< Salmos 142 >

1 Com a minha voz clamei ao Senhor, com a minha voz suppliquei ao Senhor.
[A Psalm] of instruction for David, when he was in the cave, —a Prayer. I cried to the Lord with my voice; with my voice I made supplication to the Lord.
2 Derramei a minha queixa perante a sua face; expuz-lhe a minha angustia.
I will pour out before him my supplication: I will declare before him mine affliction.
3 Quando o meu espirito estava angustiado em mim, então conheceste a minha vereda: no caminho em que eu andava, esconderam-me um laço.
When my spirit was fainting within me, then you knew my paths; in the very way wherein I was walking, they hid a snare for me.
4 Olhei para a minha direita, e vi; mas não havia quem me conhecesse: refugio me faltou, ninguem cuidou da minha alma.
I looked on [my] right hand, and behold, for there was none that noticed me; refuge failed me; and there was none that cared for my soul.
5 A ti, ó Senhor, clamei; disse: Tu és o meu refugio, e a minha porção na terra dos viventes.
I cried to you, O Lord, and said, You are my hope, my portion in the land of the living.
6 Attende ao meu clamor; porque estou muito abatido: livra-me dos meus perseguidores; porque são mais fortes do que eu.
Attend to my supplication, for I am brought very low; deliver me from them that persecute me; for they are stronger than I.
7 Tira a minha alma da prisão, para que louve o teu nome; os justos me rodearão, pois me fizeste bem.
Bring my soul out of prison, that I may give thanks to your name, O Lord; the righteous shall wait for me, until you recompense me.

< Salmos 142 >