< 1 Reis 10 >

1 E ouvindo a rainha de Saba a fama de Salomão, acerca do nome do Senhor, veio prova-lo por enigmas.
Now the queen of Sheba, hearing great things of Solomon, came to put his wisdom to the test with hard questions.
2 E veio a Jerusalém com um mui grande exército; com camelos carregados de especiarias, e muitíssimo ouro, e pedras preciosas: e veio a Salom o, e disse-lhe tudo quanto tinha no seu coração.
And she came to Jerusalem with a very great train, with camels weighted down with spices, and stores of gold and jewels: and when she came to Solomon she had talk with him of everything in her mind.
3 E Salomão lhe declarou todas as suas palavras: nenhuma coisa se escondeu ao rei, que não lhe declarasse.
And Solomon gave her answers to all her questions; there was no secret which the king did not make clear to her.
4 Vendo pois a rainha de Saba toda a sabedoria de Salomão, e a casa que edificara,
And when the queen of Sheba had seen all the wisdom of Solomon, and the house which he had made,
5 E a comida da sua mesa, e o assentar de seus servos, e o estar de seus criados, e os vestidos deles, e os seus copeiros, e a sua subida, pela qual subia à casa do Senhor, não houve mais espírito nela.
And the food at his table, and all his servants seated there, and those who were waiting on him in their places, and their robes, and his wine-servants, and the burned offerings which he made in the house of the Lord, there was no more spirit in her.
6 E disse ao rei: Foi verdade a palavra que ouvi na minha terra, das tuas coisas e da tua sabedoria.
And she said to the king, The account which was given to me in my country of your acts and your wisdom was true.
7 E eu não cria naquelas palavras, até que vim, e os meus olhos o viram; eis que me não disseram metade; sobrepujaste em sabedoria e bens a fama que ouvi.
But I had no faith in what was said about you, till I came and saw for myself; and now I see that it was not half the story; your wisdom and your wealth are much greater than they said.
8 Bem-aventurados os teus homens, bem-aventurados estes teus servos, que estão sempre diante de ti, que ouvem a tua sabedoria!
Happy are your wives, happy are these your servants whose place is ever before you, hearing your words of wisdom.
9 Bendito seja o Senhor teu Deus, que teve agrado em ti, para te pôr no trono de Israel: porque o Senhor ama a Israel para sempre, por isso te estabeleceu rei, para fazeres juízo e justiça.
May the Lord your God be praised, whose pleasure it was to put you on the seat of the kingdom of Israel; because the Lord's love for Israel is eternal, he has made you king, to be their judge in righteousness.
10 E deu ao rei cento e vinte talentos de ouro, e muitíssimas especiarias, e pedras preciosas: nunca veio especiaria em tanta abundância, como a que a rainha de Saba deu ao rei Salomão.
And she gave the king a hundred and twenty talents of gold, and a great store of spices and jewels: never again was such a wealth of spices seen as that which the queen of Sheba gave King Solomon.
11 Também as naus d'Hirão, que de Ophir levavam ouro, traziam de Ophir muitíssima madeira de Almug, e pedras preciosas.
And the sea-force of Hiram, in addition to gold from Ophir, came back with much sandal-wood and jewels.
12 E desta madeira d'Almug fez o rei balaústres para a casa do Senhor, e para a casa do rei, como também harpas e alaúdes para os cantores: nunca veio tal madeira de Almug, nem se viu até o dia de hoje.
And from the sandal-wood the king made pillars for the house of the Lord, and for the king's house, and instruments of music for the makers of melody: never has such sandal-wood been seen to this day.
13 E o rei Salomão deu à rainha de Saba tudo quanto lhe pediu o seu desejo, de mais do que lhe deu, segundo a largueza do rei Salomão: então voltou e partiu para a sua terra, ela e os seus servos.
And King Solomon gave the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatever she made request for, in addition to what he gave her freely from the impulse of his heart. So she went back to her country, she and her servants.
14 E era o peso do ouro que se trazia a Salomão cada ano seiscentos e sessenta e seis talentos de ouro;
Now the weight of gold which came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty-six talents;
15 Além do dos negociantes, e do contrato dos especieiros, e de todos os reis da Arábia, e dos governadores da mesma terra.
