< Números 5 >
1 E fallou o Senhor a Moysés, dizendo:
Yahweh said to Moses/me,
2 Ordena aos filhos de Israel que lancem fóra do arraial a todo o leproso, e a todo o que padece fluxo, e a todos os immundos por causa de contacto com algum morto.
“Tell this to the Israeli people: ‘You must send away from your (camp/area where you have your tents) any man or woman who has leprosy and anyone who has a discharge [of some fluid from his body], and anyone who has become unacceptable to God because of [having touched] a corpse.
3 Desde o homem até á mulher os lançareis: fóra do arraial os lançareis, para que não contaminem os seus arraiaes, no meio dos quaes eu habito.
Send them away from there in order that they will not [touch people in the camp area] where I live among you and cause them to become unacceptable to me.’”
4 E os filhos de Israel fizeram assim, e os lançaram fóra do arraial: como o Senhor fallara a Moysés, assim fizeram os filhos de Israel.
So [Moses/I told that to the Israeli people, and] the Israeli people obeyed what Yahweh commanded Moses/me.
5 Fallou mais o Senhor a Moysés, dizendo:
Yahweh also told Moses/me,
6 Dize aos filhos de Israel: Quando homem ou mulher fizer algum de todos os peccados humanos, trespassando contra o Senhor, tal alma culpada é.
“Tell this to the Israeli people: ‘If someone (commits a crime against/does something wrong to) another person, [I consider that] that person has done wrong to me.
7 E confessarão o seu peccado que fizeram; então restituirá a sua culpa, segundo a somma total, e lhe accrescentará o seu quinto, e o dará áquelle contra quem se fez culpado.
That person must confess that he or she is guilty, and he or she must pay to the person to whom wrong was done [what others consider to be a suitable/proper payment] for what he has done, and he must pay an extra 20 percent.
8 Mas, se aquelle homem não tiver resgatador, a quem se restitua a culpa, então a culpa que se restituir ao Senhor será do sacerdote, além do carneiro da expiação com que por elle fará expiação.
If the person against whom the wrong was done [has died and] there is no relative to whom the money can be paid, then the money belongs to me, and it must be paid to the priest. In addition, the one who did the wrong must give a male sheep to the priest [to sacrifice] in order that (that person’s sin may be forgiven/I can forgive that person for his sin).
9 Similhantemente toda a offerta de todas as coisas sanctificadas dos filhos de Israel, que trouxerem ao sacerdote, será sua.
All the sacred offerings that the Israelis bring to the priest belong to the priest.
10 E as coisas sanctificadas de cada um serão suas: o que alguem der ao sacerdote será seu.
The priest can keep those gifts.’”
11 Fallou mais o Senhor a Moysés, dizendo:
Yahweh also said this to Moses/me:
12 Falla aos filhos de Israel, e dize-lhes; Quando a mulher de algum se desviar, e trespassar contra elle,
“Tell this to the Israeli people: ‘Suppose a man thinks that his wife has slept with another man,
13 De maneira que algum homem se houver deitado com ella, e fôr occulto aos olhos de seu marido, e ella o tiver occultado, havendo-se ella contaminado, e contra ella não houver testemunha, e no feito não fôr apanhada,
but neither he nor anyone else knows if it is true or not, because no one saw her doing that.
14 E o espirito de ciumes vier sobre elle, e de sua mulher tiver ciumes, por ella se haver contaminado, ou sobre elle vier o espirito de ciumes, e de sua mulher tiver ciumes, não se havendo ella contaminado,
But if the woman’s husband is jealous, and if he suspects that she has committed adultery, and he wants to know whether that is true or not,
15 Então aquelle varão trará a sua mulher perante o sacerdote, e juntamente trará a sua offerta por ella: uma decima de epha de farinha de cevada, sobre a qual não deitará azeite, nem sobre ella porá incenso, porquanto é offerta de manjares de ciumes, offerta memorativa, que traz a iniquidade em memoria
he should take his wife to the priest. He must take along as an offering two quarts/liters of barley flour. The priest must not pour [olive] oil or incense on it, because this is an offering that the man has brought because he (is jealous/wants his wife to sleep only with him). It is an offering to find out if she is guilty or not. [Neither olive oil nor incense should be used because are associated with joy and this is not a time for joy.]
16 E o sacerdote a fará chegar, e a porá perante a face do Senhor.
The priest must tell the woman to stand [in front of the altar] in my presence.
