< Números 26 >

1 Aconteceu pois que, depois d'aquella praga, fallou o Senhor a Moysés, e a Eleazar, filho d'Aarão o sacerdote, dizendo:
And it came to pass after the plague, that the Lord spoke to Moses and Eleazar the priest, saying,
2 Tomae a somma de toda a congregação dos filhos de Israel, da edade de vinte annos e para cima, segundo as casas de seus paes: todo o que em Israel sae ao exercito.
Take the sum of all the congregation of the children of Israel, from twenty years old and upward, according to the houses of their lineage, every one that goes forth to battle in Israel.
3 Fallou-lhes pois Moysés e Eleazar o sacerdote, nas campinas de Moab, ao pé do Jordão de Jericó, dizendo:
And Moses and Eleazar the priest spoke in Araboth of Moab at the Jordan by Jericho, saying,
4 Conta o povo da edade de vinte annos e para cima, como o Senhor ordenara a Moysés e aos filhos d'Israel, que sairam do Egypto.
[This is the numbering] from twenty years old and upward as the Lord commanded Moses. And the sons of Israel that came out of Egypt [are as follows]:
5 Ruben, o primogenito de Israel: os filhos de Ruben foram Hanoch, do qual era a familia dos hanochitas: de Pallu a familia dos palluitas;
Ruben [was] the firstborn of Israel: and the sons of Ruben, Enoch, and the family of Enoch; to Phallu belongs the family of the Phalluites.
6 De Hezrona, familia dos hezronitas: de Carmi, a familia dos carmitas:
To Asron, the family of Asroni: to Charmi, the family of Charmi.
7 Estas são as familias dos rubenitas: e os que foram d'elles contados, foram quarenta e tres mil e setecentos e trinta.
These [are] the families of Ruben; and their numbering was forty-three thousand and seven hundred and thirty.
8 E os filhos de Pallu, Eliab:
And the sons of Phallu [were] Eliab, —
9 E os filhos d'Eliab, Nemuel, e Dathan, e Abiram: estes, Dathan e Abiram, foram os afamados da congregação, que moveram a contenda contra Moysés e contra Aarão na congregação de Coré, quando moveram a contenda contra o Senhor
and the sons of Eliab, Namuel, and Dathan, and Abiron: these [are] renowned men of the congregation; these are they that rose up against Moses and Aaron in the gathering of Core, in the rebellion against the Lord.
10 E a terra abriu a sua bocca, e os tragou com Coré, quando morreu a congregação: quando o fogo consumiu duzentos e cincoenta homens, e foram por signal.
And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up them and Core, when their assembly perished, when the fire devoured the two hundred and fifty, and they were made a sign.
11 Mas os filhos de Coré não morreram.
But the sons of Core died not.
12 Os filhos de Simeão, segundo as suas familias: de Nemuel, a familia dos nemuelitas: de Jamin, a familia dos jaminitas: de Jachin, a familia dos jachinitas:
And the sons of Symeon: —the family of the sons of Symeon: to Namuel, [belonged] the family of the Namuelites; to Jamin the family of the Jaminites; to Jachin the family of the Jachinites.
13 De Zerah, a familia dos zerahitas: de Saul, a familia dos saulitas.
To Zara the family of the Zaraites; to Saul the family of the Saulites.
14 Estas são as familias dos simeonitas vinte e dois mil e duzentos.
These [are] the families of Symeon according to their numbering, two and twenty thousand and two hundred.
15 Os filhos de Gad, segundo as suas gerações: de Zephon, a familia dos zephonitas: de Haggi, a familia dos haggitas: de Suni, a familia dos sunitas:
And the sons of Juda, Er and Aunan; and Er and Aunan died in the land of Chanaan.
16 De Ozni, a familia dos oznitas: de Heri, a familia dos heritas:
And these were the sons of Juda, according to their families: to Selom [belonged] the family of the Selonites; to Phares, the family of the Pharesites; to Zara, the family of the Zaraites.