In addition to what came to him from the business of the traders, and from all the kings of the Arabians, and from the rulers of the country.
16 Também o rei Salomão fez duzentos pavezes de ouro batido; seiscentos siclos de ouro mandou pesar para cada pavez;
And Solomon made two hundred body-covers of hammered gold, every one having six hundred shekels of gold in it.
17 Assim mesmo trezentos escudos de ouro batido; três arratéis de ouro mandou pesar para cada escudo; e o rei os pôs na casa do bosque do líbano.
And he made three hundred smaller body-covers of hammered gold, with three pounds of gold in every cover: and the king put them in the house of the Woods of Lebanon.
18 Fez mais o rei um grande trono de marfim, e o cobriu de ouro puríssimo.
Then the king made a great ivory seat, plated with the best gold.
19 Tinha este trono seis degraus, e era a cabeça do trono por detraz redonda, e de ambas as bandas tinha encostos até ao assento: e dois leões estavam junto aos encostos.
There were six steps going up to it, and the top of it was round at the back, there were arms on the two sides of the seat, and two lions by the side of the arms;
20 Também doze leões estavam ali sobre os seis degraus de ambas as bandas: nunca se tinha feito obra semelhante em nenhum dos reinos.
And twelve lions were placed on the one side and on the other side on the six steps: there was nothing like it in any kingdom.
21 Também todos os vasos de beber do rei Salomão eram de ouro, e todos os vasos da casa do bosque do líbano eram de ouro puro: não havia neles prata; porque nos dias de Salomão não tinha estimação alguma.
And all King Solomon's drinking-vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the Woods of Lebanon were of the best gold; not one was of silver, for no one gave a thought to silver in the days of King Solomon.
22 Porque o rei tinha no mar as naus de Tarsis, com as naus de Hirão: uma vez em três anos tornavam as naus de Tarsis, e traziam ouro e prata, marfim, e bugios, e pavões.
For the king had Tarshish-ships at sea with the ships of Hiram; once every three years the Tarshish-ships came with gold and silver and ivory and monkeys and peacocks.
23 Assim o rei Salomão excedeu a todos os reis da terra: tanto em riquezas como em sabedoria.
And King Solomon was greater than all the kings of the earth in wealth and in wisdom.
24 E toda a terra buscava a face de Salomão, para ouvir a sua sabedoria, que Deus tinha posto no seu coração.
And from all over the earth they came to see Solomon and to give ear to his wisdom, which God had put in his heart.
25 E traziam cada um por seu presente vasos de prata e vasos de ouro, e vestidos, e armaduras, e especiarias, cavalos e mulas: cada coisa de ano em ano.
And everyone took with him an offering, vessels of silver and vessels of gold, and robes, and coats of metal, and spices, and horses, and beasts of transport, regularly year by year.
26 Também ajuntou Salomão carros e cavaleiros, de sorte que tinha mil e quatrocentos carros e doze mil cavaleiros: e os levou às cidades dos carros, e junto ao rei em Jerusalém.
And Solomon got together war-carriages and horsemen; he had one thousand, four hundred carriages and twelve thousand horsemen, whom he kept, some in the carriage-towns and some with the king at Jerusalem.
27 E fez o rei que em Jerusalém houvesse prata como pedras: e cedros em abundância como figueiras bravas que estão nas planícies.
And the king made silver as common as stones in Jerusalem and cedars like the sycamore-trees of the lowlands in number.
28 E tiravam cavalos do Egito para Salomão: e às manadas as recebiam os mercadores do rei, cada manada por um certo preço.
And Solomon's horses came from Egypt and from Kue; the king's traders got them at a price from Kue.
29 E subia e saía o carro do Egito por seiscentos siclos de prata, e o cavalo por cento e cincoênta: e assim, por meio deles, os tiravam para todos os reis dos heteus e para os reis da Síria.
A war-carriage might be got from Egypt for six hundred shekels of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty; they got them at the same rate for all the kings of the Hittites and the kings of Aram.

< 1 Reis 10 >