< Filipenses 2 >
1 Portanto, se ha algum conforto em Christo, se alguma consolação de amor, se alguma communicação de Espirito, se alguns entranhaveis affectos e compaixões,
Since Christ encourages us, since he loves us and comforts us, since God’s Spirit fellowships with [us, and] since [Christ] is very merciful [DOU] to us,
2 Cumpri o meu gozo, para que sintaes o mesmo, tendo o mesmo amor, o mesmo animo, sentindo uma mesma coisa.
make me completely happy [by doing the following things]: Agree with one another, love one another, be closely united with one another, and [live] harmoniously with one another [DOU].
3 Nada façaes por contenda ou por vangloria, mas por humildade; cada um considere os outros superiores a si mesmo.
Never try to selfishly make yourselves more important than [others] nor boast [about what you are doing]. Instead, be humble, [and in particular], honor one another more than you honor yourselves.
4 Não attente cada um para o que é seu, mas cada qual tambem para o que é dos outros.
Each one of you should not [only] be concerned about your own affairs. Instead, each of you should also be concerned (that you help/about the needs of) one another.
5 De sorte que haja em vós o mesmo sentimento que houve tambem em Christo Jesus,
You should think/act just like Christ Jesus [thought/acted].
6 O qual, sendo em fórma de Deus, não teve por usurpação ser egual a Deus,
[Although] he has the same nature as God has, he did not insist on keeping all the privileges of being equal with God.
7 Mas aniquilou-se a si mesmo, tomando a fórma de servo, fazendo-se similhante aos homens;
Instead, he [willingly] gave up divine privileges. [Specifically], he became a human being and took the attitude of a servant. When he had become a human being,
8 E, achado em fórma como homem, humilhou-se a si mesmo, sendo obediente até á morte, e morte de cruz.
he humbled himself [even more. Specifically], he obeyed [God] even to the extent of [being willing to] die. [He was even willing to] be nailed to a cross, [to die as though he were a criminal].
9 Pelo que tambem Deus o exaltou soberanamente, e lhe deu um nome que é sobre todo o nome;
As a result, God promoted him [to a] rank [that] is above every [other] rank.
10 Para que ao nome de Jesus se dobre todo o joelho dos que estão nos céus, e na terra, e debaixo da terra,
[God did that] in order that every being [SYN] in heaven and on earth and under the earth should worship [MTY] Jesus,
11 E toda a lingua confesse que Jesus Christo é o Senhor, para a gloria de Deus Pae.
and in order that every person [SYN] should declare that Jesus Christ is Lord. [As a result of everyone doing that, they will] honor God, [his] Father.
12 De sorte que, meus amados, assim como sempre obedecestes, não só na minha presença, mas muito mais agora na minha ausencia, assim tambem operae a vossa salvação com temor e tremor,
My dear friends, as you consider this, since you have always obeyed [God], each of you should very reverentially [DOU] try to do those things [that are proper for people whom God has] saved. [You should do those things] not only when I am with you. [Instead, you should try] even more [to do them] now when I am not with you.
13 Porque Deus é o que opera em vós tanto o querer como o effectuar, segundo a sua boa vontade.
[You are able to do these things], since God [himself] causes you to desire to do what he wants you to do, and he also enables you to do what he wants you to do.
14 Fazei todas as coisas sem murmurações nem contendas;
Do everything [God or your leaders ask you to do]. Never complain about what they want you to do, or argue with them.
15 Para que sejaes irreprehensiveis e sinceros, filhos de Deus, inculpaveis no meio d'uma geração corrompida e perversa, no meio da qual resplandeceis como luminares no mundo.
Behave like that in order that you may be completely faultless [DOU] and may be perfect children of God [DOU] while you live in the midst of people who are wicked and do very wicked things [DOU]. As you live among them, show them clearly [MET] [the way they ought to behave], just like the sun, moon, and stars [show the road clearly to us] [SIM].
16 Retendo a palavra da vida, para que no dia de Christo possa gloriar-me de não ter corrido nem trabalhado em vão.
Tell them how [to] have eternal life. I [ask that you do that] in order that on the day Christ [returns] I may be able to rejoice [MTY], that I did not labor [DOU] so hard among you in vain.