17 De Arod, a familia dos aroditas: de Areli, a familia dos arelitas.
And the sons of Phares were, to Asron, the family of the Asronites; to Jamun, the family of the Jamunites.
18 Estas são as familias dos filhos de Gad, segundo os que foram d'elles contados, quarenta mil e quinhentos.
These [are] the families of Juda according to their numbering, seventy-six thousand and five hundred.
19 Os filhos de Judah, Er e Onan: mas Er e Onan morreram na terra de Canaan.
And the sons of Issachar according to their families: to Thola, the family of the Tholaites; to Phua, the family of the Phuaites.
20 Assim os filhos de Judah foram segundo as suas familias; de Selah a familia dos selanitas: de Pharez, a familia dos pharezitas; de Zerah, a familia dos zerahitas.
To Jasub, the family of the Jasubites; to Samram, the family of the Samramites.
21 E os filhos de Pharez foram; de Hezron, a familia dos hezronitas: de Hamul, a familia doa hamulitas.
These [are] the families of Issachar according to their numbering, sixty-four thousand and four hundred.
22 Estas são as familias de Judah, segundo os que foram d'elles contados, setenta e seis mil e quinhentos.
The sons of Zabulon according to their families: to Sared, the family of the Saredites; to Allon, the family of the Allonites; to Allel, the family of the Allelites.
23 Os filhos d'Issacar, segundo as suas familias, foram; de Tola, a familia dos tolaitas: de Puva a familia dos puvitas,
These [are] the families of Zabulon according to their numbering, sixty thousand and five hundred.
24 De Jasub a familia dos jasubitas: de Simron, a familia dos simronitas.
The sons of Gad according to their families: to Saphon, the family of the Saphonites; to Angi, the family of the Angites; to Suni, the family of the Sunites;
25 Estas são as familias d'Issacar, segundo os que foram d'elles contados, sessenta e quatro mil e trezentos.
to Azeni, the family of the Azenites; to Addi, the family of the Addites:
26 Os filhos de Zebulon, segundo as suas familias, foram; de Sered, a familia dos sereditas: d'Elon, a familia dos elonitas: de Jahleel, a familia dos jahleelitas.
to Aroadi, the family of the Aroadites; to Ariel, the family of the Arielites.
27 Estas são as familias dos zebulonitas, segundo os que foram d'elles contados, sessenta mil e quinhentos.
These [are] the families of the children of Gad according to their numbering, forty-four thousand and five hundred.
28 Os filhos de José segundo as suas familias, foram Manasseh e Ephraim.
The sons of Aser according to their families; to Jamin, the family of the Jaminites; to Jesu, the family of the Jesusites; to Baria, the family of the Bariaites.
29 Os filhos de Manasseh foram; de Machir, a familia dos machiritas; e Machir gerou a Gilead: de Gilead, a familia dos gileaditas.
To Chober, the family of the Choberites; to Melchiel, the family of the Melchielites.
30 Estes são os filhos de Gilead: de Jezer, a familia dos jezeritas: de Helek, a familia das helekitas:
And the name of the daughter of Aser, Sara.
31 E d'Asriel, a familia dos asrielitas: e de Sechen, a familia dos sechenitas:
These [are] the families of Aser according to their numbering, forty-three thousand and four hundred.
32 E de Semida, a familia dos semidaitas: e de Hepher, a familia dos hepheritas.
The sons of Joseph according to their families, Manasse and Ephraim.
33 Porém Selofad, filho de Hepher, não tinha filhos, senão filhas: e os nomes das filhas de Selofad foram Machla, Noa, Hogla, Milca e Tirza.
The sons of Manasse. To Machir the family of the Machirites; and Machir begot Galaad: to Galaad, the family of the Galaadites.
