidos no entendimento, separados da vida de Deus pela ignorância que há neles, pela dureza do seu coração:
They are unable to think clearly [MET] [about what is right and what is wrong]. Because they have decided that they do not want to know about God and because they stubbornly [IDM] refuse to [listen to his message], they do not have the [eternal] life that God [gives us].
19 Os quais, havendo perdido todo o sentimento, se entregaram à dissolução, para com avidez cometterem toda a impureza.
The result is that because they have ceased (to care/to be concerned) [about what is right and what is wrong], they have (deliberately committed themselves to doing/wholeheartedly decided to do) the shameful things that their bodies want, and they commit all kinds of immoral acts, and continually are eager to do more of those things.
20 Mas vós não aprendestes assim a Cristo,
But when you learned [about] Christ, you did not learn [to behave] like that.
21 Se é que o tendes ouvido, e nele fostes ensinados, como a verdade está, em Jesus;
I am sure that you heard the message about [Christ], and because you are people who have a close relationship with him, you were taught {[others] taught you} the true [way to live] that Jesus [showed us].
22 Que, quanto ao trato passado vos despojeis do velho homem, que se corrompe pelas concupiscências do engano;
[You were taught] {[They taught you]} that you must put aside [MET] your evil nature; [that is, that you must not behave like you formerly did]. Your evil desires deceived you, making you want to do evil things and causing you to think that [doing that was good for you]; and your thinking like that was destroying you [spiritually].
23 E vos renoveis no espírito do vosso sentido;
Others taught you that instead, you must let [God’s Spirit] change the way you think,
24 E vos vistais do novo homem, que segundo Deus é criado em verdadeira justiça e santidade.
and that you must start being [MET] the new persons that God made you to become. That is, your [behavior] must be righteous and truly/genuinely devout.
25 Pelo que deixai a mentira, e falai a verdade cada um com o seu próximo; porque somos membros uns dos outros.
Therefore, quit lying to one another. Instead, because we all belong to just one group [of believers], speak truthfully to each other.
26 Irai-vos, e não pequeis; não se ponha o sol sobre a vossa ira.
If you get angry, do not sin [as a result of] getting angry. Before the end of the day [MTY], stop being angry;
27 Não deis lugar ao diabo.
[by doing that], you will not allow the devil to make you do evil.
28 Aquele que furtava, não furte mais; antes trabalhe, obrando com suas mãos o que é bom, para que tenha que repartir com o que tiver necessidade.
Those who have been stealing must not steal any longer. Instead, they should work hard to earn (their living/what they need) ([by] their own efforts/[by] what they do themselves) [MTY], in order that they may have [something] to give to those who are needy.
29 Não saia da vossa boca nenhuma palavra torpe, mas só a que for boa para utilidade da edificação, para que dê graça aos que a ouvem.
Do not use [MTY] foul language. Instead, say only things that are useful for helping people when they need help, things that will help [spiritually] the people that you talk to.
30 E não entristeçais o Espírito Santo de Deus, no qual estais selados para o dia da redenção.
[God has given you his] Spirit (to confirm/to assure you) that some day [God will claim all] you people [whom Christ has] redeemed [MET], [just like people confirm that something belongs to them by] putting their seal on it. So do not cause God’s Holy Spirit to be sad ([by the way you talk/by the things that you say]).
31 Toda a amargura, e ira, e colera, e gritaria, e blasfêmias e toda a malícia seja tirada de entre vós.
Do not be resentful at all towards others. Do not become angry in any way. Never shout abusively at others. Never (slander/say bad things about) others. Never act maliciously/be mean in any way.
32 Antes sede uns para com os outros benignos, misericordiosos, perdoando-vos uns aos outros, como também Deus vos perdoou em Cristo.
Be kind to one another. Act mercifully toward each other. Forgive each other, just like God forgave you because of [what] Christ [has done].