17 E, ainda que seja offerecido por libação sobre o sacrificio e serviço da vossa fé, folgo e me regozijo com todos vós
Perhaps [the Roman authorities] will execute me, [and my blood will pour out] [MET] [as the] wine pours out when the priest offers it to God [MET]. [For your part], you believe [in Christ firmly]. As a result, you have given yourselves completely to God in order that you might do what he wills [MET], [just like a priest] offers a sacrifice [completely to God] [MET]. [Because I dedicate myself wholly to God] together with you, even if [they are about to execute me], I will greatly rejoice [DOU], [because I am giving myself wholly to God], and because you all [are giving yourselves wholly to God].
18 E vós tambem regozijae-vos e alegrae-vos comigo por isto mesmo.
Similarly, you too should rejoice [because you are giving yourselves wholly to God], and you should rejoice because I [am giving myself wholly to God].
19 E espero no Senhor Jesus de em breve vos mandar Timotheo, para que tambem eu esteja de bom animo, sabendo os vossos negocios.
My relationship with the Lord Jesus [leads me] to confidently expect that [he will enable me] to send Timothy to you soon, in order that [his telling you the news about me will encourage you. But] I also expect that [his returning to me and] telling me the news about you will encourage me.
20 Porque a ninguem tenho de tão egual animo, que sinceramente cuide dos vossos negocios.
[Keep in mind that] I have no one [else] like him who genuinely cares for you.
21 Porque todos buscam o que é seu, e não o que é de Christo Jesus.
All the others [whom I have considered that I might send to you] are concerned [only] about their own matters. They are not concerned about what Jesus Christ [considers important].
22 Mas bem sabeis a sua experiencia, que serviu comigo no evangelho, como filho ao pae.
But you know that Timothy has proved that he [serves the Lord and others faithfully. You know] that he has served [the Lord closely together] with me in [proclaiming to people] the message about Christ as though he were [SIM] my son and I were his [own] father.
23 De sorte que espero enviar-vol-o logo que tenha provido a meus negocios.
So then he is the one I confidently expect to send [to you] as soon as I know what will happen to me.
24 Porém confio no Senhor, que tambem eu mesmo em breve irei ter comvosco.
And I am confident that I will soon be released {[the authorities will soon release me]} [so that] the Lord will enable me also to come/go [to you] soon.
25 Mas julguei necessario mandar-vos Epaphrodito, meu irmão, e cooperador, e companheiro nos combates, e vosso enviado, e ministrador nas minhas necessidades.
I have concluded that it is [really] necessary that I send Epaphroditus [back] to you. He is a fellow believer and my fellow worker, and he [endures difficulties together with me] [MET], [just like] soldiers [endure difficulties together]. You sent him [to me] in order that he might help me when I was needy [EUP].
26 Porquanto tinha muitas saudades de vós todos, e estava muito angustiado de que tivesseis ouvido que elle estivera doente.
[But I have concluded that I must send him back to you] because he has been longing to see you all. Furthermore, he has been [very] distressed because [he knows that] you heard that he had become sick.
27 E de facto esteve doente, e quasi á morte; porém Deus se apiedou d'elle, e não sómente d'elle, mas tambem de mim, para que eu não tivesse tristeza sobre tristeza.
Indeed, he was so sick that he almost died. However, [he did not die]. Instead, God pitied him and he also pitied me, [and as a result he healed him. God pitied me] because he did not want me to be even more sorrowful than I already was.
28 Por isso vol-o enviei mais depressa, para que, vendo-o outra vez, vos regozijeis, e eu tenha menos tristeza.
So, I am sending him [back to you] as quickly as possible, in order that you may rejoice [when you see him again] and in order that I may be less sorrowful [than I was].
29 Recebei-o pois no Senhor com todo o gozo, e tende em honra aos taes.
Welcome him very joyfully [just like believers] in [our] Lord [Jesus should welcome one another. While he was] working for Christ, he was helping me in place of you [because you were far away]. He knew that he might die as a result of helping me, and [truly] he nearly did die. So honor [him, and honor all] those who are like him.
30 Porque pela obra de Christo chegou até bem proximo da morte, não fazendo caso da vida, para supprir para comigo a falta do vosso serviço.