34 Estas são as familias de Manasseh: e os que foram d'elles contados, foram cincoenta e dois mil e setecentos.
And these [are] the sons of Galaad; to Achiezer, the family of the Achiezerites; to Cheleg, the family of the Chelegites.
35 Estes são os filhos d'Ephraim, segundo as suas familias: de Sutelah, a familia dos sutelahitas: de Becher, a familia dos becheritas: de Tahan, a familia dos tahanitas.
To Esriel, the family of the Esrielites; to Sychem, the family of the Sychemites.
36 E estes são os filhos de Sutelah: d'Eran, a familia dos eranitas.
To Symaer, the family of the Symaerites; and to Opher, the family of the Opherites.
37 Estas são as familias dos filhos d'Ephraim, segundo os que foram d'elles contados, trinta e dois mil e quinhentos: estes são os filhos de José, segundo as suas familias.
And to Salpaad the son of Opher there were no sons, but daughters: and these [were] the names of the daughters of Salpaad; Mala, and Nua, and Egla, and Melcha, and Thersa.
38 Os filhos de Benjamin, segundo as suas familias; de Bela, a familia dos belaitas: d'Asbel, a familia dos asbelitas: de Ahiram, a familia dos ahiramitas;
These [are] the families of Manasse according to their numbering, fifty-two thousand and seven hundred.
39 De Supham, a familia dos suphamitas: de Hupham, a familia dos huphamitas.
And these [are] the children of Ephraim; to Suthala, the family of the Suthalanites; to Tanach, the family of the Tanachites.
40 E os filhos de Bela foram Ard e Naaman: d'Ard a familia dos arditas: de Naaman a familia dos naamanitas.
These [are] the sons of Suthala; to Eden, the family of the Edenites.
41 Estes são os filhos de Benjamin, segundo as suas familias: e os que foram d'elles contados, foram quarenta e cinco mil e seiscentos.
These [are] the families of Ephraim according to their numbering, thirty-two thousand and five hundred: these [are] the families of the children of Joseph according to their families.
42 Estes são os filhos de Dan, segundo as suas familias; de Suham a familia dos suhamitas: estas são as familias de Dan, segundo as suas familias.
The sons of Benjamin according to their families; to Bale, the family of the Balites; to Asyber, the family of the Asyberites; to Jachiran, the family of the Jachiranites.
43 Todas as familias dos suhamitas, secundo os que foram d'elles contados, foram sessenta e quatro mil e quatrocentos.
To Sophan, the family of the Sophanites.
44 Os filhos d'Aser, segundo as suas familias, foram: d'Imna, a familia dos imnaitas: d'Isvi, a familia dos isvitas, de Berish, a familia dos beriitas.
And the sons of Bale were Adar and Noeman; to Adar, the family of the Adarites; and to Noeman, the family of the Noemanites.
45 Dos filhos de Beriah, foram; de Heber, a familia dos heberitas; de Malchiel, a familia dos malchielitas.
These [are] the sons of Benjamin by their families according to their numbering, thirty-five thousand and five hundred.
46 E o nome da filha d'Aser foi Serah.
And the sons of Dan according to their families; to Same, the family of the Sameites; these [are] the families of Dan according to their families.
47 Estas são as familias dos filhos d'Aser, segundo os que foram d'elles contados, cincoenta e tres mil e quatrocentos.
All the families of Samei according to their numbering, sixty-four thousand and four hundred.
48 Os filhos de Naphtali, segundo as suas familias: de Jahzeel, a familia dos jahzeelitas: de Guni, a familia dos gunitas:
The sons of Nephthali according to their families; to Asiel, the family of the Asielites; to Gauni, the family of the Gaunites.
49 De Jezer, a familia dos jezeritas: de Sillem, a familia dos sillemitas.
To Jeser, the family of the Jeserites; to Sellem, the family of the Sellemites.
50 Estas são as familias de Naphtali, segundo as suas familias: e os que foram d'elles contados, foram quarenta e cinco mil e quatrocentos.
