< Zacarias 14 >

1 Eis que o dia do Senhor vem; repartir-se-hão no meio de ti os teus despojos.
Behold, a day has come to YHWH, And your spoil has been divided in your midst.
2 Porque eu ajuntarei todas as nações para a peleja contra Jerusalem; e a cidade será tomada, e as casas serão saqueadas, e as mulheres forçadas; e metade da cidade sairá para o captiveiro, mas o resto do povo não será extirpado da cidade.
And I have gathered all the nations to Jerusalem to battle, And the city has been captured, And the houses have been spoiled, And the women are lain with, Half the city has gone forth in a removal, And the remnant of the people are not cut off from the city.
3 E o Senhor sairá, e pelejará contra estas nações, como no dia em que pelejou no dia da batalha.
And YHWH has gone forth, And He has fought against those nations, As in the day of His fighting in a day of conflict.
4 E n'aquelle dia estarão os seus pés sobre o monte das Oliveiras, que está defronte de Jerusalem para o oriente; e o monte das Oliveiras será fendido pelo meio, para o oriente e para o occidente, n'um valle muito grande; e metade do monte se apartará para o norte, e a outra metade d'elle para o sul.
And His feet have stood, in that day, On the Mount of Olives, That [is] eastward before Jerusalem, And the Mount of Olives has been cleft at its midst, To the east, and to the west, a very great valley, And half of the mountain is removed toward the north, And half toward the south.
5 E fugireis ao valle dos meus montes (porque o valle dos montes chegará até Asel), e fugireis assim como fugistes de diante do terremoto nos dias de Uzias, rei de Judah: então virá o Senhor meu Deus, e todos os sanctos comtigo, ó Senhor.
And you have fled [to] the valley of My mountains, For the valley of the mountains joins to Azal, And you have fled as you fled before the shaking, In the days of Uzziah king of Judah, And my God YHWH has come in, All holy ones [are] with You.
6 E será que n'aquelle dia não haverá preciosa luz nem espessa escuridão.
And it has come to pass in that day, The precious light is not, it is dense darkness,
7 Mas será um dia o qual é conhecido do Senhor; nem dia nem noite será: e acontecerá que no tempo da tarde haverá luz.
And there has been one day, It is known to YHWH, not day nor night, And it has been at evening-time—there is light.
8 N'aquelle dia tambem acontecerá que sairão de Jerusalem aguas vivas, metade d'ellas para o mar oriental, e metade d'ellas até ao mar occidental: no estio e no inverno succederá isto.
And it has come to pass in that day, Living waters go forth from Jerusalem, Half of them to the Eastern Sea, And half of them to the Western Sea, It is in summer and in winter.
9 E o Senhor será rei sobre toda a terra: n'aquelle dia um só será o Senhor, e um só será o seu nome
And YHWH has become King over all the earth, In that day YHWH is one, and His Name one.
10 Toda a terra ao redor se tornará em planicie, desde Geba até Rimmon, da banda do sul de Jerusalem, e será exalçada, e habitada no seu logar, desde a porta de Benjamin até ao logar da primeira porta, até á porta da esquina, e desde a torre de Hananeel até aos logares do rei.
All the land is changed as a plain, From Gebo to Rimmon, south of Jerusalem, And she has been high, and has dwelt in her place, Even from the Gate of Benjamin To the place of the first gate, to the front gate, And from the Tower of Hananeel, To the wine-vats of the king.
11 E habitarão n'ella, e não haverá mais anathema, porque Jerusalem habitará segura.
And they have dwelt in her, And destruction is no more, And Jerusalem has dwelt confidently.
12 E esta será a praga com que o Senhor ferirá a todos os povos que guerrearam contra Jerusalem: fará consumir a carne, estando elles em pé, e lhes apodrecerão os olhos nas suas covas, e lhes apodrecerá a lingua de cada um na sua bocca
And this is the plague with which YHWH plagues all the peoples who have warred against Jerusalem: He has consumed away its flesh, And it is standing on its feet, And its eyes are consumed in their holes, And its tongue is consumed in their mouth.
13 N'aquelle dia tambem acontecerá que haverá uma grande perturbação do Senhor entre elles; porque pegará cada um na mão do seu companheiro, e alçar-se-ha a mão de cada um contra a mão do seu companheiro.
And it has come to pass in that day, A great destruction [from] YHWH is among them, And they have each seized the hand of his neighbor, And his hand has gone up against the hand of his neighbor.
14 E tambem Judah pelejará contra Jerusalem, e se ajuntarão em redor as riquezas de todas as nações, oiro e prata e vestidos em grande abundancia.
And also Judah is fought with in Jerusalem, And the force of all the surrounding nations has been gathered, Gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.
15 Assim tambem será a praga dos cavallos, dos mulos, dos camelos e dos jumentos, e de todos os animaes que estiverem n'aquelles exercitos, como foi a praga d'elles.
And so is the plague of the horse, of the mule, Of the camel, and of the donkey, And of all the livestock that are in these camps, As this plague.
16 E será que, todos os que restarem de todas as nações que vieram contra Jerusalem, subirão de anno em anno para adorarem o Rei, o Senhor dos Exercitos, e celebrarem a festa das cabanas.
And it has come to pass, Everyone who has been left of all the nations, Who are coming in against Jerusalem, They have also gone up from year to year, To bow themselves to the King, YHWH of Hosts, And to celebrate the Celebration of the Shelters.
17 E acontecerá que, se alguma das familias da terra não subir a Jerusalem, para adorar o Rei, o Senhor dos Exercitos, não virá sobre elles a chuva.
And it has come to pass, That he who does not go up of the families of the land to Jerusalem, To bow himself to the King, YHWH of Hosts, Even on them there is no shower.
18 E, se a familia dos egypcios, sobre os quaes não vem a chuva, não subir, nem vier, virá sobre elles a praga com que o Senhor ferirá as nações que não subirem a celebrar a festa das cabanas.
And if the family of Egypt does not go up, nor come in, Then on them is the plague With which YHWH plagues the nations That do not go up to celebrate the Celebration of Shelters.
19 Este será o peccado dos egypcios e o peccado de todas as nações que não subirem a celebrar a festa das cabanas.
This is the punishment of the sin of Egypt, And the punishment of the sin of all the nations, That do not go up to celebrate the Celebration of Shelters.
20 N'aquelle dia será inscripto sobre as campainhas dos cavallos: sanctidade ao Senhor; e as panellas na casa do Senhor serão como as bacias diante do altar.
In that day “Holy to YHWH” is [engraved] on bells of the horse, And the pots in the house of YHWH Have been as bowls before the altar.
21 E todas as panellas em Jerusalem e Judah serão sanctas ao Senhor dos Exercitos, e todos os que sacrificarem virão, e d'ellas tomarão, e n'ellas cozerão: e não haverá mais cananita na casa do Senhor dos Exercitos n'aquelle dia.
And every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah, Have been holy to YHWH of Hosts, And all those sacrificing have come in, And have taken of them, and boiled in them, And in that day there is no merchant anymore in the house of YHWH of Hosts!

< Zacarias 14 >