17 E o sacerdote tomará agua sancta n'um vaso de barro; tambem tomará o sacerdote do pó que houver no chão do tabernaculo, e o deitará na agua
He must put some sacred water in a clay jar, and then he must put some dirt from the floor of the Sacred Tent into the water.
18 Então o sacerdote apresentará a mulher perante o Senhor, e descobrirá a cabeça da mulher; e a offerta memorativa de manjares, que é a offerta de manjares dos ciumes, porá sobre as suas mãos, e a agua amarga, que traz comsigo a maldição, estará na mão do sacerdote.
He must untie/unfasten the woman’s hair. Then he must put in her hands the grain that her jealous husband is offering to determine whether she has committed adultery or not. The priest must hold [the bowl that contains] bitter water that will cause (the woman to be cursed/bad things to happen to the woman) [if she is guilty].
19 E o sacerdote a conjurará, e dirá áquella mulher: Se ninguem comtigo se deitou, e se não te apartaste de teu marido pela immundicia, d'estas aguas amargas, amaldiçoantes, serás livre
The priest must require her to solemnly declare [that she will tell the truth]. Then he must say to her, “Has another man had sex [EUP] with you? Have you faithfully [slept only with your husband] or not? If you have not slept with another man, nothing bad will happen to you if you drink the water.
20 Mas, se te apartaste de teu marido, e te contaminaste, e algum homem, fóra de teu marido, se deitou comtigo;
But if you have had sex with another man, [Yahweh will curse you].
21 Então o sacerdote conjurará á mulher com a conjuração da maldição; e o sacerdote dirá á mulher: O Senhor te ponha por maldição e por conjuração no meio do teu povo, fazendo-te o Senhor descair a côxa e inchar o ventre.
Your womb will shrivel up and your stomach will swell up. You will never be able to give birth to children, and as a result, everyone will curse you and avoid you. If you have committed adultery, [when you drink] this water, that is what will happen to you.” Then the woman must answer, “[If I am guilty], I will not object if that happens.”
22 E esta agua amaldiçoante entre nas tuas entranhas, para te fazer inchar o ventre, e te fazer descair a côxa. Então a mulher dirá: Amen, Amen.
23 Depois o sacerdote escreverá estas mesmas maldições n'um livro, e com a agua amarga as apagará.
‘Then the priest must write [with ink] on a small scroll these (curses/bad things that will happen to her if she is guilty) [and then wash the ink off into the bitter water].
24 E a agua amarga, amaldiçoante, dará a beber á mulher, e a agua amaldiçoante entrará n'ella para amargurar.
The priest must take from her the offering of barley flour [that she is holding], and lift it up to dedicate it to me. Then he must put it on the altar
25 E o sacerdote tomará a offerta de manjares dos ciumes da mão da mulher, e moverá a offerta de manjares perante o Senhor; e a offerecerá sobre o altar.
26 Tambem o sacerdote tomará um punhado da offerta de manjares, da offerta memorativa, e sobre o altar o queimará: e depois dará a beber a agua á mulher.
and burn part of it as a sacrifice. Then the woman must drink the bitter water.
27 E, havendo-lhe dado a beber aquella agua, será que, se ella se tiver contaminado, e contra seu marido tiver trespassado, a agua amaldiçoante entrará n'ella para amargura, e o seu ventre se inchará, e a sua côxa descairá; e aquella mulher será por maldição no meio do seu povo
If the woman has committed adultery, the water will cause her to suffer greatly. Her stomach will swell up and her womb will shrink, [and she will be unable to give birth to children]. And then her (relatives/fellow Israelis) will curse her.
28 E, se a mulher se não tiver contaminado, mas estiver limpa, então será livre, e conceberá semente.
But if she (is innocent/has not committed adultery), her body will not be harmed, and she will still be able to give birth to children.
29 Esta é a lei dos ciumes, quando a mulher, em poder de seu marido, se desviar e fôr contaminada;
‘That is the ritual that must be performed when a woman who is married has been unfaithful to her husband,
30 Ou quando sobre o homem vier o espirito de ciumes, e tiver ciumes de sua mulher, apresente a mulher perante o Senhor, e o sacerdote n'ella execute toda esta lei.
or when a man is jealous and suspects that his wife [has had sex with another man]. The priest must tell that woman to stand [at the altar] in my presence and obey these instructions.
31 E o homem será livre da iniquidade, porém a mulher levará a sua iniquidade.
Even if the woman has not done what the husband suspected, he will not be punished [MTY] for doing something wrong [by bringing his wife to the priest]. But if his wife is guilty, she will suffer as a result.’”