These [are] the families of Nephthali, according to their numbering, forty thousand and three hundred.
51 Estes são os contados dos filhos d'Israel, seiscentos e um mil e setecentos e trinta.
This [is] the numbering of the children of Israel, six hundred and one thousand and seven hundred and thirty.
52 E fallou o Senhor a Moysés, dizendo:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
53 A estes se repartirá a terra em herança, segundo o numero dos nomes.
To these the land shall be divided, so that they may inherit according to the number of the names.
54 Aos muitos multiplicarás a sua herança, e aos poucos diminuirás a sua herança: a cada qual se dará a sua herança, segundo os que foram d'elles contados.
To the greater number you shall give the greater inheritance, and to the less number you shall give the less inheritance: to each one, as they have been numbered, shall their inheritance be given.
55 Todavia a terra se repartirá por sortes: segundo os nomes das tribus de seus paes a herdarão.
The land shall be divided to the names by lot, they shall inherit according to the tribes of their families.
56 Segundo sair a sorte, se repartirá a herança d'elles entre os muitos e poucos.
You shall divide their inheritance by lot between the many and the few.
57 E estes são os que foram contados de Levi, segundo as suas familias: de Gerson, a familia dos gersonitas; de Kohath, a familia dos kohathitas; de Merari, a familia dos meraritas.
And the sons of Levi according to their families; to Gedson, the family of the Gedsonites; to Caath, the family of the Caathites; to Merari, the family of the Merarites.
58 Estas são as familias de Levi: a familia dos libnitas, a familia dos hebronitas, a familia dos mahlitas, a familia dos musitas, a familia dos corhitas: e Kohath gerou a Amram.
These [are] the families of the sons of Levi; the family of the Lobenites, the family of the Chebronites, the family of the Coreites, and the family of the Musites; and Caath begot Amram.
59 E o nome da mulher de Amram foi Jochebed, filha de Levi, a qual a Levi nasceu no Egypto: e esta a Amram pariu Aarão, e Moysés, e Miriam, sua irmã.
And the name of his wife [was] Jochabed, daughter of Levi, who bore these to Levi in Egypt, and she bore to Amram, Aaron and Moses, and Mariam their sister.
60 E a Aarão nasceram Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, e Ithamar.
And to Aaron were born both Nadab and Abiud, and Eleazar, and Ithamar.
61 Porém Nadab e Abihu morreram quando trouxeram fogo estranho perante o Senhor.
And Nadab and Abiud died when they offered strange fire before the Lord in the wilderness of Sina.
62 E foram os que foram d'elles contados vinte e tres mil, todo o macho da edade de um mez e para cima: porque estes não foram contados entre os filhos de Israel, porquanto lhes não foi dada herança entre os filhos de Israel.
And there were according to their numbering, twenty-three thousand, every male from a month old and upward; for they were not numbered amongst the children of Israel, because they have no inheritance in the midst of the children of Israel.
63 Estes são os que foram contados por Moysés e Eleazar, o sacerdote, que contaram os filhos de Israel nas campinas de Moab, ao pé do Jordão de Jericó.
And this [is] the numbering of Moses and Eleazar the priest, who numbered the children of Israel in Araboth of Moab, at Jordan by Jericho.
64 E entre estes nenhum houve dos que foram contados por Moysés e Aarão, o sacerdote; quando contaram aos filhos de Israel no deserto de Sinai.
And amongst these there was not a man numbered by Moses and Aaron, whom, [even] the children of Israel, they numbered in the wilderness of Sinai.
65 Porque o Senhor dissera d'elles que certamente morreriam no deserto: e nenhum d'elles ficou, senão Caleb, filho de Jefoné, e Josué, filho de Nun.
For the Lord said to them, They shall surely die in the wilderness; and there was not left even one of them, except Chaleb the son of Jephonne, and Joshua the [son] of Naue.

< Números 26 >