< Salmos 107 >
1 Louvae ao Senhor, porque elle é bom, porque a sua benignidade dura para sempre.
Give thanks to Yahweh for [he is] good for [is] for ever covenant loyalty his.
2 Digam-n'o os remidos do Senhor, os que remiu da mão do inimigo,
Let them say [the] redeemed of Yahweh whom he has redeemed them from [the] hand of [the] opponent.
3 E os que congregou das terras do oriente e do occidente, do norte e do sul.
And from [the] lands he has gathered them from east and from west from north and from [the] sea.
4 Andaram desgarrados pelo deserto, por caminhos solitarios; não acharam cidade para habitarem.
They wandered about in the wilderness in a desolate place of a way a city of dwelling not they found.
5 Famintos e sedentos, a sua alma n'elles desfallecia.
Hungry also thirsty life their in them it was fainting away.
6 E clamaram ao Senhor na sua angustia, e os livrou das suas necessidades.
And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he delivered them.
7 E os levou por caminho direito, para irem a uma cidade de habitação.
And he led them by a way straight to go to a city of dwelling.
8 Louvem ao Senhor pela sua bondade, e pelas suas maravilhas para com os filhos dos homens.
Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind.
9 Pois fartou a alma sedenta, e encheu de bondade a alma faminta.
For he satisfies a throat longing and a throat hungry he fills good thing[s].
10 Tal como a que se assenta nas trevas e sombra da morte, presa em afflicção e em ferro;
[those who] sat of Darkness and deep darkness prisoners of affliction and iron.
11 Porquanto se rebellaram contra as palavras de Deus, e desprezaram o conselho do Altissimo,
For they had rebelled against [the] words of God and [the] counsel of [the] Most High they had spurned.
12 Portanto lhes abateu o coração com trabalho; tropeçaram, e não houve quem os ajudasse.
And he humbled with trouble heart their they stumbled and there not [was] a helper.
13 Então clamaram ao Senhor na sua angustia, e os livrou das suas necessidades.
And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he saved them.
14 Tirou-os das trevas e sombra da morte; e quebrou as suas prisões.
He brought out them from darkness and deep darkness and fetters their he tore apart.
15 Louvem ao Senhor pela sua bondade, e pelas suas maravilhas para com os filhos dos homens.
Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind.
16 Pois quebrou as portas de bronze; e despedaçou os ferrolhos de ferro.
For he breaks down gates of bronze and bars of iron he cuts down.
17 Os loucos, por causa da sua transgressão, e por causa das suas iniquidades, são afflictos.
Fools from [the] way of transgression their and from iniquities their they were afflicted.
18 A sua alma aborreceu toda a comida, e chegaram até ás portas da morte.
All food it loathed throat their and they reached to [the] gates of death.
19 Então clamaram ao Senhor na sua angustia: e elle os livrou das suas necessidades.
And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them from troubles their he saved them.
20 Enviou a sua palavra, e os sarou; e os livrou da sua destruição.
He sent word his and he healed them and he may deliver [them] (from pits their. *LAH(b)*)
21 Louvem ao Senhor pela sua bondade, e pelas suas maravilhas para com os filhos dos homens.
Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of (humankind. *LAH(b)*)
22 E offereçam os sacrificios de louvor, e relatem as suas obras com regozijo.
And let them sacrifice sacrifices of thanksgiving and let them recount works his (with a shout of joy. *L(abh)*)
23 Os que descem ao mar em navios, mercando nas grandes aguas,
[those who] went down the Sea in ships [those who] did business on [the] waters (many. *L(abh)*)
24 Esses vêem as obras do Senhor, e as suas maravilhas no profundo.
They they saw [the] works of Yahweh and wonders his (in [the] deep. *L(abh)*)
25 Pois elle manda, e se levanta o vento tempestuoso, que eleva as suas ondas.
And he spoke and he appointed a wind of a storm and it lifted up (waves its. *L(abh)*)
26 Sobem aos céus; descem aos abysmos, e a sua alma se derrete em angustias.
They went up [the] heavens they went down [the] deeps soul their in distress (it melted. *LB(ah)*)
27 Andam e cambaleam como ebrios, e perderam todo o tino.
They staggered and they may trembled like drunkard and all skill their (it was confused. *LB(ah)*)
28 Então clamam ao Senhor na sua angustia; e elle os livra das suas necessidades.
And they cried out to Yahweh when it was distress to them and from troubles their he brought out them.
29 Faz cessar a tormenta, e calam-se as suas ondas.
He raised [the] storm into a calm and they were still waves their.
30 Então se alegram, porque se aquietaram; assim os leva ao seu porto desejado.
And they rejoiced for they were quiet and he guided them to [the] harbor of desire their.
31 Louvem ao Senhor pela sua bondade, e pelas suas maravilhas para com os filhos dos homens.
Let them give thanks to Yahweh covenant loyalty his and wonders his to [the] children of humankind.
32 Exaltem-n'o na congregação do povo, e glorifiquem-n'o na assembléa dos anciãos.
And let them exalt him in [the] assembly of [the] people and in [the] seat of [the] elders let them praise him.
33 Elle converte os rios em um deserto, e as fontes em terra sedenta:
He made rivers into a wilderness and springs of water into thirsty ground.
34 A terra fructifera em esteril, pela maldade dos que n'ella habitam.
A land of fruit into saltiness from [the] evil of [those who] dwell in it.
35 Converte o deserto em lagoa, e a terra secca em fontes.
He made a wilderness into a pool of water and a land dry into springs of water.
36 E faz habitar ali os famintos, para que edifiquem cidade para habitação;
And he caused to dwell there hungry [people] and they established a city of dwelling.
37 E semeiam os campos e plantam vinhas, que produzem fructo abundante.
And they sowed fields and they planted vineyards and they produced fruit of produce.
38 Tambem os abençoa, de modo que se multiplicam muito; e o seu gado não diminue.
And he blessed them and they multiplied exceedingly and cattle their not he made few.
39 Depois se diminuem e se abatem, pela oppressão, afflicção e tristeza.
And they became few and they were bowed down from [the] pressure of calamity (and sorrow. *L(abh)*)
40 Derrama o desprezo sobre os principes, e os faz andar desgarrados pelo deserto, onde não ha caminho.
[he was] pouring out Contempt on noble [people] and he made wander them in a wasteland not a way.
41 Porém livra ao necessitado da oppressão em um logar alto, e multiplica as familias como rebanhos.
And he set on high [the] needy from affliction and he made like flock families.
42 Os rectos o verão, e se alegrarão, e toda a iniquidade tapará a bocca.
They see upright [people] so they may rejoice and all unrighteousness it shuts mouth its.
43 Quem é sabio observará estas coisas, e elles comprehenderão as benignidades do Senhor.
Who? [is] wise and let him observe these [things] and let them consider carefully [the] covenant loyalti of Yahweh.